Applications :: Multiple User Accounts On ITunes / Unable To Make Changes To Song Info
Feb 22, 2008
we have a macbook pro running Leopard. My wife and I have separate user accounts on the single laptop and keep the music in one central Public folder (both or our iTunes are pointed to this public folder). For some reason, my wife is unable to make any changes to song info (album art, change genre, etc.). However, she can play the music, update her Nano, import music, etc. The only thing she can't do is make changes to the song info. This isn't an issue with my account because I am the primary user account on the computer. We are both set up as Admin and I have assigned Read/Write privileges to all files. Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be? Tech support/program specialist has no idea.
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Sep 2, 2010
Select Shuffle Mode. Pause your music, or make sure nothing is playing, then go to Minimize view.
Now hit FFW or REV. What appears in the track info box? Nothing, right? iTunes doesn't show you what song it has shuffled to. It only works if you are playing, not in pause.
Surely this is wrong? Sometimes you want to select song before playing it, right? This works fine on my Ipod. Everyone else have this problem?
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May 30, 2010
I currently have itunes on two accounts set to access a library at /Users/shared/iTunes/. The problem is if iTunes is running on one account and I try to launch it on the other, it gives an error saying it doesn't have write access. It needs to stay running on one for my appletv. Is there a way to start it and have all accounts have access to it as a single process? Run it as root?
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Oct 13, 2009
I have my MBP (running SL) with two user accounts, mine and my fiance's. I watch movies on my ACD and would like to be able to just pick up my remote, open front row and select any movie, regardless of which account is actually signed in at the time.
Can I do this?
To be clear, we have separate accounts and separate iTunes libraries within our respective accounts, each containing some movies.
I've read several threads that say "turn on sharing in iTunes" so I did that, but it isn't working. I can see the content in iTunes itself, but nothing is showing up in Front Row. Does anyone know A) if this is possible and B) how to do it?
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Feb 8, 2010
I know *how* to do this, by going to "get info", and I have done it before. But, for some reason I *can't* actually do it anymore. When I select a group of songs to change info on, it acts like its going to work but then does nothing. When I select a single item, the get info tab is completely grayed out, nothing can be clicked on or changed. I have tried checking the song outside of iTunes to make sure it isn't read only or anything and I haven't found any issues with that. None of these should have any copy protection, they've all been ripped from cd or downloaded.
The only way I have been able to change anything so far is to convert the mp3 to AAC. I really don't want to have to convert the whole library. What is wrong with this?? How do I fix it?
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Sep 15, 2010
Im having trouble getting 2 exchange accounts working using osx`s Mail app. When I install one account, it works fine. When i install 2, they both stop working.
They will both send but not recieve mail. Both accounts are on the same Exchange 2007 server.
I find it strange that Mail under iOS 4 works better than under OSX (10.6.4)
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Jan 13, 2009
The situation is as follows:
Intel-based iMac running 10.5.6
iPhoto launches normally and without error in the main (original) user account.
When subsequent accounts are created and logged into, iPhoto is shown on the dock and finder with the generic app icon. When clicked, the icon bounces once, and nothing happens. All other iLife apps operate normally.
Once switched back to main user account, iPhoto icon shows normally in the dock/finder, and operates normally.
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Dec 26, 2010
I consolidated my iTunes library because some files were on an external and the rest on the computer and when I did this it made copys of most of the songs in my music folder. Also it didn't consolidate the whole library it still shows many songs on the external.
The actual iTunes library is right, just not all songs point to the computer hard drive.
I have about 100 gigs worth of duplicates that I have no idea how to delete besides doing them one by one.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
This is how my iTunes folder looks for most albums.
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Aug 22, 2010
When I went to BestBuy, the Apple section of the store had an iMac, that would announce the name of the song before it played. I asked the Apple rep there and he didn't know how it did that, he told me it came with the computer. How would I make iTunes do that?
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Feb 25, 2012
I have One Single External HHD for Time Machine. Will this Drive do time Machine Back ups for each user. The Time Machine Prefrences are kept at the factory set up, in other words nothing added + and nothing deleted - from time machine Scheme?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2011 imac i5, 16GB RAM
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Mar 11, 2012
I transferred my old mac to a new mac using migration assistant and it created another user account on the new machine. Is there a way to merge the two accounts into one on the new machine?
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Mar 10, 2012
I have four user accounts on the same iMac and I'd like to be able to view the files within each account. When I try access one of the other three accounts through Finder, the folders have red minus signs on them. If I try to open one, I get an error message about not have the right authorities. However, I've given all four user accounts administrator access.
Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 5, 2012
I need my mail to filter junk and apply rules even when other users are logged in. Does that mean I have to user fast user switching, or do the open apps not work when you switch users ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 2, 2010
My wife and I have been refrencing the same iTunes library from our individual user accounts in our shared folder on our unibody MacBook for over a year now. Why is it that when I add something to the library, either a purchase from the iTunes store or whatever, it doesn't show up in my wife's library automatically? It has to be added manually on her account.
Now, when she buys a song from iTunes, it downloads to her user account's iTunes music folder, not to the shared folder. Then if I want the song in my library, I have to manually add it. We're both using the same iTunes store user account. There HAS to be an easier way to do this. We both have the "keep iTunes library orginized" checked.
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Dec 7, 2009
I'm sure this is a ridiculously easy thing to do, and that I'm just being exceptionally stupid, but I've not been able to figure it out, and Google is as unhelpful as ever.
As a new PC to Mac convert, occasionally I stumble on something in OS X that baffles the heck out of me, and inevitably discover that it's typical ex-Windows stupidity on my part, and I'm hoping this is just another example of that. I'm looking for a means of changing song information (track number, album, year, genre, &c), without having to use iTunes. I hate iTunes at the best of times, and really don't relish the thought of being forced to use it every time I want to switch two letters of a mislabelled album title or re-number a track (I should also point out, my iTunes library is taken from an external harddrive for the sole purpose of putting that music on my iPod (the only reason why I use iTunes), whereas the songs I want to relabel are on my MBP's harddrive for the purpose of listening to from the computer itself, and are currently not in my iTunes library in any form, nor do I wish to put them there).
In Windows, you could just pull up the file information and change track number, album, year, &c &c &c from within Explorer... but when I try to do the same in OS X by hitting "more info" in Finder, there's no option to change any of the details I'm after. Is there a simple way of doing this that I'm just blindly missing by sheer stupidity, or does song information have to be edited through iTunes or not at all?
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Jan 4, 2010
I lent my old MacBook to my brother for awhile. I have it back now and iTunes is doing something peculiar, and I can't figure out how to make it stop. Every time a new song starts to play a little black box drops down out of the right hand side of the taskbar with the song name and info. It's just a minor annoyance, but I'd really like to figure out how to make it stop. I can't seem to find any program or anything that is making it happen and my brother says he doesn't know what he did. Hopefully this picture will make things more clear.
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Apr 5, 2012
The Get Info functionality is completely gone from the command-click menu! Now I can't manually change my song info? Did they change it or completely remove it?
Info:Mac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 21, 2010
I recently purchased a rage against the machine song and it skips in 2 parts. What exactly should I do to get this corrected?
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Apr 28, 2009
I have song compilation albums in itunes. I prefer to seach by Artist, not album. Compilation albums often assign a different artist for each song. I don't like this, as I end up with thousands of artists, each with only one song! Here's an example:
I copy "Classical Chillout" compilation album to itunes. 30 songs show up, each with their own (new) artist name, song name, and all within the album "Classical Chillout.
Instead of having:
SONG Adagio for Strings
ARTIST Samuel Barber
ALBUM Classical Chillout
I want to batch rename all songs so that the Album name becomes the Artist and each "Artist" name is inserted into the "Song" name
SONG Samuel Barber- Adagio for Strings
ARTIST Classical Chillout
ALBUM Classical Chillout
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Apr 1, 2012
I know this has not been possible in earlier versions of iTunes, but I hope Apple has addressed it by now. It makes a great deal of sense. If, for example, one has a song in the album in which it was originally released and also has a copy as part of a Greatest Hits album, we should not have to retain two copies of the song to be able to hear it no matter which album we choose to play. Aperture and iPhoto seem to manage this with images - why not in iTunes? Is it possible to do this yet?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 2, 2010
I know you can use iTunes dj to "play song next" or whatever but I don't like iTunes DJ for the fact that you don't have 100% control over what songs are playing if you want to pinpoint certain songs, etc..
Is there any way that I can line up a song to play after the current song without interrupting the current song and immediately playing the song I want next?
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Apr 29, 2012
IÂ just updated to Lion 10.7.3 and iTunes 10.6.1 and imported my Leopard iTunes Library. I can Get Info on individual tracks but when I shift select or command select multiple tracks the iTunes window turns gray and nothing can be selected. iTunes just freezes until I press the Escape key. So far, everything else works as expected - the only problem is selecting multiple tracks (which worked fine for me on previous OS and iTunes versions).Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 4, 2014
I have my media on a NAS (Qnap 451) and have added my existing videos to my library (without copying them locally to my library), and of course they show up as home videos. I know how you are supposed to change theinfo for multiple files, I select them all and choose get info and change the options tab to Movie. When I do that nothing happens at all, I can do the files one at a time and they change fine, but if I even select just two files it doesn't work.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 28, 2008
We are running 10.5 server and 10.4 client machines. 4 servers with accounts 2 work and 2 do not. Everything seems to be set up the same on all. The error we get is "The home folder for the user account is located on an AFP or SMB server. Contact your system administrator for help."
Logging onto server by Go - Connect to server works fine. But I can't log on to a client machine to get on the network.
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Jun 7, 2012
I have spent several hours putting many of my favourite music CDs into iTunes. All was going well, but suddenly when accessing the "Get Info" of a particular album in order to add Artwork I got a message like "Are you sure you want to get the information of Multiple items" (my emphasis). (The error message may not be word perfect because I clicked the "don't show again" box and haven't seen it since.) But the point is that I definitely did not have multiple items selected.
There is nothing I can now do to select "Get Info" for a single album, and as a consequence I will never be able to add Artwork again when necessary. I looked through the Internet and found references to the However although I can see this using Terminal I cannot find it using Finder! This is no better than Windows, and in fact rather worse: I tried to delete iTunes, since it is obviously corrupted in some obscure way, with a view to re-installing it. But I can't even do that because it is "needed by Mac OS X"!
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 18, 2012
My daughter just got an iPod Touch and I'm wondering if you can have more than one iTunes account on a single computer?
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Apr 15, 2012
I work in an office that is all mac based and have mac computers at home. I have an apple ID and iTunes account for personal use where I purchase books and music and I have an office apple ID and iTunes account to share calendars with colleagues using iCloud and purchase work related apps like upgrades to operating systems, etc.
I have an iPhone that is set up with my personal apple ID so that my music is on my phone and so that the photo streaming is attached to personal photos, etc. Is there a way to sync my personal contacts with my contacts that are registered with my professional apple ID? Ideally, I would like to have my iOS devices syncing my calendar and contacts with my work apple ID and my music and photos with my personal ID.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 2, 2010
My wife and I just got a new Mac and are looking to each have their own login for mail, web/bookmarks, etc. but we want to have our media shared so that both users can login and see the same iTunes Library.
Additionally I want to make sure if say one person buys something from iTunes that the other would automatically be able to see it in their library (and wouldn't have to manually add the files/folders).
Lastly, we both use Lightroom and Photoshop and I need to make sure that we can access each other's files in a single location and that we won't get locked out.
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Dec 16, 2010
what is the best/easiest way to have the itunes music accessible from another use account on one laptop?
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Mar 4, 2012
How do i share music between each of the user accounts on my mac
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