Applications :: Safari Crashes Constantly On YouTube Access
Nov 1, 2009
Safari has been crashing for me every time I open it. It's mostly on sites like YouTube, which leads me to believe that it's a flash problem. When I open the page it just freezes up and the pinwheel just keeps spinning and spinning. I noticed these problems on my MacBook after I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and now they are arising again on my recently purchased Mac Pro (also running SL). I'm running latest version of SL, Safari, and Flash.
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Sep 14, 2009
All of the sudden my web browser (doesn't matter which one i use, I've tried firefox 3.5.3, firefox 3.0.9 and latest safari) crashes every time i visit youtube. As soon as I enter the site, the beach ball shows up and I have to force quit the browser. I have the latest version of flash. I'm not really sure what could be causing this and was wondering if anybody has had a similar problem and knows a fix.
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Nov 8, 2009
I have a PowerBook G4, running Safari 4.0.3, and it constantly needs to be Force Quit. I tried resetting and rebooting?
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Aug 26, 2010
I am encountering the problems 9 out of 10 times when I am watching a video on youtube in fullscreen. The problem seems to be when I use fullscreen.... It also crashes when on other sites watching videos, but I use youtube daily.. After it crashes, I need to quit safari first and then restart safari for internet to work again, otherwise I need to wait 1 till a few minutes for it gets to my homepage and internet works again.
I tried reinstalling safari, reinstalling flashplayer and resetting safari, but with no luck. Don't know if it will do any good, but I am on the first MB aluminum unibody, using Safari 5.0.1 (6533.17.8) and I think flashplayer 10.6
I wanted to add the error, but it is to long. If someone want to look at it, I am happy to send it through email or whatever is handy....
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Feb 6, 2009
I am new to this site and macs - I have done a little reaserch into this problem but have not found anything recent i.e. in the last couple of months.
I have the new macbook with all the regular apple software, and the plugins for QT, flash etc - nothing like saft etc.
receenlty sfari crashes on facebook, after i click on a few pages - not straight away.
I have no idea what to do - or if there are anything that might be on my computer that messes with this?
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May 25, 2012
I tried updating it and all, i've also tried repairing the disk but it still crash when i go to youtube. firefox does it as well. i tried downloading google chrom but unfortunately it's not compatible with 10.4. the following is the report in safari crash.
Info:Macbook (black), Mac OS X (10.4.8) semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 7
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Feb 11, 2012
Safari (5.0.6) crashes upon opening You Tube. Crash report generated but cannot be sent to Apple. Problem just started today. (OS 10.5.8)
iMac, MacBook
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Apr 8, 2012
I am on an older computer system OX 10.4.11 and safari has made my computer unusable it crashes everytime I try to do anything especially when I try to watch a youtube movie and/or even try to open a youtube account. I have tried to suggestions on the forum i.e. clean up cache, reset safari, clean up cookies, etc., etc. but my computer still crashes with Safari. I tried to upload the 4.1.3 which I understand is the newest version my computer can take and reboot my computer but again safari crashes and I cannot get into youtube.Â
Safari , Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 7, 2012
I'm using a Macbook Pro (latest version) with basic specs as below :
Mac OS X V.10.7.4
Processor : 2.4Ghz
Intel Core i7 Memory : 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Safari Ver 5.1.7
Safari doesn't reload fast and crashes / hangs frequently. Youtube takes a long time to load and when it's up, the visuals, audio are jerky. Vimeo hardly loads up. This machine is only about a month old and it acts up sluggishly. Some other programs running are slow too.
Aperture 3, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Oct 30, 2009
iTunes has been crashing for months when playing CDs (but it's fine for DVDs and the audio files on iTunes). ppc G5 iMac, 10.5.8. Twice on inserting a CD, again when the CD concludes, and often during playing, or when I try to adjust volume. It did this with a LaCie external drive and now that I've installed a new replacement Toshiba internal superdrive it still does exactly the same thing. After reading about the many bugs with v9.0.1 I obtained v8.0.2, deleted everything to do with iTunes and reinstalled the older version. However, the crashes continue unabated. Have run Disk Warrior, Tech Tools Pro5, reset the hardware pulling the AC plug etc., run Permissions over and over, thrown out prefs files, etc. No improvement. AppleCare on iMac is expired and no other forum has helped. Couldn't find another ap just to play CDs or I would use it! QuickTime doesn't work.
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Jun 2, 2012
I've a MacBook Pro and I can't go to Youtube and Google Maps with Safari. I've also tried with Firefox but the problem is still not solved.Actually, Safari (or Firefox) keeps charging the page but is unable to get it. I always see a blank page. It only happens with these two websites. Other sites are working perfectly.I've tried so many things like installing the flash, erasing cookies or cache, installing updates but nothing helped. This is really annoying. Just to give you an example, if I try to localize my MacBook I just can't see where it is as the map is not appearing.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 21, 2010
So I was using Safari this afternoon, even though I usually use Firefox or Chrome. It crashed again on me and a box appeared that said it may be due to the WCIDEngine Plugin? When I read the problem details to send to Apple, it said "EXC_BAD_ACCESS for exception type, and then for exception codes it said "KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at (some numbers I'm not copying over). Worse yet, it reminded me that I've had 7 crashes since last report. I'm getting awfully tired of this crap. I run a PC that's on Windows 7 and it runs like a charm. I am seriously thinking about going back to it because I got my Mini with the expectation that it would work and most of the time it does, but it's little repetitive things like this that make me question it. I will add that I scrolled down the problem details list and it said that "Thread 0 Crashed" and then proceeded to list a number of things about symantec, like .com/symantec.WCIDEngine".
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Oct 26, 2009
I've been trying to access youtube but it crashes any browser im using as soon as i log on to the page Just wanted to know if i'm the only one?
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Sep 2, 2010
My new itunes crashes when trying to access the apps tab when my iphone syncs. Anyone else getting this?
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Oct 2, 2010
After Latest update (security update) that came out not so long ago, my safari experience has gone from good to bad. I have crash on me at least twice a day. Anyone else had this? I noticed that it usually happens when I try to compose email on Gmail, when I press compose and enter my friends email press enter to select contact, after that the wheel starts spinning and then you get "Safari quit unexpectedly"
Does anyone else have this issue? Also my startup times started to get slower.
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May 22, 2012
I have a 1,1 Mac Pro running 10.7.3 . Has 11 GB of RAM and a ATI Radeon HD 5770 two 1.5TB hard drives and two 55GB hard drives. Everything else is factory.Â
The past few weeks it has been acting weird for the first time ever.Â
I first noticed that it would no longer launch Aperture because it said the grahpics card did not meet minimum requirements. In iTunes, it won't show videos (just blank screen) or album artwork. It won't load any kind of installer app. It won't load system preferences. It won't load the console. It will load the terminal. Won't load Safari. Will load Mail.Â
The computer itself seems to be running at around half the normal 'speedyness'.Â
I've tried downloading the OS X install update to 10.7.3 to install, but the install crashes. I've tried downloading the safari update and it crashes. I tried downloading Lion again through app store and it crashes when I get to the password screen. Every option I have to try and get my computer back up.... it crashes.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 30, 2010
Restored my HD this AM from a TM backup and am experiencing a lot of problems which include (1) Safari and iPhoto crash upon launch, (2) Mail launches but crashes when I attempt to access an email, (3) I have several "offline images" in my Aperture Library and any attempt to access metadata results in a crash.
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Apr 28, 2012
I started to have problems with a used PowerMac G5 that I bought on December last year. The computer came with dual G5 at 2.0GHz, 8GB and 160GB Sata hard drive. The computer was running Leopard 10.5.8.
Once in my home I erase completely the hard drive and installed Leopard from scratch and ran software updates. At this point the computer was functioning good, sometimes crashes when I tryed to import images on iPhoto or Aperture, but appart from this nothing more. Few weeks ago I installed a new hard drive, the disk it's ok and doesn't give problems. The problems started two weeks ago, when computer crashes constantly and at any time with any reason, kernel crashes reports sometimes reports for Safari, other times for iTunes, others for uTorren, mdworker and mostly by Unknow application. I must to restart the computer by force shutdown, that only put thing worse. I was looking for documentation about solve my problem, but there is not so much responses.
Info:Power Mac G5 (June 2004), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Sep 15, 2009
I upgraded to Flash Player 10 a few days ago, and since then both Safari and Firefox are crashing almost every time i visit a page with Flash. I have tried uninstalling flash and reinstalling a developer's copy of version 9 but the crashes continue.
I have read a lot of complaints about similar problems, but have not been able to find a solution or even an explanation as to why it's happening. So I don't know if it's a conflict with the latest version of Leopard (not Snow) or what.
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Oct 20, 2009
I've had a long struggle with iTunes and SuperDrives. Ppc iMac 5G, 10.5.8. Internal drive died; I purchased a La Cie ext. drive, couldn't get it to work even after 2 trips back to their repair, bought a replacement Toshiba internal drive from OWC and installed myself after much struggle. Now it is working, but the iTunes problems remains exactly the same and neither AppleCare nor the Apple iTunes Forum has been any help.
DVDs play fine and so do files in my iTunes.
1. I insert a CD. It takes forever to try to look up GraceNote.
2. Then it displays that it crashed and to Relaunch. I click it.
3. Then it displays it crashed again and to Reset and Relaunch. I click it.
4. Finally the disc comes up in iTunes and can be played.
5. After the CD concludes, it crashes again.
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Apr 13, 2012
I've had Mac's since my IIsi in '91 and currently the proud owner of MacBook Pro, iPhone and iMac which is just 18 months old.2 days ago I switched the machine off (iMac) and it hasn't been fully back on since. Each time I start it it automatically goes into soft boot mode. As the small bar moves across the screen it stops after about 1 centimetre (.4 of an inch) and simply whines and shuts down. I've tried the old tricks of holding down 'c' and 'd'. On one of the attempts I did reach the desktop and managed to run disk utility which said there were no problems. However, once I rebooted it simply carried on doing the same. I also managed to run Techtool deluxe which comes with the Apple Extended Warranty. Unfortunately it's not fully compatiable with OSX Lion so didn't run properly.Â
I've not known a Mac to be so knackered before. I have tried the command-R scenario but I don't think reloading Lion OSX is the cure for what appears to be a serious problem. When I shut down the iMac on Thursday I had Acrobat and Photoshop open, also iTunes and Mail. I generally use Facetime these days but on Thursday (I haven't used my Skype account for 18 months) I did install the latest version of Skype as someone required a Skype call with me. The software installed okay and I had the conversation with the person though the camera feature didn't work my end. I do wonder whether installing the Skype software has done something to the iMac. However, I don't see that it would stop it starting up completely!Â
iMac 3GHz Core i3 MBPro 15" late '08 iphone 3GS 32GB, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Jun 13, 2012
I have a 2006 imac (1GB memory) with tiger that had been having some issues last year with crashing so I ended up and installing snow leopard and it worked great for about a year and now its acting up again. It freezes at least 2 times a day and I can't open the force quit window so I shut it off manually, but when I turn it back on it has these weird lines on it like a line of pixels got corrupted or something, but sometimes they go away. I save everything to an external drive so I don't think it has to do with it being overloaded. I did notice it mostly happens when I'm multitasking (more than one tab open, or word and firefox open at the same time) or watching a movie. Occasionally it will crash and the screen goes a peach color with white lines and I have to manually restart.  Â
iMac (17-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 5, 2012
I have had my Mac Book Pro in and out of the apple store about 5 times now. iMovie will crash CONSTANTLY!!! They replaced the RAM and Logicboard which fixed the problem for about a week. I cannot seem to figure out how to delete the iMovie preferences. Cant fint the file anywhere trust me, its not on my computer. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled iMovie. The scrubbing in the editing will stop working and the video will freeze and it crashes 100% of the time when previewing the project in fullscreen. I have sent literally 1000 crash reports to apple which I find useless because nobody has any record of them, not the Apple store, not Apple support, not Steve Jobs.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 25, 2008
My Mail constantly crashes after a few minutes as of the last few weeks. I launch it, leave it in background and get the "unexpected exit" error. I've embedded the error log at the bottom of this message. Basically other than that, ive tried moving ~/Library/Mail across to a temp folder, launching mail and then closing it and moving back my mail folder back and still get the error. Checked that i dont have any to-do list items in my iCal and yeah. still get this error.
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May 17, 2012
After installing Snow Leopard, (10.6.8 In 2 GHZ Intel Core Duo) I have had a constant crashing issue. Usually every few minutes. I've lived with this since I upgraded.
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Feb 7, 2010
it looks like this on safari. On firefox, it looks normal.
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Apr 2, 2012
Why does my browser constantly have to stop playing when I watch You Tube or other videos?It stops and then starts up again after a few seconds and then stops again and re-starts.Happens on both Safari and Firefox.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 22, 2010
i've been testing youtube's html5 beta on my aluminum macbook, 2,4ghz, 2gb ram, nvidia 6400m, OSX 10.5.8 after reading everywhere that it was less resource intensive than flash video, in fact, most of the things i've read said it was a huge performance boost. Nevertheless, after checking activity monitor I get Youtube with html5, around 95.0 CPU usage Youtube with flash video, around 65.0 CPU usage. So, whats the problem with my mac?? why do i get this results when lots of people are saying they get around 15% cpu usage with youtube html5 an safari 4?
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Apr 25, 2010
Does this happen to anyone else? Any advice on how to fix it?
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May 6, 2010
I dunno if anyone else is having the same problem. But recently whenever i browse youtube, i get some funny orientated screen!
Look at the picture.. notice how the sidebar always goes to the side.. i dunno what's causing this.
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