for my macbook pro, it has a button that will kill the keyboard light, then restore it when pressed again, i need a button, or an app with a hot key, that does the same thing for the LCD backlight, i often leave the machine on and that requires the lid being open, so i have to hold down the dim button until it goes out, then restore it the same way, so thats what im looking for any ideas?
The brightness goes up when you plug in your MBA, but then over time it just goes up and up. I honestly like my brightness pretty low (rarely more than half, typically at 3-5 notches), but it just keeps on going up and up. I almost never set it above half, but multiple times a day, I notice that it looks pretty high and it's at like 3/4 so I put it it down to about 1/3, but after a while, it's just up again.
Anyone else notice this? What is it, why does it do this? How can I fix it? I don't mind not having auto-brightness (even though I loved it), as long as my screen doesn't keep going up.
So I installed Vista 64 bit on my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa), I installed most of the drivers I can find, but I cant get the screen brightness buttons to work (F1 and F2)
I have dual ACD's. How do I make it so that both screens have the same brightness? If I adjust the brightness in the display settings it adjusts the main screen, but then not the other one. How do I make them the same?
I went to Best Buy yesterday and they just got the new imacs in and had on display side by side. The 21.5 display was not as bright and vibrant as the 27 display. The apple and best buy guys could not tell me why the difference. The settings were checked and found to be the same for both machines. I was going to get the 21.5 but now not so sure. I definitely like the brighter 27 better. Is this normal? Why is the 27 brighter? Has anyone else noticed the difference?
OK so I didn't complain in 10.4 too much but why in the name of god they could't fix that issue in 10.5? You can click as much as you want in preferences and still after restart its coming back to defoult...I hate when my screen goes dark when power adapter is on. Anyone have this issue???
My Apple ADC Studio Display has decided to stop all of it USB ports from working and as anyone who knows about these monitors you need to connect the monitor to a USB port to get the Brightness control to work, are there any apps out there which can control the brightness of the monitor up or down. I have played around with Calibration but I still cannot change the brightness of the screen. I have searched around for some solutions but all I have found is brightness controls which turn down the brightness but do not allow you to adjust the brightness up
My Macbook Air is doing something pretty strange..
This is as far as my brightness will go up. This is using the keyboard brightness thing on F1 and F2. When I go into the system preferences, I can drag the brightness to the top, but as soon as I release the mouse, it automatically flicks back to where it was before without getting any brighter.
Does anyone have any ideas as to the cause?
The model number of my macbook is A1342 if that helps.
I recently bought a new Kensington Slimtype keyboard for my PowerMac G4 (dual 867mhz); it's running Leopard and everything other than this is working beautifully. For some reason, whenever it goes to sleep, it turns the brightness down to it's lowest setting - not a huge problem, I just turn it back up. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem and if they are, how did they rectify it?
I have a Macbook Pro 13.3 ", only a few months old. When I use this, whether I use the word, web surfing etc then adjust the brightness of the screen itself from strong to weak and back, all the time. This happens both when connected power and do not. And no, it's not that it goes into power saving mode, this occurs during use.
The brightness is turned all the way off on my MacBook pro and the only way to turn it back up is through system preferences. But I cant see it and everytime I push the brightness control keys it makes a beeping noise. And won't do work.
i can't change the brightness on my macbook pro. i tried the buttons on the keyboard, went to settings and tried to do it from there, didn't work. i have restarted my computer as well and that didn't make a difference.
I have a 2012 macbook pro and needed to change the brightness of my monitor for my eyes, the problem is I find it hard to see the tab bar now because it is too dark. I looked on these forums and found how to change the brightness of the tab bar without compromising any of the other parts of the screen, but it is not for my particular year or model " [URL]
Info: Apple TV, blinking light on apple tv box stop
When I turn my brightness all the way down, there's still a barely (but clear, still) lit circle at the centre of my screen. I have a 13'' mbp. I can even see my cursor and move it around. This spot, at very low screen brightness, appears kind of yellowish. When I turn the brightness up, it is not noticeable. The circle part has roughly a two inch diameter.
I've had the mbp for about a month, and just noticed this now. I do turn my brightness down quite a bit, but its usually in a well lit classroom and thus its possible I just did not notice this circle that is still barely lit until now.
UPDATE*: I have just discovered that covering the lit apple logo on the screen's exterior (directly opposite the lit circle i suppose) causing the circle to gradually disappear. THe laptop is sitting behind a window (ie light can shine on that apple logo)...what's up with this?
I originally purchased a SR MBP a couple weeks ago and come to find out, the LCD was bad and Apple declared it DOA. I went to the Apple store and swapped it out for a new 2.4GHz Penryn MBP. I am running Vista via bootcamp and am noticing a high pitched whine coming from the top left hand side of the keyboard, near the LCD. Puzzled as to the cause, I started playing with some controls to see if anything made a difference and noticed that when I dim the LCD to the min, it almost goes away. When I turn off the LCD it does in fact go away and when I increase it to maximum brightness it also vanishes. The noise seems to be the loudest when the LCD brightness is set in the middle. This problem only occurs in Vista, not OSX. I thoroughly toyed with the brightness in OSX and listed carefully, but like I said, not noise is present.
Should I be concerned and call Apple, or just ride it out? It does bother me a bit considering I use Vista for Office 2007 tasks. However, since the problem only occurs in Vista and not OSX, it this indicative of a software issue, or do you guys think it is hardware related? cmm26red
I usually have my screen brightness set to a few ticks above the lowest, but when my screen shuts off (after 3 mins or whatever I have it set to in the control panel) and gets turned on again, the brightness is set to max. If I then drop the brightness by one tick, it drops to where it was set before. It doesn't do this when I close the lid but it does go to full brightness when I restart the computer and as I enter the windows desktop it goes back to what it was set at.
I found the setting under Displays to automatically adjust brightness, but is there a way to set this different for Battery or Power Adapter? I would like to keep this option on for using the Battery, but would like the display at a constant level when using the Power Adapter.
i got a question about adjusting the brightness level on iMac.
i adjust the brightness to lowest but each time i restart or turn the computer back on, the brightness level would set back to highest. Is that for all the imac? is there a way to set it?
I have a new iMac 2009 - 24' - 2,93Ghz, running the latest OS.
When I start, the brightness is at maximum... I set it to minimum, only to find it at maximum again when I re-boot the computer ! I tried setting it via settings as well... it just dosent stick !
On the flip-side, the volume retains its last settings.
I have a two year old 13" mac laptop. 10.5.6 / 2 GHZ Intel core duo/2GHz667MHz. My problem is this: within the last month the brightness setting has shifted from bright to dull all by its self. Each time I move the slider up (pref. display) it moves down so that my screen is difficult see.
so I'm planning on buying and LED Cinema Display to go with my Mac Pro. I have a few issues before I pull the trigger...
Currently, I'm using a 23 inch Acrylic Cinema Display and have found that there is no way to adjust overall monitor brightness. Even using the ATi control panel (my Mac Pro has an Apple branded ATi 4870), there are no true brightness controls either on the software side in Windows (I haven't found a way to change brightness in Windows like I do in System Preferences in OSX) or on the hardware side (no buttons on the monitor itself).
Basically, as soon as I use bootcamp to reset into Windows, I notice that the screen immediately goes to the lowest brightness (even though I was running the max in OSX before switching) settings as soon as I go into the desktop. Playing games like this is irritating.
I know the LED Cinema Display also has no brightness buttons on it, so will I still be SOL?
Am I the only one having this bug? I have a 2009 24" iMac Radeon 4850 and after installing the 10.5.8 combo every time the machine boots the brightness is set to maximum.
I tried zapping the PRAM and that didn't help.
The other problem I noticed is that my startup network shares, even though checked to "hide" pop up finder windows at boot time. It never did this before (even without hide being checked).