I have just had occasion to restore the disc containing my XP operating system (yes, I am a PC person too). iTunes Library is stored on a big FireWire box, and was not restored.
The date of my last XP backup was 19/1/09, and iTunes Library knew of nothing I had done since that date, in other words, the song tracks are kept in the iTunes directory, but the library clearly isn't. This is really strange. All the tracks I had added were there in the iTunes library physical directories, but their importing into the library had disappeared. As had some Smart Playlists.
So where is the library actually stored? I note that there are some odds and ends of unrecognizable stuff along with the executable in the XP Programs... directory, presumably this stuff includes the library?
Just to clarify. The executable is on my C drive in the default location, and the iTunes library is on H:iTunes.
In trying to set up shared music among the users of my computer I think I deleted the original file info, even though there was a music folder showing folders for the individual artists in my library. These however now appear to be empty. I have the music listed in iTunes but when I try to open a song I get a window with the following message, "The song "...." could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?" But no luck locating the files. The guy at the Apple Genius Bar said I could retrieve the music but refused to tell me how because it is supposedly illegal. I don't know why it is illegal because the tunes were purchased. But he did tell me to google the problem and I have come up empty handed.
I have been using a mac for about a year and overall am happy with it. When using a PC in the past, I would organize my pictures in file folders by year and then by month. My husband backs up our pictures on an external hard drive (I don't use time machine) and we're finding the way iPhoto stores the pictures to be "messy" since it does it according to import date rather than file date.
I know that if I go to the original file in my library and move stuff around (in order to "clean it up") that iPhoto cannot find the pictures anymore and takes me to where it originally was. I did a test run on about 3 pictures.
Is there a way to change the way iPhoto organizes the actual files? Or am I going to just have to clean the folders up once they are on the external hard drive?
Pretty much my entire music library is stored in FLAC format, this is something that itunes does not support, so does anybody know of a program like itunes that will file and move around my FLAC files for me.At the moment I am playing them through VLC, but that isn't too practical.
I was changing my track info in my library (of 1 song) and unfortunately I have changed all of my authors and cover pic. of entire library. Is there any chance to change it back? I don’t use an Time machine I use the last iTunes and also the iTunes Match ....
1). When I set up my iMac and Macbook Pro for the first time, it asked me for my name, address, city, zip, phone, etc.... well my address and phone has changed. How do I edit so the updated info displays into forms automatically? And can I turn off the automatic insertion of information when filling forms?
2). My Macbook Pro 2.8 came with leopard obviously. I have an iMac 2.8 that did not come with Leopard and wish to install Leopard. Can I use the OS dvd that came with my Macbook Pro to install Leopard or should I buy the $29 upgrade dvd? And can I do this without erasing all my program application files?
iTunes is showing me bizarre dates in the "Date Added" column. Examples are "6/29/14180", "1/5/145", and "12/29/12364". I should note that I'm running the latest version of iTunes and the latest version of Mavericks, but the iTunes library that I'm using is the library on my Snow Leopard drive (because I don't know a simple way of importing all of that music--25,000+ songs--into the Maverick side).
Had a storm with a power flux and mac went down. Started it back the next day. Ran a first aid on the hard drive system first (all icons on desk top worked fine, showed all software installed, all documents, etc.) Everything checked out.
I have an Iomega external hard drive attached to use as back up. When I ran the first aid on that the system froze. I turned the computer off, waited and then rebooted. Everything came on again, but this time, my screen saver was the original one, not the one I use, all the added icons from the desk top bar were missing, back to the original ones loaded at time of purchase, all my documents are missing, as in everything except for my pictures on the hard drive, all the info stored on my desk top, everything GONE. NO sign of where anything went. The system seems to work fine as far as that goes, but there is none of the materials from the past 5 years of use. Can't even find my emails from Apple, nothing. That's all gone as well. Called up Apple support but because the warranty is no longer in effect, will have to pay for service. Am ready to do that if this fails.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), finding stored data on hard drive
When inserting an audio cd to import into my itunes library the audio cd is labeled only as track 1, track 2, etc. there is no album info, artist name, artwork.
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
I have a large collection of ripped (TV-on-DVD that i own) mp4s. I want to add these to my iTunes library (space is a non-issue). I import them by adding them to the "automatically add to iTunes" folder. iTunes auto-magically adds them to the "Movies" section. At this point i can group-select, hit cmd-I, and change them to TV Shows. Easy! The only other piece of meta-data I would like to add is the episode number. Is there a quick way to do this? Or do i have to hit cmd-I, add episode #, hit OK button, select next episode, repeat....?
I was exchanging music with a friend who has the Zune software on his computer.And there was one thing that I would really like that his software had, and that was the Find Album Info.
This was able to simply find album artwork, track names and other details for the music.So my question is, is there any additional software for iTunes that does something like this?
I found a lot of sites telling me what to do but not HOW to do it. I need to change the artwork and info tags on my podcast page in itunes. How do I do these things if I created my podcast in iweb?
I know *how* to do this, by going to "get info", and I have done it before. But, for some reason I *can't* actually do it anymore. When I select a group of songs to change info on, it acts like its going to work but then does nothing. When I select a single item, the get info tab is completely grayed out, nothing can be clicked on or changed. I have tried checking the song outside of iTunes to make sure it isn't read only or anything and I haven't found any issues with that. None of these should have any copy protection, they've all been ripped from cd or downloaded.
The only way I have been able to change anything so far is to convert the mp3 to AAC. I really don't want to have to convert the whole library. What is wrong with this?? How do I fix it?
Gonna be moving from my old mac onto a shiny new MacBook and while its easy enough to take over the contents of my iTunes and the iTunes Library file over to the new machine to preserve my play lists & play counts, I want to be able to take over the CD track name and information so if I put in a CD I had personally amended the information to, the information is still there as apposed to just connecting to the great music database in the sky and downloading the information like it does when I put in a fresh music CD for the first time. When I copied over the Library file to my new machine and put in a CD that had already been done it went ahead and connected to the database instead so obviously the CD information is not stored there. Anyone have any idea what file I should be looking at to copy over or is this going to be horribly difficult?
on iTunes a LOT of my music doesn't have its album info. is there something i can do that will make all my songs sorted into the right albums? Also any help on a quick way to get Album art would be appreciated.
I have been using the album art player thing in the new ITunes and now the album art unknown is really starting to get to me. I have a lot of old music I have been collecting over the years and a lot of the data was either not there or for whatever reason is not there. I am looking for a program to do either an audio scan or something to find all my album art work and information that itunes displays. I have used the ITunes find album artwork but some songs done have the album listed. What do I do from here. I am not going through 4k songs to get them all manually.
I'm looking for a (semi)-automatic way to retrieve genre and style information from Allmusic or Discogs and store it in iTunes Genre and Comments fields. Does anyone here knows a good way of doing this?
So like many people I have (had) a very unorganized iTunes folder. I decided it was time to basically put all my files in the same format and add a bunch of the missing information to the files, most notably the artist name. I have always saved my files in the following format: Artist name - song name .mp3. then I would just add the files into itunes and of course it would not add any info into the artist field for those songs. Through windows explorer, I added artist names to all of my files and changed some of the file names but how do I go about updating iTunes to reflect these changes?
Application: Music Brainz Picard This video explains how to use it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9skkLyGSs6k MusicBrainz Picard Download for Mac: ftp://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicb...icard%20UB.dmg MusicBrainz Picard Download for PC: ftp://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicb...tup-0.12.1.exe
I have been using iTunes (windows desktop) and recently got a new laptop (windows again). I was able to quickly transfer my music via a dvd-r and flash-drive, and also was able to export/import my playlist quite easily. My question, now, is how can I preserve the play count and transfer it over? To clarify, what is the simplest way to transfer that info over, without having to download third party programs, etc. I am using iTunes 10 on both computers.
All of my movies on my hard drive have crazy file names. I just rename the info from within itunes. I am wondering if there is a way to apply the info in itunes to change the original file names. So that I don't have to change them all manually on my hard drive if I want them in some sort of order. Something like 'apply itunes info to original filename'. I am pretty sure it isn't possible but thought it might be worth a try.
Hopefully someone will have the answer as I have searched high and low on this one. I have moved ALL my iTunes content (music, videos etc) to the Shared Music folder on my new WD MyBook World Edition 2 (just in case that's relevant info) and everytime my Mac attempts to load iTunes I have to repeatedly direct it to the library.xml file in the Shared Music folder.Surely there's a proper solution for this? Anyone else out there had this experience and has figured it out.I've noticed that it does this only the first time I open iTunes up, any subsequent bootup within a session is fine, but any restart of my Macbook Pro and I have to repeat this.
Select Shuffle Mode. Pause your music, or make sure nothing is playing, then go to Minimize view.
Now hit FFW or REV. What appears in the track info box? Nothing, right? iTunes doesn't show you what song it has shuffled to. It only works if you are playing, not in pause.
Surely this is wrong? Sometimes you want to select song before playing it, right? This works fine on my Ipod. Everyone else have this problem?
we have a macbook pro running Leopard. My wife and I have separate user accounts on the single laptop and keep the music in one central Public folder (both or our iTunes are pointed to this public folder). For some reason, my wife is unable to make any changes to song info (album art, change genre, etc.). However, she can play the music, update her Nano, import music, etc. The only thing she can't do is make changes to the song info. This isn't an issue with my account because I am the primary user account on the computer. We are both set up as Admin and I have assigned Read/Write privileges to all files. Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be? Tech support/program specialist has no idea.
I loved the Genius Recommendation Panel on iTunes 9 and found lots of new songs and artists when using itI cannot believe Apple removed it from iTunes 10 and replaced it with a social networking site with the awful title "Ping" So I replaced iTunes 9 last night, only to find that it wouldn't accept my iTunes library. I managed to reload the songs, but I have lost all my playlists, star ratings, play counts, etc. Its all gone.
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
I am unable to get into my account info on the iTunes store to check my account info. I keep getting a message that it is unavailable and try later, but this has been going on for weeks.