OS X :: Forcing A Given Application To Always Open A File Type?
May 18, 2010
this is driving me insane. On Tiger I was always able to select the default application to open a given file type, but I can't do this in SL. I want the XLD app to always open my .flac files. So, I click on a .flack file, select "get info" and select "Open with - XLD", and then I click CHANGE ALL. Fine. Next time, I just click "open" on a .flac and it's back to some other application being the default for opening the file, and not XLD! It keeps doing that, no matter how I keep trying to get XLD to be the default... what am I doing wrong, and what can I do to get it to work?
Is there any way we can set a file type (ex: .phtml) to open with a software forever? Like until death do us part? I'm very sick of having to chose "Choose a software" blabla. I want my .phtml files to automatically open with Dreamweaver. I did check the "always open this file with this application" and it doesn't work.
Cannot open Preview on my MacBook Pro. I can't open any type of image file. It will preview for a second and then the report Don't Reopen/Reopen screen comes up.
A window pops up and says "Cannot open Preview. States "The last time you opened Preview, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows." when I try."
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Whenever I attempt to change the default program to open a file, it automatically reverts to whatever was selected previously. I work with a lot of .ai files and my default Illustrator version is set to Creative Cloud. CC crashes constantly on my machine, however CS6 runs smooth as silk. I'd like to be able to double click an .ai file and have it open in CS6, not CC. When I right click > Get Info > Open with and change it, it reverts as soon as I click "Change all..."
I have been sent an important file with the above suffix, and I don't know how to open it. I specified Microsoft Word when asked as that seemed the most logical contender, but I can't open it in any of the formats that offers. At least, I can open the file, but it comes out as a garbled mass of symbols. Please could someone tell me how to change the default for opening it and what to change it to?
I use Comic Book Lover to read digital comics - these are .cbr and .cbz files, which are comic rar and zip archives, respectively. Pre-Snow Leopard, these were recognised by Comic Book Lover as Comic Book Lover files, complete with custom icons, icon previews, etc. I also use .rar and .zip files for archiving. When I installed Snow Leopard, it read all .cbr files as .rar files for Stuffit Expander, and .cbz as .zip files. I actually use UnRarX for rar file management, so using the Get Info box I changed all .rar files to use UnRarX, .cbr and .cbz to use Comic Book Lover, and .zip to use the standard Archive Utility.
Problem is Snow Leopard is not distinguishing between .rar and .zip and .cbr and .cbz. Once I've changed all .cbr and .cbz files to open with Comic Book Lover, all .rar and .zip files also get changed! Likewise if I set all .rar files to be opened with UnRarX, this changes all .cbr files! Clearly Snow Leopard is handling file types in a new way. Is there anyway around this, or am I going to have to pick one file type affiliation that would be most useful (say .cbr and .cbz opened with Comic Book Lover), and live with having to right-click on a .rar or .zip file to say "Open with..." UnRarX or Archive Utility?
I have setup up Finder to view all folders/files. I know how to become root from Terminal using (su) and navigate to all folders and do things.
The problem I can't figure out is when I use Mac apps (such as TextEdit) to open a file in one of the hidden folders (such as /private/etc/apache,) I dont see them in the dialog even though I am logged in as root and have enabled the Finder to show all files.
Is there a way to view all the folders from these dialog boxes? I dont want to use vim or pico for editing.
My Macbook Pro has been not updating, crashing applications, and force restarting. The problem has finally showed itself this morning. Finder crashed and when I tried to open it, I got a " Cannot open because file or application does not have a back up on time machine, and it is corrupted or incomplete (null)
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Not sure if this is a Hotmail thing or a browser thing, but if someone attaches a jpeg to an email I recieve in Hotmail, when I click it in Firefox I get a dialogue box asking: What should Firefox do with this file? Open With [choose...] or Save file?In Safari, it just automatically downloads the picture to the default download location and then auto opens it with Preview.This is so annoying! How do I set my browsers to just open jpegs within the browser?
Just put together a CV using Open Office, it's currently saved as a .odt. I'll be sending this out to a few companies and I'd like to know what the best file type is to select that will be readable by everyone? When I go to 'save as' I see a long list of options and I'm not sure which one to pick so that PC users can view.
When trying to view live broadcast on streaming faith got MIME type "application/ x- ms- wmp" needed I don't have the plug in I have flip for Mac and perian neither work.
After applying an image to be an application's icon, the image does not appear but instead the image of Preview appears with the image's type (for example jpeg) on it. I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong, other than possibly using the wrong image type. Is there a proper image type to use (I've tried pretty much every type but none of them seem to work), or do you have to change icons from somewhere other than 'get info'?
Here is what I need to know: 1- What log file type are available in Mac OS X computers? 2- How do I access those files? 3- What info (detailed) is actually storred in those files? I require quite a bit of detail to resolve my problems. I realize this is a fairly lengthy answer.
I have a file that I don't know how to open. It's 2GB and from what I remember it was either a .zip or .dmg file. However some time ago when I made it I also removed the last 3 characters from the name and renamed it .mov. This changed the way that finder dealt with it. Now I would like to open it but when I change the suffix to either of the above they aren't recognised making me wonder if either the file is corrupt or maybe it's not a zip or dmg.
How can I tell what the file is? I've gone into terminal and queried it with the "file" command but it just tells me that it's data.
I have a file that I don't know how to open. It's 2GB and from what I remember it was either a .zip or .dmg file. However some time ago when I made it I also removed the last 3 characters from the name and renamed it .mov. This changed the way that finder dealt with it. Now I would like to open it but when I change the suffix to either of the above they aren't recognised making me wonder if either the file is corrupt or maybe it's not a zip or dmg.
How can I tell what the file is? I've gone into terminal and queried it with the "file" command but it just tells me that it's data.
opened terminal to remove a uncooperative application (MacFace) and it wouldnt open. I would click it and it would bounce once and then nothing would happen. running 10.4.11
I a new to mac. I am trying to open a ".config" file but I get this error message: "There is no default application specified to open the document xxxx". Normally, on a Windows, I would just force open it with notepad as it conly contain text. How do I do the same with a Mac?
However, I am not sure what file type I should be creating or the codecs I should be using (video and audio). If the file type isnt supported by the TV, I will play the file on my comp and use the TV as an external display, so dont worry about that.
Could someone tell me the specs of the files I should be creating (and a decent app to use as well)?
I have googled this but can't find anything very good. If anyone knows of a site explaining this stuff, let me know.
Wondering if anyone knows of a piece of software that will determine the type of AVI file I have. I guess tells me what type of encoding it is.
I have some AVI files that will not stream to my xbox360 with Rivet or Connect360 and it's really pissing me off so I'm just trying to see if they are just the wrong type of encoding or what.
I was wondering how I can sort by file type? I have a bunch of .moi and .mod files in a directory and want yo delete the .moi files. If I could sort by type, then it would just be a matter of highlighting those and deleting. I tried sorting by kind, but since they are seen as Unix Executable files by the OS, it sorts them but not by .moi or .mod.
Every time I try to open a PDF file Live Type tries to open it. I have to save the file to the desktop and open it. Also, all pdf files have the Live type icon next to them.
I have a new ProMac, and I cannot open mail attachments from my PCfriends that are sent Mime type, or something called powerpoint.What do I need to do, to be able to open these?
I'm new to apple and just successfully ripped a CD to iTunes in apple lossless. How do I get iTunes to display the music file type? I'm using an older upgraded hand me down early 2008 macbook pro.
I just installed my new xt today and to format it I did the disk utility and did erase and let it format to the default file type, is that the correct way and will that let it use the drive to full advantage?
Even though the file extension says .mp3, this song won't play in my iPod Touch. I got a "Get info" on the file and found out that it is a MPEG-1 audio file type, unlike all other of my songs that are mp3's. What I need is an application that will open this file, convert it and let me save it as an mp3. QT will not even open this file.
is there a way to do such a thing? i have another user on my macbook ultra and i want their files to save on the external drive and not internal. the reason i want this is because i want all my drive space for me and me only.
I have a 500g AcomData external firewire drive that i use w/ one of my G4's running OS9.2. I have been using the drive for about 3 months with no issues. Yesterday i went to work on some music files, and when i tried to open my session, a bunch of the drums were missing. When i went to the drive and looked in the actual folder, all the missing drums were there, but their icons read 'PC' and the music program wont recognize them? Basically, i moved some files from my G4 to my external drive. They were initially Pro Tools files and the drive must have converted them to 'PC'. When i do 'apple I' it doesnt say that any of the info/format has changed? But the Icon is different, and Pro Tools wont see it? I have done this a bunch with all my other songs, for the past 3 months with no issues? Is there anyway to change these files back to what they used to be?