OS X :: Configuring AirPort Express Over Ethernet
Jan 7, 2010
I am attempting to set up a wireless network with an AirPort Express in order to access the Internet from my iPod touch. My computer is a 2002 PowerBook G4/667 running OS X 10.4.11 (the latest OS it can run), and according to an Apple Store Genus, either the AirPort card or the AirPort antenna is shot, rendering the PowerBook useless as a wireless device. Adding to the pain, my cable modem has only one Ethernet port. Hence, I have purchased a Belkin F5D5050 USB/Ethernet adapter (and installed USBPegasusEthernet 1.0.9 as a kernel extension to make it work).
Which I plan to use to connect the AirPort Express to the computer (via the Ethernet port on the Express and the USB port on the PowerBook). The modem would be connected via Ethernet directly to the PowerBook's sole Ethernet port. Everything I read on the Internet says that I should be able to configure the AirPort Express over Ethernet via AirPort Admin Utility, but the utility doesn't seem to see the Express, even if I directly connect them to each other (one Ethernet port to the other). How I could make my network operational?
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Sep 13, 2010
I have an 17" i7 MBP which has connection issues with my Airport Express. Sometimes, it connects on the first try, other times I have to turn the airport, on the MBP, on and off several times before it will connect. Sometimes that won't even work, so I put the mbp to sleep, wake it back up, then it will connect. Once connected, it works fine and never have any of the disconnect problems I have read about.
The other weird thing is that at the office, where we use non-apple wireless access points, I never see an issue.
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Sep 11, 2009
Just moved back to school and got our internet set up. Our internet service came with a simple cable modem and no router. I set up my airport express to give my apartment wifi, but the problem is, xbox doesn't have wireless built in (i refuse to purchase the wireless dongle). So my roommates and i purchased an ethernet network hub. We made one connection to my airport express, and one connection directly into the xbox. Now here's what we can't figure out. We can only configure one or the other to work at a time. We can't get them both to work at the same time. We configure the xbox, and the airport express won't work. We then reconfigure the airport, and we get kicked off of xbox live. Does anyone know a way to get both of these to work simultaneously?
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May 8, 2010
I try to accomplish to use Airport Express, connected to my stereo, to use to play the songs from my iTunes collection from a PC (Windows Vista).
I have a Belkin N Wireless router which I use for a HP laptop which works fine.
My Airport Base Station Agent does not detect any AirPort Express, wirelessly.
When I connect with a wire from the Router to AIE it is detected, so I think that AIE itself works.
But whatever I do, it does not seem to want to find the AIE without wire.
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Aug 1, 2009
Play Itunes and no music playing in stereo.
1. Computer running Win XP Pro
network connection as shown below
Internet <->Router<->Dlink Switch<->Dlink Wireless Router (no Dhcp)<->Airport express hard wired to Wireless Router<->Plugged to Stereo
Can connect to either Dlink Wireless router or Airport Express.
Tried playing music while connected to airport = no music
Tried playing music while connected to Dlink = no music
I check in Itune if in the preference the check mark was set in music look for remote speakers and it is set.
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Feb 10, 2010
I apparently have a unique situation. My ethernet connection, if that is what it even is, comes out of the wall. No connection, nothing like that, it just goes into the wall, and disappears. They told me on the phone it's a LAN. I have my IP, Subnet, default gateway, and DNS numbers. When I plug the cord into my computer, using the IP4 thing, it works fine. I have to put the numbers in myself, no big deal.
Then I plug my APE in, and go into the utility to try to set it up. I enter all of those numbers. But run into all kinds of problems. Vista has no probs connecting my comp up to the airport, but airport has probs getting onto the net. I have fiddled around for hours trying to enter the numbers differently, but with no luck.
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Sep 1, 2010
I was just checking if I can set the Airport express to receive my Airport Extreme's WiFi network and connect a non-WiFi device to the Airport Express ?
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Mar 29, 2008
I have a problem with my Airport Express. I plug it in to the plug and connect the ethernet. When i go to search for the base station on Airport Utility it doesn't show it and it tells me to rescan to see if I can find it but it never does. Any ideas on how to fix ?
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Sep 28, 2008
Basically I have a linux machine and I cant get the internet sharing to work either they ping each other however won't let it access the internet so thats a different story but; my dad claimed I could use the airport express as a wireless-to-Ethernet bridge, it's connected to the wireless network however how do I get it to transmit the connection through the Ethernet cable?
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Apr 17, 2009
When i try to extend my network with my Airport Express it creates another wireless network, wich is not what i want.
I have a Leve1 router as my main, connected to my modem.
My airport express is connected to the network with a CAT5 ethernet cable.
I use the setup in Aiport Utility and choose:
I Want Airport Express to join my current network ->
I want to connect AirPort Express to my network using Ethernet to extend my current netork or create a second network ->
I choose my network on the list and click continue ->
I want to connect AirPort Express to my network using Ethernet to extend my existing wireless network ->
And then it doenst join my network, but creates a new called Apple Network 00a133..
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Aug 26, 2009
I live in a district where phone lines don't reach, therefore I don't have wire internet: only a 3G modem. Can I use AirPort without a cable? Or could I plug in the USB 3G modem into it instead?
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Nov 28, 2009
i know that it is possible to connect a HD to the AE by the usb port but now that manufacturers are offering more and more external HD with ethernet is it possible to connect them to the Airport Express or do i really have to spend more to get the Extreme?
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Mar 26, 2010
I'm planning to buy an AirPort Express. But I have a question. Can I stream my music wireless from iTunes on my Macbook, without connecting the AirPort Express to an Ethernet cable?
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Nov 8, 2010
I recently found out that the Ethernet ports on the Airport Express Units are 100 MBits only. With a Time Capsule I am able to get 15-18 MB / sec via the WiFi, but the Airport Express, even though it has the same Air-capabilities, is limited to around 11 MB / sec through its Ethernet port. I hope they will get upgraded with Gigabit soon, I will replace all in my household. Is there any info on when it might happen?
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Dec 17, 2010
Can the ethernet port on the the airport express be used to plug in a non wifi piece of equipment. Example I have a wireless router: WiFi to airport express (via ethernet connector) to xbox360.
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Jan 18, 2009
The Apple site is quite vague on this point but I thought I'd clarify before buying one. I have a Time Capsule as my main router, but I want to move it, but when I do it's out of range of one of my computers. Can I plug the Express in near the computer, and then Ethernet it up to the computer, or is that Ethernet port meant to go into the TC?
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Jan 26, 2009
is it possible to run both a wireless connection with airport express, as well as have a direct ethernet connection to the computer? i have a simple, two-way ethernet splitter than comes from the port in the wall that should technically be able to do this, but i have tried this without success and i am guessing there is a little more to this problem than just having both connections hooked up at the same time.
anyways right now i am running on an airport express wireless connection. at my school there is a campus-based p2p program that can only be accessed through direct ethernet connection, leaving me inaccessible to it when i am on my wireless connection. there is a bunch of registration junk that has to be done when i switch from ethernet to wireless, which is why i would prefer to have both set up at once.
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Apr 19, 2009
I have a Airport Extreme and I would like to extend my network with an airport express but not sure if the airport express is only extending the network if it needs to be plugged into a ethernet if it is only bouncing the network on. Or does it have to have a fixed ethernet wire in it.
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Jun 21, 2009
I finally convinced a friend to get a Mac and bragged about how easy everything works. He got a new iMac (loves it!) and signed up for Comcast High Speed Internet. Now there is a new MacBook in the house so I explained that all he would need is the AirPort Express in order to share the internet wirelessly for both Mac's. I went to set it up and I screwed everything up, after hours of work I not only couldn't get the Express working, I had to leave him without even ethernet internet. That's really all the info about his setup I have at the moment. So I came home to examine my own setup which is very similar: we both have the same Comcast modem (Arris TM502G) except I have an AEBS and he has a Express.
So I came home to examine my setup, it has been a while since I set mine up but its been flawless wirelessly (I never used the ethernet before). So, I plugged a ethernet cable in to the AEBS and connected my MBP. Works great. So I want to try to cut out the AEBS and just connect via ethernet from my MBP to the cable modem, that's where I start getting IP address problems. When an ethernet cable is connected to the AEBS my IP address is and works fine. When I cut out the AEBS and try to run ethernet directly from my modem to my computer my IP Address changes to and I get an error message saying that "Ethernet has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect" and sure enough, I can't. Network Diagnostics tells me to configure via DHCP and restart the modem, still no luck. As I was searching tonight I came upon some discussion about Comcast limiting MAC addresses or something?
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Jul 24, 2010
I just got an airport express. airtunes works fine, but for some reason I cant get it to create a wireless network when i plug in the ethernet cable, it just tells me the Ethernet is Unplugged. The cable works, as I am using it to connect now.
The setup is :
Cable Modem - MSI RG60SE Wireless Router - Ethernet Cable to my room
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Aug 25, 2008
I have been searching around the forum for this answer and I haven't found anything specific. Here is my network setup.
Modem --ethernet-- Airport Extreme --ethernet-- iMac
Living Room:
Airport Express (Wirelessly Connected to Airport Extreme) currently setup for AirTunes using a bridged connection.
What I want to know are the specifics of running an ethernet cable from my XBOX 360 to the Airport EXPRESS and using that as my internet hook up to get on Xbox Live.
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Dec 16, 2008
I'm trying to connect an AE to my PC using XP with a D-Link DIR-655 WiFi router. I've used the airport utility and connected the AE to my router via ethernet. It appears to be setup properly and I can see it on the D-Link software. After disconnecting the ethernet cable and with the AE sitting next to the router it continually shows up and then disappears. The light is green on the AE. Then I disconnected the power and moved the AE into the place where I'm going to use it.
Now it will show up on my D-Link software occasionally but the light won't turn green. It also doesn't show up on the airport utility software. I also have a Touch and ATV that both work fine on the same network and the same location. The AE is about 30 feet from the router with only one wall in between them. Am I missing something here or could there be a problem with the AE?
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May 20, 2009
Is it possible to use an Time Capsule to connect to an airport express with a router plugged into it?
I have a small network at home, and would like to have another computer (old PowerMac g4, no wireless card) and my xbox 360 in my basement. I don't want to run cables. Is it possible to connect a router to my airport express and use it to bridge the wired computers wirelessly to the time capsule upstairs? I know it's possible to use the airport express as an extension to the wireless as a WDS but I haven't found anything online about using it as a bridge.
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Mar 13, 2010
I have an Xbox 360 set up in my bedroom which is at the opposite end of the house. I have an airport extreme base station (new model) connected to my modem and PC (PC is not wireless, thus why i have it connected).... I have the wireless adapter connected to my xbox 360. I can play online with no lag (game: modern warfare 2) when nobody is on the pc but when someone is on the pc I get very noticeable lag. I guess I am fighting to split the connection with the pc. What is my best solution? 1) Have my ISP boost the speed of my modem. I didn't know if this would help by giving us more speed to fight over. 2) Get an Airport express and set it up closer to my bedroom/xbox 360. Will the express still fight for the connection with my pc like my wireless adapter on the 360? 3) Get the airport express and connect it directly to my 360 with an ethernet cable. Will i still be fighting for connection with the pc?
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May 16, 2010
I have a modem (Tilgin Vood 342) that came from the phone company which I use to connect my old desktop PC and my new MacBook Pro to the internet, through two separate ethernet cables. The modem has three ethernet ports and connects to the internet through an ethernet port in the wall. I want to buy an Airport Express in order to get wireless internet to my MacBook, but since my desktop PC can't receive wireless internet, I still need it to be plugged into the modem through a cable (I don't mind that). So my question is, can I use one of the modem ports for the Airport Express and another for the ethernet cable without there being a conflict?
I'm asking because I went to an electronics store and I was told that there might be a conflict and that I should buy an Airport Extreme or another router with ports in order for it to work. I would really prefer the Express because it's and it's the most I can pay for.
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Mar 29, 2010
Airport Express wifi MacBooks and the hard wired ethernet MacMini no simultaneous connection via hub Network consists of Cable Modem; Airport Express (1 ethernet port) 2 x wifi Macbooks; Mac Mini (ethernet )
4 Port ethernet hub connects the network OS X 10.5.8
Port 1 on hub cable modem
Port 2 on hub Airport Express (not Airport Base Station)
Port 3 on hub MacMini
Both connect without the other plugged into the hub but not simultaneously The first to connect seems to gain control of the connection
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May 19, 2010
Our wireless router (some standard linksys one) is downstairs. Wireless is mostly used down there so need strongest signal. Then it's plugged into an ethernet point, which goes up to the loft in a box, where it feeds into a 16-port switch, then back out to ethernet points in each room of the house. (recently renovated the house and ran Cat-5e everywhere.)Currently I have to connect via the ethernet point in my room with a network cable as I can't pick up the wireless signal. Which sucks a bit, being tied down when on a macbook pro.Could I just plug an Airport Express into the ethernet point in my room and set it up as a second wireless point, which I can use in my room? Or is that not what it's for?
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Aug 8, 2009
I was trying to access my father's wireless network while I was home for a week. I found a utility to configure for a mac (my dad only has Windows), but after running it, and it failed to find the router, my airport will not turn on. The option to "turn AirPort on" is grayed out and cannot be clicked. I have attached two pictures to illustrate. I have restarted twice to no avail.
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a guest account set up on my Airport Extreme. I'm trying to hook up a wireless gaming adapter (xbox) to a Slingbox. It's worked in the past with linksys routers that had no security. When I set up the airport, I set security by default, but I want to remove it from the guest account. I just can't find the way to configure the guest account. I'm sure its pretty easy and just a button I can't find.
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Apr 25, 2010
I have an Airport Extreme, with two USB hard drives connected to it. The Airport Extreme shares these disks to my wireless network via Airport Disks.
Upstairs I have an Airport Express, that wirelessly connects to my Airport Extreme downstairs, and extends the wireless network so I get a good wireless reception upstairs.
My problem is, that it does not seem like me Airport Express does a good job of forwarding my 2 USB Airport Disks to the extended wireless network upstairs.
For example, when I use the AirVideo iPhone app to stream video from my USB Airport Disks I get a server connection error when I go upstairs and the iPad/iPhone switches to the Airport Express networks. I cannot reconnect as long as it is on the Airport Express network. If I turn the airport Express off, and thus switch to the poor wireless reception from the Airport Extreme, I can connect to the USB Airport disks again.
The Airport Express is connected to the Airport Extreme in bridged mode.
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