MacBook Pro :: Penryn LCD Brightness Whine?

Mar 5, 2008

I originally purchased a SR MBP a couple weeks ago and come to find out, the LCD was bad and Apple declared it DOA. I went to the Apple store and swapped it out for a new 2.4GHz Penryn MBP. I am running Vista via bootcamp and am noticing a high pitched whine coming from the top left hand side of the keyboard, near the LCD. Puzzled as to the cause, I started playing with some controls to see if anything made a difference and noticed that when I dim the LCD to the min, it almost goes away. When I turn off the LCD it does in fact go away and when I increase it to maximum brightness it also vanishes. The noise seems to be the loudest when the LCD brightness is set in the middle. This problem only occurs in Vista, not OSX. I thoroughly toyed with the brightness in OSX and listed carefully, but like I said, not noise is present.

Should I be concerned and call Apple, or just ride it out? It does bother me a bit considering I use Vista for Office 2007 tasks. However, since the problem only occurs in Vista and not OSX, it this indicative of a software issue, or do you guys think it is hardware related? cmm26red

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MacBook :: High Pitched Whine In Boot Camp XP Affected By Brightness?

Nov 1, 2008

I know this happened before in the old Macbook Pros by the look of things when I searched around.Basically there is a noticeable high pitched whine when the screen brightness is either not completely off or max.

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Hardware :: Downgrading/Switching From Penryn MBP To Penryn Black MacBook

Jul 14, 2008

I think I have to give a brief history of my Mac life first. I previously owned the last generation iBook, then a MacBook (entry-level) 3rd gen before I upgraded to Penryn MBP this April.

I bought the MBP because I fell in love with the keyboard when I got to try the display unit in one of the Apple resellers here (I am from Manila, btw) so I sold my MacBook then upgraded to the Penryn MBP (entrylevel - 2.4ghz, 15inch).

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MacBook Pro :: Installing SSD In Penryn 2.5?

Oct 23, 2009

I just purchased a 2008 15" MBP from the refurb store and would like to know whether it's possible to install a ssd?

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Adjust Screen Brightness / Brightness Goes Up And Up

Nov 15, 2010

The brightness goes up when you plug in your MBA, but then over time it just goes up and up. I honestly like my brightness pretty low (rarely more than half, typically at 3-5 notches), but it just keeps on going up and up. I almost never set it above half, but multiple times a day, I notice that it looks pretty high and it's at like 3/4 so I put it it down to about 1/3, but after a while, it's just up again.

Anyone else notice this? What is it, why does it do this? How can I fix it? I don't mind not having auto-brightness (even though I loved it), as long as my screen doesn't keep going up.

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Penryn LCD Screen Bleeding?

Dec 15, 2008

so my LCD has these crazy lines


Anyone know if I can go to the AppleStore to fix this? I've had this Penryn since March. Also any idea how long?

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MacBook Pro :: Why Not A Black Anodized Aluminum MBP With Penryn

Jan 16, 2008

Wouldn't that have been more impressive than that razor blade thing they're calling the MacBook Air?

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MacBook Pro :: Is Intel X25G2 Waste For Penryn MBP?

Dec 12, 2009

I bought 160GB X25G2 only to realize (later) that my MBP17 SATA is indeed limited to 1.5Gb so it made me think - shouln'd I utilize this Intel in my i7 iMac and get some cheaper slower SSD for my MBP? If so which one?

Or is the read speed only half of benefits of SSD and the access time and write management being the other part? (I read about some issues with jmicron controllers etc.)

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MacBook Pro :: 13" CPU Whine Driving

Oct 23, 2009

Is anyone else experiencing a very annoying electrical noise or whine coming from their 13" unibody pro? Mine is about a month old and has gone from very quiet to so annoying I have to play music sometimes to not hear it. It only seems to happen when the charger is plugged in and the computer is idling. If I open a program it gets quiet while loading. If I just move the mouse around the screen, however, it gets very loud! I don't know what to do. I'm a couple hours from the nearest Apple store and if I make the drive I have a feeling they wont be able to hear the noise in the store.

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MacBook :: Will Penryn T8300 Work With T7200 Logic Board

Jan 18, 2010

I take a T7200 board and put it in a penryn T8300 machine? I know little things like the battery connector and the inverter board connector change from removing so many of these boards, but I never kept good documentation of the connector types between the different boards.

I am totally fine with this not being the same specs as it was before, it will still be a nice machine, but I don't feel like spending $500 on a logic board for it.

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MacBook Air :: CPU Whine On 2.13GHz 13.3" Model

Nov 29, 2010

I bought my maxed-out MBA (2010) online the day after they came out and have recently noticed a CPU whine coming from the top-right corner of the keyboard when under light load. It can be heard both on AC and battery power and is distracting when using the Air in a quiet room.

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MacBook :: Won't Work / Whine, Static And Buzz

Apr 22, 2009

I have a less than 1 month old White MB. I have become aware of an electronic noise emanating from below the upper left portion of the keyboard, under the q,w,e keys. The noise can be best described as a mechanical mosquito; it is a constant high-pitched buzz that starts once the computer has fully booted up, and doesn't stop until it has been shut down. Although it is quiet, if you get your head anywhere near the keyboard it is readily apparent and obnoxious. It does NOT appear to be fan related, as I can hear those going as well. I have listened to other Mac laptops with equal scrutiny, and this noise is not present.

A simple Google or Apple forum search indicates that people have been noticing this problem for years. Indeed Apple appears to have acknowledged it recently with MB Pros: (URL) I believe it indicates a faulty logic board.

- Have others noticed this with their MBs or MBPs?
- Does anyone know the true source?
- Most importantly can anyone give me some tips with how to deal with Apple on this?

They have suggested I go talk to the store I bought it from. Those guys claim not to hear it (a common theme from what I have read). However, this is highly dependent on the level of ambient noise and hearing ability of the individual. I already had to return one MB that was DOA, and now I have this one. Given the expense of this purchase and the age of the machine I feel that I am entitled to a new one that does not display these issues. How can I effectively communicate this to Apple or my retailer, neither of which will likely want to comply?

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MacBook Pro :: Making Electrical Whine Noise?

Nov 11, 2009

my macbook keeps making this electrical whine noise around the upper left hand corner does anyone know what this is or how to fix it?

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MacBook :: 820-2279-A Logic Board - Santa Rosa Versus Penryn

Apr 16, 2010

I have a White MacBook (13-inch Early 2008 model A1181) Penryn 2.4Ghz. The current logic board in there is Apple part# 820-2279-A. Is a late 2007 Santa Rosa 2.2Ghz board (with the same part number 820-2279-A) a direct swap for the Penryn board?

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MacBook Pro :: Intermittent Whine / Sound Right Above Power Button

Sep 18, 2008

For a while now, I've been getting a strange whine out of my mbp core duo right above the power button. I don't believe it's the common "whine" others have complained about as I've tried brightening the screen/turning on the camera. Tapping on the case will stop the sound for a bit, but it soon returns. The sound comes and goes, but in incredibly irritating.

I have a sample here. You may need to turn up the volume to hear it. Yesterday I replaced the right side fan, but the sound is back. Now I'm thinking it's the speaker, but don't want to spend more money on parts unless I'm relatively confident of the problem.

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MacBook Pro :: Whine Sound Coming From Left Near Speaker?

Jun 30, 2009

How many new macbook pro owners are hearing the macbook pro whine sound coming from the left near the speaker? is this normal? its getting very annoying. it stops for a min when i open an app or click or scroll.

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MacBook Pro :: High Pitched Whine And Freeze Ups From Mid-2009?

May 1, 2012

I've heard of people having issues with high pitched whining coming from the left-side of the keyboard due to the backlight inverter. There isnt much that can be done about it from what i've seen. My issue is slightly different, as I get the high pitched whine nearly at all times, and it changes dependent on the angle of the screen and level of backlight brightness.The biggest problem is that at certain points where the whining is happening, everything on-screen will freeze until Ive messed with the screen angle and played with the backlight buttons, then as soon as i've done that, it almost 'snaps out of it' and things on screen start happening again.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: System Making A Strange Noise / Loud High Pitch Whine

Jun 18, 2008

Hey guys, got a little issue here. I have had a MBA since about march of this year. Just recently I on two occasions the computer has all of a sudden had this loud high pitch whine. It has only happened twice and at both times (if I remember the 1st time correctly) I wasn't really doing anything on the computer. Today specifically it was just sitting idle on my desk. Not sure where its coming from maybe speakers? Any idea to what this is? Should I be setting up an appointment to see a Mac Genius?

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OS X :: Penryn Or Santa Rosa - Which One Is Better

Mar 13, 2010

How can I tell what my MBP is? 2007 2.4 model.

Am I right in thinking Penryn is a newer better motherboard?

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MacBook :: Left Fan Giving High-pitched Whine / Noise Coming When Computer Is Running Off Battery

Dec 26, 2010

This is my first post, and I apologize as it's a little long. I just wanted to get the whole story on the table and clarified.I've had one of the new Aluminum 13" MacBooks (2.0GHz C2D) since Christmas Eve. A few weeks ago, it accidentally fell off my desk at work (not a far drop , but far enough for my heart to stop for a few minutes) when I got tripped up in the power cord under the desk.

For all intents and purposes, the MacBok seemed to work fine. I had one of our IT staff, who happened to be a trained Apple repair tech, take a look at it; the only real damage was that the display hinge had been knocked a little out of alignment. Just ot be on the safe side, I took the machine to the Apple Store, where they told me not to worry about attempting to get the hinge fixed (because I'd be paying a lot of money for such minor work), and the Genius sold me a hardcover plastic Speck case for the MacBook.

While the Speck case certainly looked nice and madethe already sturdy laptop feel sturdier and "protected", I was a little concerned about the amount of heat the machine was giving off within the case. On Sunday, I unplugged the machine from the MagSafe charger for a few hours and left it closed in sleep mode. When I woke it back up, the fan on the left continually gave off some sort of high-pitched whine whenever the computer was in idle mode.

I Googled, searching this site and others, and read about the "CPU whine" in the previous generation MacBooks and MacBook Pros. I also saw where a few people with new Aluminum MacBooks were having this same issue or something similar:


It seems to only make the noise when the computer is running off of the battery - plugging in the MagSafe charger makes the noise quiet 85% of the time (I've found that plugging, unplugging, and replugging will not stop the whine from occurring).

I tried installing QuietMBP as was recommended in some posts, but the only setting that will stop the computer from whining is the "highest" setting (that is, allowing the processor 0 seconds of idle time), which causes QuietMBP to eat up 30% of my processor usage in Activity Monitor and to start the fans going (and, presumably, to significantly lower my battery life).

I don't know whether all of this was the result of the MacBook falling, from it overheating in the case, or something that "just happened". I set up an appointment with the Genius bar for today at 4 PM, but Idiscovered another odd occurance when I set up a new account for the Apple Store (rather than give them my password)

The noise never happened under the new account. Never. I left the machine idle until any and all initial processes were done. No noise. I checked Activity Monitor for stray processes. None. And no noise.

Now I'm bewildered. Could something have gone wrong somewhere in my account, leading to a corruption of a power management utility or process? I'm not canceling my appointment, but I am going to try a few things before I leave. I've already repaired disk permissions, and I'm about ot reinstall the 10.5.6 OS X combo update. Should I try to reset the PRAM too? What other options should I be looking at?

Or should I just wait, and let the Genius Bar folks look into it? As a note, I'm aware I may have to pay for any repairs because they may or may not blame them on the MacBook having dropped (despite two to three weeks passing between the fall and this issue arising), and I'm okay with paying for reapirs (though I will try my best to argue my case, of course).

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PowerPC :: Penryn MBP RAM Usable In 1.25GHz G4?

Jun 30, 2008

so I'm thinking of upgrading to 4GB RAM for my Penryn MBP....and I'm wondering if i can swap my current two 1GB sticks in a 1.25GHz Powerbook G4 that my friend has? I double-checked and found out that the Powerbook G4 could take in 2GB of RAM max.

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PowerPC :: G5 IMac / High Pitched Whine?

Dec 13, 2008

I have a 1.8ghz G5 iMac with ambient light sensor. When it is on there is a noticeable high pitched whine that is quite loud. It gets even louder if the fan runs more.

If I replaced the fan would this solve the problem or could it be the power supply?

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Adjust Screen Brightness / Screen Brightness Buttons Not Working

Jun 20, 2009

So I installed Vista 64 bit on my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa), I installed most of the drivers I can find, but I cant get the screen brightness buttons to work (F1 and F2)

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Hardware :: G3 Has Loud Whine / Constant And High Pitched

Apr 7, 2009

I have been presented with an iMac G3 400Mhz. It has an annoying loud whine. The whine is constant and high pitched. I am thinking exhaust fan. Is my thinking correct? Is it hard to get to and replace?

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Adjust Screen Brightness / Only Adjusts Brightness On Main Screen

Feb 17, 2008

I have dual ACD's. How do I make it so that both screens have the same brightness? If I adjust the brightness in the display settings it adjusts the main screen, but then not the other one. How do I make them the same?

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IMac :: 21.5 Brightness Vs 27 Brightness?

Aug 1, 2010

I went to Best Buy yesterday and they just got the new imacs in and had on display side by side. The 21.5 display was not as bright and vibrant as the 27 display. The apple and best buy guys could not tell me why the difference. The settings were checked and found to be the same for both machines. I was going to get the 21.5 but now not so sure. I definitely like the brighter 27 better. Is this normal? Why is the 27 brighter? Has anyone else noticed the difference?

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IMac :: Increase Brightness Of Screen / Screen Brightness Is Dim

Nov 28, 2010

I have the 21" iMac and need to brighten the screen. How do I do this?

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MacBook Air :: Brightness On My Air Unibody Won't Go All The Way Up?

Sep 26, 2010

My Macbook Air is doing something pretty strange..

This is as far as my brightness will go up. This is using the keyboard brightness thing on F1 and F2. When I go into the system preferences, I can drag the brightness to the top, but as soon as I release the mouse, it automatically flicks back to where it was before without getting any brighter.

Does anyone have any ideas as to the cause?

The model number of my macbook is A1342 if that helps.

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MacBook Air :: New MBA 13' Default Brightness?

Oct 28, 2010

How bright is the default Macbook Air Brightness? Mine is fully maxed, did it come like that?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Run The MBP At Full Brightness

Aug 3, 2009

I have mine on one bar and I am finding this okay. Full brightness practically burns my eyes. Where do you have your brightness set to?

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