OS X :: G4 Turns Down Brightness When Sleeps?

May 10, 2009

I recently bought a new Kensington Slimtype keyboard for my PowerMac G4 (dual 867mhz); it's running Leopard and everything other than this is working beautifully. For some reason, whenever it goes to sleep, it turns the brightness down to it's lowest setting - not a huge problem, I just turn it back up. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem and if they are, how did they rectify it?

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MacBook Pro :: Brightness Randomly Turns Back On When Turned All The Way Down

May 19, 2012

This is a strange issue I have had with my Macbook Pro for a while now. Whenever I am in a situation where I am only using my computer for say, listening to music purposes, I like to turn the brightness all the way down. Whenever I turn the brightness all the way down, however, after a few minutes it will go back up 1 pip of brightness on its own. Once I come into contact with the trackpad, however, it goes back down. Then it will go back up 1 pip on it's own again, and go back down when I touch the trackpad. It continues to do this and it's quite annoying.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: New 13" - Deep Sleeps Instead Of Safe Sleeps?

Jun 23, 2009

I put my MBP to sleep. Opened the lid back up about an hour later and it was in Deep Sleep mode. I had to press the power button and wait for it to restore settings before I could do anything (greyed out screen, progress bar, etc).

Battery was still at 82%.

Anyone know what's up with this or have this happen with their computer before?

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MacBook Pro :: Light Sensor Turns Up Brightness Of The Backlit Keyboard

Apr 29, 2010

So I've recently purchased the new 13" MBP, and to my understanding, there is a light sensor that turns up the brightness of the backlit keyboard and screen when in dark environments.

However, the problem with my MBP is that when I turn on the lights in my room, the screen brightness and backlit keyboard both turn brighter, and when I turn off the lights, the screen and keyboard grow dimmer, which is exactly the opposite of what is supposed to happen.

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Adjust Screen Brightness / Brightness Goes Up And Up

Nov 15, 2010

The brightness goes up when you plug in your MBA, but then over time it just goes up and up. I honestly like my brightness pretty low (rarely more than half, typically at 3-5 notches), but it just keeps on going up and up. I almost never set it above half, but multiple times a day, I notice that it looks pretty high and it's at like 3/4 so I put it it down to about 1/3, but after a while, it's just up again.

Anyone else notice this? What is it, why does it do this? How can I fix it? I don't mind not having auto-brightness (even though I loved it), as long as my screen doesn't keep going up.

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MacBook Pro :: Turns On Will Not Boot - When Progress Bar Is Complete It Turns Off

Sep 11, 2014

My Mac pro will turn on. When the progress bar is finished filling in the mac turns off.

MacBook Pro

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Turns Off By Itself / Does Not Want To Turns On Late

May 3, 2012

1.- The imac turned off by it self.

2.- I tried to turned on pressing the turn on/off button and it did not do anything.

3.- I disconected the computer form the wall and wait for some minutes, and it did no do anything.

4.- After about 20 minutes i tried again and turned on by pessing the on and off button.

5.- The imac turned off again and disconected form the wall and conected to another electrical contact at the wall, adn it did not turned on.  i wait for some minutes and turned on again, but after about five minutes it turned off again.

6.- I left the imac connected to the wall for a couple hours and i tried to turned onn by pessing the on/off button and it did not turned on.

7.- I left all night connected form the wall and tried to turn it on this morning and it did not turn on.

8.- This time, I only disconnected the imac cord form the back of the computer and left it for a couple of hours, then I concected and turned on

9.- All the times that the computer turned on it started like a restart and no announce or windows appear telling me about an error or something like that.

10.- One of the times I touched the computer at the back and felt it hot, not too hot, but I do not how normal is.

11.- I can feel some very, very little air at the back form the vent.

What do I hve to do? What kind of tests can I do to know if the computer's an is working ok?

iMac, iMac mid 2011

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Adjust Screen Brightness / Screen Brightness Buttons Not Working

Jun 20, 2009

So I installed Vista 64 bit on my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa), I installed most of the drivers I can find, but I cant get the screen brightness buttons to work (F1 and F2)

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Adjust Screen Brightness / Only Adjusts Brightness On Main Screen

Feb 17, 2008

I have dual ACD's. How do I make it so that both screens have the same brightness? If I adjust the brightness in the display settings it adjusts the main screen, but then not the other one. How do I make them the same?

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MacBook Pro :: Usb Ports Turn Off When It Sleeps?

Sep 20, 2009

I have a Mid09 13in MBP.

I noticed that when I put it in sleep, the USB ports still get power. Is there a way to make it so they turn off when it sleeps? I have a cooling plate attached so I have to unplug it every time I sleep it, gets pretty annoying when I forget and I unplug the USB plug and the MBP turns back on. My mouse/keyboard are BT so it wakes it that way, not by USB.

And is it bad for me to have the laptop running with the lid closed? I don't know if the heat would affect the screen or not. I'm currently not doing this because I'm not sure about the effects of the heat on the screen, but I do use a cooling plate, average temps are 120-130*F.

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PowerPC :: EMac Sleeps Then Shuts Down?

Jan 21, 2010

my eMac is somehow shutting down after going to sleep. I've checked the system preferences under energy saver and there are no schedules set for the machine to turn on or off. It does not happen immediately. It usually happens after a day or so. When I return to wake up the machine, it doesn't respond. I then have to start it from the start button. I don't get any error messages regarding the machine shutting down in the wrong way...just boots up normally.

I've had it for 5 years and this is the first time this is happening.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Can my machine be "infected" and controlled externally?

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Software :: Mac Sleeps But Doesn't Wake Up

Sep 3, 2008

I have Leopard and this started yesterday. I put my computer to sleep. I then click my mouse. My mouse becomes active. Nothing else does. I tap the keyboard, press the power button etc. Nothing. To make it work again I have to force shutdown my computer by holding the power button. I cannot currently find my Leopard disk *sigh*.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Sleeps When You Shut The Screen?

Jul 18, 2005

With my Powerbook, whenever I shut the screen the computer goes to sleep. I was under the impression that (unlike the ibook) this is not supposed to happen? Is there a way to set the powerbook so that it only goes to sleep when i explicitly tell it to (i.e. the option in the Apple menu), so that for example when I shut the screen I can still have it hooked up to external speakers/TV/the network?

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MacBook Pro :: Display Sleeps But Computer Always Stays On

Oct 1, 2007

I've set my energy saver preferences to put the display to sleep after 10 mins and the computer to sleep after 15 minutes of inactivity. The display sleeps but the computer always stays on, whether on battery or A/C. What's the problem here?

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OS X :: New IMac Sleeps - Reverts From Running State

Jul 19, 2009

did a search under "sleep," couldn't find anything. If I don't touch my running iMac (OS 10.5.7) for five minutes or so, it reverts from a running state to some kind of sleep state--desktop replaced by screen saver, all running programs shut down, document I'm working on (using NeoOffice) closes. Computer is brand-new, system preferences/energy saver settings are: both sliders set at "never," no boxes checked, all are off. Damn thing is doing it on its own. Is there anything else I can reset, or is this a gitch?

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup On Schedule When Mac Sleeps

Feb 2, 2010

If you use a external harddrive, I assume you have to turn it on 24hrs a day? And when the mac sleeps does it still back up on schedule? Can I use a internal drive i.e. bay 2 or 3 etc?

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Intel Mac :: WI-FI Conection Stops When Computer Sleeps

Feb 5, 2012

I have just updated OS X to the newest ver. 10.7.3 and WI-FI conection stops when computer sleeps. Using internet conection through Time Capsule. Someone experienced the same?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Lion Disconnects Wifi When It Sleeps?

Feb 10, 2012

I just got Lion and a new iMac. It disconnects the wi-fi everytime it goes to sleep. This messes up my vidoe uploads that take more than a few minutes.

Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Lion disconnecting from wi-fi

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Blackout/randomly Sleeps?

Mar 12, 2012

My macbook pro 13', 2011 recnetly goes into sleep randomly and sometimes the screen blacksout for a second and resumes normal.

Also, there are times that my zoom in feature in safari fails and I had to reopen the application to re-activate it.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Sleeps On Boot Unless The Keyboard Illuminates

Jun 10, 2012

My mid 2009 MBP 13 sleeps immediately when it reaches the login screen if the keyboard fails to illuminate, this is also the case when I have actioned automatic login.  I know that this won't happen on any occasion when I see the keyboard illuminate. 

I have found that if I boot the machine turned upside down the keyboard will almost always illuminate so I won't have the sleep isue.  This isn't a practical solution.  So I was wondering if anyone could see what was going on based on the logs.  This is the most recent failure. 

kernal log: 

Jun 10 20:20:30 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
Jun 10 20:20:30 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
Jun 10 20:20:30 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 1a:87:96:8b:0d:b1


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Pro :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) Stops Disk I/O When Display Sleeps

Aug 28, 2014

I have a new Mac Pro (cylinder) running OSX Mavericks (10.9.4, up to date) which has an issue with power saving and disk I/O. 

I have my display set to sleep after about 15 minutes of inactivity.  I have turned off other power saver features.   When this happens, any jobs I have running stop -- in this case, I was running a "dd" off a USB-mounted SD disk, which I wanted to run over night.  Instead, it stopped and I had to restart it. 

In a non SD-disk based Mac, this isn't a problem.  The system just turns the display off and everything else runs. 

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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MacBook :: Unibody Sleeps But Instantly Wake's Back Up?

Dec 24, 2008

Hopefully this isn't a duplicate thread....

After a week of owning this great computer I closed the lid to put it to sleep last night (same as i do every night) and the sleep indicator light dimmed as it would when it goes to sleep. I heard the HD and fan turn off as normal. But as soon as the front light dimmed all the way the apple icon flashed for a split second and the HD started back up and the sleep indicator light stayed brightly lit for about 10-15 seconds. It would then dim again as if it was going to sleep and start this cycle all over again. I didn't realize this until i was laying in bed and heard my HD start up every few seconds.

I tried restarting the computer and nothing changed. Nothing is running in my dock except for finder. I tried putting it to sleep with the lid open and it went to sleep, but then just came back awake within a few seconds. I went to click shutdown and it restarted. I tried to shutdown once more and it just restarted. I did a hard shutdown and then turned it on and tried to put it to sleep and it still was the same....

I'm new to mac so I'm very naive with these still.

Edit: I'd also like to add that my computer now gets very very very hot on the bottom with nothing running. Not nearly as hot as a few days ago. I don't know if it's related.

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MacBook :: HD Failure - (shuts Down When Sleeps - Freezes - Not Recognizing Usb)

May 7, 2010

white 2007 macbook has been acting up a lot lately.

- it shuts down when the you close the lid (ie. doesn't sleep)
- every 5 minutes or so it makes a sound as if it was loading a cd/dvd
- now it takes about three attempts to actually turn the computer on (and takes ages to boot up)
- freezes when you try to restart the computer
- we just tried to attach an external harddrive, however it is now not being recognised (just in the past couple of minutes). Nothing is being recognised as being attached to the usb slots.

It is still in Applecare warranty so I will take it into hopefully tomorrow, but just wondering if there is anything I can do now to help it, or what the problem may be. I checked the hard drive in disk utility and the SMART status said 'verified'. The harddrive was replaced in the macbook about two years ago (the first one just died suddenly). Does this mean another HD failure is imminent? (I'm a bit concerned because now we can't back it up since it won't recognised any usb/external harddrive). It's running Leopard 10.5.8 (i hink).

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Intel Mac :: Internet Connection Shuts Off When System Sleeps

Mar 3, 2012

I do not have a problem with the Internet while I am using the system. However, when I wake the iMac up in the morning, there is no Internet connection.I have to use System Preferences/Network/ and select the network.iMac / Intel / Mac OS X version 10.7.3

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Does Imac Lose Internet Connection When It Sleeps

Apr 21, 2012

Ever since I upgraded to Lion, my imac loses its wifi connection when it sleeps.When i wake it up i have to always go up to the wifi icon on top right of screen and wait till it sees my network and then say connect.This never happened in snow leopard, seemed to stay connected. 

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IMac :: 21.5 Brightness Vs 27 Brightness?

Aug 1, 2010

I went to Best Buy yesterday and they just got the new imacs in and had on display side by side. The 21.5 display was not as bright and vibrant as the 27 display. The apple and best buy guys could not tell me why the difference. The settings were checked and found to be the same for both machines. I was going to get the 21.5 but now not so sure. I definitely like the brighter 27 better. Is this normal? Why is the 27 brighter? Has anyone else noticed the difference?

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MacBook :: System Going Deep Sleep Automatically / Sleeps On Closing Laptop

Aug 23, 2009

So one day I activated deep sleep from this widget like I always do when I want to keep my 100% charge and i'm traveling with my macbook and keep my stuff saved.

It didn't work. So I kept clicking. clicking. clicking. Nothing.

So I slept my mac, and woke it again and it worked.

However when I went to wake it, I just got a grey screen. I held down the power button to cold boot, and when I rebooted it booted from the RAM file like it would normally when waking from deep sleep.

But now every-time I close the laptop it goes into deep sleep.

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IMac :: Increase Brightness Of Screen / Screen Brightness Is Dim

Nov 28, 2010

I have the 21" iMac and need to brighten the screen. How do I do this?

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Applications :: Date And Time Reset Each Time My Macbook Sleeps?

Aug 5, 2010

My date and time resets each time my mac sleeps or is reset or if I open date and time options. It keeps sending emails of my old reminders from 2008/2009 from ical and my to-do list emails me its reminders. This happens every time I open my comp or even just open date and time options. I also get the ical reminder notification that pops up freezes on my screen.

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Applications :: Brightness Hot Key App?

Aug 17, 2007

for my macbook pro, it has a button that will kill the keyboard light, then restore it when pressed again, i need a button, or an app with a hot key, that does the same thing for the LCD backlight, i often leave the machine on and that requires the lid being open, so i have to hold down the dim button until it goes out, then restore it the same way, so thats what im looking for any ideas?

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