Get artwork the movie industry deems you unworthy to have. You've bought your content - enjoy it on your HDTV properly UPDATES TO THIS THREAD: 04/25: After a long time of doing this thread, I was talked into putting all the posters onto a site rather than relying on this thread and imageshack (which kept removing the posters). I will still take personal requests on this thread, but I will not be updating the artwork on it. The links to the art will remain, but I will *NOT* be updating them. The new website is: [URL] We are talking to the MetaX developer in hopes of integrating into MetaX's system and we're trying to initiate talks with the TagChimp developer to try to help him out as well. We'll see where it goes. Anyhow, enjoy the site and feel free to add and request over there. Welcome to the Unofficial iTunes Artwork Thread. Obviously you're a movie fan, either with a movie collection or you just like the artwork. Either way, we're in the same boat. The problem is that the movie industry doesn't like you to determine how best to view your purchased (and legal) content. They want to dictate it to you. As such, they don't support you watching a new DVD encode through your AppleTV or Mac Mini - much less offer the artwork to make it look clean.....................
I'm wondering if there's any way to get the artwork iTunes uses for TV shows for programs that I manually convert and ad to my library. Does anyone know of a method?
I have a large collection of ripped (TV-on-DVD that i own) mp4s. I want to add these to my iTunes library (space is a non-issue). I import them by adding them to the "automatically add to iTunes" folder. iTunes auto-magically adds them to the "Movies" section. At this point i can group-select, hit cmd-I, and change them to TV Shows. Easy! The only other piece of meta-data I would like to add is the episode number. Is there a quick way to do this? Or do i have to hit cmd-I, add episode #, hit OK button, select next episode, repeat....?
With the new iTunes 9.2.1(5), I seem to have trouble sorting some of my video files. Every video file (converted from .avi to .mp4 with Handbrake, using the "Universal Apple" preset) I throw at iTunes seem to be added to the Movies section. I tried updating the metadata from Get Info, filling out the Video tab with appropriate names, season number, episode number and episode ID. That didn't get anywhere. I tried putting "TV Shows" as a genre but that doesn't do anything either. I even tried making a new folder in the iTunes folder, naming it "TV Shows" and throwing videos in there.
I've been trying for over a week to find someone with a 20" ACD that has downloaded HD TV shows or movies from iTunes.
Just want to know if it renders well on a 20" ACD. I ask this because the 23 and 30 inch have HD in their name and I'd like some feedback before I purchase anything
When I select a handful of movies(really my tv shows) and right click get info and change the media type to TV shows it will not transfer. Though I can do it one by one but really who wants to do that? Running iTunes 8.0.2
Application: Music Brainz Picard This video explains how to use it: MusicBrainz Picard Download for Mac: MusicBrainz Picard Download for PC:
The last three movies I've purchased from itunes do not have artwork. When I browse my movie collection, the picture for the movie is the icon for a blank piece of film. Anyway, other than finding a picture on the internet to get the artwork to show up?
I was exchanging music with a friend who has the Zune software on his computer.And there was one thing that I would really like that his software had, and that was the Find Album Info.
This was able to simply find album artwork, track names and other details for the music.So my question is, is there any additional software for iTunes that does something like this?
When inserting an audio cd to import into my itunes library the audio cd is labeled only as track 1, track 2, etc. there is no album info, artist name, artwork.
I thought my album artwork was disappearing. Turns out the problem is a bit different (and weirder) than I thought it was.
When I look at the Album view in iTunes and see all the albums in a tile/grid layout, there are some albums that show no artwork. These just have the default gray cover with thingy on it. But when I click on one of these album covers and see the songs, all of them *do* have artwork. When I play these songs, I also see the artwork. It's only at the album level that I don't.
When buying HD TV shows off iTunes does it download the SD as well? And if so does it charge you more than $60? I just bought the HD version of Chuck Season 2 since I have seen Season 1 and looked at the download part in the iTunes and it has 44 to download. I noticed that is it downloading the SD as well. Is that really how it does it? I've bough Scrubs Seasons 3 & 4 before but those where just SD.
I have been using the album art player thing in the new ITunes and now the album art unknown is really starting to get to me. I have a lot of old music I have been collecting over the years and a lot of the data was either not there or for whatever reason is not there. I am looking for a program to do either an audio scan or something to find all my album art work and information that itunes displays. I have used the ITunes find album artwork but some songs done have the album listed. What do I do from here. I am not going through 4k songs to get them all manually.
I had an impulse to buy Avatar on iTunes because I fancied watching an action movie in HD on my Mac, but I'm in the iTunes store an it doesn't specify what resolution the movie actually is - only that it's 'widescreen'.
I've searched on Google and not found any results, so can anyone tell me what resolution iTunes movies normally are and how I can find out?
I love how iTunes has it's movie and TV library set up, i want to keep my music on my internal drive, but my movies and TV shows are taking up to much room. I also don't want to have to import anything any time I want to watch a movie or TV show.
having issues syncing movies/TV shows (bought off of iTunes) to their iPad/iPhone/iPod? I've bought a season of a tv show and 2 movies that will not transfer period, yet I can watch them just fine on on my Mac Book and Apple TV. Currently running off of Mac Book Pro (version 10.6.8 - software current), iPad 1 (software current), iPhone 4 (software current), iPod classic (software current), and iTunes 10.6 (40).
I was downloading ''Entourage" from the ITunes Store and it deducted from my iTunes account. At the same time, I bought it from my AppleTV and paid with my credit card.So now I paid for it twice.How can I get refunded on my apple account?
I am unable to import TV shows or movies purchased from the iTunes store to the iTunes library on my Mac Book Pro. What I do, is have a main iTunes library on my desktop Mac, where all my purchases get stored. I will then use the Import process via Home Sharing to put them on my MBP for when I'm travelling or away from home. I tried this yesterday and the files were transferred from my desktop to my MBP but are not showing up in iTunes. I have also tried the 'Add to library' and 'drag and drop' method direct from the MBP library location, but still no joy. It would seem that this has only started since the recent OSX 10.7.4 update, but I can't be sure.....I haven't needed to do it for almost two months.
A couple weeks ago, I purchased season 1 of Game of Thrones on the Blu-Ray Digital Combo pack so I could download the TV show onto my iTunes. I was able to download season 1 using the code that came with my DVD and it is on the iTunes on my macbook pro. Today, I purchased season 2 of the show and downloaded it onto the iTunes on my iMAC. My problem: Season 1 of Game of Thrones did not sync so it is not showing up on my iTunes on my iMAC. I use the same email, password, network, AND I have allowed home sharing amongst my apple devices. This has never happened before. How am I able to get my TV shows on both my iMAC and Macbook?
I realised a couple of days ago that several of my movies and tv shows that I purchased are no longer downloaded on my computer but are stored on the cloud. Now how do I get a backup on my drobo external disk? I don't want to fall or be without wifi and not being able to watch movies or tv shows.
Music has a download icon next to it, but that is not there for movies and tv shows. I have my itunes folder on my drobo, and want to keep it that way...
Just got a brand new MacBook Pro 15" a week ago with the standard specs. I have noticed whenever I'm playing a video that's bought or downloaded from iTunes, a pixel on the up-left corner of the screen starts flashing between blue and black like crazy, at first I thought it was a physical defect, but when I stop playing videos the stuck pixel disappears. I ran a number of test and confirmed it wasn't the screen's problem. All the firmwares are up to date by the way.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6.1 (7)
In itunes on my iMac, most, but not all, of my home videos and homemade slide shows have been saved in the TV shows directory rather than the movies directory. I've tried to move them to the movies directory in iTunes, but they won't be moved. How can I move them, and then have the moves reflected on my iPad?
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Is there a way to enable iPhoto '09 to show shutter speed, ISO, aperture, etc like the old one used to? I found this really useful. Now it just shows the date and a rating.
I don't want to use Aperture to manage my photo library because I only use Aperture for editing.
I am using plex, and I want to know where the FrontRow Movies and TV Shows images are. They are not in FrontRow's package contents. If anyone knows where these images are, or where to find them online.
I was wondering if there is a Movies/TV Shows Cover Art/Tagging Mac program similar to Tuneup for music? I already have the movies in my iTunes library but they don't have the proper tags or cover art. Its even more important for episodes, I don't want to have to go through every one and edit everything. Please let me know if there is a program to do the abovementioned just like tuneup.
I use Front Row most days to watch TV shows and movies. But some of my TV shows seem to be in the Movies section? And in the TV section some of the shows say Various. But in iTunes they are all perfectly categorized. How can this be fixed?
I'm constantly trying to update the artwork in iTunes with my own artwork, but I've noticed that with some songs, about a minute or two after I've updated the artwork, the old artwork pops back in its place.