MacBook Pro :: Attachments Fail To Attach In Email On Any Browser - OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Jun 4, 2014
I have the latest MacBook Pro with Retina display with quad core. No attachments whether pdf, images, or documents will attach to any email program on any browser on the Maverick OS. This is a defect only with the MacBook Pro. My iMac quad core works great with attachments as would be expected.Â
Any answers as to why attachments fail to attach and gives the spinning beachball requiring a force quit. Eventually, I take the file on a memory stick to my iMac to attach it there on any browser with any email.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), The problem is just with my MacBook
My first posting. Please forgive my simplistic question, but I need some help.I use aol. When sending an email on my MAC, I'm trying to attach multiple excel (or word) files - let's say 10 excels in a row.So I click on "attach files", and a box opens up, showing all of the files on my MAC.On a non-MAC computer, I'd select the first file, then press "shift", and then use my down arrow to select the next 9 files. That doesn't work on my MAC.How do I attach 10 consecutive excel files when sending an email?
Not sure if this is a Hotmail thing or a browser thing, but if someone attaches a jpeg to an email I recieve in Hotmail, when I click it in Firefox I get a dialogue box asking: What should Firefox do with this file? Open With [choose...] or Save file?In Safari, it just automatically downloads the picture to the default download location and then auto opens it with Preview.This is so annoying! How do I set my browsers to just open jpegs within the browser?
Just recently, my email recipients are getting my sent image embedded in the email so they can not download them. This is particular to jpegs and some zipped files. Mac OSX 10.9.3 I am using iMail. It also doesn't seem to matter of I send it from a POP or IMAP account. It is happening to both Mac and PC users.
Every time I try to browse my Mac either from Safari or Firefox or when trying to attach a file with Mail browsing a file (dragging and dropping it in the new message works fine) it freezes the program up and the only way to get out of the process is to force the exit.
I tryed to read around for any solution but I couldn't solve it yet. In other words, I cannot upload files to internet since when i look at what I have on the Mac the program get stuck and the colored ball keeps turning forever...
I'm using OS10.9.3 and everything is up to date as far as software.
How do I make sure my attachments to emails appear as icons and not as open files? Once they appear as open files I can double click and select 'view as icon' but they don't stay that way. When I send or file the email the attachment is usually open again.
i am new to mac and have a new desk top. I can not attach or send attachments in problem receiving them. I am using my aol and gmail accounts in mail. If go directly to gmail i have no problems sending attachments.
I'm using MacOSX and Mac Mail. The cub scouts send a weekly newsletter via Scouttrack. When I view this on the Mac, I cannot see any attachments; it's like they are not there at all. When I view it from Outlook on a PC, it doesn't show the little paper clip, but when I open the email, then I can see that the attachments are there.
Is there any way to get the mail application on the Mac to recognize that there are attachments in the email??
When I log into my school's online classroom I can't get any attachments to open.I have tried Safari, Firefox and Opera.I have checked to make sure Java Script is enabled in all.I have checked to make sure my system is up to date. And I have checked all plug-ins and they are up to date.When I click on an attachment, like a file that my professor has uploaded, such as a study guide...nothing will open.It doesn't have an error message or anything. This started two days ago.I haven't done anything out of the ordinary to cause this issue.If I scroll over the link that I want to open, it says Javascript://.It isn't a problem with the website, because other people are able to open these links.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have often created pdf files and attached them to email. Today I created a letter and made it a pdf. everytime I attach it to an email it becomes the body of the email. No other pdfs do this.
Why can't I attach a file to an email unless I export it to Word or Excel?Â
If I create a file in Pages, Numbers, or Keynote and save it to my documents, I can't attach that file to an email. It says the file cannot be attached. If I go back to the file and export to Word or Excel, It will attach to the email. How can I fix this?
Safari won't let me select multiple files to attach to an email. I can attach more than one file, but I have to attach them one at a time. Is there a setting I need to change or something??
I recently got a new Macbook Pro 15 and love it. I recently went to "all images" in my hard drive and realized that my laptop took every single email attachment from my email (this includes videos, pictures, and documents) and put it on my hard drive. I had over 3500 pictures I didn't want! Why did it do this and how do I ensure that it doesn't happen again?)
I have been sent pdf attachments lately to my email account but cannot open them in either my MacBook Pro or my wife's.but they open if I try in my Dell computer. I have downloaded Acrobat Reader and java runtime but to no avail.Is there a secret I don't possess??
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I would like to send email attachments as actual attachments rather than embedded in the body of the message. I tried typing "defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -tool yes" in Applications/Utilities/Terminal which I thought had worked before, but no luck now.
Every time I attempt to attach a file My computer hangs (beach ball). it doesn't matter what it is because every time I click on the paper clip in mail it opens the window and then just hangs there. I really need to attach documents and I can attach them when i start from the document and right click to share.
i am using mac osx 10.6.4 with snow leopard and i am using mail but when i get an email with a pps/jpeg/wav file i delete the email after opening and looking at it,but the other day i found loads of pps/wav/jpeg and other stuff left even after deleteing the email,does anyone know of a way that when i delete the email it clears the lot ?also my google chrome browser says that there is a new update but when i click on update it gives me a error 12-any ideas about this please ?
is there built in or 3rd party software that will allow me to attach my digital camera to my MBP via USB and control and capture images to the MBP using the attached camera?
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Canon AS1100 p&s
Having bought a MacBookAir running 10.9.4 I wanted to migrate files etc from my imac running 10.6.8. Since then safari will not connect and the screen remains blank. The timer spins for a bit and then stops. Unable to connect to any website. Internet connections are fine. Mail works
I have a new MacBook Pro and when I get emails with attachments the attachments aren't showing up? What do I need to do so I can always see attachments?