Software :: ITunes Library Filled Entire Imac - How To Use Itunes So That It Uses Library On External Drive?
Oct 22, 2009
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
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Jun 13, 2012
How can I move my entire itunes library from my macbook pro harddrive to an external Hard Drive?
I know apple products are simple, but sometimes I need the simplicity demonstrated to me.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), moving files
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Dec 31, 2009
I have an iMac that is rapidly filling up. I would like to move my iTunes and iPhoto library to my external harddrive (I currently use for Time Machine). Is this possible or even adviseable? If I were to do this, what would I need to do. Is it as simple as moving the folders that hold these files on to the external. Would the programs find them.
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Nov 22, 2010
I transferred all my itunes library to an external hard drive.I had all my songs in itunes and then went to "preferences" and set itunes to look on my external hard drive for my itunes. Then I went to "library" and then "consolidate", and it moved all my library over to my external. I can verify that my songs are all there on my externalHowever, now, itunes won't play any songs of mine. I double click on the song in itunes and it just wont play. There's no error message, there's no exclamation point, it just won't play. Any idea what is goign on? Preferences still shows that my library is directing to the external
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Jun 2, 2010
I'm running out of space on my harddrive and am wondering. Is there a way to move some of my library to an external harddrive? Like TV shows and movies that I don't need to access all the time. I don't want to delete anything. I don't want to carry around a harddrive all the time.
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Aug 26, 2014
I'm having a problem with adding files to iTunes. When I try to add a file to my iTunes library, it will not let me go into the folder to select individual files. It tries to add the enter folder. For example, I have all my music on an external drive. When I click "Add to Library" it brings up the hard dive. When I try to click the hard drive, it does not show me any other folders. It just tries to add the entire drive. I've moved a folder of one musical artist to my desktop, but it does the same thing. Tries to add the entire folder. It won't let me delve deeper and select albums or individual songs.
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Jun 20, 2008
Can anyone explain to me how transfer an entire itunes library from one mac to another(including album covers), I want to avoid duplicate tracks and also want to be able to sift out some crap after, if i just delete a track will it actually be gone or will it still be hanging around in the hard drive somewhere?
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Jul 1, 2010
I have my iTunes library stored on an external hard drive when using with my MacBook. I've just bought a Mac Mini and want to copy the entire collection over to my Mini's hard drive, but using File > Library > Organise Library and Consolidate files doesn't appear to work. Most files are copied, but some, randomly, aren't. Most of my purchased songs don't get copied either. What's the best way to ensure all of my music files are copied over to my HD so I can copy to my Mini?
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Mar 31, 2012
I've moved my iTunes Library to an external drive, but they are not categorized like before and I'm unable to play the entire library, just by artist only.
Info:iPodclassic, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 6, 2010
I have a Mac Mini connected to a Lacie external HD that houses all of my iTunes library. I've just bought a new iMac to replace the Mini and want to keep the iTunes library on the external, just point the new machine's iTunes to the existing library on the external.
How best to do that? I don't want to restore from TM because I want to start fresh from this Mac and there really isn't a lot to keep other than the iTunes (most of it is on the external). If I point to an existing location, I don't need to Consolidate, do I? Any risk of losing the library? Do I need to unlink the library on the existing Mac?
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Mar 11, 2012
What is the best way to transfer the iTunes library from the internal drive to an external drive and use it soley from the external drive?
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Apr 27, 2012
my itunes library is on an external hard-drive. I have another external harddrive that is portable and I'd like to have this one to travel with and be able to update it from the main library on the other ext. hd. Right now I have just copied over the entire library of music - no itunes involved - but I realized that this doesn't work for me as I want to be able to update that music file with the newer stuff found on my other main ext. hd.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), external harddrive
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May 16, 2012
I have an older Mini with about 600 gigs of losses files on an external drive. I have a new mini and I want to use the same drive. Can I somehow point the new mac to the same location?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 26, 2012
I have had a series of hard drive issues. My iTunes library is kept on an external drive. This is the second one that failed. I am unable to copy the files enmass from one drive to the other using the normal method for relocating an iTunes library (due to drive errors). However, I was able to do a folder-by-folder finder copy from the failed drive to the new external. Then, I went into iTunes preference and repointed the iTunes Media folder location to the new drive. I had the "keep organized" and "copy files to library" boxes checked. Then, iTunes wanted to update the files, which it did. However, all of my file paths in iTunes still point to the old, damaged hard drive. How do I get them to have the correct path to the new drive? I had this situation once in the past, but I cannot remember how I solved it.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.5 Ghz, 4GB Memory
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Jun 3, 2012
The mini mac is full and I want to be able to use the 2 tb drive as storage and time machine. How do I get the content onto the external drive and access it it and hoe does new content get downloaded and stored to the drive not the mac? Also can I have 1 drive playing storeage and back up or do I need a second?
Mac mini
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Jun 8, 2012
I need to move my iTunes library from one external disk to another, because the original disk is about to fail. So, I went into iTunes Perferences --> Advanced, and set the library to a new, empty folder on the new drive. Nothing changed. I expected all my music to vanish from iTunes, so that I would have to re-import it. However, all the music remained, still on the old disk. At this point, if I were to recreate the library on the new disk, I would have all of my music twice. Is it possible to move an iTunes library from one external drive to another, or am I stuck with my original choice until I buy a new machine? If I can move it, can one of you clever folks explain how it could be done?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 24, 2012
So, my iTunes library is getting too large for my computer's storage capacity. I'm thinking of moving some of my library to an external, USB hard drive. However, I've never done iTunes through an external hard drive before and I have some questions. Can I copy new discs (import) straight onto the external hard drive? Or do they need to go onto my computer first then get transferred to the hard drive?Can I still use iTunes Match and pull songs from the library on my hard drive and from the main computer?To partition a library between a computer and an external hard drive, do I need to activate sharing or anything special? Or will the computer/main iTunes library just consider the external drive to be a different location for some of the tracks?How would I backup the external hard drive? Would Time Machine (running off a separate hard drive) back up another external hard drive if they were both plugged in?Can you burn the entire library to data discs anymore? Or do you need to make a playlist of your entire library? If the latter, is there a way to turn off the message about iTunes in the Cloud playlists only accepting songs matched or uploaded? I have some songs that erroneously did not get matched or uploaded. If I try to put them in a playlist and burn it to a data disc for backup, iTunes won't do it.
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Sep 7, 2014
I cannot find where my library is on the hard drive in order to save it to an external drive
iPod classic
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Mar 1, 2012
I use iTunes a lot in a classroom environment. Usually I play most songs from playlists. But every now and then I need to move to a song quickly that is not in that current playlist. My habit is to enter the new song's title in the search bar, but that doesn't work because if I am currently playing a playlist, the search bar only searches that current play list. Then I have to select the total music library and search from that level.
is there a fast way to search the entire music library for a song while a playlist is currently selected in iTunes?
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 22, 2010
My search skills are seriously lacking here, as I cant find a guide to do what I want.I currently have a windows 7 pc and an iphone 3g plus ipod touch which sync via the windows 7 pc.I have a 27" imac arriving on tuesday and want to transfer the itunes library from the windows machine to the new imac.What is the easiest way to achieve this?
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Oct 9, 2009
I just recently purchased a 24" imac and I am having trouble transfering my itunes library files on my new imac? When its connected to the PC I can view and see the files on the external hard drive but when I connect the external hard drive to the imac and I try to add those files to the itunes library they are not visible to add?
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Sep 23, 2007
I accidentally deleted my entire iTunes library. What happened was that I intended to delete all the songs from just one artist but for some reason, my iTunes deleted everything in my library which I have collected over the past 6 years. It gets worse because:
1 - I can't get my files back from my iPod because it died about a year ago
2 - I agreed to move all files to my recycle bin (at that point I had no idea I was deleting my entire library) and when I went to check the bin, none of the files were there
3 - I attempted a system restore but all it did was to return my folders with no files in them
4 - I tried to use a couple of undelete files software but none of them found the deleted files.
I'm really desperate to get my files back.
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Mar 18, 2010
I was previously using windows vista and my iphone is synced on the vista. Now that ive got a new macbook, i want to transfer preferences, messages, settings, songs, pictures, contacts and jailbroken applications etc on my iphone 3G to the new macboook. i dont need to have play counts or ratings transferred. just hoping to be able to sync my iphone to the new macbook like it was able to with the vista with nothing lost. my contacts are not saved with outlook.
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Apr 29, 2012
I am on a Mac running iTunes 10.6.1.I need an easy way to scan the entire library looking for unconected tunes.I discovered three by accident and my guess is there are others.My library currently consists of almost 800 albums so there are possibly close to 5000 tunes, too many to check one by one.I saw references to Windows based tools but I couldn't find anything for the Mac. I am betting something is out there but I need a pointer.
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 5, 2012
I am buying a new iMac and want to transfer my entire itunes library of music and video and my iphoto library. All this media is currently on 3 total external drives and I would like it all to live on one single external drive going forward.
Info:iMac (USB 2.0), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 18, 2006
I want to copy my iTunes library from one external drive (currently connected to an iBook) to a 2nd external drive (connected to an eMac). The library is almost 60GB and so can not fit on either machine's hard drive.
The music currently plays through the iBook from the first external drive.
I want to be able to play the same music on the eMac (through the 2nd external drive).
Which is the best way to go about this?
Should I:
a) Connect the 1st external drive to the eMac and manually drag and drop the music from there to the 2nd external drive, or
b)Use Silverkeeper Basckup and do a backup of the Music folder in the 1st drive to the 2nd drive, after connecting the 1st to the eMac?
or is there not much difference in doing either? Or is there a more efficient option using iTunes?
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Nov 1, 2008
I just bought a MacBook Pro. I have my iTunes library on an external firewire HDD. I want to keep it there, but have iTunes on my new Mac access it. However, even though I have put the path to that drive in iTunes Preferences, the songs there don't show up in iTunes.
The new Mac is authorised, and I have bought a song on the iTunes store, which was saved to the external drive.
So what do I need to do? Do I get one of the library files copied over from the old machine (also a Mac)?
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Apr 13, 2009
I was able to do it on my pc. Is there anyway I can remove my music from my harddrive (Macbook) and place in my external hard drive. And everytime i open itunes it will grab the music from my external hard drive. Also my external hard drive is hooked up to my airport extreme.
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Jun 22, 2009
I want to get a mac but one thing that concerns me is my itunes. I have a massive library and if I get a mac I will need to copy the library to my external hard drive from my pc then copy it again to the mac. How could I do this without losing my playlists, rating etc? And also if you have all your photos in iPhoto can you access them without opening iPhoto? If you can how? Because I have played around on Macs in the Apple Store and couldn't see where they would be!
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Dec 12, 2009
so i followed all of the steps in this support article from apple.
now heres the twist that i need help with.
i recently bought a new imac and i had a 1TB external hard drive from before. all of my music and movies are already on the drive but i didnt have it with me when i first was using my imac so i setup a itunes library on my imac. so when i hit consolidate in itunes none of the music and movies that i had from before are showing up in my itunes.
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