Applications :: Configuring USB Overdrive For Windows?

Dec 5, 2009

I've just started using USB Overdrive and Its great how you can remap every mouse button, but cursor movement still feels sluggish and mac-like.

Can someone please post (screenshot of) their settings for speed and acceleration that is required to achieve windows-like movement?

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Applications :: Won't Work With USB Overdrive / Alternatives?

Jun 20, 2010

I've recently been running into problems with mouse clicks not being picked up by OS X. At first I thought it was my mouse, but it seems to happen with other USB mice as well. Turns out the problem is being caused by USB Overdrive. Seems there is a problem with it and 10.6.x. Turns out that I am not the only one with the problem and no one has heard from the developer of a workaround or patch to fix the problem.

I use a Logitech MX518 and Logitech won't release Mac drivers for it, so I need something like USB Overdrive to get full functionality. Does anyone here know of any alternatives to USB Overdrive that work with Snow Leapord?

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Applications :: 10.6.3 Missing / Losing Mouse Click - USB Overdrive?

Jun 17, 2010

I have recently been having problems with left and middle clicks not being picked up by OS X. For example, I click a link, but its not selected at all. Another is I middle-click a tab in FF to close it, and nothing happens. I usually have to click twice in succession or hold the button down for a second or teo for the click to register. The weirder part is that it doesn't always happen. The right button and back/forward buttons on my mouse don't seem to be affected. I've tried to clean my mouse (Logitech MX518) but that doesn't fix the problem. The only thing I can think that is causing the problem is mouse drive I am using (USB Overdrive). I have to use it as Logitech hasn't and won't release drivers for the MX518 for the Mac. A bit of research shows that a few people have had similar issues. Has anyone here run into this problem before? Know of a solution? If not, do you guys know of any alternatives to USB Overdrive that I can use that works with 10.6.x?

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Mac Pro :: Configuring To Run Windows XP Native - No OSX - No Bootcamp?

May 1, 2008

configured a new Mac Pro to run just Windows XP natively with NO OS X operating system, NO Bootcamp etc. I am trying to determine if I should sell my Mac Pro or if I can simply rebuild it using only Windows XP?

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Mac Pro :: Configuring With MacBook Pro Migration And Windows XP Bootcamp?

Nov 3, 2010

I just purchased a new Mac Pro (early 2009 Quad Core" 2.66 (2009/Nehalem), and a second (1GB) internal hard drive. I would like to transfer my the applications, files, and profile from my Macbook Pro (early 2008 Core 2 Duo" 2.5) to the Mac Pro. I also want to install with Boot Camp Windows XP Pro (SP3) on a separate hard drive. I want the XP drive to be the 640 GB hard drive that came with the Mac Pro, and the MacOS drive to be the added 1GB hard drive. I want the Windows drive to have 4 logical partitions ( C, D, E, and F) with the C, D, and E being NTFS (so they can exceed 32GB) and, F drive being FAT (for read/write compatibility with MacOS). I've been doing a fair amount of reading both on this forum and elsewhere, and think I have good plan to accomplish the setup. But, a lot of what I'm planning to do is new to me. So, before executing my plan, I wanted to get some feedback from the experts on this forum as to whether my plan is a good one, or needs some modification.

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Windows On Mac :: Configuring Wireless Connection When Running OS?

Nov 8, 2010

I installed windows 7 on Basecamp but I can't figure out how to configure it to work wirelessly with my airport base station. Is there a specific driver to install? If yes would it be on apple or windows website? If this helps I'm using an AirPort Extreme (0x14E4, 0x93) card that came with the MBP.

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Windows On Mac :: Configuring Parallels On Virtual Machine

Dec 7, 2009

I recently upgraded from my MBP to a new i5 iMac, and with the new HD space I'm now able to use some valuable disk space for a windows partition. I installed WinXP (seemed fine in Boot Camp), and began the process of installing Parallels 5. I was able to create a virtual machine, but when I try to run Parallels it goes into a "configuring your virtual machine" window (Steps 1 of 4) that just seems to run and run (ran it all last night with no progress further than about 25%).

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OS X :: Logitech G7 Mouse W/ USB Overdrive?

Jul 27, 2008

I've been using a Logitech G7 mouse w/ USB Overdrive (and now Steermouse). I have an issue with the mouse double-clicking when it's supposed to single-click. It does it randomly throughout the day.

I tried testing my original Apple Bluetooth Cordless Mouse (not the MM), it works fine. No accidental double clicking. The G7, in Windows, does not suffer from this problem. I know the G7 isn't "supposed" to work with OSX, which is probably the reason why it's doing this in the first place, but I have seen other readers install USB Overdrive and Steermouse without issues.

Is there a way to go to default OSX Mouse drivers? Maybe all these installs of 3rd party apps screwed something up. I don't know, just a guess. If anyone has any info on how I could go about fixing this issue, let me know.

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OS X :: USB Overdrive And Dashboard / Expose

Apr 16, 2009

Is it possible to configure USB Overdrive to access Dashboard and Expose using the middle mouse button and one of the thumb buttons?

The control panel has options for what actions to take when these buttons are pressed, but Dashboard/Expose are not among the choices. Trying to assign a keystroke to the buttons doesn't work either because when I try, the keys activate Dashboard or Expose rather than capturing the key in USB Overdrive's keystroke window.

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Mac Mini :: Fan Gone Into Overdrive Since Upgrading To 10.6.4?

Jun 18, 2010

I've just upgraded and rebooted and now my fan is going crazy while all I've got running is Safari. Has anyone else noticed this?

Edit: ah there we go. I reset the SMB and that's brought the temperature down to 53c. 70c when idling had me worried for a while there.

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OS X :: Using A Logitech Mouse With USB Overdrive Software?

Jun 4, 2009

So here's what happened: I had a MX518 that I got for my iMac, and then I found out that it had no drivers for OSX, so I ended up taking it back, and exchanging it for MX400. MX4000 has OSX drivers, but the wheel is awful. Each time I press the scroll wheel (which feels like it needs a bodybuilder to be able to press it), the thing tilts either left or right, causing it to not only activate the middle button, but also a left/right wheel button. This is very annoying.

I'm wondering if anyone here is using software such as USB Overdrive like the one found here (URL) I mainly want to run it on MX518, and was wondering if the dpi switch buttons still work with it after it's installed on the system.

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OS X :: USB Overdrive Settings Do You Use To Match A PC Mouse?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm a lifelong Mac user, but I use a PC at work and that means using Excel and Word a lot. Whenever I work from home on my Mac I always have a slight bit more difficulty in selecting the cells I want in Excel and I do attribute this in the slight differences between how the Mac mouse and PC mouse work.

I've used USB Overdrive for as long as I can remember but I only started thinking about what settings would give me the same mouse movement as a PC on my Mac. I am mainly interested in what Speed and Acceleration setting you have to best mimic a PC. I currently am using 400 dpi and 150% accel.

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Intel Mac :: Will AMD Overdrive Void Warranty

Apr 6, 2012

I have Windows 7 installed with Bootcamp on my 2011 iMac using an AMD 6970m. Will using AMD's Overdrive software void my warranty with Apple?


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IMac :: Radeon 5750: Activate Overdrive?

Aug 5, 2010

today I've received my new iMac. It's a fantastic machine.I'd like to use the overdrive feature in the Catalyst Control Center but it's not available (not even displayed). Does anyone know of a workaround to enable that feature? I'd like to overclock the graphics card a bit.

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MacBook Air :: Download Overdrive Icon To Dock?

Jun 23, 2014

I use the Overdrive app to borrow books from Maryland library systems.  How do I put the Overdrive icon on my dock at the bottom of my home screen?

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 1.6 Start Up - Screen Remain Black - Fan Goes Into Overdrive

Oct 27, 2009

I am currently experiencing problems booting up my imac 17-inch, 1.6GHz (2004 model I think). When I hit the power button the machine starts but the screen rmains black and after about 3 mins of this, the fan goes into overdrive! The only way I can turn the computer on at the moment is to remove the casing and use the on switch located inside the the machine, although this is no guarantee it will work, sometimes it does but the majority of times it will be the same black screen as before. All I am waiting to hear is the part in the top corner (hard drive~?) to click into gear and then it's fine, and the machine seems to work perfectly. But this is not a solution and I fear it is only a matter of time before the machine just explodes altogether

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OS X :: Configuring IPhoto ?

Feb 7, 2009

I normally use a phto editing program called Nikon Capture NX2, but there's one pix I want to lopen/print from iPhoto. However, when I open the iPhoto application it defaults to iPicture Library and will show me only one folder. How do i convince iPhoto that I want to open a pix from a different folder? I've tried copying the photo to the folder that iPhoto opens but it doesn't show. Import doesn't work either.

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OS X :: 10.5.6 Hangs While Configuring Installation

Dec 16, 2008

Early in the upgrade progress bar, where it says: "Configuring Installation", with less than 3 or 4mm of progress on the progress bar (18" screen, 1280x1024), it just hangs. It sits there and does nothing more. Both on my PowerMac G5 and my brand new Mac mini. If I wait for forever, and then power down, and restart, it starts right back up in to 10.5.5, and software update will tell me it wants to install 10.5.6.

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OS X :: Configuring And Gmail

Feb 23, 2010

I want to configure my gmail in but i'm having some difficulty. I want IMAP, and if i delete something in i want it to remain in the gmail server, is this possible? if so, how?

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Safari :: Configuring IPv6 In Mac OS X V10.6.7 Or Later?

May 10, 2012

I am using Macbook Air OS X Lion. I have been facing slow internet browsing problem from quite a while now. I checked the forums and found that lot of people are facing the same problem. Also found that disabling IPv6 or setting it to manual mode will help fixing the issue. But another big challenge is how to do it. I tried setting it to manual which would need router address, IPv6 address and prefix length which is supposed to be collected from your ISP. Unfortunately Comcast hasnt implemented IPv6 yet so couldnt find that information.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Configuring Signatures In Apple Mail?

Nov 9, 2009

I've created several signatures in Apple Mail Preferences to be used randomly and to appear beneath the text or image in an outgoing email. I've left the box empty next to "Place signature above quoted text." Process works OK with text, however, when sending a photo, the signature continually appears above the image. Is there some way to have the signature always appear at the end of the email when sending images or photos?

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MacBook Pro :: Using Airport Express - Configuring?

Sep 13, 2010

I have an 17" i7 MBP which has connection issues with my Airport Express. Sometimes, it connects on the first try, other times I have to turn the airport, on the MBP, on and off several times before it will connect. Sometimes that won't even work, so I put the mbp to sleep, wake it back up, then it will connect. Once connected, it works fine and never have any of the disconnect problems I have read about.

The other weird thing is that at the office, where we use non-apple wireless access points, I never see an issue.

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IMac :: Configuring Remote Access?

Dec 15, 2010

Hoping someone can provide a few beginners tips here...

I'm trying to set up Remote HD app on my iPhone 4 so that I can tap in to my iMac remotely. I've set it up for the wireless LAN at home, but want to set it up to tap in over the web.

The Remote HD website gives a small paragraph on it but it doesn't really mean anything to me.


Can you give me any pointers on how to set this up?

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IMac :: Configuring SPDIF Out For Sony Amp

Oct 1, 2009

Basically I've got my mac mini (1.5 core solo) going optical SPDIF into my Sony Surround amp (6.1) But If I play music from itunes i don't get 2.1 I get 2.0. I've been arsing around with Audio Midi Setup all evening to no avail, whatever I do it won't let me do anything other than stereo left and right, which of course is bloody annoying because it means the bass channel is completely missing.

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OS X :: Configuring AirPort Express Over Ethernet

Jan 7, 2010

I am attempting to set up a wireless network with an AirPort Express in order to access the Internet from my iPod touch. My computer is a 2002 PowerBook G4/667 running OS X 10.4.11 (the latest OS it can run), and according to an Apple Store Genus, either the AirPort card or the AirPort antenna is shot, rendering the PowerBook useless as a wireless device. Adding to the pain, my cable modem has only one Ethernet port. Hence, I have purchased a Belkin F5D5050 USB/Ethernet adapter (and installed USBPegasusEthernet 1.0.9 as a kernel extension to make it work).

Which I plan to use to connect the AirPort Express to the computer (via the Ethernet port on the Express and the USB port on the PowerBook). The modem would be connected via Ethernet directly to the PowerBook's sole Ethernet port. Everything I read on the Internet says that I should be able to configure the AirPort Express over Ethernet via AirPort Admin Utility, but the utility doesn't seem to see the Express, even if I directly connect them to each other (one Ethernet port to the other). How I could make my network operational?

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MacBook Pro :: Installing And Configuring New Intel G2 SSD

Jan 9, 2010

how to get it setup nicely. [URL:..] So first thing, I need to physically install the drive. Is there a good tutorial for a macbook pro 4,1 (old style aluminum) that shows you how to swap the hard drives? I'd like to just mirror the contents of my internal drive, and I've got an external 2.5 inch enclosure to help me. So, do I take out my current drive and put that in the enclosure and startup and mirror to the SSD (with super duper?)? Or is there a better way. Also does it need any special drivers or setting up? And finally are there any tips on perfomance tuning and optimizations I can make.

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MacBook Pro :: Configuring Wireless Connection?

Jul 2, 2010

I have recently purchased a MacBook Pro after being a lifelong Dell laptop user. My roommate has always had a wireless router that both of us used to connect our laptops too. It is secure and requires a password to use.

Now, when I try to connect using my MacBook, the AirPort asks for the password, which I enter, and it says it is connected and gives me an IP address (the bars are full too).....however, I can not get onto any internet site using Safari or connect to iTunes.

When I disconnect and connect to an un-secure network in my building (an Apple Network according to the name), I am able to get to sites and iTunes instantly.

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Configuring Power MAC G5 For Final Cut Pro Workflow

Feb 13, 2012

I am new to MACS as most of my experience has been with windows OS. I recently took some classes in video production (which initiated me to the MAC environment) but abandoned it due to frustration caused I believe by under-resourced computers in our lab (Mac Pro w just 3GB RAM running Final Cut Pro X) too many hours wasted watching the rainbow windmill. My offer to buy 16GB of RAM and loan it to them for a test was rejected.I want to continue working on video editing, so found a couple Power MACs and FCP v5.1. One is a 1.8Ghz dual (bought before I knew better) and the other a late 2005 Quad which I am configuring for editing. It currently has 10GB or RAM and I expect to bump that to the 16GB limit. The hard drive space shocked me. Who would design a case like that to hold just 2 drives? I see that additional internal drive cages are made by 3rd parties and am considering that. But before I get too involved, I need to learn more about MACs.I obviously bought these used and didn't get any install discs. There are 2 drives in the Quad. A 500GB holds about 100GB for the OS and applications. The second drive is 250GB and empty. As I understand it, the Quad supported only SATA version 1 (150MB/s) correct? Will it support 2TB drives?

I'd like to separate the OS and APs from the data and think that the 250GB drive would suffice for that purpose. Can the files on the boot drive be cloned to the 250GB drive so I can use it to boot from? In the alternative, I might replace both with 2TB drives if the OS (10.5.8) will support that. The primary concern here is to keep all the existing APs functional.I am just now taking a linux class and the advice there is to create lots of different partitions. Onr for the kernel and system files, another for APs, etc and to create a swap file on a different drive for optimal performance. I think that would be the same for the scratch file for video rendering.

Aside from the 2 HD bays, I am studying the idea of a SATA card that would support internal as well as external sata devices. Given that rendering is processor-intensive, is there any advantage to adding a SSD via a SATA card running at 3 or 6GB/s? One reference I read indicated that the video can't be processed faster than the existing HDs can take it. If true, then I wouldn't see much advance in adding faster drives. But if someone that ahs experience with such, I'd like to get some input.As to the 1.8 Dual G5 that I grabbed before i 'discovered' the Quad, I'll probably use that more for video capture since its PCI-X slots will accomodate my video capture cards inputting mostly miniDV tape media.

Power Mac G5 (Late 2005), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Power Mac G5 :: Configuring A New Internal HD As A Storage Drive?

Dec 5, 2007

I'm leaning towards picking up a 1TB Barracuda 7200.11 to throw in my empty slot. I'm not a huge fan of Seagate these days, but this seems like the best choice of drive at this size. I've got a Dual 2.3 G5 with 6.5 gigs of memory.

I'm doing a lot of video editing with Final Cut Pro and want to setup this drive to store my editing environment. So it's only being used as a storage device. All the initialization specs I see are to configure the drive as the bootable drive. Can anyone point me to some specs to set this up as a storage drive?

Dual Core 2.3Ghz PowerMac G5, Macbook Pro Core2 Duo
Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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Mac Pro :: Refurbished Vs Configuring New & Subsequent Owner Modifications

Oct 17, 2010

I use Macs in a publishing business and have done so since 1986. I have read entries here where one user wants to buy/configure equipment that will last five years or be able to last longer than considered typical. I have read the replies indicating that is not possible, too much change and evolution, buy every 2-3 years, and all that. Since 1986 I have had these models: Mac Plus, IIci, 8600, and most recently a G4 1.25 Ghz MDD. I am writing this post on the G4. It is about eight years old. Look at the number of models I list and do the math. Those are the only machines I have had since 1986. I don't believe I could get this kind of service from an iMac or laptop. Note: The 8600 is still my scanning station, run as required.

What I learn is the computer does what it could do initially as well as it ever could. The problems eventually emerging are multiple. Increasing potential for hardware failure, inability to run newer software as operating systems fall behind, and today, an inability to run the most current browsers due to OS falling behind. I want capability to run newer versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, and some CAD or solid modeling software. The G4 is doing what it did initially just as well as it ever did. It just can't move forward...........................

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