After Latest update (security update) that came out not so long ago, my safari experience has gone from good to bad. I have crash on me at least twice a day. Anyone else had this? I noticed that it usually happens when I try to compose email on Gmail, when I press compose and enter my friends email press enter to select contact, after that the wheel starts spinning and then you get "Safari quit unexpectedly"
Does anyone else have this issue? Also my startup times started to get slower.
I upgraded to Flash Player 10 a few days ago, and since then both Safari and Firefox are crashing almost every time i visit a page with Flash. I have tried uninstalling flash and reinstalling a developer's copy of version 9 but the crashes continue.
I have read a lot of complaints about similar problems, but have not been able to find a solution or even an explanation as to why it's happening. So I don't know if it's a conflict with the latest version of Leopard (not Snow) or what.
Just did update to Safari 5.0 via software update. G4 Dual 867 OSX 10.5.8. Crashes every time I attempt to click on any link. Starts to connect, Beachball-crash. If left idle, without clicking any link, still crashes after less than a minute. Fixed permissions, re-installed with download from Apple site, permissions again..... no difference. Disabled Click to Flash, Ad Blocker...same thing. Just won't work!!!
I have Diablo 2, which is built for PPC macs, running through Rosetta. I expected it to be a little bit buggy but seriously it crashes every ten minutes. I figured maybe Rosetta just doesn't work that well until I got Neverwinter Nights 2 for intel mac and encountered the same problem.I have a new 13.3 in macbook pro with upgraded RAM and storage. I definitely meet specs to run these games. Are there any patches or anything that you can think of that I need to install before it will work smoothly?
Hey, I have a 3 GHz 8-core Mac Pro that is about 2 years old, and it seems to get the beachball and forcing a manual shutdown 2-3 times a day. Usually what happens is I am in Final Cut Pro (doesn't really matter WHAT I am doing in it), then I will get the spinning beach ball, can't quit it, 'force quit' menu says it is not responding, so I force quit it. That doesn't work, it's still active in the dock, and if I try to shut down from the menu, everything clears from the desktop like it's about to shut down, but it never does, so I have to shut it down manually. This isn't limited to FCP, it happens in Photoshop, Motion, Finder, Fetch, TM backups etc.
I'm on latest Leopard, Using FCP 7 (did it in 6 too), and I have put in a brand new harddrive and did a clean reinstall of the OS and software, worked fine for a bit, then hit the problem again. I have 9 gigs of RAM, 1 from Apple, 8 from Crucial and the ATI Radeon X1900 XT.
Ever since updating through software update iTunes to 10.6, it has become almost unusable. It crashes whenever my iPod Touch is connected. I have tried re-installing 10.6 from teh direct download and i have tried to downgrade to 10.5.3 but the system won't let me delete 10.6 as iTunes is now, apparently,a necessary part of the OS.
Safari has been crashing for me every time I open it. It's mostly on sites like YouTube, which leads me to believe that it's a flash problem. When I open the page it just freezes up and the pinwheel just keeps spinning and spinning. I noticed these problems on my MacBook after I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and now they are arising again on my recently purchased Mac Pro (also running SL). I'm running latest version of SL, Safari, and Flash.
The computer freezes or crashes fairly regularly - sometimes within minutes of being started. I have wiped the hard disk several times and done a clean reinstall of Lion. The computer still crashes - again within minutes of the Finder launching.However, it behaves itself when I boot it into Windows, or if I do a Safe Boot. This is starting to drive me nuts.Here's the latest kernel panic
I upgraded to 10.1.3 last week and have had nothing but problems. The program crashes continually for a variety of reasons, and while I can eventually get it up and running again, I can't isolate the causes of the crashes. I would like to "revert" to 10.1.2 or 10.1.1. How do I do this? ( I don't have the old program saved).
I have been using FCPX since it came out and FCP (the original) since it was introduced.
Info: Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), iMac 3.5 GHz Intel i7
Got the computer a couple days ago and firefox has been crashing a lot. I cleared the history and cache but it still crashes. I did a quick search and it seems like a lot of people are having this issue and there's no solution for it. I was doing something very important and this has been pissing me off. If I don't find a fix I'm going to return this POS as the only web browser I like is Firefox. It's rarely ever given me any problems on windows based computers.
I'm using Leopard 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro.Audio Midi Setup keeps crashing, I'm trying to use Motu midi fast lane, it will not recognize the unit, and anytime I try to click on anything or delete any midi devices in AMS midi, it crashes.I've tried deleting midi drivers, preferences, etc. there's no solutions out there I can find.
I've had my iMac, 27" 3.4 Ghz i7 16GB, since Jan 2012. From my excitement of having 2TB, I put all my info from every hard-drive ever owned on it, deleting the originals with the faith that I can trust it till I purchase a 2TB external for the backup.
Two months later it crashed showing the 'grey screen of death' and got stuck with every restart on the welcome-screen (grey apple logo with the circuling loading graphic underneath) only with a new loading bar in below them. The service center claimed the HD crashed, and replaced it (and it took me more than a month going around finding a place that would recover the data before they could replace the HD)
I finally receive it after a long period of living on this earth without a computer (which is problematic for a freelancing graphic designer) and 4 days later crashes again the same exact way, this time the service center claimed it was a software problem but got it fixed.
I've received it yesterday again and I only downloaded trusted software (VLC, DIVx...) and did not dare transfer any old data and stuck to only surfing the net catch up to what life I've been missing out on. It is still crashing but restarting fixing it.
The only thing common with all 11 'crashings' is safari was open, and I really doubt and do hope that it's not the problem.
Every single time I am on the web, a box will pop up telling me about some error that occurred, and then Safari will shut down. It brings up the dialog box telling me what happened, and then gives me the option to relaunch, report to Apple, etc. Does anyone else have this problem? I am completely caught-up on software updates.
If I load safari it come to crash.. I cant see window.. but if I uninstal it then its going good. Do you think it can crashing it some program? Do have anyone same problem?
I'm using Safari 4 beta and it keeps crashing after no longer than one minute of use. I have deleted the plist, reset Safari, uninstalled and reinstalled, used multiple users, and no luck. I've been using it since it first came out with no problems until now. I did a search but all the threads I saw were about Safari 3 and none of them had a solution that worked yet.
I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab or window may or may not open. If it does open when I type in a website it will either appear in the new tab or window and also change the previous tab or window to the same website, or it will fail to load in the new tab/window and only change the previous tab/window to what I'm trying to load.
I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab appears but the website I want opens in one of my other tabs already open. or it will fail to load in the new tab/window. At the same time as this happening Safari is crashing more and more and my Macbook fan is whirring like mad.
Any ideas what's going on? It's so frustrating having to get chucked out or log out to make my tabs work for a short while before they stop functioning properly again.
I am not overly tecchy minded so may need hand holding to help me through this!
I am having problems with Safari when I go to watch StatTracker which is used for fantasy football, the program uses Flash so I downloaded Flash player 9. But after having Stat Tracker open for about 30 seconds it crashes. I verified my persimissions and then repaired them thinking that would solve my problem. It didn't. So I was just wondering what should I do? Should I go and uninstall Flash Player 9? If I have to do that where is it located I can't find it in my application folder.
I can't figure out why Safari crashes after about a minute after launch. It doesn't crash when I log in as another user. I deleted the plist files, and the cache, but it doesn't help. I uninstalled Safari 4 and it crashed immediately on launch with Safari 3. I reinstalled Safari 4, and it once again crashed after about a minute. I deleted everything in ~/Library/Safari. I repaired permissions. It still crashes. Firefox works flawlessly.
What should I do next? This is the first time in about 10 years that I can't seem to diagnose a problem on my mac. Very frustrating. Does someone have any idea what I should do next?
So this is weird. the USA apple store website is crashing safari 4 on my imac running 10.5.7. I did the update today from safari beta 4. I reset safari and emptied the cache with no luck. when it tries to load the site things freeze up for a few seconds then the app tanks
Lately I have been noticing some applications, most memorably Safari and Pages, quitting unexpectedly. I'm just in there and boom, out of nowhere, it quits. Has anyone else had this problem or know what may be causing it? I am on a brand new 15" i5 MBP running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I was going to switch back to Chrome from Safari, but since other apps are doing it too. I'm thinking it's not just the web browser's fault but the fault of something else on my computer.
When using either Firefox or Safari, recently, to watch instant movies via Netflix, the browser unexpectedly closes. Sometimes it gets to the buffering stage. I've cleared all my private data (history, caches, cookies...) and redownloaded flash/shockwave. I have the most current Silverlight too.
Any ideas? It worked perfectly since I've had it (about a month or two), up until today.
Late this morning on my iMac 24" with 10.6.2 it didn't matter whether I was using Safari or Foxfire the would both freeze and I get the maddening beach ball and have to force quit. Any ideas why this would suddenly start happening? I haven't done any thing special to the iMac as far as memory or anything. My laptop isn't doing it, just the iMac.