OS X :: Keeping UMBP In Mint Condition - Preventing From Stains

Sep 30, 2009

Obviously, there are going to be those times where a dent or a nick is inevitable to the exterior of the uMBP. What I'm addressing is how can an owner prevent the sweat/oil stains that appears on the keyboard over time? Is this an inevitability as well? Also, will the palm rest area of the aluminum casing ever get worn out like it did with the white macbook?

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MacBook Pro :: Removing Stains On Screen?

Oct 31, 2009

I bought a macbook pro in july and haven't had any problems until i notice this at the top of my screen this morning. looks like stains or something?

I turned the computer off to see if it would go away since it was just at the top of the screen but when i turned it back on it was still there.

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MacBook Pro :: Remove Dirt Stains On Aluminum Lid Of It?

Apr 23, 2012

I recently found some marks and stains of dirt in my macbook pro's aluminum body. I tried wiping it off with Alcohol and Water but it won't disappear it looks like its stained on the metal already.

Is there any thing I can apply on the surface of the metal to remove these stains and maybe polish the metal of my laptop?Here are some pictures of the surface of the laptop so you can see the stain marks I am talking about.


Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook :: Oil Stains On White Screen - Any Way To Clean / Prevent

May 4, 2009

I have a white MacBook that is about 6 months old. I wash my hands alot, but it appears as though the oil on the keys lays on the screen when the laptop is closed. I know there are many topics on here to fix oil stains (I searched). But I want to know the most efficient and safest way to clean them off of the screen, and prevent it from happening again.

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MacBook :: Blue Stains / Marks On White Casing

Jun 24, 2010

I have blue stains or marks on my white Macbook casing. The problem seemed to lie in faulty plastic being used, amongst other reasons and excuses given. Some people had serious staining issues and received replacement casings. My Macbook is a 2010 release, either Week 1 or 13 (hard to see on back), serial number beginning W801.

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MacBook Pro :: Yellow Stains On MagSafe Power Adapter?

Feb 20, 2012

My MacBook Pro 13" is 1 month old, but since the first week of use I noticed yellow stains on the corners of the MagSafe Power Adaper! Is this normal?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Battery Condition Not Being Shown?

Aug 28, 2009

I've clicked on the battery icon when not plugged in and I don't see a condition at all. I've also checked settings for the battery in preferences and do not see an option. Am I doing anything wrong?

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Applications :: Add Condition To Graph?

Nov 23, 2009

Does anyone know how to add a condition to a graph? For example I want to graph f(x) = x for x > 0.

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MacBook Pro :: Stains On Speaker Grills - Visible In Bright Daylight

Jul 25, 2009

My MacBook pro is about 2 weeks old. As soon as I unboxed it, I noticed some stains on the speaker grills. The stains are only visible in bright daylight. The stains seem to disappear for a while when cleaned with a damp cloth, but quickly come back. The stains weren't any particular shape at first, but after repeated cleaning, they same to have morphed into perfect circles.

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MacBook Pro :: White Stains On Both Palm Rests - Unable To Clean

Mar 16, 2010

This is an issue I'm starting to notice on my 10 month old Macbook Pro 13 inch. There's this "white stain" on both palm rests of the MBP. Here's some sample pictures:


It cannot be cleaned off by wiping it, water, rubbing alcohol, etc. Note that I clean my MBP daily, even hourly, I always wash my hands and dry them before using this laptop, therefore, I know it's not a matter of sanitation.

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IMac 27" 2011 Gray Stains Inside Screen

Jun 28, 2012

In April 2011 I bought an iMac 27 ". In November, begin the problems with gray spots in the corners. I took it to Apple technical support here in Chile and the part was replaced because the warranty was in effect.In April this year, again began to appear stains. Again I took it for service, but this time I should paid around $ 1,000 for the repair (obviously i said NO).How can a piece fails so soon and Apple doesn't takes over the situation, forcing their loyal customers (all my computers are Apple), to pay for the repair of a factory fault?Is there any legal way to force Apple to answer for the repair or replacement of the part (LCD)?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Is Battery Condition Normal?

Feb 20, 2010

I just got my first 13' MacBook Pro 1 week ago and a couple of days I ran a cross a thread about how to look up your battery condition and most peoples said their Battery Condition was "Good" but mine is showing "Normal" and I just got it a week ago. My question is, is this really normal or should it say Good?

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PowerPC :: How To Format My IMac G3 To Factory Condition

Sep 2, 2008

My uncle bought a iMac PowerPC G3 for my mom for $5 at a garage sales. Now I would like to format it so it would be brand new again but I don't have the disks. What do I do?

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MacBook Pro :: New 13" Battery Condition - How To Know If Normal

Aug 16, 2009

I just noticed my mbp battery was at Great but since its been dieing alot faster lately, I decided to take a look. First thing I noticed that it now says normal? Is it because im on reserve battery? Im just worried because I cant just go out and "buy" a new battery.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Condition Showing Normal?

Sep 29, 2009

I have a 15 inch June 2009 MacBook Pro that has 7 hour battery built in. I only had it for 2 weeks and I only have 3 cycles on the battery. My question is that why under System Profiler, it told me that the battery condition is normal? Where my other 13" MBP that my brother owns for about a month is showing Good.

i tried calibrating it, and it still shows Normal. Coconut battery says I have 100% battery health. But still, it's kinda annoying for me.

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OS X :: How To Restore Macbook To Factory Condition Without Using Discs?

Feb 12, 2010

I recently got a macbook off my bro who bought it last year and i would like to restore it to factory default so i can have a clean slate for when i start uni but he lost the discs that he got with it, can anyone give me simple instructions on doing this without the discs? i would be very greatfull my mac has Mac 0S X version 10.5.8

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Mac Pro :: Scanning Hard Drive To Check Condition?

Feb 27, 2010

I just bought as internal hard drive for my Mac Pro, to back up everything from the system drive. I was just wondering, the drive came through the post, it was well packaged, though is there was way of scanning it to see whether its 100% condition? Would I format it by in Disk Utility by clicking on the drive and pressing erase.

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Software :: Excel 2008 Condition Formatting

Jan 20, 2010

I am running Excel 2008 on my MacBook Pro. I'd like to conditionally format some cells in a single column with a condition format like: <COndition 1> AND <Condition 2> AND <Condition 3> However, the (paltry) help seems to suggest that I can only do a logical OR of the conditions. It says "If more than one condition is true for a cell, Excel applies only the formatting of the first true condition to that cell."

Although that is a bit vague, I certainly can't get it to do logical AND through the graphical interface. Google has failed to find me the answer. Sniff.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Not Charging - Condition Normal

Apr 13, 2012

A couple of days ago my comp, while on bat, instantly shutdown while browsing some websites. I've pluged the power supply but the info on the bat says not charging. The macbook will shutdown instanty if I remove the power cord. 

Here's the power info (Lion 10.7.3): Battery Information:   Model Information:  Serial Number:          ˇ  Manufacturer:          SMP  Device Name:          ASMB012  Pack Lot Code:          6  PCB Lot Code:          0  Firmware Version:          00c7  Hardware Revision:          0  Cell Revision:          0  Charge Information:  Charge Remaining (mAh):          4178  Fully Charged:          No  Charging:          No  Full Charge Capacity (mAh):          4882  Health Information:  Cycle Count:          47  Condition:          Normal  Battery Installed:          Yes  Amperage (mA):          0  Voltage (mV):          12128

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Fan Noise And Heat Condition Under Usual Suspects?

Oct 21, 2010

For all of you who got your MBA2 13's how is the fan noise and heat under the usual suspects like Flash, Quicktime, and javascript heavy pages? Like the MBA1, does the heat go from 49C to 81C? Also, does the fan run really loud, all the time, and what is the RPMs? Please let us MBA1 owners know when you get a chance.

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Wont Work - Battery Condition Is At Replace Now But Its Only At 86 Cycles?

Jun 6, 2012

so the question is : will buying a new charger fix the problem? or do i have to change the battery. this happened after i stopped using it for about one month when i went overseas and didnt touch it.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Preventing Mac Mail / Contact List

Dec 31, 2010

I found my contact list from my mac mail highjacked 2 weeks ago. My router was not secured then but it is now. What should I do for preventing my contact to receive some bad intentioned emails from whoever did that?

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OS X :: Preventing Partition From Auto Mounting?

Jun 27, 2009

I've got a spare boot partition on one of my media drives so I could run diagnostics with it. I use the other partition constantly so it's always plugged into my computer. Now the problem is that whenever I use spotlight things from the backup boot clone will appear in my results and I can't open up the wrong copy. I don't want to put it on the spotlight privacy list because that just deletes the spotlight index on that clone.

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OS X :: Methods For Preventing MacBook From Overheating

Oct 4, 2009

I've had this problem for almost six months now, its on my white macbook. My fans will go full speed and the temperature will rise to 70 to 80C, while doing pretty much anything including scrolling in safari. I've put artic silver in and it helped for about three months but now it is returning. If you have any methods of keeping it cooled down I'd like to hear them?

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OS X :: Preventing Preference Files From Corrupting?

Oct 11, 2009

Friends, I'm new to Macs (4 months now), I need to know if any Mac EXPERTS have a way of avoiding plist files getting corrupted. Are there things I can do that will prevent me from ever getting these corruptions? What I do for right now is run OnyX on fully automated with all maintenance scripts enabled about once a month, I always shutdown because I used to get iTunes crashes after allowing sleep, and I lastly run Disk Utility every week whether I've installed anything or not (just to make sure for permissions errors).

Is there anything else I could be doing? Also, by doing all these things, have you EXPERTS found that you NEVER have corrupt plists, or is it inevitable in Leopard?

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OS X :: Preventing OS X From Writing Dot Files On NTFS Disk?

Aug 14, 2009

I'm using NTFS-3G and have one of my Windows' installations partitions mounted in OSX. I like being able to write to it, but I'd like to prevent OSX from making its invisible files (like ._filename.txt for something I've edited with TextMate) on it because they show up in Windows and are generally of no use. Likewise there's no need to have things like .Trashes there since NTFS-3G can't delete to the trashcan anyway.

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Applications :: Click2Flash - Preventing Videos From Autoloading?

Oct 2, 2009

I use click2flash and I have it set to use H.264 from YouTube the problem is that it starts playing videos as default I want it to be like regular YouTube that you need to press play. It's not annoying when your on YouTube but when someone has 12 YouTube videos on there blog and they all play on the same time when your on Skype it's annoying how do I stop this?

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OS X :: Preventing File Copying For Security Purpose

Apr 11, 2010

I have a bunch of highly confidential business files, to which I need to provide one of the staff in my office access. I do trust the person, otherwise I wouldn't think about providing them access in the first place, but as a security measure, are any of the following possible?

- Preventing the possibility of being able to copy and paste the file from Finder into a USB key. I need the file to be readable and writable, but would like to make sure it does not leave my computer.
- Logging a user's activity. I've looked into parental controls, and I've looked into the Console, but one is too limited (sites only) and Console is too complicated. I want to have a quick overview of what's going on. Simply put, I probably will never look at this log, unless that staff member leaves the company.

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MacBook Pro :: Error 13014 And -50 Preventing All Functionality

Apr 8, 2012

I will be online (Chrome) when all of the sudden no pages will load. If iTunes is open at this time, it will repeatedly give me a "-50" error. Once I close and reopen iTunes I get Error Code 13014. When Recieveing these errors, none of my files are accessable, and sometimes not visible. I must restart the computer and then it works fine, but 15 minutes later it does the same thing. I beileve it all has to do with my iTunes but I don't know how to fix it.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Preventing Mail From Downloading Emails

Jun 27, 2014

I was using X-Mail Notifier on my Firefox web browser, but it no longer works. So, I wanted to use Mail for managing my emails accounts. But, I have a question: 

How can we configure Mail and preventing it from downloading all our emails which have been received for years? I just want it starts downloading my emails from today, not from 5 years ago...

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