Applications :: Click2Flash - Preventing Videos From Autoloading?
Oct 2, 2009
I use click2flash and I have it set to use H.264 from YouTube the problem is that it starts playing videos as default I want it to be like regular YouTube that you need to press play. It's not annoying when your on YouTube but when someone has 12 YouTube videos on there blog and they all play on the same time when your on Skype it's annoying how do I stop this?
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Mar 24, 2009
I have been using MassReplaceIt to put named anchors on a couple of my web pages. I was using iWeb'08. I got a new MacBookPro (love it) which has iWeb'09 installed. '09 has converted the text on the two pages (only those two) that had the named anchors to graphics. Now my anchors won't work. Is there any way around this? What's happening is MassReplaceIt reads text, but my text has been turned into a graphic - I think.
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Mar 19, 2009
I work in a cross platform environment (windows/mac) where we typically save common files to a shared network drive. I've found when I save a file directly from excel (as opposed to saving it locally, then copying it over) it created an invisible ._filename file in the same directory. I know it's a property/resource file for the file that I just created, but it's a little confusing for some windows users and just clutters up the share directory. Is there any way to prevent the creation of the ._filename file while still saving directly from excel?
(I'd prefer not to save locally, then move to network drive - it's cleaner for me if I can just save directly) So far, I've found that this only happens with MS Office. I've opened a sql file in textwrangler and komodo, edited it, and saved it to the network and no invisible files are created.
NOTE: this is different the the fix that apple had published regarding not creating DS_Store files - that refers to copying files from the finder to a network drive and I don't have any problems with that.
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Jan 8, 2011
I am doing a school project where I need videos. How do you rip videos off Youtube and have them in the format for imovie (free). Also does anyone know how to rip videos off the c-span website?
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Dec 31, 2010
I found my contact list from my mac mail highjacked 2 weeks ago. My router was not secured then but it is now. What should I do for preventing my contact to receive some bad intentioned emails from whoever did that?
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Jun 27, 2009
I've got a spare boot partition on one of my media drives so I could run diagnostics with it. I use the other partition constantly so it's always plugged into my computer. Now the problem is that whenever I use spotlight things from the backup boot clone will appear in my results and I can't open up the wrong copy. I don't want to put it on the spotlight privacy list because that just deletes the spotlight index on that clone.
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Oct 4, 2009
I've had this problem for almost six months now, its on my white macbook. My fans will go full speed and the temperature will rise to 70 to 80C, while doing pretty much anything including scrolling in safari. I've put artic silver in and it helped for about three months but now it is returning. If you have any methods of keeping it cooled down I'd like to hear them?
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Oct 11, 2009
Friends, I'm new to Macs (4 months now), I need to know if any Mac EXPERTS have a way of avoiding plist files getting corrupted. Are there things I can do that will prevent me from ever getting these corruptions? What I do for right now is run OnyX on fully automated with all maintenance scripts enabled about once a month, I always shutdown because I used to get iTunes crashes after allowing sleep, and I lastly run Disk Utility every week whether I've installed anything or not (just to make sure for permissions errors).
Is there anything else I could be doing? Also, by doing all these things, have you EXPERTS found that you NEVER have corrupt plists, or is it inevitable in Leopard?
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Aug 14, 2009
I'm using NTFS-3G and have one of my Windows' installations partitions mounted in OSX. I like being able to write to it, but I'd like to prevent OSX from making its invisible files (like ._filename.txt for something I've edited with TextMate) on it because they show up in Windows and are generally of no use. Likewise there's no need to have things like .Trashes there since NTFS-3G can't delete to the trashcan anyway.
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Apr 11, 2010
I have a bunch of highly confidential business files, to which I need to provide one of the staff in my office access. I do trust the person, otherwise I wouldn't think about providing them access in the first place, but as a security measure, are any of the following possible?
- Preventing the possibility of being able to copy and paste the file from Finder into a USB key. I need the file to be readable and writable, but would like to make sure it does not leave my computer.
- Logging a user's activity. I've looked into parental controls, and I've looked into the Console, but one is too limited (sites only) and Console is too complicated. I want to have a quick overview of what's going on. Simply put, I probably will never look at this log, unless that staff member leaves the company.
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Apr 8, 2012
I will be online (Chrome) when all of the sudden no pages will load. If iTunes is open at this time, it will repeatedly give me a "-50" error. Once I close and reopen iTunes I get Error Code 13014. When Recieveing these errors, none of my files are accessable, and sometimes not visible. I must restart the computer and then it works fine, but 15 minutes later it does the same thing. I beileve it all has to do with my iTunes but I don't know how to fix it.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 27, 2014
I was using X-Mail Notifier on my Firefox web browser, but it no longer works. So, I wanted to use Mail for managing my emails accounts. But, I have a question:
How can we configure Mail and preventing it from downloading all our emails which have been received for years? I just want it starts downloading my emails from today, not from 5 years ago...
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Dec 10, 2008
One of my external hard drives simply refuses to eject/un-mount, and I've done everything I can think of to terminate any processes and/or applications that may be using the drive and preventing it from being ejected properly, but I haven't had any success. Is there some Mac-Jedi way of going about isolating what might be preventing this drive from ejecting properly? I've scoured the activity monitor but can't figure out what might be preventing the drive from ejecting?
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Jun 14, 2009
I have an airport network that shares my internet and HDD wirelessly with a mini and MBP. The MBP works fine until the mini joins the network. As soon as the mini is on, the MBP can no longer access the internet or HDD but remains connected to the network.
I have tried reseting and restarting in various ways. Have even reserved MAC address for both. Am using 'share a single IP address'.
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Sep 30, 2009
Obviously, there are going to be those times where a dent or a nick is inevitable to the exterior of the uMBP. What I'm addressing is how can an owner prevent the sweat/oil stains that appears on the keyboard over time? Is this an inevitability as well? Also, will the palm rest area of the aluminum casing ever get worn out like it did with the white macbook?
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Mar 4, 2012
I've decided to remove the ability for users on my computer to decrypt my FileVault 2-encrypted drive using their account passwords. Is there any way to do so without having to decrypt and re-encrypt all my data?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Jun 4, 2014
I'm trying to so a first time Time Machine back up on a new USB 3.0 external HD on a late 2013 iMac running Mavericks and the computer goes to sleep ad it apperas as though the backup stops. getting the computer to not sleep?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jul 29, 2010
This week I discovered that the hard drive on my white Core 2 Duo macbook is failing. It's of course out of warranty. I have superduper and am in the process of getting things ready to swap out the drive for a new one. Before going ahead with the new install, however, I wanted to test out the bootability of my superduper backup. I held option while restarting and chose to boot from the backup icon. The OSX tiger splash screen appeared and slowly booted up but then a login window appears asking for a name and a password. I assumed it was asking for my administrator name and password.
Therefore I entered that information. However, after entering the information and clicking on the login button the window shook back and forth and shook off my password as if to say "No. No!" I tried entering the admin information again and again. I tried the short name. I tried to reset my user information. Nothing worked. So, I tried to redo my backup thinking that there might be some issues on that side of things. But now my backup isn't complete. It's lagging at about 14 gigs shy of the full copy. I want to get this machine back to working order but am running stuck.
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Sep 20, 2009
I'm running Snow Leopard. If I have a couple of Terminal sessions running and I try to quit both of them via the Quit Terminal entry in the Terminal menu, I get a dialog box with the following message: You have 2 windows with running processes. Do you want to review these windows before quitting? I don't ever recall getting this message under Leopard, so I assume it's a new feature under Snow Leopard. I want to disable this dialog. Is there a property setting for the Snow Leopard version of Terminal which controls this?
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Apr 1, 2012
When I try to shut down the computer, I get an error message that the mail application is preventing the shutdown. I have tried to manually close the mail application, but it won't close.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 1, 2014
I am using a MacBook Air 2013 model with OS 10.9.4 (Mavericks). It has a 120 GB HD with about 17 GB of free space. I am unable to download from the Mac App Store as I get an 'insufficient space available" error whenever I try to purchase a larger App (> 2 GB). After looking through the forums I can confirm the following:
- Both the Finder and "About This Mac" report that 16.5 GB of space is available.
- I have toggled Time Machine and restarted my computer with it "On" and "Off".
- The application description does not mention needing more space for installation (specifically I am now trying to download BioShock 2 which needs about 9 GB).
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Dec 2, 2014
My Macbook Air (OS X; version10.7.5) with 2 GB of memory is now getting the frequent appearance of the 'color wheel' preventing me from performing any functions. What does this mean and how do I correct the problem?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Jun 26, 2012
I've recently upgraded to Lion and have found that Quicktime movies and embedded Flash movies won't work. With the embedded flash all I get is a black box, and with quicktime movies, such as the ones on the Apple website, I get nothing - the irony of not being able to watch movies on the Apple site with my Apple iMac gives me a little chuckle. Anyways ....... I've been reading thread after thread and trying lots of different things but nothing works. I've got this feeling inside that says it's something simple but just can't seem to find it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 9, 2010
As stated in the thread name, I have problems to add vidoes to iTunes. I converted them to .m4v format using Handbrake. Then I choose "Add file to Library" in iTunes but nothing happens after that.
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Sep 13, 2010
How do I get itunes to import video? I'm on itunes 9.2. When I click on Library/Movies in the upper left, I'm taken to a page that wants to connect me to the itunes store. I don't want the itunes store. I want itunes to find and recognize my own movies folder. I want to import into itunes video content that's already on my imac, so that I can transfer it to the iphone. I tried pressing the apple key + O to add media to the Library.
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Oct 4, 2010
On the Mac, what can be used to download the HD version of videos from YouTube? There are a couple I'd like to get and then save to my iOS devices.
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Oct 20, 2010
I am having a very hard time downloading youtube videos.
I have an app that will take out the video and turn the audio into mp3 which works perfectly
but I do not have an app that will download the video to view it at a later time.
I used to use Jdownloader , but downloading stops with a message saying "Aborted" , and sometimes when it is downloaded , the video will be corrupted with a blackout.
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Jan 13, 2011
I have a bunch of MiniDV tapes of my kid, and I need to first, get them off the tapes and onto my Mac, and second, ideally, organize the footage. WIth transfer, its easy, I guess I just have to use the firewire. But is there a clever software, that could help me organize this stuff, much like iPhoto or something?
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Feb 4, 2009
I am new to imovie and i would like to stabilize some videos i captured with my digital camera. They are in .mpg form and it does not import.
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Feb 10, 2009
Do music videos from iTunes have DRM? Meaning if I sent the video to my sister I'd have to authorize it on her computer.
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