Mac Pro :: ATI HD 2600 XT Hdmi Signal Loss To LCD TV After Input Switch Or Power Off
Mar 3, 2008
Hook up a $3K machine to a $1.5K display and have to hard power down your $3K machine to get the picture back.When I boot everything is fine. If I change input to TV or power off the display, when I power back up or switch back to hdmi input screen displays error, can't read signal check output device. I have read on this forum about a issue similar with ATV but not with MacPro. In my google searches I read some issues with Vista, but no resolution... thought to be a ATI driver problem. Does anyone know of a tweak to fix the ATI 2600 XT to remember the tv signal after you change inputs or power off the display?
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Jun 30, 2009
Been using my imac lately and I've noticed a drop in wi-fi signal. I checked iStat and it said that the airport card's temp was 62?CIs the high temperature linked to the loss in signal?
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Sep 8, 2009
I have a March 2009 Mac Mini that was working fine under Leopard when sending out a signal from mini display port to hdmi and then to a Samsung HDTV. Now when I upgraded I get more options for monitoring HD signals but my TV signal drops out intermittently. I suspect this is a bug with Snow Leopard and HDMI. Anyone have any inklings on how to solve this issue?
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Nov 26, 2010
I've been getting the dreaded "Signal out of Range" error whenever I try to switch my tablet over to a 1280 by 800 resolution, so I've had to settle for 1280 by 780 or so, but it's harder for me to draw that way as the image looks stretched out. I'm using a DVI outlet at the moment, so I'm just curious, if I bought a VGA adapter, would I still be getting this message? I want to be able to use my tablet with the best resolution but have my tablet still process everything without it cramping out.
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Dec 1, 2010
Is there a DVR with HDMI input or component cable input, but only a one-time fee and can copy encrypted channels (HD or SD) that doesn't use a CableCard.
Elgato products don't do it. TiVo does it but I don't like the monthly fee and they want me to get rid of my Verizon FIOS Box.
What would be even better is a DVR that has a HDMI in and out that connects from my Verizon FiOS HD Cable Box to the DVR then from the DVR into the HDTV.
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Feb 6, 2012
Im wondering that ever since that new thunderbolt port has come out on the newest macbook, would connecting an HDMI adapter in the port still work for the newest model?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 30, 2010
Recently I've been looking for a way to capture uncompressed HDMI output from a PS3 via my 15" MBP. There are many solutions available, including the Dazzle, the HD PVR and other similar capturing devices, but most of these are limited to standard definition or a high price tag. In doing some research today, I came across a possible solution that I remain skeptical of. It's incredibly cheap and seems to only be missing a software solution.
A company called MOTU develops professional-grade video capturing solutions that are in that special category of price range that require special inquiries. Needless to say, far out of range of a practical solution for a hobbyist. They also sell a product called "HD Express", which is advertised as an HDMI input for an ExpressCard slot that only works with their breakout boxes. That last part doesn't really seem logical if it truly is an HDMI input.
So with a cheap HDMI splitter and an ExpressCard adapter for those of us who opted for the SD card slot on our MBPs, $75 could get you an HDMI input. I guess my question is whether or not this MOTU product is really limited to use with their products or if it would function as a standalone input solution. I know very little of electronics in general, which is why I bought a Mac in the first place.
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May 18, 2012
Have just bought a Macbook to HDTV HDMI connector cable from the Apple store in MK - plugged in to Macbook & connected other end to TV & get great playback picture but no sound!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Aug 28, 2014
I currently have 4 input sources on my mac (English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish).Â
I use the keyboard shortcuts Command+Space and Command+Shift+Space, and I also have it set to automatically switch input sources as I switch to a document, but for some reason, it's just not working out very well for me. I feel like I'm always typing in the wrong language - particularly if I have tabs open in Safari with different languages, or something like Facebook chat which is in the same window, but may require all 4 languages.Â
I'm wondering if there is any way to set language-specific shortcuts, for example Control+Command+E -> English, or Control+Command+H -> Hebrew.
I looked in the menus of BetterTouchTool but could find nothing...
Do I need to make some kind of script or app to do this?
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 18, 2009
I run MBP without battery 99% of the time to safe its 300 or so cycles and I occasionally trip the mac safe adapter (which i find gimmicky and annoying) by maneuvering MBP around when sitting down & the cable gets snagged momentarily on corner of coffee table etc and out goes the power !!
Is this causing any damage ?!? I havent noticed any ill effects.
I also understand from reading other threads how the processor speed reduces without battery but thats ok considering most of my use is limited to web browsing..
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Aug 27, 2014
MacBook Pro 15" Late 2011 (Mavericks 10.9.4); 4 GB ram. I am running HDMI to a new video projector. The HDMI signal is lost periodically for about 1-2 seconds and then comes back. It occurs about every 5-7 minutes (about 20 times during a 50 minute lecture). It loses both video and audio. Screen goes black but no displayed messages. I have read a variety of other posts with similar symptoms with various computers (e.g. Mac mini) and even with DVI cable use. In my case, I've used two different HDMI adaptors so it's not the adaptor. I'm pretty sure it's not the HDMI cable itself. (A fellow professor does not have the issue with his PC and he uses the same equipment.) Neither the computer nor the cable is touched. (I have another colleague who reports the same symptoms in his music lab.) Bottom line is that it's a distraction to my students and it's occurring off different Macs in different locations. This means to me that it may be something with the particular generation of Macs we're using.Â
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Feb 15, 2012
My G4 has suddenly stopped powering up. The power button just keeps flashing slowly, but the monitor shows nothing, any suggestions?
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Mar 30, 2009
I am using an external hard drive with Airport Extreme for Time Machine. Should I be worried about my data in an event of power loss because the drive is always mounted? Has anyone loss a drive due to power loss and what have you done to fix it or prevent it? What are you using as backup power and why? I know I can go with Drobo, but are there other lower cost options?
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Jul 7, 2010
Belkin AV360 1080P HDMI-MDP Input Adapter Review.
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Nov 4, 2009
I have a 24" LG monitor at 1920 x 1200 res. connected to my PC. I also have a mbp with specs in my sig.I bought the apple bluetooth keyboard as well as the mstand, so my goal is to hook up the mbp to the LG as either an extended or mirror it.
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Oct 29, 2007
For the past two weeks or so I have been getting a lot of Kernel Panics. Most of them happen when I select Restart or Shutdown. There have also been cases of Final Cut Pro crashing regularly, but I think the Kernel Panics are far more important to diagnose. I have not changes any hardware for at least a year. The machine has 4.5gb of RAM and 40% of the system drive free. I have run Disk Utility to repir the disk as well as the permissions, all coming back with no errors. The only thing that I can think of that changed is that I purchased and ran Disk Warrior 4. It seemed to help tremendously with performance, however, it is the only thing that I can think of that has changed. I am also suffering from some performance loss as well. I get at least one Kernel Panic a day. I have no idea what the KP mean, but they all look similar.
G5 Dual 2.5ghz
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
4.5gb RAM - Final Cut Studio - Adobe Production Premium
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Feb 19, 2012
i accidentally hit the power switch on the wall during an upgrade (might even have been a firmware upgrade, I didn't really look at what was going on). Anyway, now it hangs on the silver Apple logo screen with a spinny wheel on reboot. It's only 3 months old, it's the $599 model.Â
What to do? I see that you can download firmware restoration disks but they appear to be limited to earlier versions of the Mac mini.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), I think the OS is OSX 10.7...
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Nov 30, 2014
I recently tried to install OS X Yosemite. unfortunately during the install my laptop was unplugged and the installation failed mid way through. Each time I start my mac I get to login screen and after logging in get an error message and told to restart and try again - which does not resolve the issue. Guest login do work to the safari screen.
The error message reads: You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button until it turns off, then Press the power button again.  Behind system code, including:Â
panic(CPU 2 caller 0xffffff 80005418bf):
"process 1 exec of /sbin/launchd failed, errno 45"@/sourcecache/xnu/xnu-1699.32.7/bsd/kern/kern_exec.c:3546
Debugger called: <panic>
Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame: Return Address
0Xffffff80e8423e00 : 0xffffff8000220792
7 more lInes like the one aboveÂ
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: initÂ
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011)
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Sep 28, 2009
I have two towers next to my desk at home... my main Mac Pro and my "workhorse" 1.8Ghz dual G5 tower. I have two monitors connected to my Mac Pro, a 20" Apple HD Cinema Display (DVI) and a 23" Apple HD Cinema Display (DVI). I have been using one of the cute 17" Plastic Apple Displays with ADC to view the output of the G5 tower while it's toiling away on something, but I'd prefer to switch the output of the secondary 20" Apple HD Cinema Display between my Mac Pro and the G5 instead,
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Jan 31, 2012
I have an "early 2009" mini. I hooked it up to my HD TV through a Sony amp that acts as an HDMI switch. It works great until I switch to a different component (e.g. satellite receiver). When I switch back to the mini there is no video or audio. Screen sharing is also disabled: I can't access the mini from another Mac. Oddly, I can use the iphone Remote app to operate iTunes and send output through AirPlay. I could also access its shared files through the network. I've tried hdmireviver. It works for a while, but when the mini is not selected by the HDMI switch for more than 15 minutes or so, it fails. Do later models of the mini work more congenially with an HDMI switch?
Mac mini (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 18, 2012
Why is my notebook not charging with the power input at green?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Oct 30, 2007
I have my Xbox 360 sound out-putting through an optical digital cable to the digital input of my Dual 2.3ghz Power G5. My mac recognizes the signal but I was hoping I could somehow use the incoming sound to output through my headphone speaker jack on the front of my mac. Both my mac and xbox 360 use the same monitor.
I noticed it doesn't work that way. Is there a way to switch the incoming digital signal to route through my headphone port on the front of my mac? There has to be a way.
Powermac G5 Dual 2.3 Mhz
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Mar 17, 2012
I recently developed a problem where my Blue and White G3 Power Mac will not start in OSX. It starts but then displays a screen that tells in four languages to restart my machine. When I restart I just get the same message.This all started when I switched from booting in OS 9 to OSX. Both had worked in the past. Now I cannot return to OS 9. Is there a short cut of keys to press to bring up the start up disk control panel during start up to try switching back to OS 9?
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May 18, 2010
It doesn't power on at all not one sign of life. Nothing went "pop" and I have changed the power cable too so its not that. Is there anything I can do or has it bit the dust?
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a G5 Duo 2.7Ghz with 4Gb of ram (supplied with 2Gb, 2Gb added later).
Sometimes when it goes to sleep it can't be activated again and I have to trip the power switch and restart. When it goes to sleep the machine begins to run flat out as if it was about to take off!
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Apr 18, 2012
I cannot get my macbook pro to switch on.when it is not plugged as I press the power button nothing happens, when the computer is power plugged, it gives me the white blackground with the apple centered and the loading button below but it keeps loading forever left it as for 4 hours and still nothing. I have try to reset the SMC but didn't change much, now instead of the apple logo I get a circle crossed My macbook is 1 year and 4months?
MacBook Pro
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Sep 4, 2014
I have macbook Pro running OS X 10.9.4 purchased in 2012 times. For past few days, I've noticed this problem- I have to long press the power button to switch on the device. Normally, the devices switches on with a simple press on the power button. But for the recent days, when I do a simple press of the power button, I think it switches on and goes off instantly. I had to long press (for around 5-8 seconds) to switch it on. After the device is on, there is no problem at all...
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 2, 2012
Is there a way to switch off the Keyboard Backlighting on a Macbook pro only when it is on battery power?I have been through the energy saver settings and it appears that the settings apply to both power and battery.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13 inch 2.4Ghz Core i5 4 GB RM
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Sep 11, 2010
I receive cable TV at home and I am told that instead of using a TV I can hook my MacBook via a HDMI cable and watch TV that way on my laptop screen. I'd like to do that. Is the information correct? How do I go about it? Can my MacBook do that?
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Jun 5, 2012
Using Macbook Air, get low battery warning. Finish what I'm doing, close screen at 0:00 remaining time. Apparently it didn't sleep in time before battery drained completely, since when opening after plugging a minute or two thereafter it went into cold restart. (Btw, I've had the machine just shut down instead of going into deep sleep on low battery a few times before, would like to fix this too...)
All my programs reopened, except Mail loaded the "Welcome to Mail" splash screen, with my name and one of my email addresses autofilled, but none of my regular accounts. I canceled and it closed. Repaired permissions, verified disk, no problems. After searching the forums, turned invisible files on, fired up my Time Machine backup, and restored a recent pre-crash version of Mail preferences plist in user/Library/Preferences. Start up Mail again: same "Welcome to Mail" splash screen.
Called Apple Care, they wanted me to do a full restore from Time Machine backup. But my backup is a week old and I will lose data not covered in the meantime--I still want to find a way to get Mail back working without doing this. The only other suggestion was clear caches, restart, try again. I fired up Onyx, executed maintenance scripts, rebuilt Mail's envelope index, cleared system and user caches, and still no dice. Â
how to get Mail to recognize my old preferences plist instead of heading straight to the splash screen? To restore to all my email again without a full restore from week old back up?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13" 2.13 C2D 4GB ram
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