When I double click on an file that shows up in the downloads window it will not open anymore. I made a brand new user and tried it, same thing continues to happen.
OS 10.5 safari 3.0.4.
Since upgrading to Leopard, I am unable to open .eml attachments in Entourage 04. They try to open in Mail. I didn't have this problem before upgrading.
I get an error message that says the file cannot be accessed because it is a "read-only" or in a read only location. I tried both opening it from the email and saving it to my desktop and opening it. Both ways I get the same message. These are files that I believe were created on Excel for Windows.
I suddenly can't open office documents (ppt, word or excel docs) in entourage when people send them to me as attachments. i think there was a software update recently, and maybe it was this that caused it. But, it is driving me crazy. I can open the attachments inside mac mail fine. In Entourage, says they may not be a ppt, or word, etc. doc, or that they may be "in-use."
Not sure if this is a Hotmail thing or a browser thing, but if someone attaches a jpeg to an email I recieve in Hotmail, when I click it in Firefox I get a dialogue box asking: What should Firefox do with this file? Open With [choose...] or Save file?In Safari, it just automatically downloads the picture to the default download location and then auto opens it with Preview.This is so annoying! How do I set my browsers to just open jpegs within the browser?
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
Why do attachments rec'd on my mac (10.4.11) through aol have to be downloaded before being opened? Then you have to open a zip file or open a variety of folders before you get to the item sent. Other computers allow you to just click on the attachment and the file opens immediately.
I have been sent pdf attachments lately to my email account but cannot open them in either my MacBook Pro or my wife's.but they open if I try in my Dell computer. I have downloaded Acrobat Reader and java runtime but to no avail.Is there a secret I don't possess??
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I log into my school's online classroom I can't get any attachments to open.I have tried Safari, Firefox and Opera.I have checked to make sure Java Script is enabled in all.I have checked to make sure my system is up to date. And I have checked all plug-ins and they are up to date.When I click on an attachment, like a file that my professor has uploaded, such as a study guide...nothing will open.It doesn't have an error message or anything. This started two days ago.I haven't done anything out of the ordinary to cause this issue.If I scroll over the link that I want to open, it says Javascript://.It isn't a problem with the website, because other people are able to open these links.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When I'm in Mail and try to open or save to my computer and then open a pdf in Preview, I get an error message -"The file “Proposal to Seattle City Light - Wolverine Study 6Mar2012.pdf” could not be opened. It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize." This happens with all pdfs in Mail. However, if I go to email account on the Internet and download the pdf it opens no problem. This is a new problem, though I can't say if it started happening as soon as I upgraded to Lion or if it happened sometime after (definitely not before). Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Since switching from Entourage to mac mail - having issues with incoming mail PDF attachments. The attachment isn't available in the email so have to go to webmail and open attachments. This is happening with my macbook pro and ipad2.
when I try to open attachments on my mac at home or try to download I get this weird message I work on a pc at work but bought a mac from my company to further my sales and broaden my education at home now I am stuck trying to remote to my pc desk top but worse I cant download that or open any attahments on my mac at home - ugghgh!!! I would be so grateful if someone knew why - this is the message I get below when I try to open an attachment or download jsut started happening - I have a four year old some who play nick jr. games and dont know if he may have done something or maybe I did ???
I have a new ProMac, and I cannot open mail attachments from my PCfriends that are sent Mime type, or something called powerpoint.What do I need to do, to be able to open these?
Cannot open mail attachments from acrobat 7 with Lion? closing loan, sent me documents - could not open? Why would Apple sell lion when incompatibility with third party software of sender of mail to me?
This started happening out of the blue a couple of months ago – Everytime I download something, usually word documents from email or an update (basically anything that makes the file whizz into the top right hand corner and start its downloading), about 30 seconds later the spinning ball comes up and the computer grinds to a halt and the only option is to hold down the on button to restart.
When it loads up the thing hasn’t downloaded. So at the moment there is no way to open email attachments which is essential in my job.
P.S: It’s an old company laptop so don’t have the original disks for any software such as word so deleting and re-installing is not an option. I also have no recollection of downloading anything that could’ve affected this.
I was told, to highlight the information and do a get Info on it and report back what the message said. When I go to finder and click on the attachment the attachment comes up picture stamp size but so does Picaso. I am unable to find a get information attached to the attachment at finder.
If an email is either replied or forwarded to me I am unable to open any of the attachments from the originial messages. So unless someone forwards me an email and includes an attachment directly in their emial to me I'm not able to open any attachments. In the email this is how the attachments appear:<CBA_COMPS_5.2.12_PDF.pdf><Screen Shot 2012-05-17 at 2.10.18 PM.png> They are just text and not clickable. How can I make it so that I can open them?
I'm using MacOSX and Mac Mail. The cub scouts send a weekly newsletter via Scouttrack. When I view this on the Mac, I cannot see any attachments; it's like they are not there at all. When I view it from Outlook on a PC, it doesn't show the little paper clip, but when I open the email, then I can see that the attachments are there.
Is there any way to get the mail application on the Mac to recognize that there are attachments in the email??
so on igoogle.com i click on a link, it opens in a new window, this is really annoying, i scoured the prefrences but i cant find a option to change it. FF opens links in a new tab, so can safari open links in a new tab?
I'm seeing this weird Safari bug where when I "Open in new background tab" on a link, the new tab opens, but its graphic shows that it is selected. See screenshot attached. Anyone else experiencing this? The only thing I can think of that I did to my system is I installed SIMBL and GreaseKit, but I have since uninstalled them both, but the problem still persists. I'm on 10.6.2, Safari 4.0.4.
My Uncle just purchased a new Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard and he is having trouble accessing certain sites such as [URL] but has no problem accessing other sites like Apple or Google from Safari.
I tried to troubleshooting the issue by resetting Safari and by deleting the com.apple.safari.plist preference file in his home directory but he still has the problem.
I'm not sure if it is related, but I had to have him change the port from 5190 to 443 in iChat in order to connect to his AIM account so I could screen-share with him.
Also, he uses AOL mail and I was able to get it set up in Apple Mail but it is very sluggish to download.
He is using either Cisco or Linksys router and range extender and he said that his Windows computers have no problems connecting to any sites.
I am attaching multiple files from the same folder to different emails using gmail. I do not use any email programs on my iMac. Everything is virtual. I don't want to have go through all my file toggles to get to the folder I am working from every time, which is what I am doing.I want the computer to remember and default to that folder. How can I set this up?Â
I decided to try safari 3 again after I got Leopard, I like it except for one thing, some links will open in a new window that in other browsers would open in a new tab. is there any way to make Safari do this by default without having to command click on the links?