Hardware :: Cintiq 12x Signal - Switch To A VGA Outlet?
Nov 26, 2010
I've been getting the dreaded "Signal out of Range" error whenever I try to switch my tablet over to a 1280 by 800 resolution, so I've had to settle for 1280 by 780 or so, but it's harder for me to draw that way as the image looks stretched out. I'm using a DVI outlet at the moment, so I'm just curious, if I bought a VGA adapter, would I still be getting this message? I want to be able to use my tablet with the best resolution but have my tablet still process everything without it cramping out.
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Mar 3, 2008
Hook up a $3K machine to a $1.5K display and have to hard power down your $3K machine to get the picture back.When I boot everything is fine. If I change input to TV or power off the display, when I power back up or switch back to hdmi input screen displays error, can't read signal check output device. I have read on this forum about a issue similar with ATV but not with MacPro. In my google searches I read some issues with Vista, but no resolution... thought to be a ATI driver problem. Does anyone know of a tweak to fix the ATI 2600 XT to remember the tv signal after you change inputs or power off the display?
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Apr 12, 2012
my mac book pro won't charge even when plugged into a known good outlet, 'Connection to computer is solid power cord is in good condition. This computer is about 1 month old
mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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May 21, 2012
My MacBook charger has always sparked a little when I plug it in (not every time, but often), which I've read is normal, but lately, I've also been getting a pretty loud buzzing sound both from the block and from the outlet. I have taken the disconnectable cord off the block, made sure all the connections looked clean, then made sure it was reconnected snugly, but I still have the problem. I've been having to unplug and replug from the socket several times to get the buzzing to stop (if it makes a difference, I always plug into the wall before I plug into the laptop, so the charger is plugged into nothing when I plug it into the wall. The sound starts as soon as the LED turns orange, and continues intermittantly, especially if I move the mouse. The block, itself, doesn't seem any hotter than normal). The cord is undamaged, but the prongs are a little scored up at the tips. It seems to happen more readily when the charge is below 65%. I did have water damage occur several years ago (I got lucky: The only problem I had was a messed up battery), but have had no other problems with my MacBook. I've only plugged it into an alternate outlet when the charge is above the 65% mark, and have gotten no noise from the other outlet, but can't say for sure if it's because it's a different outlet or if it's because my charge is above 65%.Â
I am planning on bringing it in to see if I can get my cracked palm rest repaired (if it's covered despite being out of warranty, which I have read/been told by a fellow MacBook owner that it is) and to see about upgrading to Lion, and I plan to have them check the cord and battery (Which no longer warns when it wants to be plugged in and is at 349 cycles), but I was wondering if this is something I should be concerned about, and to see if anyone else has had an issue with it.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 17, 2010
I'm quite hooked on these little external batteries. I have one that I carry that gives my Droid a few extra charges if I'm out all day, a lifesaver.
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Jan 10, 2011
Just want to make sure.
Because one of my adapter for the shaver is dead just by leaving it connected to the power outlet for 2 weeks.
I wonder what you guys do with your MagSafe Power Adapter.
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Aug 20, 2009
Ibook G4 shut down completely after pulling plug out of outlet. Tried to restart by holding down power button and nothing happens- no sounds, no chime, no light. Removed battery and shows all 4 lights light up. Power cord shows green light when plugged into outlet. Changed outlets etc. Several weeks ago had to get a new cord cause old cord would not keep computer charged even when plugged in. No problems after replacing cord until now. I cannot get it to restart.
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Nov 3, 2009
256GB SSD-option?- 2.3Ghz (or whaterever it is these days) CPU?- 4GB RAM?- SD-card slot?- Power outlet and port hatch on the _same_ side?I think the last one is especially important on a machine that talks style just as much as essence. It is stupid to hook it up to an external monitor and having cables on both sides. Unclean.The SD-card slot is nice, because it is so much faster than a USB-solution (that be cable, or even the cheap Express-cards found on MBP 17").
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Mar 20, 2012
mid 2011 imac, no vga, no dvi. have a mini to vga and a mini to dvi, but they are both too big. is there some sort of "vga-or-dvi to thunderbolt connector" that neither me nor the guys at the best buy are just not understanding? think i have one of these (which says it does it) bought a month or so ago and an older dvi version i bought maybe three years back for a macbook.but are maybe four times too large for the little thunderport:[URL]
iMac, imac, macpro, macbook, ipad, ect.
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Aug 19, 2008
I'm looking to get a Wacom Cintiq for my illustration studio.
I'm using an iMac G5 running Tiger and I know Apple disabled dual monitors on their video card for iMac.
I also know that there's a freeware program that allows you to enable dual monitors if you've got the correct video card� it's called Screen Spanning Doctor and it seems to have a pretty good reputation.
My question is this:
Will Screen Spanning Doctor allow me to use the Cintiq the way it's meant without any screen stretching or other screwups? Or am I SOL, and should I get a Mac Pro with Leopard and all that jazz?
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Mar 11, 2012
I recently purchased a cintiq 21ux, when I connected it to my macbook pro 15'' (with the usb cord it has)it only works as a giant drawing tablet with no monitor display.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 13, 2012
I read an article written by someone who did this and I was just wondering if anyone here has done it as I'm not sure if the Cintiq will immediately display the system or if the install CD needs to be run first... in which case there'd obviously be a problem since it's the only monitor I'd have!Â
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Apr 5, 2012
I will buy soon a mac pro 8-core 2,44Ghz and I wanted to know if there was a dvi port on the tower because I must connect a Cintiq Wacom 21ux on it. If there isn't a dvi port, is there another solution to connect it?
Mac Pro
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May 21, 2012
Having trouble with my IMac, I'd like to pair it with my Cintiq 21Ux but i don't know how to dual the monitor ! my Imac doesnt have any DVI ports, only thunderbolt, how can i connect my Cintiq as a monitor as well ?
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Jan 11, 2011
Which adapter to use?
Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter
Mini DisplayPort to dual-link DVI adapter
the first one is cheaper (�15ish), but the Cintiq manual says use the dual-link DVI adapter (�50ish)
I don't want to get the dual-link if the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter does the same thing and is the same quality?
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Apr 15, 2008
I have recently purchased a Wacom Cintiq and it works fine with my PC desktop, however, all of my drawing and painting software is on my macbook. I have been having problems getting the Cintiq's display to work.
The Cintiq basically works as an additional monitor, and has a DVI-I cable. The Cintiq came with a DVI-I to VGA adapter, so I simply bought a Mini-DVI to VGA adapter at Best Buy (the apple brand adapter). I hooked the adapters together, turned on the Cintiq then turned on the Macbook and went to "Displays" under "System Preferences". I clicked on "Detect Displays" and the Macbook was able to detect the Cintiq fine. I then did what the Cintiq manual told me to do by configuring the resolutions and all that, but despite this the Cintiq did not pick up any screen from the Macbook. The error message on the Cintiq read that it did not detect any input from my Macbook, which is odd because the Macbook was able to detect the Cintiq just fine.
When I connected my Cintiq to my PC (by use of the DVI-I to VGA adapter as well) the Cintiq picked up the screen within seconds of turning on the PC. What is the problem here? I really do love my Cintiq but it is useless if I cannot use it with my work Mac. Do I have to buy a new adapter or am I doing something wrong with setting up the monitor? Or are the Cintiq and Macbook simply incompatible?
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Jun 15, 2012
I just bought my cintiq 12wx and was wondering if i can connect it to my macbook pro 2011 through the thurderbolt using a mini display-port to vga adapter?
DVD Studio Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 14, 2010
If I select from the menu bar another available wireless network (one without a password for example) and then switch back to my own wi-fi network, am I still safe?
Did the fact that I connected to another network present any risks?
I did not send any private info during that time, any risks of getting hacked?
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Apr 15, 2012
Sometimes restarting is not enough: you need to power off your Mac, wait for a little, and power it on again.It could be a script which act like the "schedule" program in system preferences: it would switch off the Mac immediately, the add 1 minute to the current time and switch it on again.
mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Feb 16, 2012
I installed the 10.7.3 Combo Update yesterday on my iMac (Early 2009) that has a Wacom Cintiq 21UX connected. Prior to updating, my system was working absolutely fine, and I could turn the Cintiq's power on/off at anytime without concern. Now, my system is consistently crashing when I turn the Cintiq's power off/on. A pop-up window appears that reads: "You must restart your computer." Again, this was not an issue prior to the 10.7.3 Combo Update.If I wake my iMac from sleep mode, with the Cintiq turned off, my system will immediately crash when I turn the Cintiq's power on. Similarly, if I cold boot my system with the Cintiq off, and turn it on at anytime after the Mac login screen appears, my system will immediately crash.
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Wacom Cintiq 21UX
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Mar 18, 2012
I just purchased a 15" MBP and I want to connect both a 27" thunderbolt monitor plus a wacom Cintiq 21" UX. Is it possible to have these both connected to my MBP at the same time acting as seperate monitors? If it is, are there any adaptors or cables I need for this type of se up running to my MBP?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 15, 2012
My G4 has suddenly stopped powering up. The power button just keeps flashing slowly, but the monitor shows nothing, any suggestions?
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Jun 14, 2008
I have a 2.66GHz Mac Pro and will be moving it to a room that does not have a wired internet connection but does have wireless in the house. Other than getting a USB wireless adapter is there any way else so I can take advantage of the wireless signal to get online using my Mac Pro?
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Jul 22, 2008
I'm looking for a "Signal Strength" app and it's for the Wireless network of course!
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Dec 12, 2008
I have my new Imac, and in my lounge I have a cable TV set-top box.How (if) can I take the signal from my set-top box and use my Imac as a 24" TV in my bedroom? I looked at USB TV tuner devices, but they seem geared towards a normal analogue antenna, is there a easier and or cheaper way to simple take the set-top box output and watch it full screen on my IMac? The cabling isn't a problem as I am an electrician, its working out the best device or interfaces I could use?
FYI My set-top box has the following outputs (assume there outputs)on it..
-A yellow Video RCA (composite?)
-Normal stereo audio RCAs
-S-VHS (the round multi-pin plug)
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Dec 22, 2008
I've been trying to set up an AEBS and it tells me everythings working fine but none of my computers are able to see it wirlessly also if i unplug the ethernet from it then it stops working all together.
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Feb 19, 2009
I have been recently seeing an issue with my Apple BT Alu KB and MM -- both seem to sporadically drop their connection to my iMac. I am running Leopard and the batteries in both were just recently changed. Its extremely annoying when you try and type something and your KB cuts out.
I have also noticed that my MM is choppy when it is connected.
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Mar 30, 2009
I have an airport express at my house. We just got our kids a computer for their room. it is on the other sid eof the house from where I have the express set up at. We're looking about 60-70 feet away. I got a bridge from work to try to and get it up and running, but it just won't pick up the signal. I tested my iphone in their room, and the wireless signal drops on it too.
I'm not sure what to do about it at this point.
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May 2, 2009
I just hooked up my TV to my Mac using an ADC to DVI converter and a very long DVI to DVI. I'm getting a no signal message from my TV. I'm really new to Macs and therefore I'm sure I'm just missing a really simple way to change the display settings to output to both monitor and TV. I can't find any advanced display settings of any kind. I swear I tried to search the forums, but I couldn't find a thing.
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Oct 17, 2009
I recently got FIOS and I love it. My router is in my basement because I wanted to hardwire it into my ps3 and 360. Regardless, the WiFi signal is great throughout my house. For some reason, my Macbook keeps grabbing my neighbors unprotected WiFi signal. I guess on the 2nd floor of my house, his signal is stronger than mine.
It takes 2 seconds to switch it back, but it seems to grab it whenever I wake it from sleep and at other random times. I was thinking of telling my neighbor that he needs to protect his signal, but even if I dont, I want a way to prevent my mac from locking onto the wrong signal.
Running Snow Leopard.
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