Applications :: Entire Music Library Is Stored In FLAC Format?
Oct 3, 2009
Pretty much my entire music library is stored in FLAC format, this is something that itunes does not support, so does anybody know of a program like itunes that will file and move around my FLAC files for me.At the moment I am playing them through VLC, but that isn't too practical.
I use iTunes a lot in a classroom environment. Usually I play most songs from playlists. But every now and then I need to move to a song quickly that is not in that current playlist. My habit is to enter the new song's title in the search bar, but that doesn't work because if I am currently playing a playlist, the search bar only searches that current play list. Then I have to select the total music library and search from that level.
is there a fast way to search the entire music library for a song while a playlist is currently selected in iTunes?
I am buying a new iMac and want to transfer my entire itunes library of music and video and my iphoto library. All this media is currently on 3 total external drives and I would like it all to live on one single external drive going forward.
The music library on my desktop itunes program has all my songs. But I just want some of those songs -- which are contained in a itunes playlist I created -- to be loaded onto my iphone. How can I load only a particular set of songs, or a playlist of songs, onto my phone and not my entire music library?
I just purchased my 2.66 15" uMBP today and it's been a few months since I've owned a Mac and I forgot all of the old applications I had on it. I've currently downloaded Firefox and VLC but are there other apps that you can't simply do without? Also, is there a Mac application that can play FLAC music files?
I have just had occasion to restore the disc containing my XP operating system (yes, I am a PC person too). iTunes Library is stored on a big FireWire box, and was not restored.
The date of my last XP backup was 19/1/09, and iTunes Library knew of nothing I had done since that date, in other words, the song tracks are kept in the iTunes directory, but the library clearly isn't. This is really strange. All the tracks I had added were there in the iTunes library physical directories, but their importing into the library had disappeared. As had some Smart Playlists.
So where is the library actually stored? I note that there are some odds and ends of unrecognizable stuff along with the executable in the XP Programs... directory, presumably this stuff includes the library?
Just to clarify. The executable is on my C drive in the default location, and the iTunes library is on H:iTunes.
I have been using a mac for about a year and overall am happy with it. When using a PC in the past, I would organize my pictures in file folders by year and then by month. My husband backs up our pictures on an external hard drive (I don't use time machine) and we're finding the way iPhoto stores the pictures to be "messy" since it does it according to import date rather than file date.
I know that if I go to the original file in my library and move stuff around (in order to "clean it up") that iPhoto cannot find the pictures anymore and takes me to where it originally was. I did a test run on about 3 pictures.
Is there a way to change the way iPhoto organizes the actual files? Or am I going to just have to clean the folders up once they are on the external hard drive?
Can anyone explain to me how transfer an entire itunes library from one mac to another(including album covers), I want to avoid duplicate tracks and also want to be able to sift out some crap after, if i just delete a track will it actually be gone or will it still be hanging around in the hard drive somewhere?
Was editing a photo in iPhoto just a few minutes ago and BOOM, I get the "you must restart your computer by holding down the button" prompt and the screen is locked. So I hold it down and restart. Open back up iPhoto after restart and it's like I'm starting it for the first time. It shows ZERO photos. What happened!?!?!
I seek my photos from an external hard drive and the file is still there so how do I reimport them into iPhoto and why did this happen?
I have the Mini iPhoto Library icon which is 70 gigs in size, which has not only my photos in it, but also my preferences. How do I get iPhoto up and working again? Do I just have to tell iPhoto where to look for my library? If so, I forgot how to do this.
I have my iTunes library stored on an external hard drive when using with my MacBook. I've just bought a Mac Mini and want to copy the entire collection over to my Mini's hard drive, but using File > Library > Organise Library and Consolidate files doesn't appear to work. Most files are copied, but some, randomly, aren't. Most of my purchased songs don't get copied either. What's the best way to ensure all of my music files are copied over to my HD so I can copy to my Mini?
I accidentally deleted my entire iTunes library. What happened was that I intended to delete all the songs from just one artist but for some reason, my iTunes deleted everything in my library which I have collected over the past 6 years. It gets worse because:
1 - I can't get my files back from my iPod because it died about a year ago 2 - I agreed to move all files to my recycle bin (at that point I had no idea I was deleting my entire library) and when I went to check the bin, none of the files were there 3 - I attempted a system restore but all it did was to return my folders with no files in them 4 - I tried to use a couple of undelete files software but none of them found the deleted files.
Watch out in Time Machine after you install and upgrade your iPhoto '09 library. My Time Machine just did a fresh backup of it....all 40GB of it! Basically it gave me the same Node require deep traversal on just the iPhoto I'm guessing it had something to do with the upgrade.
I?m new to the music world but would like to start learning and I would like to start asking two questions. I would like to start converting all my music (my CDs) to .AAC or MP3 files and would like to know what would be the best way to do this.
What would be a good program to convert my music from CDs to .AAC or MP3 format in a Mac? Does itunes converts standard music format (from a cd) to .AAC by default?
I just bought an iMac. It is unable to recognize photos stored on my old pc in jpeg format. When I try to e mail them, the iMac simply shows a blank page, and when I try to import them from a thumb drive the iMac doesn't even see them on the drive.
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
I know variations of this question has been asked a billion times but I would just like to get a simple answer if someone could help out. Im thinking of purchasing my first mac (air) and I would like to use the SD card slot to store my music.
If I store the music on the SD card, can itunes (or whatever other music playing program) play this music? Does read/write speed make a big difference just to play the music?
I want to take all my cd's (yes, I still by cd's) and recopy them to my computer. I could wipe out my current iTunes library and start fresh, by I don't have enough ambition to copy over 600 cd's in one day; more likely it will take a few weeks. I would like to be able to set up a new folder and once I get them all copied, delete my current library and switch to the new library. The reason I want to take this approach is that I don't want to lose the ability to sync my iPod Touch until I got everything recopied.
I'm trying to figure out someway to back up my music, stored on my ubuntu box, to my time machine drive. I can connect either as an afp share or a samba share.
Had everything conolsodated on an external drive which crashed. I have it stored on another system so I can easily get a new drive and put it on there. My questions are: I have around 200gbs of music, the extensions or whatnot are on the iMac drive, but the bulk of the music itself was on the crashed drive. I'd like to clean up the huge selection of songs when I copy to the new drive. So say I copy half of it to the new drive...obviously all the extra extensions and whatnot will still be on the iTunes on iMac.
Is there an easy way around this, meaning to get all the extra/old itunes extensions out of iTunes without wiping iTunes completely? Or will I have to manually delete all unwanted extensions and so forth? Also, maybe 100 sings were purchased through the iTunes Store (the rest was from years of CD collecting), those were on the crashed drive as well. I think I can, but want to double I able to redownloaded those directly from the iTunes store? All software and such are up to date running Snow Leopard.
So I recently just got my MacBook Pro in mail yesterday. The first thing I wanted to do was to transfer my itunes music/library from my PC to my new Mac so that I kept all my playlists and count numbers and etc. I watch the video on youtube ( of david kadavy showing how to do it but however he does it from one mac to another.
I have a PC and I did everything he did correctly. When I tried to import my library.xml file it said "not all files were able to be transferred because they may not exist". So can anybody help me transfer my library from my PC to my Mac? BTW both of my iTunes on my PC and Mac were up to date.
I wanted to know how do i back up my mp3's from itunes library, I currently have 12.83 GB worth of songs. Do I use a external hd or is a flash drive good enough? Just in case when the world ends in 2012 and all the computers fail ill still have my music with me
Got my iTunes Library reading from an external USB drive. Nothing has changed in months. Though just recently, for 90% of my songs - iTunes can't locate them. I checked the directory where they've always been and they're still there. External drive is alive and kicking, connected to my Macbook. This sucks because I've got a gajillion playlists. And my iPhone and iPad will no longer sync these playlists. I'd really hate to manually have to re-do all of my playlists again.
Is there a way I can make a playlist of songs that are only in the playlist and cant be found in the music library? In other words an independent playlist with songs not from the library.
I need to convert some lossless .flac files to .MP3 for use in iTunes. The .flac files are of lossless quality obviously and well over 1,000 kbps.
I've searched around and read that XLD is the best app for this. Great!
But, when I use it, the output file is a .wav (I want .MP3, how do I do this) and still encoded at well over 1,000 kbps. How do I make it like 256 kbps and .MP3?
iTunes is automatically putting my music videos inside of the movies library and I would prefer to have it in my music library. I've tried a few things with no luck. Does anyone know how to do this?
My problem is this: A few weeks ago, the (not over-worked at all) HD of my two and a half year old MBP crashed completely. Fortunately, I have Applecare, so the HD was replaced without any difficulty and free of charge, and returned reasonably rapidly. However, all of my data, and perhaps equally upsetting, my entire iTunes collection (not far off 6,000 songs) has also vanished into the ether of cyberspace. (Did I have anything backed up? Um, no. Second moral of the story: Back-ups are Good).
Anyway, I have the entire music collection on two iPods, a classic (80GB) and a iTouch (64GB). My problem is how to restore this collection to iTunes, as syncing either of them at present may result in the further obliteration of the music collection. So, fellow denizens of MR, advise me please: What is the best way to attempt to restore - from an iPod to iTunes - a prized music collection? Senuti has been mentioned; is it recommended, and what does it entail? It was also suggested to me that I use the Classic for this attempted restoration, rather than the Touch.
I have a very particular issue that I am trying to find the best way to manage through. I have two computers. An iMac connected wirelessly and a Hackintosh connected wired. The Hackintosh is my hometheater PC connected to my TV. My iMac is in the bedroom and is home to all my pictures and music and other stuff we share as a family. After getting my AppleTV2, I converted all my movies and tvshows to Mv4, which are all stored on a separate media server in the closet. The iTunes on the hackintosh "houses" all the video media where I have imported all the video media on the media server but the links are all pointing to the media server - iTunes is not set to copy the media when imported. It allows me to access all of the video media on the appleTV2.
In the ATV2, to access the music and photos, the family has to switch from using the Hackintosh and choose the iMac computer. This is not ideal. The preferable option would be to have one iTunes library to manage all the media so you do not have to back out of one computer into the other. However, I have not found a good way to share just the music portion of my iTunes library from the iMac to the Hackintosh. I do not want the bedroom imac to manage all the media since its not always on and its wireless which creates hiccups on the high def video files. I first tried mounting the iMac iTunes music folder on the network, importing the music into the Hackintosh (creating links back to imac iTunes music folder).
This works but the problem is keeping it up to date after the initial import. I use Hazel and creating a script to basically watch the music folder for newly added or modified files and import those into iTunes. The problem is if I imoprt an updated file that already exists in the Library it creates a duplicate. Same problem if the music is stored on a NAS. I have tried the trick of moving everything to the server and sharing the iTunes ITL files but this does not allow you to have both iTunes libraries open at the same time. I haven't seen anyone who has this particular issue where they want to keep a "portion" of their iTunes libraries in sync.