Applications :: Transferring Data (Info) On ITunes While Preserving Play Count
Sep 19, 2010
I have been using iTunes (windows desktop) and recently got a new laptop (windows again). I was able to quickly transfer my music via a dvd-r and flash-drive, and also was able to export/import my playlist quite easily. My question, now, is how can I preserve the play count and transfer it over? To clarify, what is the simplest way to transfer that info over, without having to download third party programs, etc. I am using iTunes 10 on both computers.
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Sep 22, 2009
So here's my conundrum: I use the play/skip count as variables in several smart playlists, and I've been closely monitoring it for around 4 years. I just got the new Beatles remixed albums, and I want to insert them into my iTunes but keep the meta data of the old versions of the song
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Sep 12, 2010
I'm looking to find a way to change the play count for a track in iTunes other than manually skipping the song to the last second each time. Since I'm sure someone will want to know why, well, I have an 88 play count for a U2 song that was in 128kb but I just bought a newer version at 256 and want to replace the old one. I'd like to keep the 88 plays and apply it to the new, higher quality track and delete the old version. It would be tedious skip to the last second, then repeat, 88 times. I've done it this way for up to 20 plays but this is too much.
Since it apparently can't be done by using the mouse and doing it inside the program, from what I can tell, does anyone know any sort of workaround that could get this accomplished?
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Mar 22, 2009
If I have two albums with the same song on them and I usually play it from one album, is there any way that I can make iTunes count both as played?
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Jan 5, 2010
I've just set up my new uMBP (I know, I should have waited for the new chips, but hey - I got impatient!) I have moved my itunes media to the new machine but it is lacking all ratings, the original 'date added' as well as play counts. In fact, I have left all the old metadata behind, but these are the only three parts I'd like back. What I'd like to know is if there is a utility or mini app that can extract this kind of data from my old library file and add it to my new one.
I would have just moved the original library file but I have done that since iTunes 1 and the library file has become a bit messed up. I am rather enjoying my shiny new library file - I just want my ratings, 'date added' and play count metadata injected back in!
I love the playlist trick for the ratings but this is no good for 'date added' or play count obviously.
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Mar 27, 2012
I am seeing last played as accurate but play counts are either not registering at all or they are registering and then disappearing at a later date.
Should I disable iTunes Match? I like having my playcounts!!
iOS 5.1
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May 6, 2010
I'm replacing my HD on Saturday and it would be awesome if I could somehow save my play count.
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Dec 31, 2010
Reformatting my iMac. Is there a way to save the play count of my songs on iTunes?
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Feb 27, 2010
I wanted to reinstall Snow Leopard and clean out of any programs I'd installed, but I would like to preserve my data, rather than moving it back from somewhere. This can be messy.
Example: mail files are stored at places now usually visible, firefox / thunderbird files are the same.
Anyway I can do such simple re-installation?
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Jun 1, 2014
I've just purchase a new iphone 5s. I went to backup old info off my computer (Macbook Pro), onto the iphone and loss recent text messages.
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Jan 4, 2010
I've been using an old G4 iLamp model for years, and it's been wonderful. Today it wouldn't start up, and the repair guys told me that the power supply and logic board were shot. Doing the quick math, the cost of repair got me more than halfway to a much better machine, so I'll probably get a new iMac.
When I do, how do I get my information from the backup drive (LaCie using Quicksilver that backs up everything every night) onto the new machine? What about all of the software that is registered to the old machine serial #? Do I have to reregister it all? Is it as simple as plugging the backup drive up to the new machine and dragging and dropping literally everything on it onto the new hard drive?
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Feb 25, 2009
Is there a way to enable iPhoto '09 to show shutter speed, ISO, aperture, etc like the old one used to? I found this really useful. Now it just shows the date and a rating.
I don't want to use Aperture to manage my photo library because I only use Aperture for editing.
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May 6, 2009
I have about 16,000 songs but no idea how many artists, any way of viewing this?
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Oct 15, 2009
I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro to Snow Leopard, but the computer has some hardware problems and I need to send it in for repair (it won't wake up or boot). It is entirely backed up with Time Machine, and I would like to transfer the calendar and contact data from it to my PowerBook that is running OS X 10.4.
I managed to export an icbu file (iCal) and abbu (Address Book) file from the MBP, but when I try to add them to the PB's iCal and Address Book, I get an error message. The raw data in the Library folder seem to be in a different format as well. Is there any other way to transfer the data?
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Mar 16, 2009
In iTunes, if I go to List View with the Browser, it shows a different number of albums than it does if I go to Grid View.
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Dec 2, 2014
When I burn a data disk, my JVC auto stereo does not recognize all the songs. For example, say I burn a data disk with 80 songs.Sometimes the JVC will recognize the entire 80, but other times it's 16, 44, 51, or any number of the 80. Different playlist, different number. This is consistent...if it recognizes 18 songs on the first play, it stays at 18...that part isn't random. What's random is the # of songs recognized. I've tried different brands of CDs, and the JVC will recognize the same number of a particular playlist, regardless of brand. All songs on these CDs play fine on my buddy's car player.
iPhone 3G
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Apr 7, 2012
We just bought a new iMac from the Apple Store online. We'd like to transfer as many things as possible from one Mac to the new one. I've heard FireWire can do this (programs also?). The older iMac is a G5 and I also have a newer MacBook.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Main syncing computer is MacBook
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Oct 15, 2010
I have a few questions about hard drive formatting and transferring. I currently have an imac i7 running snow leopard. I want to set up a workflow for archiving my personal files as well as client files. I do a lot of video work and I really like to save my stuff. I currently have a raw 1tb 7200rpm samsung running with a harddrive thermaltake reader. I would like to use the samsung 1 tb as an archiving disk. I have looked into drobo and those nice arrays, but I cannot afford it currently. What format should I format the 1tb? I want it as safe as can be. I plan to just store things. So I assume it will only need to be mac accessible, since I understand fat 32 only allows 4 gb transfers.
Should I format my storage drive to Mac os extended (journaled)? And that leads me to my second question. Natively I had already copied a bunch of my stuff to the 1tb harddrive when I first got it because my pc laptop was dying. So it is now a Fat format with stuff on it. I let the harddrive copy onto my desktop overnight in preparation of reformatting the drive. I hit get info on the folder on my desktop and compare to get info of the drive itself. There is about a 3 gb discrepancy between the folders. Where did the 3 gb go? And why? And HOW should I transfer files to make sure ALL of the documents are transferred?
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Apr 20, 2012
Just had to have the HD replaced on a 2 week old MacBookPro. In transferring information from my TimeMachine Backup to the computer, it has stalled while transferring files to support applications. Stalled for hours. How do I abort?
MacBook Pro
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Apr 7, 2009
Brand new convert to Mac here: After receiving an iPod Touch from my boss when he upgraded to an iPhone, I have fallen in love with the Mac hardware and OS. I just got a new macbook and would like to transfer my iTunes from my old PC laptop. I am also a neophyte to iTunes so forgive me if there is a very simplistic answer to this issue.
The physical music is located on my external drive connected to the PC with the iTunes original music locations pointed to it . My specific question is, if I backup iTunes, restore to the Mac, plug in the external drive to the Mac, will it work seamlessly? I'm not sure if the existing iTunes music locations will re-synch since the music locations on the laptop iTunes are mapped to the "G:" drive. If it won't work that way, what do you recommend as the best way to go about it? I want to make sure I don't waste as much time as when I initially set up my iTunes/iPod touch (simply stuck in "PC" mindset).
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Apr 14, 2012
I purchased a new MacBook Pro 17" with OS X Lion (10.7.2) preinstalled back in January of this year (2012). I migrated my user accounts from my old MacBook Pro 15" (2008) running OS X Snow Leopard. Almost right away I started having issues of all sorts, including Admin accounts that wouldn't allow me admin priveledges, hidden user groups, apps that wouldn't run, multiple obscure error messages and a host of other issues. After scouring forums like this one I used Disk Utility and not only discovered innumerable permission errors but also disk errors like these:
Invalid volume file count
(It should be 1656658 instead of 1656636)
Invalid volume directory count
(It should be 345764 instead of 345743)
Invalid volume free block count
And now, this morning, after a month or two of all that... and after installing the Java Security Upgrade last night, I can't get into my accounts at all. On first boot-up it hung for 20 minutes before I shut it down. After running Disk Utility from Recovery Drive and repairing the drive I rebooted and got the log-in screen. I clicked on my user icon, typed the correct password, was shown they white/grey screen for a few flickering seconds then was brought back to the log-in screen. I rebooted to the Recovery Disk, ran Disk Utility, saw all the same errors again, repaired the disk, rebooted and got the same problems with logging in again.
I've repeated this cycle five times today, as both a normal boot-up and in "Safe Mode" all with the same results. I've repaired the disk using Disk Utility from Recovery Disk as well as accessing the disk in Target Mode, and always there are the same errors needing to be repaired.
I don't buy that I'm dealing with a hardware issue. My antivirus and security software are all up-to-date. What the heck is going on? Why do I keep having these disk problems? Why can't I access my accounts anymore? Why does it keep hanging during boot-up? Why am I about to throw the machine out my bedroom window?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 17" (early 2012), Lion
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May 1, 2012
My wife's macbook pro started shutting down by itself randomly, so i performed Disk Utility Verify Disk and found these errors: Invalid volume file count(It should be 800651 instead of 800653)Invalid volume directory count(It should be 191005 instead of 191003)The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired. Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed. As i do not have the Mac OS Leopard disks physically with me, I target-disk started her mac on my mac, and use my mac to run Disk Utility on her hard-disk, and repaired the disk without problems.
However, this is the 3rd or 4th time this has happened. After the 1st time, i figured something is causing it, so i checked this forum, and found that for some, the Blackberry Messenger app causes programs, so i promptly uninstalled it fully (including associated system files) and this problem didnt come back for a while. Or could this be a sign the hard disk is physically failing soon? It is out of warranty now. We have regular Time-machine backups. We are actually kinda waiting out until the new line of macbook pro's come out..
Laptop stats: MacBook Pro 15"
2.4 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo
HDD: 250GB
Graphics: NVDIA GeForce 9400M VRAM 256MB
OS: Mac OS Leopard
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Sep 28, 2010
I have a large collection of ripped (TV-on-DVD that i own) mp4s. I want to add these to my iTunes library (space is a non-issue). I import them by adding them to the "automatically add to iTunes" folder. iTunes auto-magically adds them to the "Movies" section. At this point i can group-select, hit cmd-I, and change them to TV Shows. Easy! The only other piece of meta-data I would like to add is the episode number. Is there a quick way to do this? Or do i have to hit cmd-I, add episode #, hit OK button, select next episode, repeat....?
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Feb 14, 2009
I have just had occasion to restore the disc containing my XP operating system (yes, I am a PC person too). iTunes Library is stored on a big FireWire box, and was not restored.
The date of my last XP backup was 19/1/09, and iTunes Library knew of nothing I had done since that date, in other words, the song tracks are kept in the iTunes directory, but the library clearly isn't. This is really strange. All the tracks I had added were there in the iTunes library physical directories, but their importing into the library had disappeared. As had some Smart Playlists.
So where is the library actually stored? I note that there are some odds and ends of unrecognizable stuff along with the executable in the XP Programs... directory, presumably this stuff includes the library?
Just to clarify. The executable is on my C drive in the default location, and the iTunes library is on H:iTunes.
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Feb 24, 2009
I was exchanging music with a friend who has the Zune software on his computer.And there was one thing that I would really like that his software had, and that was the Find Album Info.
This was able to simply find album artwork, track names and other details for the music.So my question is, is there any additional software for iTunes that does something like this?
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Nov 9, 2009
I found a lot of sites telling me what to do but not HOW to do it. I need to change the artwork and info tags on my podcast page in itunes. How do I do these things if I created my podcast in iweb?
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Feb 8, 2010
I know *how* to do this, by going to "get info", and I have done it before. But, for some reason I *can't* actually do it anymore. When I select a group of songs to change info on, it acts like its going to work but then does nothing. When I select a single item, the get info tab is completely grayed out, nothing can be clicked on or changed. I have tried checking the song outside of iTunes to make sure it isn't read only or anything and I haven't found any issues with that. None of these should have any copy protection, they've all been ripped from cd or downloaded.
The only way I have been able to change anything so far is to convert the mp3 to AAC. I really don't want to have to convert the whole library. What is wrong with this?? How do I fix it?
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Sep 15, 2009
Looks like I'm going to have to use a work supplied PC for my next contract. There's no way around it. How do I go about transferring my iTunes library (40GB music, 100GB movies) onto the new machine?
I don't have a large iPod so ipod.itunes is out.
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Aug 2, 2004
I'm looking to buy a powerbook, and I'm wondering if there is some easy way to transfer all my existing music files, as well as my playlists, ratings, etc.. from my powermac (MDD) to my new machine. I'm guessing there must be some simple way to do it with an ethernet or firewire cable.
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Jan 26, 2009
Gonna be moving from my old mac onto a shiny new MacBook and while its easy enough to take over the contents of my iTunes and the iTunes Library file over to the new machine to preserve my play lists & play counts, I want to be able to take over the CD track name and information so if I put in a CD I had personally amended the information to, the information is still there as apposed to just connecting to the great music database in the sky and downloading the information like it does when I put in a fresh music CD for the first time. When I copied over the Library file to my new machine and put in a CD that had already been done it went ahead and connected to the database instead so obviously the CD information is not stored there. Anyone have any idea what file I should be looking at to copy over or is this going to be horribly difficult?
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