MacBook Pro :: How To Run The MBP At Full Brightness
Aug 3, 2009I have mine on one bar and I am finding this okay. Full brightness practically burns my eyes. Where do you have your brightness set to?
View 14 RepliesI have mine on one bar and I am finding this okay. Full brightness practically burns my eyes. Where do you have your brightness set to?
View 14 RepliesWhen I have my brightness at a certain setting and then start playing a game, the brightness jumps to full. When I then press the button for less brightness, it jumps immediately to the setting it was originally.
This also happens whenever I do alt+tab to return to the desktop. So it appears it happens when I do something that requires to switch to full screen mode cause it also happens with other programs.
At normal use, surfing, office,... this problem does not occur. And also it doesn't happen under OS X
My MacBook's screen is pretty dim, even at full brightness. The iPod Touch far outshines it and even a Sony PSP is brighter.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have a Rev A (Aug 2007) alum iMac (20") and ever since I installed 10.5.8, the screen has been set on full brightness on every startup. I'm currently running Snow Leopard and the problem persists. I erased and installed during the procedure so I don't think it can really be a corrupted system file or something.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe brightness goes up when you plug in your MBA, but then over time it just goes up and up. I honestly like my brightness pretty low (rarely more than half, typically at 3-5 notches), but it just keeps on going up and up. I almost never set it above half, but multiple times a day, I notice that it looks pretty high and it's at like 3/4 so I put it it down to about 1/3, but after a while, it's just up again.
Anyone else notice this? What is it, why does it do this? How can I fix it? I don't mind not having auto-brightness (even though I loved it), as long as my screen doesn't keep going up.
So I installed Vista 64 bit on my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa), I installed most of the drivers I can find, but I cant get the screen brightness buttons to work (F1 and F2)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have dual ACD's. How do I make it so that both screens have the same brightness? If I adjust the brightness in the display settings it adjusts the main screen, but then not the other one. How do I make them the same?
I have taken everything off my desk top and backed it up and it's still saying the same thing! I've also emptied the trash. I get it when I try to use Photoshop.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have a mac book of the older models...around 5 or 6 years old..the silver one with the silver around the screen part. Running Mac OS X 10.6.8,
2.33 GHz, 2GB ram.
Lately my computer has been rediculously slow with everything, but aside from that my issue is with my start up disc. I would have over 1.5 GB of space left, open up a photoshop file...make some alterations and save...and all of a sudden I have NO SPACE left. These alterations created the photoshop file to be like 50mb more. Its a 200mb file. So how can I go from 1.5 gigs to saving a 200mb .psd file and all of a sudden 0 hd space?
Sometimes I couldnt even save the .psd because when I opened it all of a sudden I have half a gig now. And even if I had half a gig why wouldnt I be able to save? I go to save and sometimes it says "your start up disc us full" - Is this different than my harddrive?
Is photoshop using some sort of weird caching thing?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I went to Best Buy yesterday and they just got the new imacs in and had on display side by side. The 21.5 display was not as bright and vibrant as the 27 display. The apple and best buy guys could not tell me why the difference. The settings were checked and found to be the same for both machines. I was going to get the 21.5 but now not so sure. I definitely like the brighter 27 better. Is this normal? Why is the 27 brighter? Has anyone else noticed the difference?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have the 21" iMac and need to brighten the screen. How do I do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy Macbook Air is doing something pretty strange..
This is as far as my brightness will go up. This is using the keyboard brightness thing on F1 and F2. When I go into the system preferences, I can drag the brightness to the top, but as soon as I release the mouse, it automatically flicks back to where it was before without getting any brighter.
Does anyone have any ideas as to the cause?
The model number of my macbook is A1342 if that helps.
How bright is the default Macbook Air Brightness? Mine is fully maxed, did it come like that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Macbook Pro 13.3 ", only a few months old. When I use this, whether I use the word, web surfing etc then adjust the brightness of the screen itself from strong to weak and back, all the time. This happens both when connected power and do not. And no, it's not that it goes into power saving mode, this occurs during use.
MacBook Pro
The brightness is turned all the way off on my MacBook pro and the only way to turn it back up is through system preferences. But I cant see it and everytime I push the brightness control keys it makes a beeping noise. And won't do work.
i can't change the brightness on my macbook pro. i tried the buttons on the keyboard, went to settings and tried to do it from there, didn't work. i have restarted my computer as well and that didn't make a difference.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a 2012 macbook pro and needed to change the brightness of my monitor for my eyes, the problem is I find it hard to see the tab bar now because it is too dark. I looked on these forums and found how to change the brightness of the tab bar without compromising any of the other parts of the screen, but it is not for my particular year or model " [URL]
Apple TV, blinking light on apple tv box stop
When I turn my brightness all the way down, there's still a barely (but clear, still) lit circle at the centre of my screen. I have a 13'' mbp. I can even see my cursor and move it around. This spot, at very low screen brightness, appears kind of yellowish. When I turn the brightness up, it is not noticeable. The circle part has roughly a two inch diameter.
I've had the mbp for about a month, and just noticed this now. I do turn my brightness down quite a bit, but its usually in a well lit classroom and thus its possible I just did not notice this circle that is still barely lit until now.
UPDATE*: I have just discovered that covering the lit apple logo on the screen's exterior (directly opposite the lit circle i suppose) causing the circle to gradually disappear. THe laptop is sitting behind a window (ie light can shine on that apple logo)...what's up with this?
I just got a new 15" MBP and it keeps changing the screen brightness by a couple notches either way on it's own. Anyone have/heard of this problem?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI originally purchased a SR MBP a couple weeks ago and come to find out, the LCD was bad and Apple declared it DOA. I went to the Apple store and swapped it out for a new 2.4GHz Penryn MBP. I am running Vista via bootcamp and am noticing a high pitched whine coming from the top left hand side of the keyboard, near the LCD. Puzzled as to the cause, I started playing with some controls to see if anything made a difference and noticed that when I dim the LCD to the min, it almost goes away. When I turn off the LCD it does in fact go away and when I increase it to maximum brightness it also vanishes. The noise seems to be the loudest when the LCD brightness is set in the middle. This problem only occurs in Vista, not OSX. I thoroughly toyed with the brightness in OSX and listed carefully, but like I said, not noise is present.
Should I be concerned and call Apple, or just ride it out? It does bother me a bit considering I use Vista for Office 2007 tasks. However, since the problem only occurs in Vista and not OSX, it this indicative of a software issue, or do you guys think it is hardware related? cmm26red
I found the setting under Displays to automatically adjust brightness, but is there a way to set this different for Battery or Power Adapter? I would like to keep this option on for using the Battery, but would like the display at a constant level when using the Power Adapter.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased a unibody macbook pro 2.8Ghz (awesome machine by the way) and was wondering whether would the LED screen get dimmer over time like the previous non unibody models?
When I had my powerbook and non unibody macbook pro, I had a habit of keeping the brightness at full and realize after a while it starts to get dimmer and dimmer. A good fren alerted me to try and keep the brightness at 50% to conserve battery life was wondering do u any of u notice the same dimming occuring on ur UMBP?
Recently, after about 5 minutes of use (not sitting idle), my MacBook's screen will go very dim. I hit the buttons on the keyboard to take the brightness all the way up, but it doesn't get much brighter and there's only one thing that I can do to make the screen go brighter: I go into System Preferences and click Display. The second I click that, the brightness returns without me doing anything in the Display section, so after Display comes up, I just close it out and the screen brightness is fine for a while. It seems to do this after the lid has been closed for a while and then starts dimming again after opening the lid and using it for about 5 minutes. Is there a way to fix the auto-dim mode without disabling it? MacBook (white) is running Leopard 10.5.8 with all the latest updates.
View 2 Replies View RelatedA few weeks ago the display on my 2008 Macbook started going black randomly. I wouldn't call it a flicker, because when it goes black, it does not come back on unless I turn the brightness all the way down, and then back on again.
Sometimes it will go black, I turn the brightness all the way down, then back on again, and it will stay lit for a few minutes. Other times, the screen flashes when I turn the brightness up to 1 but then goes to black immediately. There are times where it won't stay on for more than a split second for almost half an hour, and I can't do anything but keep trying to turn it on in the meantime. Eventually it will start to work for either a few minutes, or half an hour, or longer, but if I turn it up too bright, it goes to black again. I keep it at 2/16 brightness once it starts working. If I'm feeling lucky I'll go up to 4/16.
So after doing some research I decided to try and replace the inverter. I just did this successfully, and after a few minutes the problem returned. So now I'm at a crossroads. I can take it apart again and replace one of the inverter cables, but I'm not too hopeful about that. I'm out of warranty and will not pay hundreds of dollars for Apple to repair it. My long term plan-B is to buy an LCD monitor and wireless keyboard to use it in clamshell mode.
So my question is if anyone has any other ideas about what may be wrong, and what I can do to fix it. The display itself appears to be fine. My dad thinks it may be a motherboard issue. Any thoughts?
- i've tried to scour through the apple site but as a tech dope i don't know what the terminology is.
Just wanted to ask if there is a brightness/resolution/clarity difference between these two model?
I dropped my laptop on a tile floor and the bottom hit it flat. my computer works fine besides the fact that my computer screen's brightness is as if my brightness level was all the way down.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWonder it's just me or hardware/software issue. If I set brightness at 50% with power adaptor on, and sleep, unplug, open lid or do vice versa, the next time when the MBP wake up, the brightness either goes to lowest setting or highest, very annoying. Sometimes I see keyboard light did the same thing but not as frequent as screen backlit.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI find it you have to or it will be too dark.
View 24 Replies View RelatedAre the led's under the keys auto controlled due to the amount of light in the room? I use my MacBook pro on battery most of the time and every time I go to turn up the keyboard brightness its in a different place. I want to set it to be at a specific brightness when its plugged in and when its running on battery, at a lower brightness but the same every time. I want to be able to have settings for the led brightness.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having a custom keyboard connected to my mac, but I want to change the brightness keys to my preferences. I can't seem to find them though.where I have to change it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)