MacBook Air :: External Battery For Additional Time Without AC Outlet?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm quite hooked on these little external batteries. I have one that I carry that gives my Droid a few extra charges if I'm out all day, a lifesaver.

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MacBook :: Can Use An Additional External Monitor For Mid-2010

May 12, 2012

I currently run my MacBook in clamshell mode with an external monitor, keyboard, etc.  I have researched usb to VGA or DVI conversion kits but all of the sources seem outdated.  I don't need HDMI because my sound output goes through my MiniPort Display, out through speakers connected to my primary monitor. I am aware that a usb connection will come with lag, but it isn't that big of a deal. 

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010)

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MacBook Pro :: After First Time Battery Calibration, The Battery Time Left Icon Is Not Right?

Aug 17, 2010

calibrating my battery for the first time this morning. i just opened my macbook pro to see that the time left icon jumps every minute. it goes from 8:50 to 12:38 to 6:54 to 11:37 to 7:40! and now it went from 8:45 to 9:19! the percentage remaining is consistent and correct but the time left is way out of whack! sorry for the slang! now it went from 9:19 to 9:11 then 8:47. i have the screen at the lowest brightness, no backlit keyboard, nothing else running except firefox. i wasnt aware that i was supposed to calibrate my battery and its been about 3 months since i bought this. now its at 8:37 now 8:18. this is quite

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MacBook Pro :: Store Additional Files And Partition And Use As A Time Machine?

Sep 24, 2009

im looking for an external hard drive or solid state drive that i can use to store additional files and partition and use as a time machine.

the only thing that i really want is bus powered, i cant be bothered with carrying round another AC adapter.
any recommendations?

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Charge Even When Plugged Into A Known Good Outlet?

Apr 12, 2012

my mac book pro won't charge even when plugged into a known good outlet, 'Connection to computer is solid power cord is in good condition. This computer is about 1 month old

mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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MacBook :: Charger Buzzing From Block And Outlet?

May 21, 2012

My MacBook charger has always sparked a little when I plug it in (not every time, but often), which I've read is normal, but lately, I've also been getting a pretty loud buzzing sound both from the block and from the outlet. I have taken the disconnectable cord off the block, made sure all the connections looked clean, then made sure it was reconnected snugly, but I still have the problem. I've been having to unplug and replug from the socket several times to get the buzzing to stop (if it makes a difference, I always plug into the wall before I plug into the laptop, so the charger is plugged into nothing when I plug it into the wall. The sound starts as soon as the LED turns orange, and continues intermittantly, especially if I move the mouse. The block, itself, doesn't seem any hotter than normal). The cord is undamaged, but the prongs are a little scored up at the tips. It seems to happen more readily when the charge is below 65%. I did have water damage occur several years ago (I got lucky: The only problem I had was a messed up battery), but have had no other problems with my MacBook. I've only plugged it into an alternate outlet when the charge is above the 65% mark, and have gotten no noise from the other outlet, but can't say for sure if it's because it's a different outlet or if it's because my charge is above 65%. 

I am planning on bringing it in to see if I can get my cracked palm rest repaired (if it's covered despite being out of warranty, which I have read/been told by a fellow MacBook owner that it is) and to see about upgrading to Lion, and I plan to have them check the cord and battery (Which no longer warns when it wants to be plugged in and is at 349 cycles), but I was wondering if this is something I should be concerned about, and to see if anyone else has had an issue with it.

MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: Connecting 3 Additional (External) Monitors

May 14, 2012

I'm a professional composer. I've just re-done my studio set up and it looks like this,The two thunderbolt displays seem to work perfectly and I've had no complaints with them. I just can't get the TV to be that 4th monitor. I'd like to flick the video I'm working with up to the TV above to give my desktop ample room. I've tried two things so far: (1) a mini display port to HDMI cable, and (2) a mini display port to VGA to HDMI (crazy, I know). Is there any way I can get this to work? Any alternatives?  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Do You Leave Your Power Adapter Connected To The Outlet

Jan 10, 2011

Just want to make sure.

Because one of my adapter for the shaver is dead just by leaving it connected to the power outlet for 2 weeks.

I wonder what you guys do with your MagSafe Power Adapter.

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MacBook Air :: Power Outlet And Port Hatch On The Same Side In MBA?

Nov 3, 2009

256GB SSD-option?- 2.3Ghz (or whaterever it is these days) CPU?- 4GB RAM?- SD-card slot?- Power outlet and port hatch on the _same_ side?I think the last one is especially important on a machine that talks style just as much as essence. It is stupid to hook it up to an external monitor and having cables on both sides. Unclean.The SD-card slot is nice, because it is so much faster than a USB-solution (that be cable, or even the cheap Express-cards found on MBP 17").

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Mac Pro :: Backing Up The Additional HDs / Copy Existing TM Folder To New Time Capsule

Jun 15, 2008

I�m currently backing up my MacPro to a 250gb external drive via USB. I�m about to purchase an Apple Time Capsule 1TB to allow for backing up the additional HDs that I�ve installed in my MacPro. Can I just copy the existing TM folder from my external HD to the new Time Capsule and continue to do updated backups or do I have to start a new backup from the day I install the TC ?

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Hardware :: Using Extra Time Machine HD Space As Additional Storage?

Dec 29, 2008

I've been using my external hard drive for Time Machine for a while now (a Western Digital My Book) and have only used up about 100 of its 500 GB capacity. However, I'd like to temporarily use the remaining space on the drive as extra storage, since my other hard drive just died. Is there any way to do this without erasing everything that I've backed up with Time Machine already?

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MacBook :: Battery Life Time Indicator Not Working Fine / Time Starts Fluctuating

Jan 25, 2009

I've had my unibody 2.0 since November. It's always said 5 hours or so when i open it up fully charged. This week it's started fluctuating wildy. While typing this post it's gone from 3 hours 23 mins to 4 hours and five started at 2 it's up to 4...very odd. Any ideas on why this has started happening all of the sudden?

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Hardware :: Unable To Charge Complete Battery / Battery Time Lasts For 30 Min Only

Jul 7, 2009

I have had my macbook for just 6 the beginning it was perfect with a very good battery life.Now at 99% charge (as it refuses to finish charge to 100%) It now says 10:00 where the battery time is and last less than 30mins.

Also its charge capacity is JUST 708 !!!!It was over 4000 just 6 months ago.Im sure my battery is on its last legs, anybody know if I am entitled to a free one?

Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):708
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):708
Health Information:
Cycle count:110
Condition:Check Battery

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Hardware :: Cintiq 12x Signal - Switch To A VGA Outlet?

Nov 26, 2010

I've been getting the dreaded "Signal out of Range" error whenever I try to switch my tablet over to a 1280 by 800 resolution, so I've had to settle for 1280 by 780 or so, but it's harder for me to draw that way as the image looks stretched out. I'm using a DVI outlet at the moment, so I'm just curious, if I bought a VGA adapter, would I still be getting this message? I want to be able to use my tablet with the best resolution but have my tablet still process everything without it cramping out.

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PowerPC :: G4 Shutdown After Pulling Plug From Outlet / Will Not Restart

Aug 20, 2009

Ibook G4 shut down completely after pulling plug out of outlet. Tried to restart by holding down power button and nothing happens- no sounds, no chime, no light. Removed battery and shows all 4 lights light up. Power cord shows green light when plugged into outlet. Changed outlets etc. Several weeks ago had to get a new cord cause old cord would not keep computer charged even when plugged in. No problems after replacing cord until now. I cannot get it to restart.

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MacBook Air :: External Battery For It?

Jun 10, 2012

Which one is the best and recommended external battey for MBA 11?

Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Charging The MBA Battery For The First Time?

Nov 24, 2010

What's the best thing to do with the MBA out of the box? Should I use it and drain the battery to zero or not even turn it on and just charge it?

I want to treat it nicely from day one ...

Also, on the same topic of treating it nicely, do you recommend a screen or keyboard protector? I had a keyboard protector on my PowerBook G4 (iskin). While it kept the keyboard nice and clean, I suppose it didn't give me the best experience I could have had with the keyboard itself. I now realize that I can't really read the keys because the protector is so dirty.

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MacBook :: Time To Replace Battery

May 17, 2009

I routinely put my Macbook to sleep with a full-charge at night, then unplug it (the power cord doesn't reach where I keep my computer at night). When I wake it up, it generally has 93% of a charge left. This has never happened and I am wondering if it is time to replace the battery.

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Battery Time Variation

May 5, 2010

I am totally new to macbook. After being a very supportive Windows user I finally decided to change that and get the Macbook pro 13". I was trying out the battery and wondering there a bit. I charged it fully and when I started running the mac on battery the remaining time showed around 10 hours, then it would start jumping, suddenly it went to 9:30 and further down. The lowest within half an hour use was 4:30 and right now it's up at 8:50 again. I was wondering whether this kind of "jumping" is normal or whether just my macbook is doing that? I am really happy with my decision so far, I love the macbook and I am sure while trying it out in the next week or so I will come up here with some more questions!

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Time Keeps Fluctuating

Jun 28, 2010

The battery time on my Macbook Pro 15" goes from one time to another in a matter of minutes. I fully charged the battery after it had been drained. This is what I mean by fluctuating:

11:23am-11:28am (5m)
7h51m, 5h54m, 6h57m, 6h16m, 5h29m, 6h38m, 5h53m, 6h29m, 6h9m, 6h13m

11:29-11:34 (5m)
6h39m, 6h36m, 6h4m, 6h8m, 6h49m, 5h52m, 6h30m, 6h0m, 5h43m, 6h30m

Apple states that it should get 8-9 hours on a full charge and mine gets 6h15m. It's only 10mos old.

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MacBook Pro :: Do I HAVE To Calibrate The Battery For First Time?

Jul 16, 2010

I've been meaning to calibrate my computer for some time now, but it seems like a wee hassle. I ask you this: must I calibrate my battery? Will it in any way affect my battery life during one cycle? What about the overall life of the battery in terms of number of cycles?

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MacBook Air :: External Battery For Long Flights?

Feb 21, 2008

What do you think about this battery from Batterygeek?

130 Wh
16 or 19 volts output
1.7 lbs

This should give 4.5 times the normal operating time. Should be possible to watch demanding movies for about 7 hours, or do less demanding things for 18 hours.

I'm not sure if the voltage is too high or within limits. The Air magsafe seems to output 14.5 volts.

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MacBook Pro :: Extra Or External Battery For 15"

Sep 12, 2009

I bought a MBP 15" at the end of Dec 2007. It has been great for my needs up till now. I went back to college and use it for note taking in my classes. Unfortunately after the first week I found that other then a couple days, I don't have a big enough break between my classes to recharge the battery and during class I am not even near a power outlet. As it is not I get 3-4 hours out of the battery fully charged which covers 1 1/2 classes. I've been thinking of getting an extra battery from the apple online store as my school does provide a discount for it. But it might be more of a pain cause I'd have to charge 2 batteries seperate every night. My other choice is getting an external battery such as Hypermac but it is more expensive to go this route. Is it worth buying the Hypermac or should I buy the extra battery? [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Difference In Battery Time 45 And 60 Watts

Sep 12, 2009

I'm in to buy a second hand Macbook unibody - the one that didn't exist for very long, until it was slightly upgraded and rebranded as Macbook Pro. 13,3".

Differences I've found so far add up to these:
45 watt changeable vs 60 watt built-in battery
2.0 Mhz vs 2.26 Mhz
- vs Firewire 800 and SD card slot

One question would be - how much does the battery time differ between 45 and 60 watt?

Then I heard that the screen might have been updated too, something that for me makes more value than all the above. A quote comparing the white Macbook ("WhiteBook") with the unibody Macbook pro: "While both machines have 13.3-inch glossy displays, the unibody has also been upgraded to a higher-quality screen from AU Optronics with 60 percent greater color gamut, another advantage over the WhiteBook."

Does the unibody Macbook have the same screen as the white macbook, or does it have the same as the unibody Macbook pro - or something in-between? Does someone know of a comparison between the two?

I'll do a lot of graphics - picture editing - so it's important for me.

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MacBook Pro :: Using First Time - Power From Battery Or Mains?

Jan 6, 2010

In the coming days I am supposed to be in delivery of my new MacBook Pro and was wondering if it is better to just use the built in battery to power on my MacBook Pro for the first time and just power it off the battery until the battery is fully discharged? Or should I power my MacBook Pro from the power adaptor?

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MacBook Pro :: 5 Hour Battery Time Is Normal ?

Apr 20, 2010

My new MBP has 5 hours of battery when doing light web browsing at medium brightness. Only 2-3 hours when playing low res youtube clips, and 6:45 hours with all apps and wifi turned off and screen brightness at minimum.

When I first turned on the MBP I charged it to 100% and then discharged it down to 0. Is this battery life normal? What happened to 8-9 hours with wifi and web browsing? I can't even get 7 hours with everything off!

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MacBook Air :: Over Heating Eat And Limited Battery Time

Jun 7, 2010

I have a rev B MBA, which is gorgeous but I have found myself using it less than any other Laptop I've ever had and it is simply due to two reasons:

- Heat, pretty much anything except simple browsing raise the heat
- Battery time, simply lousy (including charge time)

Have had it for a while, 14 months, but at this point I have started looking at the 13 and 15 inch versions as replacements down the road. I thought it would make a great compliment to the imac but due to the limitations above I use it less and less. If only they had added a fraction of an inch of thickness to allow better heat handling and more battery.

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MacBook Air :: Stand By Battery Time Is Only Three Hours For It?

May 1, 2012

I just bought Mac Air 11" three weeks ago. I noticed that the average standby time of the battery is only three hours.  I need answer on this because it ain't normal at all.I have to recharge the battery 3-4 times in a day.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: External Battery Or Charger That Can Use For Long Lights?

Nov 9, 2010

I have an iPhone 4 and am strongly considering buying the MB Air 11.6in. I'd like to get an external battery that I could use for long flights, that in a pinch, could be used with either the iPhone or the MBA.

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MacBook Air :: Battery Takes Long Time To Recharge?

Feb 17, 2008

Does any of your macbook airs take super long to recharge? Mine was at 33% and it took almost 6hrs. I already tried to re-calibrate the battery and did the PMU reset thingy

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