IMac :: 2nd Monitor Brightness?
Nov 26, 2010
I have a 27 iMac, and a 22 inch Viewsonic as the second monitor.
The second monitor is just not bright. I have used another monitor as a second monitor as well. Both are just not bright enough to suit me.
I have fiddled with the brightness controls, to no avail.
Is that a generic problem with second monitors?
They just don't get enough juice or something?
Would another brand monitor help?
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Nov 30, 2014
My wife has an iMac (I don't know any other way to identify it e.g. model number), and she has this 3rd party calibration software that I'm trying to use. I am not used to a Mac, and I cannot find the display settings for the monitor. There are no buttons on the monitor, and when I go to preferences, I can only find the brightness control. I've googled this and cannot find a clear, simple answer. I have used every version of Windows (currently on 8.1 on my PC) and it's easy for me on that platform. I suppose it's just that I don't really know how to navigate Mac OS.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 18, 2009
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question. (I feel like I know a decent amount about my MBP and about a/v matters, so, I feel a bit dumb for not knowing the answer to this.)
I have an external monitor (Samsung 2223w) monitor connected to my MBP via DVI. The MBP is shut.
Is there a way that I can reduce the brightness of the external monitor quickly with software? Of course, I can manually reduce brightness by clicking the buttons on the side of the monitor and navigating through the menus. But is there a way that I can set a keystroke to do the same?
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Mar 4, 2010
I am looking to purchase an external monitor for my unibody macbook pro, and I love the (maximum) brightness level on it, and would like the same on my external monitor. Does anyone know what the cd/m2 rating is?
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Aug 1, 2010
I went to Best Buy yesterday and they just got the new imacs in and had on display side by side. The 21.5 display was not as bright and vibrant as the 27 display. The apple and best buy guys could not tell me why the difference. The settings were checked and found to be the same for both machines. I was going to get the 21.5 but now not so sure. I definitely like the brighter 27 better. Is this normal? Why is the 27 brighter? Has anyone else noticed the difference?
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Nov 28, 2010
I have the 21" iMac and need to brighten the screen. How do I do this?
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Mar 9, 2010
Recently, my newer (last year) iMac probably running 10.5 started speaking and wont shut up... there is no obvious way to turn it off. I usually figure problems out myself but there are no system preferences that effect it. I even changed the voice in preferences as a test and it is still the same guy reading everything clicked in all applications except when I am in system preferences so far. Usually when I run into a dead end like this there is some mystery key command that works... anyone know?I also noticed that some of the top line (f) keys are not doing what they are supposed to any longer as well... volume up opens the window for expose & spaces it looks like and does not control the volume monitor brightness controls are not working either... I went to the key and mouse preferences and set the key strokes to default and still the same.
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Nov 15, 2010
The brightness goes up when you plug in your MBA, but then over time it just goes up and up. I honestly like my brightness pretty low (rarely more than half, typically at 3-5 notches), but it just keeps on going up and up. I almost never set it above half, but multiple times a day, I notice that it looks pretty high and it's at like 3/4 so I put it it down to about 1/3, but after a while, it's just up again.
Anyone else notice this? What is it, why does it do this? How can I fix it? I don't mind not having auto-brightness (even though I loved it), as long as my screen doesn't keep going up.
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Oct 22, 2009
I was surprised one day to find an inch of white line running from top to bottom on my screen. Then after a week it expanded to two inches white line, then suddenly it turned all black and I can't see two inches of my screen from the right edge. I was reading some forums and found out that I can use a dell monitor as a secondary monitor, but is it possible to use the dell monitor as the primary monitor in case the black line will spread throughout the entire iMac screen? so the iMac would serve as a stand alone processor like a regular desktop?
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Mar 23, 2009
i got a question about adjusting the brightness level on iMac.
i adjust the brightness to lowest but each time i restart or turn the computer back on, the brightness level would set back to highest. Is that for all the imac? is there a way to set it?
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Apr 20, 2009
I have a new iMac 2009 - 24' - 2,93Ghz, running the latest OS.
When I start, the brightness is at maximum... I set it to minimum, only to find it at maximum again when I re-boot the computer ! I tried setting it via settings as well... it just dosent stick !
On the flip-side, the volume retains its last settings.
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Aug 7, 2009
Am I the only one having this bug? I have a 2009 24" iMac Radeon 4850 and after installing the 10.5.8 combo every time the machine boots the brightness is set to maximum.
I tried zapping the PRAM and that didn't help.
The other problem I noticed is that my startup network shares, even though checked to "hide" pop up finder windows at boot time. It never did this before (even without hide being checked).
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Mar 11, 2009
the monitor's default brightness setting is far too bright for my eyes, so the first thing I did was to open the System Preferences pane and reduce the brightness setting. That worked fine until I shut the computer down. On rebooting, the brightness returned to its default highest setting. On my older iMac G5, the brightness setting always stayed put. It isn't a huge problem since adjusting the brightness setting does work, but I don't want to have to adjust it every time I reboot my computer.
I spent two hours yesterday on the phone with Apple support trying to fix the problem, even going so far as to reinstall the system software with no success. The woman on the phone finally suggested that I return the Mac for a replacement.
Has anyone else here with a 2009 iMac experienced this problem? Is it possible that it's hardware related? If so, could this be the tip of the iceberg suggesting a potentially larger problem down the road? I would have guessed it might be a software glitch. (The new iMac has thrust me, finally, into Leopard; until last week I was using Tiger on my older G5.) I bought the 3-year Apple Care with it--since the new iMacs have only been out a week, should I wait until the next Leopard update and see if that fixes the problem?
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Aug 25, 2009
After every reboot, the brightness of my iMac's screen changes to 100% brightness, which is slightly annoying. Does anyone know why this happens? By the way, I'd say it does it since 10.5.8.
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a Rev A (Aug 2007) alum iMac (20") and ever since I installed 10.5.8, the screen has been set on full brightness on every startup. I'm currently running Snow Leopard and the problem persists. I erased and installed during the procedure so I don't think it can really be a corrupted system file or something.
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Jun 30, 2010
Today morning, when i switched it on, I saw that the back fan is moving with more speed and sound . earlier, I never heard the fan sound. Also, on startup the brightness is set to max , while my settings was very low brightness. Howcome, its starting with max brightness now, when I dont have changed anything ? And what about the fan sound and speed? And yes, does the iMac has a battery also ? for what? Its always plugged to AC current, then what is the battery doing ? I never knew that. just downloaded istat pro and it shows HD 35 degree and Battery 55%. Wht is it ?
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Sep 3, 2014
Suddenly my iMac's display is very dim - almost can't read the text. The display brightness keys <F2> and <F1> don't do anything any more. How can you adjust the screen brightness?
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 23, 2010
All of a sudden, every time I reboot, my screen's brightness is all the way up. So, I go to 'Preferences' and bring it down to only happen again the next time I reboot. Not a terrible problem, I hope, but not sure why the settings of this doesn't remain as I left it last. Perhaps I have picked up something OR I have a fault which could get worse?Anyone seen anything like this?
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Jul 29, 2010
Just got my new i7 in the mail today after waiting for the refresh for 5 months and it has that stupid high pitched noise that you get when you adjust the brightness. I returned four of these things at the beginning of the year (2 HD failures, 1 power source failure, 1 DOA), one that had the hd failure also had this same high pitched noise.
I love these computers (minus the complete lack of quality control), so I don't want to switch back to PC, but I am at my wits end here. Apple already gave me $150 off this computer for me trouble, but I just don't know if its worth the hassle anymore. I am returning it for sure, but would you ask for more compensation, maybe a ram upgrade or something? I don't like to be the guy who asks for free crap, but the way I see it, they can give me another hundred $, or I can go back to pc and they lose a customer for life.
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Sep 10, 2014
How to keep the Brightness meter icon from appearing on your screen?
Model Name: iMac Model Identifier: iMac12,2 Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 3.1 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 4 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 6 MB Memory: 16 GB Boot ROM Version: IM121.0047.B1F SMC Version (system): 1.72f2 iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 20, 2009
So I installed Vista 64 bit on my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa), I installed most of the drivers I can find, but I cant get the screen brightness buttons to work (F1 and F2)
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Feb 17, 2008
I have dual ACD's. How do I make it so that both screens have the same brightness? If I adjust the brightness in the display settings it adjusts the main screen, but then not the other one. How do I make them the same?
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Jan 9, 2010
I have a 27" i7. I have a 24" DVI Montior hooked up to it via MDP->DVI adaptor. When the 24" Monitor is on, everything is fine. When I turn the monitor off, the magic mouse tracking on the 27" screen stutters. I am not kidding - it took me ages to figure out that to fix I either need to turn the other monitor on OR disconnect the MDP->DVI adaptor.
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Jun 11, 2009
I have an Intel IMAC, which is now out of warranty as I have had it for 16 months (and I was dumb enough not to get AppleCare). A few days back, my computer would not startup and everytime I hit the power button, I would hear some spinning noise but no chime from the iMAC. Yesterday, I tried it again and this time I heard the chime but the monitor did not start. I was then able to SSH into the MAC and see that it is indeed connected to the network and booted up, but the screen is still dead. Any ideas what I should do before the painful trip to the apple store ?
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a 27" Imac and want to use an old 19" monitor as an external unit. I have it hooked up and turned on. Just the old wallpaper shows on it. There isn't an icon or anything diff on my iMac screen for it. How do I use the external? I realize this is pretty dumb, but I'm a newbie here and my Mac expert son is in NC....
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Apr 8, 2008
I have a newer iMac 24" bought in 11/2007. I have the mini-dvi to vga converter and when I connect it to a external tv capable of 1024x768, the iMac freezes and does nothing. I disconnect and the screen turns blue and the flickers back on and everything works. I have made the connection then booted up, and I have tried every resolution all the way down to 640x480, same thing it just locks up the screen, but again as soon as I unplug the mini-dvi to vga cable from the iMac it flicks to a blue screen and everything comes back. I have reviewed dmesg nothing, and revieiw /var/log/messages. Is there any troubleshooting I can do. I am old school unix/linux guy just converted my family to Apple and would like to use the display on my tv to watch my iTunes movies.
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Aug 16, 2009
i'm new here and was just wondering if i could use 2 24" apple led displays with the iMac monitor?
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Oct 29, 2010
I just received my very first iMac two days ago & just noticed this horrendous whistling noise that reminds me of leaving a really loud concert. It coordinates with the display's brightness apparently (I looked it up before hand) & stops whistling at max brightness & min brightness. Anything in between = whistling.
How should I address this problem? Should I just go to the Apple store & have them replace my iMac? :/
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Aug 3, 2010
I know this question has been asked before, but, monitors/prices change so frequently I want to make sure I get an up-to-date answer!I've recently purchased the new entry-level 21.5" iMac, and I am currently using it alongside a 20" Dell 2005FPW (which I already had).
I want to replace this monitor with a newer one that will be a better match with the iMac's own display. At the moment, the main differences seem to be brightness (the iMac is LED-backlit), contrast & colour, and finally the 'gloss' finish on the screen.Does anyone have any good recommendations/suggestions? I'm not looking for anything massive (same size as the iMac or slightly larger - I've no idea what the limit is to what can be run off the mini displayport?). Budget is around 200 (which is around $320 apparently!).
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Aug 15, 2010
I can't make a decision about what monitor I should buy to use with my new iMac 27. I have a limit budget about $400 -$500. I narrow my choice into these models, which are Dell U2410 and HP 2710m or Dell U2311H.
I'm a Software Engineer and I'm using the Dell U2410 at my company and I dont have any problem with it. I can get it only $435
The problem is that I would like to know people using 27 iMac with a smaller monitor like 24 inch. What do you feel? any different? That's why my choice includes Hp2710M even if it's not the IPS monitor but a TN monitor. I cna get it $340
The Dell U2311h is the IPS monitor as well and I can get it only $250. With only one inch less than U2410 but less price almost $200, I could not ignore it.
Should i get ont of the IPS monitor even if the screen is smaller or use the same size with my iMac 27? I cant afford the IPS 27 inch.
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