Applications :: Size Limit For Importing Excel To Numbers / Error Message Says The File Is Too Large?
Mar 1, 2009
Is there a size limit for importing an Excel File into Numbers? The error message says the file is too large. Has this been changed in i-work 09? The file has multiple sheets that refer to each other, but i can't even open at this point. It is 3.1 MB.
I've used Handbrake to encode several movies. Because I wanted them as "lossless" as possible they were encoded used H.264 (and are m4v files) and are in the 7-8GB range.
I'm not actually importing the movies but just pointing iTunes to the drive they sit on. For some reason it won't add them to the iTunes library. What gives? Is there a file size limit?
I have some .numbers files that I need a friend to look at on her pc with Excel 2003 SP3, but it's not working for her. I have changed the extension to .xls but it's no good, as when she tries to open them they are all gobbledegook.
Here's a snapshot of the various files I have, but notice how the icons for each is different, or rather that there are two distinct designs? Some of them DO open in Excel, but some do not.
This might be the weirdest software bug I've ever seen. It looks like maybe a programmer for Microsoft was having some fun. Here is what happens:
A spreadsheet that a coworker uses for purchase order requests has several cells in a column with a SUM field that calculates the number of units to purchase multiplied by the unit price (not sure why they use SUM for just a multiplication, but I don't know if that matters).
If you delete the contents of one of these cells and type in something else (or just type something else without deleting first), then exit the cell, an error message pops up that says, "You can't do that!!!!! So quit trying!!!" with options Cancel and Retry.
Retry doesn't do anything, Cancel clears what you put in the cell. Copying and pasting the cells into a different row creates the same issue.
I've attached several screen shots to show steps to reproduce: Picture 1 - column F has the suspicious cells Picture 2 - the calculation Picture 3 - after deleting the contents Picture 4 - enter some text, before exiting the cell Picture 5 - error message after exiting the cell
The only workaround was deleting the entire row and entering those calculations again. I have no idea what to make of this, and internet searches have come up empty.
The files that Word 2008 has been saving have all been huge, abnormally so. A two-page document is over 100 KB (.docx) and ~30-40 KB (.doc). I thought maybe it was something in Word 2008, because I just got my MacBook Pro a few months ago, but I asked my friend and she told me she'd had no such problems, nor could I find anything on the Internet.
Just to compare, a ten-page paper I'm working on in class is 123 KB now in '08. I went and saved it in '07 as a test, and it came out to 27 KB (.docx both times).
I've been through all my Save settings, but nothing looks out of the ordinary--nothing that would blow up the size like this. Anyone have ideas? It's not exactly hurting anything, but I'm just collecting masses of enormous files that are taking up memory they shouldn't be, plus the fact that they're bulky and hard to distribute.
I was wondering if there is a small file size limit to the FAT32 file system. I recently picked up a 1TB WD external with Firewire (pre-formatted FAT32) and have been transferring movies and such fine, but I just tried transferring an HD movie (5GB) and some large .dmg's/.iso's and they all just fail with an error.
Is this a size limitation, and will i need to reformat the drive to fix it, or is there something else I'm missing?
I'm relatively new to using a Mac seriously, having just acquired a lovely new MBP with Snow Leopard installed. I may be missing something obvious, but is there a way to limit the icon preview feature to just showing previews for files less than a certain size? My background is with Linux, and KDE provides a configurable file size cut off above which icon previews are not shown.
I ask because I've got a folder full of large (ie 16GB) ASCII files full of output from some scientific algorithms. Whenever I browse to that folder, the Quick Look Helper eats up all 8GB of my system memory before the OS kills it off and it moves on to the next file. This is *really* irritating.
So, is there a way to limit icon preview's behaviour to small (ie normal) files, or do I just have to turn it off completely?
I have several local .mbox files created with the Apple Mail client from 10.6.8 saved "on my Mac" after doing a clean install of Yosemite I am having trouble getting them to import. One is ~5GB the other is ~2.5 GB. a smaller one (66MB) with 300 items fails to fully import (gets only ~170 items).Â
Is there a better way to force the new mail client to read these or is there another mail program that can read these? These are important emails.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 128K Mac to 3GHz 8 Core Mac Pro
I work on Excel files through my Office Mac program. On two occasions, a large Excel file, (about 1.5 MB) will not save and is not recoverable. It gives me an error code -43. I work on many such files without problem, but this has now happened on two occasions with important files.
I tried to send a few large file emails, one of which I aborted midstream. Now, when I try to get mail, MacMail keeps trying and succeeding to recover that same file over and over again. It's hung up in this cycle and I cannot receive emails into my inbox as a result.
My connection is very slow (1Mb cable/DSL). How can I download a a large-size update when the download starts over every time the connection is cut? Can I use a download manager with Software Update?
I'm going to use a fast 300GB WD VelociRaptor HD in an e-SATA enclosure connected to my MBP via a Merax e-SATA Xpress XpressCard/34 for moving large audio file drum software during live play. I know FAT32 wont work because of it's 4gig file limitation and stability issues (file corruption). I could use the more modern and stable NTFS but that would require using something like NTFS-3G or Paragon to allow OSX to recognize it but I'm worried about slower performance going that route. Would using the OSX native HFS+ format give me the performance and large file size usage I need?
I recently bought a Macbook Pro (and loving it) with iWork 09 pre-installed. I really like using numbers compared to office. However, I have just started working in a group where all the other members use Windows with Office 2007. I have been able to save my numbers (and pages) documents as the office equivalent. My problem lies when I am working on a document in numbers that is the office format. I like to continuously save my progress but whenever i press save, I have to save it as a whole new document or replace the existing one. When I used to work in office 2007 I used to just press save every now and then and it would save my changes. Am I doing something wrong or is it because I am working on an excel spreadsheet in numbers (word document in pages)?
A sheet of ply comes 1220mm wide and my staircase is 1200 wide. Therefore I get two out of one cut of ply. Used an 'if' function <1220 to divide by two as I get two out of one sheet if it's less than 1220.
Cell D11 calculates the amount of ply (as width measurement) needed by using an 'if' function, and E11 works it out as an actual sheet. The problem is it's showing 0.47 instead of rounding it to the nearest whole sheet (1), even if only 10mm is used I need to buy a whole sheet.
I am a newly converted Mac user and have some entrenched Excel habits, and try as I might, I couldn't locate this Excel formula in Numbers.
In Excel, I use "=C55 (or cell reference)" to copy that particular value from one worksheet to another.
I do this by clicking on the cell where I want the value to be copied to, type = and then switch to the other worksheet and click on the cell I want to copy. And voila, I am now back onto my 1st worksheet with the value showing. I do this because the value I want to copy to this cell changes regularly.
I have these Numbers files but need to send them to someone who is using a pc with MS Excel. She won't be able to read the files if they are left as .numbers. The odd thing is that I have successfully saved some of the files as .xls and .xls.xls and even some as .xls.numbers.
However, I have lost data when doing some of these savings - I have been taking the .numbers file and trying to save it as .xls but when I open the newly-saved file there's nothing there. Please look at the attached snapshot of my folder structure. Can you anything in there that might be causing my problem? The red arrows are just to highlight the ones I'm particularly interested in.
I have recently run a 13 page excel spread sheet for a budget on Windows and on transferring it to Numbers on my new mac, one of the formulas is not compatable. this is what I do. There is a balance figure on each of pages 2 to 13 which are then required to be transferred as a total figure in one of the columns on page 1.
This was the formula on windows: =SUM(xmas:Savings!F2)
I am trying to make an excel sheet on all of my photos. I have found a program to exports exif information in html or txt files and it is the only program I have found that displays the fields I need (Windows XP title, comments, keywords, etc). Anyway, the program will only export all of the data (I can't just select the fields I want) and it also makes a new files for each photos (and names them whatever the photo is named so yes sequential). I have been playing with importing html and txt files into Excel 2008 and need help. I am looking for a way to only import the rows I need and to automate it so I don't have to do 10,000 photos by hand.
On another forum, it was suggested to use VBA (visual basics) in excel on windows which looks promising but I know little about it and will have to borrow my sister's dell to do. Another suggestion was to combine the text files and use a Macro in excel in which I also have little idea on how to use. Can Apple Script or Automator or any thing else help me here? I know Excel 2008 for Mac doesn't have VB but what about macro on it?
I've just learned a good way of having my company logo entered in the header with a fair bit of customization. Also a footer, but after creating a new sheet from template it crashes. Using office for mac 2004 11.5.5, what I can do or a different way to quickly enter, macros look a bit complex for an amateur like me.
I am searching for a plugin, software or a solution for a situation I have with an Excel/Word Mail Merge.
It's a law firm we specialize in DUI/DWI and Reckless Driving defense. We subscribe to a data collection service that pulls data from various court systems around the state. We are then given this data by jurisdiction. The Excel files we receive come with 2 workbooks in one file for Traffic and Criminal arrests data with name, address, reason for arrest, etc, etc.
What I have been doing is opening each Excel file and copying and pasting into a new worksheet only grabbing the DUI and Reckless driving arrests because tis is all I am needing from the various files. I then save the new workbook and do a mail merge with Word from this newly created workbook.
Now my question is there such a plugin or software that will combine all the Excel files I receive from the Data collection house and then be able to filter out only the DUI and Reckless Driving arrests to a single Excel Workbook?
Is there a way to do this ? When I try to open any file that is password protected, I get an error that the file 'in an incompatible format' (if memory serves, I'm away from my Mac right now). I can open it fine in NeoOffice, but it never works in Number '08. I'd consider going to iWork '09 if the problem has been addressed there.
every time i try to copy a file that is over 6gb to my external drive i get this message "sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred. (error code 0) how di i fix this error?
I am trying to create a new image from a DVD and burn it to a new DVD using the MAC Disk Utility "New Image" option. The source DVD is 4 G and my target folder is on my external HD which has 298G.. plenty of space. However, whenever I attempt to SAVE the existing DVD to my external HD, I am getting the error message that the file is too large. I have tried the parameter for "Image Format" of both 'Read Only' and 'DVD/CD Master' and neither of them work. My "Encryption" setting is 'None'.
I have a 24" iMac and when I open Numbers everything just appears to be small. I was able to increase the size of the boxes with the zoom feature, but that didn't help with the icons across the top. I've been using Excel for a while so I'm trying to learn how to do some of the stuff with Numbers, but it is killing me squinting to make out the different options. Is there any way to change this?
I've set up boot camp before and i know I've heard of other people using MacOSx, Windows, and LInux all on one HD with different partitions, but will the Mac have a limit to how many partitions I can have on one HD? I think i wanna run 4 OS's on one HD; OSX, WinXP-SP2, Windows7 Beta, and some Linux/Unix(maybe Free BSD or something cheap).