Applications :: Sending Large Files Between Two Macs Over The Net?
Apr 27, 2010
Me and my sister are looking for a way to swap files, between our Macs, over the Net.
I have no idea about FTP or Transmit and I'm not sure what our best method or app should be?
We're both running OS X- I'm on Snow Leopard, she's on Leopard*
My sister has two boys and a little girl. Shortly after buying our respective Macs, I bought an HD camcorder and my sister bought a very good DSLR. So I have lots of HD videos made with iMovie for her and she has tons of pics to send me. We both have our own back-ups of course but neither is proof against fire or theft to be honest. I know we could swap them on a large USB stick or a portable drive but we don't always see each other and she's very busy.
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Nov 17, 2008
Yesterday I tried to send a Quicktime movie that I made with iMovie as an attachment to an email. I knew something was wrong when it kept "sending" for hours. I could not get it to stop, no matter what I tried. I used Force Quit on Mail: no effect on the spinning circles. I shut the computer down and then restarted. Signed into Mail--> still had spinning circles. I took the mailboxes offline and then put them back online: spinning circles remained.
I deleted all of the outgoing messages several times, but whenever I came back, they reappeared. I shut off my computer overnight. This morning the spinning circles are gone, and a static circle remains, and I am unable to send or receive email. What can I do? I have four Mac mail accounts and they all have important information in them. How can I unfreeze my mail? BTW, the gmail accounts that go to the mac account are ok--it is just the "" accounts that are frozen. I cannot find this in a search.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have experience doing this with a PC and it was an absolute chore. Do macs do it better. To fill in, I want to be able to send a 30sec video clip at a concert to a crowd of about 500-1000. Will I need to get a USB booster to send the signal? Can anyone recommend some software to use? Any one have any experience of doing something like this?
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Dec 30, 2009
I am trying to create a new image from a DVD and burn it to a new DVD using the MAC Disk Utility "New Image" option. The source DVD is 4 G and my target folder is on my external HD which has 298G.. plenty of space. However, whenever I attempt to SAVE the existing DVD to my external HD, I am getting the error message that the file is too large. I have tried the parameter for "Image Format" of both 'Read Only' and 'DVD/CD Master' and neither of them work. My "Encryption" setting is 'None'.
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Jun 14, 2010
Like the title asks? How can this be done? I have my iMac and I want to transfer the large library of songs over and ethernet cable connected between the two Macs. I remember seeing this be done. How would I go about doing this?
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Jan 11, 2009
I am looking for a ftp client for an old mac os 8.0 machine I have, I managed to find one through google called fetch but after stuffit expander opened the .smi nothing happened and it doesn't appear in applicationsI need to use it to connect to a ftp server I have installed on my windows to copy files across, since my php powered file upload script came into some limitations with large files
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Dec 16, 2009
I'm working with a numbers document that's just over 3000 rows and 11 columns. Searching, and certain functions are quite slow - not impossible, but frustrating. It's been years since I worked with Excel on a PC, but it was never this sluggish... Using this file, I did a mail merge with a Pages document. The merge took over an hour (this too seems slow, but since I only do it once, whatever). The resulting file is 1.1MB and just over 3000 pages. It was nearly impossible to scroll/review anything in the document. After closing it, Pages crashes upon trying to reopen the document. I got it opened on another MBP, but it's impossibly slow over there too.
It's looking like iWork is not able to handle large projects. I'm posting here in hopes that there's some magical fix that will make it work like Office (did I just say that?) The system is 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo MBP, 3GB RAM, Snow Leopard, all updated and permissions repaired this morning.
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Sep 1, 2010
If in aperture i have a folder/album with say 60GB of pics in (from one event, RAW pics). Then i have say 10 labelled with 5*.
If i load the folder only showing 5* pics, will it load immanently, or will it have to scan through all 60GB to find the *ed pictures.
At the moment, using Adobe Bridge on my old PC, it takes ages (hence why i separate them into 2 folders once sorted). I was hoping that aperture would just load the *ed ones if you tell it to and not have to look through all the files each time. (Bridge loads them, then sorts them).
Also, about stacks. i take lots of time lapses (frame by frame) so i end up with lots of similar pictures. If i had a stack with a few thousand pictures in, would aperture handle this well? If i had an album with 3 stacks in, each with 5000 pics in, will the album load quick, and only when i open a stack it take longer to load.
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Feb 19, 2009
When I get an attachment like a word doc, some really small file, I have no problem to download/view it. But in the same mail, if there's one bigger file, powerpoint/zip etc, no matter how many times I tried to save it, view it, download it, I just have no way to do it. I am using Mac OS x.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have an access log that I need to read and it is 3GB in size. Any application that can read that? Maybe Hex Edit.
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Aug 20, 2005
I am using DVD decryptor to get some of my DVDs on my hard drive, (windows.) I am getting an iBook soon and wanted to know, do .VOB files work on Macs and if not, is there a way to convert them?
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Oct 3, 2009
How can i compress one large file into segments of many smaller files that can be later uncompressed in windows, with the help of winrar? Example, i have a 4GB file and i want to make 4 segments of 1gb, is there such an app that can do this and then expand those files with the use of winrar?
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Nov 2, 2010
I recently discovered, after running Disk Inventory X, some really fat files in my Library. I haven't touched them, as I read on another forum that it could be dangerous but is there anything I can do to get rid of them? I thought maybe they were left there after a recent Time Machine backup because I read that happening to someone else in another forum...
I've attached screenshots (I think) of the two biggest files.
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Aug 18, 2008
I do a lot of work that involves advertising, photography, video editing, DVD authoring, photoshop and illustrator files. The illustrator vector files are fairly compressed but the photoshop raster files can be extremely large. Sometimes, I have someone wishing to send me a large portfolio folder, or I find I may want to send a big file to someone else. As an example, I recently had an artist send me a hi-res portfolio of his book covers to be made into a promotional DVD for comic-con. One of the CD's he sent me had the wrong pics on it, so I had to wait for the correct pics to be sent, which delayed the project several days. I can compress a single file for emailing, but can not drop the resolution as a way to minimize folder size if the file is going to be printed. I work predominantly on a mac, but many of my customers use windows based operating systems.
What is the best method for sending and receiving large digital files from a variety of customers? If I get an FTP site, can I keep one client from accessing someone else's folders? I noticed that Skype allows for file transfer... is VOIP practical for sending large files? This month's macworld made mention of a bit torrent program for such a chore. What about using a bit torrent program such as Transmission for creating a bit torrent folder for moving large files to a single customer? Are paid services available? Is a paid service the best choice? I am looking for a method that I can both send and receive these large files. It should be easy enough for a less than tech savvy customer to send me files after I give them a minimal explanation of how to do it. Preferably, it would involve no cost to a customer, and no need for them to install software.
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Sep 30, 2010
I needed to make 40 dvd's. My burner is burnt out on my mac. I've created all the dvd's as iso files with iDVD. Now I need to transfer them to my PC that has a functioning burner. SOOOO... transferring 81.5 GB of data over a network will take days. Having said that, I'm using an unsecured network that drops out frequently. (I just moved in, it'll be weeks until the phone company can hook up my internet... we just had a hurricane and they're busy with repairs). Next idea, use a flash drive. Most of the iso files are bigger than 4Gb - so FAT32 is out. What's left?
which sounds promising, but once the files are split, how do I join them back together on my PC? Oh, and did I mention that this job is for a client and they're waiting on it. STRESS!!
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Jul 23, 2007
What's the easiest way to merge together two fairly large AVI files, into one. Is this possible with any freeware?
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Nov 22, 2009
Im trying to transfer extremely large files from one external hard drive to another, a La Cie to a WD. By large i mean 100-300GB. It starts to transfer and then says a file containg that name already exists. here is how it is setup La Cie(Content) --Firewire 800---->Macbook Pro---FireWire 400--> WD(empty)
im trying the drag and drop method. Am i doing something wrong is there a free program that can do this for me?
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Dec 18, 2009
I have a brand new unibody macpro which came with 10.6. I am unable to print large files onto my HP z3200 (500 mb or greater) with Photoshop CS3. I can print the from LightRoom 2.5 with no problem but would far rather print from Photoshop. HP doesn't seem to have much of a clue about this.
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Nov 8, 2008
I have large archive files from work (each ~10-20 GB) that we'd like to just backup onto DVDs and store in a safe. Obviously, each individual file is too big to fit on a DVD (even the double layer ones). Is there a "compress and split" sort of software that could be used for this?
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May 16, 2009
I need to transfer some large iMovie project files (~30gb) from a Macbook Pro to a new Macbook, which has no firewire port. Can this be done easily?
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Jan 27, 2010
I recorded a movie with isight-a very long one at that-around 3 hours. When I try to play back I receive error message "The movie is not in a format that QuickTime Player understands." How to play? I have Quicktime Player 10 running from Snow Leopard. Inside the folder for the event in imovie it shows the movie file but with a zero kb size. Also has an imovie cache folder.
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Mar 14, 2010
I'm new to Mac and not sure how to do this. I have a several large (1.5GB each) iso files that are named like this: "filename.iso.0aa", "filename.iso.0ab", "filename.iso.0ac", etc. Is there any way to join these and burn them to DVDs? I've tried S&C but it doesn't work.
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Mar 22, 2010
Do I need a special cord to transfer large files from one mac to another? Examples pictures etc... Can I just plug usb between the two and go? I really do not want to burn DVD or transfer to external HD....
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Apr 30, 2010
I currently created a 13gb disk images with most of my stuff on it! What is the easiest/securest way to transport it from one location to another. Using an online backup service? Flash drive?
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Dec 4, 2009
When I tried to copy a large file to a new drive I got Error Code 1309 which shows I have the wrong format on the drive. Checking out Disk Utilities I see I can erase and format. I should choose Mac OS Extended, right, and when I click erase it reformats to my chosen option, correcto?
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Feb 3, 2012
What is the best way to email several large pdf files?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 5, 2012
I need to process large files (few GB) from a measurement. The data files contain lists of measured events.I process them event by event and the result is relatively small and does not occupy much memory.The problem I am facing is that Lion "thinks" that I want to use the large data files later again and puts them into cache (inactive memory). The inactive memory is growing during the reading of the datafiles up to a point where the whole memory is full (8GB on MacBook Pro mid 2010) and it starts swapping a lot. That of course slows down the computer considerably including the process that reads the data.
If I run "purge" command in Terminal, the inactive memory is cleared and it starts to be more responsive again. The question is: is there any way how to prevent Lion to start pushing running programs from memory into the swap on cost of useless harddrive cache?
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Jun 19, 2012
I am having another problem transferring some larger folders from my old MacBook to my new MacBook. I am trying to move some very large folders and individual files from my old Mac to my new Mac, both running the latest Lion. I have tried this with both USB Flash drives and with external hard drives. Whenever I drag and drop from Finder to either the flash drive or the hard drive, the copying begins, but always gets stuck with the pinwheel at almost exactly 4.17GB. At first I thought that the formatting of the flash drive might be the culprit, but it also happens on the external hard drive that is formatted for Apple Extended.
A very "time and effort" intensive workaround is possible if I just copy fewer than 4 GB at a time, which is what I have been resorting to. But this won't allow me to transfer my Windows 7 Parallel virtual machine, since that one file is over 90GB. As additional information, it appears that Time Machine isn't bothered by this limitation, since I can backup and restore these huge files from a backup. Unfortunately, Migration Assistant doesnt seem to permit the granularity of restoring just one file. why the system hangs at 4.17GB of transfer? By the way, this happened with Snow Lion too. It didn't just start with Lion.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 15" MBPB, 8G RAM 750GB, 500GB
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Dec 4, 2014
I am currently working on an IMac Quad Core Processor W / OS X Mavericks 10.9.5, with 16GB of RAM and 8GB video Card and a 1TB drive (512 Solid State/512 Hard Drive). I am using Final Cut Pro X version 10.1.3.
I am pretty new to a MAC system and still learning the in's and out's of the system and how to use it. I have done 4 projects in FCP X and I have around 28GB of data storage left on my 1TB drive. When I looked up one project that is 54 minutes long, it says that file is 500GB and it is not loaded with special effects at all? I cannot believe that it would take that much space.
Here is some information on how I start a project...
I will create a new Library, then I will import media into separate events such as Camera 1 video, Camera 2 video and such.
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Aug 4, 2008
I haven't found anything via the forum search on this topic, but can remember, that this topic was brought up in recent months.
I have two Macs, one for the road and one for home.
As I have a digital camera, I store the images (jpg and raw) on an external hard drive.
I want to be able to have another copy of those files on my MacBook, for editing on the road, and when I come home, to copy the modified and new images and files back to the external drive.
I also edit some pictures on my iMac, so the process has to be vice versa:
Do any of you know of a software that syncs only the modified files back and forth, and doesn't treat one file (or set of files) as the master and the other as copy like FileSync?
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