OS X :: Unable To Restore - Safari Crashes - Mail Unable To Access
Oct 30, 2010
Restored my HD this AM from a TM backup and am experiencing a lot of problems which include (1) Safari and iPhoto crash upon launch, (2) Mail launches but crashes when I attempt to access an email, (3) I have several "offline images" in my Aperture Library and any attempt to access metadata results in a crash.
I am not able to download Mail in iCloud today (June 23, 2012). Down earlier. Backup after 2 hours. Worked for about 6 hours. Then down again now. Went to iCloud on the web. Was able to login but Mail is also not working on the web iCloud. Other apps are okay though.
I'm connected to an Airport Extreme. iTunes and Safari can't connect to the internet, but Firefox can. Also, Firefox can connect to local network stuff (e.g. AirSharing iPhone app), but I can't through Safari or Finder's "Connect to server..."
I have a problem with my inbox, seems its corrupted in some way. I can see the headers, but no contents, cant delete or move message. All other folders seem OK. Its from a POP3 mailbox where the originals are deleted off the server when downloaded so I'd prefer to try and recover it but I can live with losing the contents if necessary. Any ideas? Is there a tool or way to repair? I have Time Machine but I doubt the TM backup will have caught these files between them being downloaded (they came in one batch) and being corrupted as it was only a few minutes. Not sure how I could tell if TM did catch them either.
Update; Impressive, TM did recover them, now I just need to work out how to empty the inbox of the corrupt messages. Worst case I can create a new email account but I'd rather not as configuring it was troublesome.
Second Update; Mailbox > rebuild, then move the messages from the TM mail recovered folder back to inbox.
Recently completed the Maverick operating system update. Still getting used to new additions, however I did notice I'm unable to access the Safari preferences section.
I know normally, you would follow the drop down menu and click into the safari preferences. Unfortunately now the words in the drop down menu are a lighter grey and unable to click into he section.
I am running 10.5.2 on a PPC G5, but since I upgraded to 10.5 I can no longer print to our Xerox Docucolor 12 with Fiery rip, from either Apple Mail or Safari. All I get in print monitor is one of 2 messages:-/usr/libexec/cups/filter/pstops failed.OR empty print file!
I have tried re-installing the most up to date xerox driver and repaired permissions, but no luck. If I print from Acrobat/Illustrator or any other application, everything is ok. Just Mail & Safari are causing problems.
How long should I be stuck on the screen "calculating space required to restore data"? I've been on this screen for about 20, 30 minutes. The "hash mark wheel" is spinning, but just not seeing anything new. Is this normal? My backed up data is ~100 GB.
I'm sure this is a very basic question, but having just made the Mac switch a week ago...I am lost. when I did a forum search, I found out how to access keychains, but I'm not sure if I found something particular to my question- please forgive me if I overlooked something.
I was downloading microsoft software last night and all of a sudden I began getting these little pop-ups that say "A keychain cannot be found for safari" with the option to cancel or reset to default.
Safari has been crashing for me every time I open it. It's mostly on sites like YouTube, which leads me to believe that it's a flash problem. When I open the page it just freezes up and the pinwheel just keeps spinning and spinning. I noticed these problems on my MacBook after I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and now they are arising again on my recently purchased Mac Pro (also running SL). I'm running latest version of SL, Safari, and Flash.
So I was using Safari this afternoon, even though I usually use Firefox or Chrome. It crashed again on me and a box appeared that said it may be due to the WCIDEngine Plugin? When I read the problem details to send to Apple, it said "EXC_BAD_ACCESS for exception type, and then for exception codes it said "KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at (some numbers I'm not copying over). Worse yet, it reminded me that I've had 7 crashes since last report. I'm getting awfully tired of this crap. I run a PC that's on Windows 7 and it runs like a charm. I am seriously thinking about going back to it because I got my Mini with the expectation that it would work and most of the time it does, but it's little repetitive things like this that make me question it. I will add that I scrolled down the problem details list and it said that "Thread 0 Crashed" and then proceeded to list a number of things about symantec, like .com/symantec.WCIDEngine".
Since Yosemite, my Mail and Safari crash maybe twice a day, sometimes more. When they're not crashing they're hanging / unresponsive for 10 seconds at a time. Mail is particularly bad, almost unusable - I restart it 5-10 times per day
For the past year or more, every time that a program crashes while I'm working in it, it gives me a dialog box saying "Would you like to submit report details to Apple?" I click the button to submit the report and every time it returns with an error message saying "Submission failed - Unable to submit report". Its not a big deal to me, but I always thought it might be helpful to Apple to receive the reports. Always worked a in the years past, but not any more.
I am unable to access the "802.1X" tab in "Network Preferences". When I click on it, the tab turns grey, but no menu pops up. I tried doing a Safe Boot and changing settings there, but when I tried to save settings, the "Network Preferences" shuts down abruptly.
I did not have this problem until I tried to connect to a University Network, which has WPA2 Enterprise security and the need to create a new user profile in this "802.1X" tab to access the internet (ridiculous, isn't it?).
on my Imac G5 powerPC 1.8ghz, iphoto is crashing each time I'm trying to edit a picture full screen, or run a slideshow.using or testing screen savers are crashing too.the console indicates an error: Unable to read ICC profileiphoto crash log indicates: Link (dyld) error: image not In addition, launching imovie pops up an error message: "iMovie requires a quartz extreme graphics card..."All these apps were running fine 1 week ago. I can't tell what has been updated.Does anybody have an idea before I reinstall tiger ?
I have been running Mavericks 10.9.5 quite from few months and yesterday I downloaded Yosemite from Mac appstore,
The installation was struck and I initiated OS X Recovery, It downloaded and it didn't installed successfully either
My system was Mac mini 2012.
During the entire process I have used more than 20 GB and I have exhaust my Internet quota for this month.
This is the log I am getting every time I use Install OS X from recovery, is the log errors are common.
Dec 4 21:55:17 localhost Install OS X Mavericks[383]: @(#)PROGRAM:Install PROJECT:Install-846 Dec 4 21:55:17 localhost Install OS X Mavericks[383]: @(#)PROGRAM:IA PROJECT:InstallAssistant-476.8 Dec 4 21:55:17 localhost Install OS X Mavericks[383]: Hardware: Macmini6,1 @ 2.50 GHz (x 4), 4096 MB RAM
I am trying to restore my iPhone 5 running iOs 7.1.1 using iTunes 11,1.5 on a Mid 2010 13 inch Macbook running Mac OS 10.9.2. When I click "Restore iPhone", I get an error message saying "Find my iPhone must be turned off before 'iPhone can be restored." However, i have already turned off find my iPhone.
tried to factory unlock my iphone 5s through ATT. recvd approval, followed instructions re: backup, restore, then restore from backup. everything went well up until restoring from back up. it says "cannot restore from back up because not compatible or corrup backup". what do i do??? ITunes should specify that the back up is not successful or is corrupted before letting consumers restore!!
I wasn't sure what forum to put this in. I apologize if this is the wrong one. Anyhow, I was able to connect to my PC the other day to get some mp3s transferred to my macbook. I did this over the wireless network in my home. I know want to move a few more files but my PC is not showing up as being shared on my mac. And my macbook isn't showing up in the network on my PC. Both computers are connected to the internet now and working. But I just can't access them from each other. I just got my first Mac a few days ago so I am very uneducated on this stuff right now. Do you guys have any idea how I could fix this?
I bought a Mac so I could use the free, but good video editing software in iMovie. When I try to import AVI files from my digital camera on to it, it crashes and shuts down before they import... I need help. Also, even if I try to just play a file in finder, quicktime will crash. It is weird, because the files worked perfectly on my old PC. Help please!!!
Also, is there any way to take back a Mac if it was bought on URL
I did a lot of annotations on a really long PDF file... accidentally closed it without saving... stupid slip of finger... i'm guessing it's impossible to recover??????? Btw it was on preview
My hard drive crashed. bought new computer..... have backup dvd's........... it seems to freeze itune....... but if I leave it alone it will give me an error that says it is unable to restore because of error -69..... some of my songs are restored but only like 100 out of 700.......and I have the shuffle, nano, and Itouch..... very headachey.
I deleted my /Private folder. I'm not sure how I was able to but I think I deleted some random little files in my Mac HD before that and I do recall entering my password (the administrative / master password) to authorize the deletion. So that's how I got into this situation. I'd just also like to say that I do not have my information backed up.
What I Have Tried: - Rebooting in Single-User mode following some code I found off a forum for someone who had only deleted their /var folder- Failed! - Rebooting in SU mode following code off Apple Support website- Failed! - Called 1-800-MY-APPLE - was told I could only reinstall everything- Failed! - Went into the Genius Bar to talk to a Genius. He tried to start up remotely with an External HD- Failed! - Was told by the Genius to take a firewire cable and hook up my computer to another Mac and start in Target Disk mode, move all my data onto there (or an external HD attached to computer 2) and then reinstall - Failed! (Reason: The second computer could not detect my computer? Indexing was taking forever but I couldn't stop Spotlight from indexing because I could not find it... My disk / the icon does not appear on the desktop. BUT, it was detected through Time Machine.)