Mac Pro :: Refurbished Vs Configuring New & Subsequent Owner Modifications
Oct 17, 2010
I use Macs in a publishing business and have done so since 1986. I have read entries here where one user wants to buy/configure equipment that will last five years or be able to last longer than considered typical. I have read the replies indicating that is not possible, too much change and evolution, buy every 2-3 years, and all that. Since 1986 I have had these models: Mac Plus, IIci, 8600, and most recently a G4 1.25 Ghz MDD. I am writing this post on the G4. It is about eight years old. Look at the number of models I list and do the math. Those are the only machines I have had since 1986. I don't believe I could get this kind of service from an iMac or laptop. Note: The 8600 is still my scanning station, run as required.
What I learn is the computer does what it could do initially as well as it ever could. The problems eventually emerging are multiple. Increasing potential for hardware failure, inability to run newer software as operating systems fall behind, and today, an inability to run the most current browsers due to OS falling behind. I want capability to run newer versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, and some CAD or solid modeling software. The G4 is doing what it did initially just as well as it ever did. It just can't move forward...........................
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Dec 1, 2014
Subsequent to Yosemite or updates, my repeating calendar events can not be updated as before. When I update an event (of a repeating event) on my MacBook Pro; its reverts back when I shut it down and come back, and doesn't update other devices?
Mac Pro, iOS 8.1.1, Mac, Iphone 5s, Ipad
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Jun 29, 2014
Putting her MacBook Pro/Maverick to sleep works fine, but when she raises the lid the Wifi connection is broken, and cannot be acquired unless she reboots. Does a switch exist for this anywhere?
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Sep 25, 2006
I just bought a 17'' lamp-style G4 iMac with a dead logic board for the screen, with the intent of doing some fun modifications, just because I have some spare time. There are 2 things I would like to ask you all about. If you reply (and all constructive or humorous replies are much appreciated!), keep in mind that I am fairly knowledgeable about electronics and am good at soldering/wiring. Anything I don't know how to do, I have friends that are professional electrical engineers (my day job is working on the ATLAS experiment for the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva).
1) I have a perfect, working iMac G4 that has served me well for many years in the same lamp style with a 15'' monitor. Is it possible to gut the 15'' and put it in the 17''? The fit of the components doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to work and be more or less as functional as the current machine. I might be able to build some spacers or something if the fit is not perfect.
2) What do you think the chances are of me stuffing the innards of a Mac Mini inside the 15'' or 17'' chassis? My main concern is the screen connection. I might be able to jury-rig something so that the wires coming from the neck go to a DVI or whatever port is on the Mac Mini to do it that way, I wonder if there isn't a better solution?
Have at it. If I go through with this, I plan to post pictures and a step-by-step account of the process.
and to the people who will undoubtedly bring up copyright/legal infringements. this will not be for sale.
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Jun 2, 2008
I'm setting up a shared volume which several people (Mac and PC users) will access. I'd love it if certain people could be notified by email when a folder on that volume is modified, like so:
Main Folder
subfolder 1 <-- notify (URL) when modified
subfolder 2 <-- notify (URL) when modified
subfolder 3 <-- notify (URL), (URL) when modified
Does anyone know of software that has such functionality ? The shared volume will be an smb: share.
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Sep 9, 2009
The picture worth a thousand words is at the bottom of this post.Looking for Airport configuration advice as I modify my home network. Everything is at latest firmware versions. 1. Broadband Source - Comcast Cable.
2. Broadband Modem - Motorola SB5101, configured and working as router. ISP doesn't allow it to bridge.3. Two Airport Extreme's... early "n" MA073LL/A and brand new MB763LL/A.4. One Express, need it for Airtunes.5. HP printer with Ethernet.6. USB hard drive.7. Six g clients, three n clients as shown.8. No coverage constraints (small house, thin walls).9. One Airport Extreme, the HD, the printer and the Express must be in a certain location.10. Incoming cable, cable modem, one Airport Extreme must be 25' away from #9.
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Nov 16, 2009
I've been testing this method for awhile to determine if it was possible to boot the x86_64 kernel on the Macbook Air via any process. It looks like it is. References here and here show it is possible to force boot the x86_64 kernel if you have a 64bit EFI firmware. To test your EFI firmware you can use the following: (Source).
Type the following into Terminal:
ioreg -l -p IODeviceTree | grep firmware-abi
If your Mac shows "firmware-abi" = EFI64 then you can proceed. If you see EFI32 then you're out of luck for this particular method.
The rest of the process is detailed at the links included above. I will rewrite this part when I have the method fully working, but for now I haven't been successful.
There are several relevant parts such as:
Model (with 64-bit EFI) Byte Position in boot64.efi Old Value New Value
Mac mini(Eary 2009) 0�266DB 0�00 0�80
MacBook Air(Late 2008) 0�266FB 0�00 0�80
iMac(early 2008) 0�2671B 0�08 0�80
included in the comments at this page, but so far I'm stuck.
Update 1:
As an alternate method I attempted to use lipo to modify the mach_kernel to only contain the x86_64 kernel information. A reboot confirms this didn't work so well.
Interesting notes so far from the EFI modification tests:
1) bless --info works fine on 10.6.0, but gives a Can't access "efi-boot-device" NVRAM variable on 10.6.2.
2) You can still modify which efi file is used for boot in 10.6.2 (I fouled one up in a hex editor and rebooted to see if it would fail just to test it), but the bless binary will not show the information the system is configured with.
3) The information at both links above for modifying the boot.efi doesn't seem to work in 10.6.0. It already wasn't working in 10.6.2, but there were some comments about it working in previous versions of Snow Leopard so I went back to an unpatched vanilla install from my install media (used Disk Utility to format the drive before installation) to test it.
Thread Notes:
1) Yes, I am aware that Leopard and Snow Leopard are fully capable of running 64bit programs using the i386 kernel. This is just an experiment for fun.
2) No, I do not have any reason to do this and I know the Macbook Air runs fine with the i386 kernel including every feature of the x86_64 kernel.
3) Yes, I know the Macbook Air only contains 2GB of ram so there is no reason to run the x86_64 kernel.
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Apr 24, 2012
This evening I some how accidently "restored" a document I had been working on to a version I started about a month ago. I honestly have no idea how this happened since I hadn't even opened Time Machine when noticed the document was the old version (the program and document had been open on my laptop for days). Anyway, I thought maybe I could just go back to the version from yesterday or a few days ago, but it seems that once today's version is restored to March 28th's version, all subsequent versions are also restored. If there is any way to find a previous version of this document (that is not the March 28th one!), I would be estactic.
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Dec 5, 2008
I just bought my first Mac a month ago, and have since completely ignored my girlfriend for this new lover. I bought a MBA Rev A, used with a ton of software still loaded on it. The problem is, the guy I bought it from was a Korean exchange student, and set the comp with Korean as the native language. I did a password reset to get the language change, then set myself up as an Admin account. The problem I have here is that the software loaded on this laptop is awesome, but I can't update any of it because I don't have owner permissions.
I understand the only way to get owner permissions is to do an Erase and Install of Leopard, but if I do that, then I lose all the software. This laptop came loaded with Adobe CS3, Parallels, Office for Mac, Toast 9 Titanium, and I think there might be another program. My question here is, is there any way to gain access to these programs, by using a copying software to make disk images of them, or by simplifying copying down all of the Product Keys, and reinstalling the programs from a hard disk.
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Oct 14, 2010
Hey guys, i just purchased a open but new macbook pro i5, i guess the owner logged in to make sure it was ok and his name and info is still on the laptop, do u guys know how and where to go to change all that information??? so far i have deleted his user and made mine admin. Is it better to just pop in the install cd and install dvd and reinstall it? not to familiar with osx.
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May 20, 2009
I'm new to Apple Comps, not having owned one since my Apple IIe long ago. I received a MacBook as a gift last weekend. I've spent the past few days trying to square things away due to a problem. The gifter bought the laptop at Best Buy and had the kinder there set it up and install Office. Unfortunately, the BB people used the name of the purchaser. I've been able to change the name on the Home folder and also the admin account by enabling the root user and tinkering with things. I still see "Snuffy Smith's MacBook" whenever I open Finder. I'm hoping there's any easier fix than to reinstall the OS. I'm running the comp under OS X 10.5.6.
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Mar 31, 2009
I have a file that, for some reason is set to "No Access" for Everyone in the Sharing & Permissions of the file. I tried to change the owner of the file to another user (with admin rights) but when I type in the name of the new user, OSX tells me that the name I entered is invalid. Is this new file owner the same thing as the account names I have setup in System Preferences? If so, why would I not be able to change the user.
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May 5, 2012
How do I replace former owner's name in all iMac directories?
Including network setup and Office file management. I have already renamed the computer and deleted former owner when and where possible.
(I also have an iPad and hope I was directed to the approtriate community)
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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May 6, 2012
need to reset password on used mac can you help?old owner not available.
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Jun 21, 2012
p.s. I downloaded same old g3 version of itunes that said previous owners keeps launching. Also I thought maybe if i erase his that my help however it wont erase due to "itunes helper" message. I dont care if i keep the previous owners itunes I just want to be able to get to the store.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 21, 2014
I'm basically trying to make a "save as" version of a project so I can change what I have without risk of losing everything I've done. But every time I save a new version of the project (and even rename it, store it on another drive, etc.), the changes I make to the new version are also made to the original.I'm also not getting the popup "duplicate project" window (which should give me a choice of where and how to save the project) I'm supposed to get when I click on "Duplicate Project." How can I simply save a fixed version of my project?
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Feb 28, 2010
how does apple track registered products?
If i have 2 computers registered, does it know all the information about those computers? Or just that I have 2 registered.
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Apr 23, 2012
I bought a used macbook recently and have not been able to change the registered owner. I have changed the user accounts but it still shows up as a different name.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 26, 2012
I have recently purchased a second hand iMac.The Home folder is still in the name of the previous owner and I keep getting asked for his passwords. All his applications are still on there, so I would like to do a clean install and start again. Lion was already installed so I do not have any discs to re-install. How do I do that without any discs etc?
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Jan 10, 2009
I recently purchased and started using a refurbed iBook G4 for Power Point and Excel presentations. Every time I open a project, I get the X or PP start page with the header "Registered To (the previous owner who activated the software). My audiences, whether a group or a single person, all know that I am not
It's an embarrassing situation, since it suggests that I am either using someone else's iBook or I have a pirated version of the software.
Does anyone know where or how I could edit the script or registration info for MS Office 2008?
This is my first experience with a Mac and the first time using Office 2008 for Mac; my knowledge in this case is limited to registry edits in earlier MS versions and XP.
I've searched many threads and forums without seeing a reference to this particular situation.
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Oct 14, 2008
My girlfriend just purchased a 1 year old Mac with OS X 10.5.2. Incredible as this seems, the previous owner mistakenly left all of her old information on the computer! We would like to delete this, but have been unable to contact her and get her password. Is there another way we can erase/delete this information?
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Dec 6, 2014
We have 5 macs in our family, all were configured under my iCloud account for the App store & I just used to log in with my iCloud account on my partner/daughters machines to do updates etc.
Daughter has now gone to Uni & I'd like to move her "App store account" side of things over to her own iCloud account so that she can continue doing updates etc. without needing me.
How do I go about changing this on her machine? I'm not looking to wipe the machine for resale etc. just give her the ability to carry out updates without needing my account details. There are a few minor apps installed on it from my Apple ID but nothing major that she'd worry about losing if she needed to remove them but what is the score in this area anyway?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 29, 2012
what shows on screen at startup when using find my mac if owner locks it?
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Mar 20, 2012
I bought over a Mac Book Pro from a friend. I can't update iPhoto and other apps as it seems like these are tagged to the previous owner's account. It basically requires me to sign in to my fren's account which is absurb! Because iphoto comes with mac isn't it?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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Dec 8, 2008
I will be getting a refurbished mac pro soon and was wondering if i should do anything to get the most out of my mac. I cant remember where ive heard this but some people suggested defragging the computer right away and doing a clean reinstall of leopard and partining a hard drive with xp/vista. And was wondering if these are good ideas to consider. Or maybe there are other ideas I haven't heard of that will also work.
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Jan 31, 2012
I'd like to get my macbook on a Mac Refurbished.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2), sell my mac on Mac Refurbished
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Sep 8, 2010
Here 's what I need to learn how to do I have a iPod Touch and I want to be able to insert a DVD movie in my Mac computer (OS 10.5.8) and download that movie onto the iPod Touch so I can watch it later, say on a jet on a long trip.I can't find the owner's manual (drat).
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Aug 9, 2009
I'm looking into purchasing a Macbook Air and was curious if anyone had opinion on which refurbish unit I should be looking at? Specifically, I want to keep my budget around $1,100.
Apple has two different refurbished units 1) 1.6Ghz w/ 120GB HD or 2) 1.8Ghz w/ 80GB HD.
Should I sacrifice 40GB of HD for 0.2Ghz? Is there that noticeable of a difference? I also noticed that the 1.8Ghz seem to be running Intel graphics rather than the Nvida. Any thoughts?
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Feb 12, 2009
Now that they have cheaper refurbished Macbooks up, I think I'm going to buy one today.
I have bought many refurbished products before, but never one this expensive. I just wanted to make sure that there is NO difference in warranty, quality or anything when buying refurbished. Simply just a computer that has been refurbished but includes everything as if it were being bought brand new.
Also I am definitely going to buy a new Hard drive for it immediately. I was reading around about the western digital 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm. Is it worth waiting for the 7200rpm or just go for the 5400? And is 500GB the biggest hard drive that I can put in my macbook? I want the biggest possible.
What is the exact drive that is compatible with the macbook?
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Jul 8, 2009
I just got mine refurbished and it appears in perfect condition, and runs perfectly, but I have no idea whether the previous owner stressed it, in which case it may be more likely to break, or may break soon after my year is up. I don't really want to buy AppleCare, but I guess I might if it really is worth it.
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