I found a lot of sites telling me what to do but not HOW to do it. I need to change the artwork and info tags on my podcast page in itunes. How do I do these things if I created my podcast in iweb?
I'm trying to get rid of an offending "TipsSmart" (no spaces, I hate that) in the title. I can bring up the info window, and I can change the Album name, which does in fact change the name of the relevant directory in the iTunes library. Unfortunately, when I go back to look at my iTunes subscriptions the name of the podcast doesn't change. In fact, the name of the podcast is comprised of text that's not contained in any file in my iTunes library. I can't figure out where it gets the name so I can edit it.
Just recently out of the blue I noticed that some of the songs in my library were not in the correct order as they appear on the album. I went under "Get Info" to make sure that the track listing was correct (i.e. Track 2 of 10) and everything was correct, yet it still showed up in the wrong order. I even re-typed everything hoping it would reset but it did not. It appears to be only on albums that I purchased through iTunes (and yes, each song was purchased at the same time).
Ok, so I have been a life long pc user who recently bought one of the new unibody mbps. On my old pc I had a large collection of .mp3 files that i moved over to my mac. My problem is that on the pc I could easily edit all of the information by right clicking and going to properties. On my mbp I right click on the file go to get info but it wont let me edit any of the stuff in the "more info" section, like the year recorded, comments, album, or title. Is there anyway to do this? I am really ocd about how my music is organized and like it all to be the same. (seeing unorganized ipods drives me crazy) I know you can do this in itunes but i want to do it on the actual files so it is changed permanently.
I have downloaded a podcast which the itunes store carries. It is an earlier episode than one available on itunes store.
It is in MP3 format. When I added it to library it appears in my "music" library, not the podcast directory.
I have even placed the file into the folder containing the podcasts downloaded from itunes and changed the "genre" setting to podcast but it will not appear in that list.
So I listen to a couple podcasts on the regular and the iTunes store is not updated, basically a day behind. Anyone having similar issues or heard about this at all? FYI the two podcasts are the BS Report by Bill Simmons from ESPN and the Dan Patrick show. Not the biggest deal as I can stream them directly from the podcast websites via safari, but of course I can't get them in my iPod/iPhone till I get home.
I transferred files from an old computer, incl some audio files. The files were just sitting in a normal folder (some time ago manually copied out of the iTunes Music folder on the old Mac) and named sth like "Song_x.mp3" where x is a running number. I selected all and dragged them onto iTunes on the new Mac (10.5.6). To my surprise some of them ended up in the Music folder, some in Podcasts. In fact all of them had originally been podcast downloads, but why does iTunes not recognize some of them as such? Or the other way around, what makes iTunes think that a certain file is a podcast?
There were no XML files or anything else with meta or subscription data among the files I copied, so the info must be stored in the MP3 files themselves. How? Special ID3 tags? Which ones? How can I edit them? Ultimately, I'd like to have all those files in the Podcasts folder under the same Podcast. I tried this nifty utility: http://dougscripts.com/itunes/script...readdaspodcast But it creates a new subfolder in Podcasts. What can I do to convince iTunes that those "music" files should really go into the same Podcast folder with the rest of them?
I upgraded to iTunes 9 and then downloaded some new podcasts. ITunes is putting each new podcast episode into a new group in the thumbnail view. In Finder, all the episodes still remain under one folder though.
When i'm listening to music on my Mac Pro I 'randomly' get the message:'to access this podcast, you need to log into'Like i say this is when i'm listening to music and not trying to open a podcast. It happens randomly (about every half hour or so) and is usually in the middle of a song. It never happens when a song's starting and i've never been denied access to any songs (or podcasts for that matter).I've also got the same music collection on my MacbookPro and don't have this problem there.I put '' into my browser and came to LBC Podcasts site. I believe i've never downloaded any LBC podcasts and searched their podcasts list to make sure.
I've had this problem for a few years now, my macbook pro recently not booting up, being the reason for me playing music on the mac pro more, hence needing this problem sorting. This problem has persited over many itunes and os updates. For the record i'm using itunes 10 and OS X version 10.6.4Apologies if this problem has been covered here before. I searched the forums and on google and couldn't find an answer.
Ever since iTunes 7.7 and iPhone 2.0, podcasts aren't syncing properly. I have mine set so only those that's never been listened to before gets synced to the iPhone. Since the updates, this sync has been inconsistent. Sometimes, it behaves as expected, but other times, podcasts that I've listened to on the iPhone retains the blue dot on iTunes after a sync. Thus, the podcast is also labeled "new" again on the iPhone after the sync. Not sure if iTunes 7.7 or the iPhone 2.0 update caused this since they both came out around the same time. iTunes 7.7.1 is installed and still the same inconsistent behavior. Anyone with non touch iPods seeing this? Trying to figure out if it's an iPhone/touch issue or an iTunes issue.
I have some video lectures that I would to put into my podcast folder without uploading them. Is there anyway? I want to be able to take advantage of the new ability to plsy at 2x speed
I'm having a problem with iTunes trying to sync stuff that is no longer in my library. I can get it to stop warning me by clicking the "Don't warn me again" box, but I'd like to figure out the problem, so I can make it stop happening. Recently, when I updated my iPhone to 3.0, that resets all the warnings on the phone. Which is fine. But then, the first time I go to sync, I get this. Yes iTunes, I know you can't find that file. I don't even subscribe to that podcast AT ALL any more.
Now, I can simply check that box, and it will stop warning me about this. But, I'd like to figure out the root of the problem, so I can have this stop happening. It does this for 2-3 podcasts, and a small handful of songs. I would just like to know how to clean this crap out of my library, so it can stop thinking that stuff is there, when it really isn't.
The first fourteen episode of a podcast I subscribe to (Sundays Supplement, yay!) are only available via download from the website. I want them to appear in my Podcasts library.
In my iTunes folder there's a path ~/iTunes/iTunes Music/Podcasts/Sundays Supplement
Containing all the subscribed shows.
So, I d/led all the .mp3s to this folder. No joy. Restart iTunes. No joy.
I have a issue with iTunes 9: basically every time I download a new episode of a podcast it creates a new folder instead adding the episode to the existing one.
basically the bug makes it where the playback position (where you are in a podcast) is not synced correctly between iTunes and your device (iPhone 4 in my case).
Scenario 1: Download a new podcast episode on your Mac/iTunes. Listen to 20 minutes. Sync to iPhone. When you listen to it on your iPhone, it starts at the beginning...not 20 minutes in like it should.
Scenario 2: Download a new podcast episode on your Mac/iTunes. Sync to iPhone. When you listen to it on your iPhone for the first time, it starts randomly somewhere in the middle...not at the start like it should.
This bug didn't exist with iTunes 9. The bug appeared in iTunes 10 and still exists as of version 10.1.1 that was released a couple of days ago.
Any ideas on how to get movement on this from Apple? Already reported it as a bug online as well as posted in the thread on the discussion forum. This bug is PAINFUL for heavy podcast listeners.
I have a large collection of ripped (TV-on-DVD that i own) mp4s. I want to add these to my iTunes library (space is a non-issue). I import them by adding them to the "automatically add to iTunes" folder. iTunes auto-magically adds them to the "Movies" section. At this point i can group-select, hit cmd-I, and change them to TV Shows. Easy! The only other piece of meta-data I would like to add is the episode number. Is there a quick way to do this? Or do i have to hit cmd-I, add episode #, hit OK button, select next episode, repeat....?
I have just had occasion to restore the disc containing my XP operating system (yes, I am a PC person too). iTunes Library is stored on a big FireWire box, and was not restored.
The date of my last XP backup was 19/1/09, and iTunes Library knew of nothing I had done since that date, in other words, the song tracks are kept in the iTunes directory, but the library clearly isn't. This is really strange. All the tracks I had added were there in the iTunes library physical directories, but their importing into the library had disappeared. As had some Smart Playlists.
So where is the library actually stored? I note that there are some odds and ends of unrecognizable stuff along with the executable in the XP Programs... directory, presumably this stuff includes the library?
Just to clarify. The executable is on my C drive in the default location, and the iTunes library is on H:iTunes.
I was exchanging music with a friend who has the Zune software on his computer.And there was one thing that I would really like that his software had, and that was the Find Album Info.
This was able to simply find album artwork, track names and other details for the music.So my question is, is there any additional software for iTunes that does something like this?
I know *how* to do this, by going to "get info", and I have done it before. But, for some reason I *can't* actually do it anymore. When I select a group of songs to change info on, it acts like its going to work but then does nothing. When I select a single item, the get info tab is completely grayed out, nothing can be clicked on or changed. I have tried checking the song outside of iTunes to make sure it isn't read only or anything and I haven't found any issues with that. None of these should have any copy protection, they've all been ripped from cd or downloaded.
The only way I have been able to change anything so far is to convert the mp3 to AAC. I really don't want to have to convert the whole library. What is wrong with this?? How do I fix it?
I have a good number of songs (and will continue to have) that I love, but they have just 1 or 2 swear words. That just ruins the whole song for me. I would really like to know (as well as friends who have asked me) where or IF I can get a music editing application for my mac so that I can edit iTunes songs. I just simply want to make it so that there is the classic *beep* sound instead of the swear word, or even just mute the vocal while the sole beat of the music is still going on (like how the radio stations do it).
Gonna be moving from my old mac onto a shiny new MacBook and while its easy enough to take over the contents of my iTunes and the iTunes Library file over to the new machine to preserve my play lists & play counts, I want to be able to take over the CD track name and information so if I put in a CD I had personally amended the information to, the information is still there as apposed to just connecting to the great music database in the sky and downloading the information like it does when I put in a fresh music CD for the first time. When I copied over the Library file to my new machine and put in a CD that had already been done it went ahead and connected to the database instead so obviously the CD information is not stored there. Anyone have any idea what file I should be looking at to copy over or is this going to be horribly difficult?
on iTunes a LOT of my music doesn't have its album info. is there something i can do that will make all my songs sorted into the right albums? Also any help on a quick way to get Album art would be appreciated.
I have been using the album art player thing in the new ITunes and now the album art unknown is really starting to get to me. I have a lot of old music I have been collecting over the years and a lot of the data was either not there or for whatever reason is not there. I am looking for a program to do either an audio scan or something to find all my album art work and information that itunes displays. I have used the ITunes find album artwork but some songs done have the album listed. What do I do from here. I am not going through 4k songs to get them all manually.
I'm looking for a (semi)-automatic way to retrieve genre and style information from Allmusic or Discogs and store it in iTunes Genre and Comments fields. Does anyone here knows a good way of doing this?
So like many people I have (had) a very unorganized iTunes folder. I decided it was time to basically put all my files in the same format and add a bunch of the missing information to the files, most notably the artist name. I have always saved my files in the following format: Artist name - song name .mp3. then I would just add the files into itunes and of course it would not add any info into the artist field for those songs. Through windows explorer, I added artist names to all of my files and changed some of the file names but how do I go about updating iTunes to reflect these changes?
Application: Music Brainz Picard This video explains how to use it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9skkLyGSs6k MusicBrainz Picard Download for Mac: ftp://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicb...icard%20UB.dmg MusicBrainz Picard Download for PC: ftp://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicb...tup-0.12.1.exe
I have been using iTunes (windows desktop) and recently got a new laptop (windows again). I was able to quickly transfer my music via a dvd-r and flash-drive, and also was able to export/import my playlist quite easily. My question, now, is how can I preserve the play count and transfer it over? To clarify, what is the simplest way to transfer that info over, without having to download third party programs, etc. I am using iTunes 10 on both computers.
In trying to set up shared music among the users of my computer I think I deleted the original file info, even though there was a music folder showing folders for the individual artists in my library. These however now appear to be empty. I have the music listed in iTunes but when I try to open a song I get a window with the following message, "The song "...." could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?" But no luck locating the files. The guy at the Apple Genius Bar said I could retrieve the music but refused to tell me how because it is supposedly illegal. I don't know why it is illegal because the tunes were purchased. But he did tell me to google the problem and I have come up empty handed.