Hardware :: Need To Boost My Wi-fi Signal?

Mar 30, 2009

I have an airport express at my house. We just got our kids a computer for their room. it is on the other sid eof the house from where I have the express set up at. We're looking about 60-70 feet away. I got a bridge from work to try to and get it up and running, but it just won't pick up the signal. I tested my iphone in their room, and the wireless signal drops on it too.

I'm not sure what to do about it at this point.

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IMac :: How To Boost Airport Signal Without Paying For Internet Service

Nov 4, 2009

There are times that my signal are fading. What do I need to boost up my signal? I had an Imac Intel core duo which i bought last year.

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Mac Pro :: Performance Boost With WD 640GB?

Aug 14, 2008

I have an original mac pro with the stock 250GB drive (along with 2 500GB and 1 TB).

The OS is on the stock drive. If I replace it with the 640GB WD Caviar (on sale at OWC for $80 - [URL] will I see much of a performance improvement?

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OS X :: BlackBook Needs A Speed Boost?

Feb 15, 2009

So my BlackBook is horribly slow. I reformatted it, and I swear, it's actually slower now than it was before I reformatted. My RAM is maxed out. I'm not replacing my computer until MacBooks with USB are released. Is there anything else in the interim I could do that would boost my computer's speed? Would upgrading the HDD

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OS X :: IMac RAM Boost Effectiveness?

Apr 3, 2009

I have an early '08 24" iMac, with a 320GB HD, 8800 GS, 2.8GHz, and 2GB RAM. iTunes takes about 30 secs to come up and boot up is taking longer than it should. Logging in also takes a good bit for it to load preferences and such (I have no login items)

It is getting just a bit slow for my liking, and I was wondering how much impact an upgrade to 4GB would do (2 < 4).

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MacBook Pro :: Programs That I Can Use To Boost Up My Cpu?

Mar 18, 2010

I was wondering if there is a program that i can download that will let me speed up my macbook pro's cpu.

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MacBook Pro :: I5/7 Performance Boost Over C2D?

Apr 13, 2010

Can anyone tell me, point me to a link/chart that describes the performance boost the i5/7 chips get over a c2d chip? I've heard both: some say it's significant, some say not so much.

Which is it.

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MacBook Pro :: Turbo Boost Monitor App?

Sep 9, 2010

Does anyone know of a menubar app or somethign that will report current cpu speed. Just want to know when my i5 is using it or not.

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Mac Mini :: What Kind Of Performance Boost

Oct 23, 2008

Just picked up a new Intel core 2 1.83 mini. Will I see a noticeable improvement by upgrading RAM with 2x2gb matched sticks and a 320g/7200rpm drive? How easy is it to reinstall the OS on a new drive? Can I use Time Machine to back it up on an external drive and reinstall?

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MacBook :: Noticeable Boost From 2GB To 4GB (both DDR3)?

Jan 14, 2009

I am considering upgrading my RAM from 2GB to 4GB today at the Apple Store, and was wondering if I will notice a significant performance boost. 2GB is fine, but occasionally I'll get that annoying beach ball. It's $150 for a 4GB boost, and I have the 2.0GHZ aluminum MacBook. Would it be worth it for me to upgrade it?

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MacBook Pro :: VMware Performance Boost With More RAM?

Sep 18, 2009

I run a late '08 15" UMBP. 2.53, 4 gigs of RAM.

Would upgrading to 6 gigs of RAM increase the performance of my machine when running VMware with Vista? I can't get any answers in any of the other threads.

I know about Bootcamp, that's not my question. I have another pc.

I use Windows for Lectora Publisher, which is an authoring software for online learning modules. It's basically interactive PowerPoint. It's not a super heavy software, but the content can get heavy with video, sound, animations, etc.

My Activity Monitor says I'm using nearly 4gigs when I open VMware and a few of my Mac apps, but don't actually load those apps with content: (Keynote, audacity, acorn, draw it, quicktime)

Would upgrading even help since I'll lose dual channel? I know nothing about how RAM benefits machines aside from higher numbers = good.

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MacBook Pro :: 7200rpm HDD Boost Speed?

Jan 11, 2010

I've got a 5400rpm HDD in my MacBook Pro -- see specs below. I really didn't think much of the slower speed compared to a desktop being a big deal back in the day, but now I'm thinking it is. It seems that many things across the board take a little longer to launch or load. I probably ruined my perception of speed by using my dad's brand new iMac, but I don't think my computer should trail his that much on just opening iPhoto or Safari.

The lateral move on storage space -- keeping 320GB but bumping to 7200rpm -- would cost me about $90. I don't think a 500GB 7200rpm drive exists. I also don't want to drop $500+ on a SSD because I really can't and I might as well buy a Mac Mini at that point.

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Mac Pro :: 2.66 Nehalem Have Turbo Boost Or Hyperthreading

Jan 14, 2010

I'm looking into getting a used single quad core 2.66 Nehalem and was wondering does this model have turbro boost and hyperthreading?

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Mac Pro :: Turbo Boost On Westmere Vs Nehalem

Aug 13, 2010

Is the westmere's turbo boost better? I heard someone say that it is and I wanted to confirm.

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MacBook Pro :: 17" 2.4 GHz Does Turbo Boost?

Apr 7, 2012

I am planning to get a Macbook Pro 17" and It seems im just itching to get one but i also want to know if the 17 inch 2.4Ghz does turbo boost cause it says on the 17" 2.5 GHz it does 3.6GHz on turboboost with 8mb of l3 cache. Generally Im just asking can the 2.4 GHz version of MBP 17" do Turboboost and what would be the speed when truboboost is active if ever it has one?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Does Mid 2011 Have Turbo Boost

Jun 13, 2012

what is turbo boost and does my mac have it? all answers are appreciated

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Software :: How To Boost The Volume Of A Movie In Quicktime

Mar 18, 2008

I am watching a movie in Quicktime, and it is really soft. I hve the volume turned all the way up but it is still much quieter than it should be.

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PowerPC :: RAM Upgrade - Expected Speed Boost?

Jan 7, 2008

I have a 1.33Ghz 12' Powerbook with 768mb Ram. I'd like to upgrade this. As I understand it, the max RAM for this machine is 1GB. I'm just wondering if anyone could give me an idea as to how much of a speed boost I could expect from this upgrade? is it worth doing? Will it make a difference? Spoke to Apple technician this morning, and I think he said he would take out the 512mb RAM chip and install a 1Gb one - but wouldn't this give me 1.25GB, approximately? I didn't think this machine could take that. He left me a little confused. Have just found out that I can actually max my machine out to 1.25GB for a fairly cheap price. Seems worth doing then, yes? Anybody made a jump from 768 - 1.25 before? Did it make a big difference?

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OS X :: Will A Faster Processor Boost Internet Speed On My G4

Mar 24, 2009

New to the Mac world here,and really diggin my G4,which I got for free.But I need help with a frustrating situation. Here's the specs: Powermac Gigabit Ethernet dual 500 mHz G4,40 GB primary and 160 GB slave HDs,2 GB RAM,and a fresh install of Tiger with almost nothing downloaded,basically,a brand new machine. The issue: both firefox and Safari are sludgy on internet speed--watching Youtube videos,using Facebook,etc. It's not an ish with my router or modem--my older PC's blaze. it's really frustrating,and I've maxed out the RAM,so I want to know if an upgrade to a 1.8 or 2.0 processor will alleviate this problem once and for all,or if I have a boat anchor. Honestly,I don't do hardcore computing,just burn DVDs,a little photoshop,and play on the internet. There's no reason it should be so damn sluggish watchibng streaming video or simply writing on someone's 'wall' on Facebook.

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Hardware :: How To Boost Time Capsule Range

Apr 2, 2009

Due to the way my wiring is set-up, I have to place my Time Capsule on the basement floor (broadband cable modem). I use my computers on the first and second levels and am getting about a 60% signal strength. How I can increase the signal strength without having to move the TC?

MBP Unibody

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Mac Pro :: MacBook Pro Hard Drive Or Mac Pro Ram / Performance Boost?

Jul 13, 2009

I am wanting to upgrade either my 17" Unibody MBP or my early 2008 2.8 Octo Mac Pro. I mainly am doing audio production with some video production. My MacBook pro has the stock 320 gb 5400 rpm drive in it and I can see some slight performance loss when using many applications/plugins in Pro Tools. My Mac Pro has the stock 2gb of ram that came in it and I see the same performance loss.

So, what do you think I would see the most gain with. Should I go with a 7200 rpm drive (I am thinking about the 500 gig Seagate but I have seen a lot of issues with the drive) or added ram for the Mac Pro? I don't think I could swing adding two 4 gig modules of ram so I would just go with adding 2x2gb sticks from OWC.

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Mac Pro :: Solid State Drive For OS - Performance Boost?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm looking at getting a Mac Pro (but will likely wait about 4 more weeks to see if a new one comes out...you never know!!) and am looking at my options. Basically what I want to know is, if I was to put a solid state drive (say 64GB) in for OS X, then stick say a couple of 1TB SATA drives for apps/docs, would there be a noticeable speed difference in the OS? Obviously docs and apps are still coming from a physical drive, so there wouldn't be an improvement from that perspective, but in general would the OS be faster? If so, would this be a very noticeable speed difference or minimal?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Boost Power Of Airport Card?

Feb 12, 2012

I went out and bought the most powerful wireless router I could find with the hopes that I could get a good strong signal over at the house next door.The signal did improve but it is still not sufficent.  Now I am thinking of installing some sort of anntanae at the house next door.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB DDR3

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MacBook Pro :: How Does Intel Turbo Boost Work

Apr 9, 2012

I have the i7-2620M CPU. How does turbo boost work on my Mac. And what is the max GHz speed for Turbo Boost 2.0 in 2011 MBPs?

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Hardware :: Upgrade Kits Boost MacBook - Pro Memory To 6GB?

Nov 6, 2008

An Apple solutions provider on Thursday announced a family of memory upgrades for existing and previous generation MacBook and MacBook Pro notebooks that raise the maximum RAM limitation from 4GB to 6GB.Unibody MacBook and MacBook ProThe upgrades for the latest round of Apple notebooks are made possible via Other World Computing's new DDR3 4GB modules and 6GB DDR3 dual module kits that leverage the provider's long term experience using the new DDR3 memory technology."MacBook and MacBook Pro owners running memory intensive audio/video, 3D modeling, and image processing/management applications will find having 6GB really makes a difference in their computer's performance," said Jamie Dresser, Product Manager, OWC.

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Laptops :: MacBook Pro Does Not Boost,has A Strip Screen And Shutdown?

Jun 29, 2010

I have serious problem with my MBP.I used it a couple of days ago and everything was working well. Until the next day that i tried to start it and it fail to complete it's boosting process came up with a strips on the screen and shutdown after a while.

Please can anyone advice me on what to do?Is it a virus?if it is,what should i do next.

Message was edited by: admin to remove email address to prevent spam harvesters from picking it up.

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PowerPC :: Boost Of Speed / Reception From Wireless Card?

Aug 17, 2008

I got myself a PowerBook G4, trying to weigh my options as far as upgrades go. The airport inside this laptop gives me horrible reception, always has, always will. Would a wireless card give me a significant boost of speed/reception? If you have experience with it, please add your input as I'm trying to justify this purchase if it will have benefits. Example, I'm in my bedroom, 2 floors down is the wireless router (not that far away), and sometimes reception drops to 0...I'd like to have a solid connection.

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PowerPC :: Wireless Internet On G4 - How To Boost Signals Without Modem

Aug 12, 2009

What can I buy to strengthen my signal without modem? I have a lot of problems connecting to the internet while in some of my classes.

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MacBook Pro :: New Seagate Momentus XT - Huge Speed Boost

Jul 7, 2010

I just replaced a 5400 rpm 320 Gb Western Digital (not the stock drive) with a Momentus XT in my late 2007 MBP, and I couldn't be more impressed. The eternal beach balls are gone. Granted, I've never had an SSD, but the speed boost from this thing is unbelievable. I didn't even do a clean install, just a restore from Time Machine. I didn't do formal benchmarks, but I did time my boot sequence before and after:

Old Drive
Chime to Login Screen: 46 seconds
Chime to launch Safari and open web page: 2:58

Momentus XT
Chime to Login Screen: 22 seconds
Chime to launch Safari and open web page: 38 seconds

So, the new drive can boot and open a web page faster than the old drive could get to the login screen. Altogether 2 minutes and 20 seconds faster. Not that I reboot very often, but it gives you some idea of how much faster everything is. I was so fed up with how slow my MBP was that I almost bought a new MBP for $2000, then I almost bought a 200 Gb SSD that wouldn't have had enough space for $340 (would have had to also buy an optibay and worry about losing hibernation or shock protection). So glad I just spent $130 and got a huge performance boost for very little money or hassle.

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OS X :: Install An Omnidirectional Antenna On Patio Or Roof To Boost Wifi?

May 24, 2009

Yes, I have heard that it is possible to install an omnidirectional antenna on my patio or roof to boost my wifi. Do I need to buy a router for that to work.
I have a pretty new mac desktop and I am want to boost my wifi. I heard that if I get a router it will only decrease my wifi distance because the internal on I have is stonger.

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