Applications :: Forcing Browsers To Open Email Attachments In Browser, Not Download Them?
Jan 11, 2010
Not sure if this is a Hotmail thing or a browser thing, but if someone attaches a jpeg to an email I recieve in Hotmail, when I click it in Firefox I get a dialogue box asking: What should Firefox do with this file? Open With [choose...] or Save file?In Safari, it just automatically downloads the picture to the default download location and then auto opens it with Preview.This is so annoying! How do I set my browsers to just open jpegs within the browser?
When I log into my school's online classroom I can't get any attachments to open.I have tried Safari, Firefox and Opera.I have checked to make sure Java Script is enabled in all.I have checked to make sure my system is up to date. And I have checked all plug-ins and they are up to date.When I click on an attachment, like a file that my professor has uploaded, such as a study guide...nothing will open.It doesn't have an error message or anything. This started two days ago.I haven't done anything out of the ordinary to cause this issue.If I scroll over the link that I want to open, it says Javascript://.It isn't a problem with the website, because other people are able to open these links.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have the latest MacBook Pro with Retina display with quad core. No attachments whether pdf, images, or documents will attach to any email program on any browser on the Maverick OS. This is a defect only with the MacBook Pro. My iMac quad core works great with attachments as would be expected.Â
Any answers as to why attachments fail to attach and gives the spinning beachball requiring a force quit. Eventually, I take the file on a memory stick to my iMac to attach it there on any browser with any email.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), The problem is just with my MacBook
I have been sent pdf attachments lately to my email account but cannot open them in either my MacBook Pro or my wife's.but they open if I try in my Dell computer. I have downloaded Acrobat Reader and java runtime but to no avail.Is there a secret I don't possess??
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I keep getting a message telling me I have not enough disc space to download downloads and e-mail attachments. As this is a fairly new machine (Christmas) with not a great deal on it, how can this be?
when I try to open attachments on my mac at home or try to download I get this weird message I work on a pc at work but bought a mac from my company to further my sales and broaden my education at home now I am stuck trying to remote to my pc desk top but worse I cant download that or open any attahments on my mac at home - ugghgh!!! I would be so grateful if someone knew why - this is the message I get below when I try to open an attachment or download jsut started happening - I have a four year old some who play nick jr. games and dont know if he may have done something or maybe I did ???
I'm using MacOSX and Mac Mail. The cub scouts send a weekly newsletter via Scouttrack. When I view this on the Mac, I cannot see any attachments; it's like they are not there at all. When I view it from Outlook on a PC, it doesn't show the little paper clip, but when I open the email, then I can see that the attachments are there.
Is there any way to get the mail application on the Mac to recognize that there are attachments in the email??
can i do that? i looked around mail preferences and couldn't find anything... i found the "prompt me to skip messages over ...KB" but i dont think that's what i want.i want to be able to receive the mail but for the mail app to ask me if i want to download the attachment or not!
Is there a way to get QT to play audio in email attachments?Im on 10.6.4, and if I import the attachment to itunes I can hear the audio, but the default is quicktime and its not working.Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
My first posting. Please forgive my simplistic question, but I need some help.I use aol. When sending an email on my MAC, I'm trying to attach multiple excel (or word) files - let's say 10 excels in a row.So I click on "attach files", and a box opens up, showing all of the files on my MAC.On a non-MAC computer, I'd select the first file, then press "shift", and then use my down arrow to select the next 9 files. That doesn't work on my MAC.How do I attach 10 consecutive excel files when sending an email?
When I double click on an file that shows up in the downloads window it will not open anymore. I made a brand new user and tried it, same thing continues to happen. OS 10.5 safari 3.0.4.
Last night for no good reason, I suddenly noticed fonts on CERTAIN websites were distorted.For instance, I have attached 2 pictures. The strange fonts show up on:It does this in both Firefox and Safari.I am using a Macbook running OSX 10.5.4 and Firefox 3.0.1I have reinstalled Firefox and same thing happens. Again, no matter, as it does the same thing in Safari.P.S. The @ symbol doesn't show up sometimes, and it also seems that and bold text is not affected, and looks normal.
Since upgrading to Leopard, I am unable to open .eml attachments in Entourage 04. They try to open in Mail. I didn't have this problem before upgrading.
I get an error message that says the file cannot be accessed because it is a "read-only" or in a read only location. I tried both opening it from the email and saving it to my desktop and opening it. Both ways I get the same message. These are files that I believe were created on Excel for Windows.
this is driving me insane. On Tiger I was always able to select the default application to open a given file type, but I can't do this in SL. I want the XLD app to always open my .flac files. So, I click on a .flack file, select "get info" and select "Open with - XLD", and then I click CHANGE ALL. Fine. Next time, I just click "open" on a .flac and it's back to some other application being the default for opening the file, and not XLD! It keeps doing that, no matter how I keep trying to get XLD to be the default... what am I doing wrong, and what can I do to get it to work?
I suddenly can't open office documents (ppt, word or excel docs) in entourage when people send them to me as attachments. i think there was a software update recently, and maybe it was this that caused it. But, it is driving me crazy. I can open the attachments inside mac mail fine. In Entourage, says they may not be a ppt, or word, etc. doc, or that they may be "in-use."
Does anyone know how I can download this MP4 video? I tried double clicking on it in the activity window, but it just opens it again in a Safari browser.
I'm on OS 10.5.8. I just updated safari and java. Now when I open safari, I cannot get a browser window to even open. Not by trying to open a new window or going into my history and opening the Apple page. This is really frustrating since I hate Firefox (Way slower than safari has ever been for me) and now I can't even use Safari.
does anyone know of a way (plugin or otherwise) to view pdf files in the camino browser without having to save them or open preview? i know about the pdfbrowser plugin, but that's for PPC only. ideally, i'm looking for something that will mimic safari pdf functionality... that's like the only reason i still sometimes use safari!
I have a pop3 email account and connecting to it with Mail using pop3. The app connects to the server OK, and I can send email OK. I can receive emails OK but only new emails that come in. Old emails that have come onto the server over the weekend just site there and are ignored by Mail. An outlook pc account connects and download messages no problem. Has anybody had this, is there a setting I'm missing somewhere?
This one has me banging my head! I am not able to open certain web sites from Safari, Fire Fox or G Chrome. But I can if I do it within Parallels...Can someone help with this? I have done a search on this forum, but have come up empty.I rely need to do some work using the web site that I cannot open.
i am using mac osx 10.6.4 with snow leopard and i am using mail but when i get an email with a pps/jpeg/wav file i delete the email after opening and looking at it,but the other day i found loads of pps/wav/jpeg and other stuff left even after deleteing the email,does anyone know of a way that when i delete the email it clears the lot ?also my google chrome browser says that there is a new update but when i click on update it gives me a error 12-any ideas about this please ?
For the past month or so, I've started to have some really weird problems with my Mac Pro. Applications will suddenly stall out or freeze up (endless rainbow wheel), and Force Quit won't work to quit them. It happens most often with iTunes and Finder, but it's also happened with Firefox once or twice. The whole system doesn't freeze or stall - I can generally still use another application (i.e. if iTunes stalls and won't quit, I can still continue to use Firefox, etc.), but generally if I leave it this way too long another application with eventually freeze, forcing me to shut down by holding down the power button (Shut Down won't work in these cases).
Occasionally when this happens, I have left my computer alone, and sometimes it unfreezes or unstalls by itself, but this is usually hours later, and sometimes it doesn't do this even after hours of waiting. I ran a hardware test thinking that faulty RAM might be the issue, but the hardware test said everything was OK. I don't know if I should believe that or not. I've tried repairing permissions and verifying all disks, internal and external, and everything checked out OK. What is going on here? Why do things keep freezing/stalling and forcing reboots?
Here is what I've got: 2x2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2GB 800MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM Running Mac OS X 10.5.8 I have really normal stuff installed - MS Office, Photoshop, Ableton, etc. No really weird third-party applications other than some really simple stuff. I'm not the type to overwhelm my computer with a bunch of crap.
iPhoto, for example, takes about 30secs to open. If I'm using Safari and decide I want to upload a photo, opening iPhoto and then going back to Safari simply means that iPhoto will jump to the front with it's big, blank screen and spinning beachball five or six times. It's like fighting with my Mac. It's like I'm constantly clicking back to Safari and then a few seconds later my Mac will pop it to the front as if to say "You wanted iPhoto, so here's iPhoto - watch it open."
It's very annoying. Can I set something to allow applications to load in the background?