OS X :: Preventing OS X From Writing Dot Files On NTFS Disk?
Aug 14, 2009
I'm using NTFS-3G and have one of my Windows' installations partitions mounted in OSX. I like being able to write to it, but I'd like to prevent OSX from making its invisible files (like ._filename.txt for something I've edited with TextMate) on it because they show up in Windows and are generally of no use. Likewise there's no need to have things like .Trashes there since NTFS-3G can't delete to the trashcan anyway.
Alot of ppl uses third party software such as NTFS-3G and MacFuse but i also found some ppl who just tweak with the mac osx ( by entering some lines in Terminal) such as this guy in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q_BrBk5KsI
My question is do both methods have the same effects and which method is better?
Also, if i were to partition my hdd in mac( as i want to install win 7 on it ) will i get the mac HD AND the windows HD on the OSX desktop?
I am considering getting my first mac (MBA) but I have an external hdd with NTFS format. I've read that OSX can read files from NTFS but cannot write to it. What if I run Parallels/VMware using the bootcamp partition? Can I then write files to the external hdd?
I installed ntfs3g on my MBP and it seemed to be working correctly and I had write access to my usb disk.
While I was copying a large file to my disk, the disk was suddenly unmounted from OSX ( I had a warning saying that I should use proper unmount the next time).
I mounted it again but now I cant access the directory I was trying to copy the large file anymore. All the content of this directory is not there anymore.
When I try to access it via Windows, it says "Directory E:Backup is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"
... owned
What shall I do ? It seems that the other directories are ok. I'd like to recover the lost directory but I'm scared to screw up and lose everything.
Friends, I'm new to Macs (4 months now), I need to know if any Mac EXPERTS have a way of avoiding plist files getting corrupted. Are there things I can do that will prevent me from ever getting these corruptions? What I do for right now is run OnyX on fully automated with all maintenance scripts enabled about once a month, I always shutdown because I used to get iTunes crashes after allowing sleep, and I lastly run Disk Utility every week whether I've installed anything or not (just to make sure for permissions errors).
Is there anything else I could be doing? Also, by doing all these things, have you EXPERTS found that you NEVER have corrupt plists, or is it inevitable in Leopard?
so everyone knows the iMac hard drive can be a little noisy, but I just want to know what exactly is being "written" to the disk while doing normal tasks like web surfing.
I often use Safari and can hear the hard drive churning and Activity Monitor will show high red spikes of written data. What is this data being written? Is it normal?
Here's a screen shot of my Activity Monitor while web surfing and watching video with my EyeTV device. Does this look like normal activity to you?
I've made two coasters today on my iMac 27" core i7.
I am using Verbatim DVD +R DL blanks and utilized Disk Utility to make one coaster (copy to a .CDR and then burned) and then used Toast 10 to write IFO files.
The DVD will "run" but looks and sounds like a satellite tv signal in bad weather - choppy all over the place. This happens on 4 players - two separate laptops, an xbox 360, and even the original iMac 27" I used to write the DVDs.
I have had no problems whatsoever writing single layer DVDs (even using old Comp USA blanks!) and playing them on aforementioned players.
Anybody have any success writing DL DVDs? If so, what brand of disc did you use? Did you reduce speed to 2x writing? Help - I don't want to create any more coasters!
I have noticed a lot of disk activity reading and writing, it maxes out in bursts up to a couple of minutes at a time and overall seams to be reading and writing a lot of the time, with no processor activity at all. There is no obvious culprits in the activity monitor but terminal displayed large number of read and writes for mds, but spot light is not indexing (no dot in Mag glass) and this has been happening from months now.
Possibly longer noticed it when recieved replacement drive due to crook seagate, may have been doing this but could not hear it. Running last Snow Leopard on iMac 27 mid 2011 i7 custom with 8 gb of ram. also should note this unit has had load of issues Bad Ram, some software problems would not sleep (software) none of which have ever manifested on any of my other (older) macs. Also have noted that this drive activity does seem to coincide with using safari on occasion??
I work in a cross platform environment (windows/mac) where we typically save common files to a shared network drive. I've found when I save a file directly from excel (as opposed to saving it locally, then copying it over) it created an invisible ._filename file in the same directory. I know it's a property/resource file for the file that I just created, but it's a little confusing for some windows users and just clutters up the share directory. Is there any way to prevent the creation of the ._filename file while still saving directly from excel?
(I'd prefer not to save locally, then move to network drive - it's cleaner for me if I can just save directly) So far, I've found that this only happens with MS Office. I've opened a sql file in textwrangler and komodo, edited it, and saved it to the network and no invisible files are created.
NOTE: this is different the the fix that apple had published regarding not creating DS_Store files - that refers to copying files from the finder to a network drive and I don't have any problems with that.
I have a USB key and would like to format it under NTFS, under Disk Utility, there isn't that option. I don't really have time to google this, does someone know what to do? Is there a console command to do?
I just bought a 1TB Lacie d2 Quadra and want to partition it in 2 partitions. As said in the instructions, if you want more than 32 GB on my "PC" partition I need to use Mac's disk utility. The thing is I don't have the option to partition in NTFS, only MAC OS extended (journaled, etc..) and FAT32. But I need a lot more than 32 GB for my PC stuff. Now how can I do that? I need to backup some stuff from my Windows XP (bootcamp) really soon! And I want to be able to plug it in another PC and be able to transfer both ways. How can I get the NTFS partition option with disk utility? or is there other softwares for that? In all what I want is about 500 GB for MAC and 500 GB for PC (NTFS)!
I really need to know where a NTFS disk is mounted at a Mac. Don't say the Desktop, or something like that. I need the mount directory. CDs/DVDs and pendrives are mounted at /Volumes. Where are NTFS disks mounted?
When I go on iPhoto I click on the "import all" button and try imorting my pictures from my iPhone to my mac and after a while of importing it completely stops and a window pops out saying "Error writing to disk" and I really don't know what to do to this solution.
My MacBook Pro has OSX Lion on it. I have created a DMG image of my starting volume using Disk Utility. The image was saved on an NTFS formatted external USB disk. I used Paragon NTFS for Mac to activate writing on NTFS partitions. The image was created, tested and it mounted fine. It's size is 105GB.Â
I have restarted the system and am accessing Disk Utility from the recovery partition that OSX Lion creates. Disk Utility can see the NTFS disk and I can choose the DMG image as source and the partition on the internal hard disk as a target without problems but when I press the restore button and the Image scan process is going to start I just get an error that says "Unabke to scan Mac-OSX HD. Resource busy". When I try the SCAN BEFORE RESTORE command on Disk Utility on the image I am getting "Unable to scan MAC IMAGE.DMG (Not such file or directory)".Â
I have already erased my startup disk and really need to get this image back in place. It is the only backup I have of my data.Â
I'm trying to install Windows 7 on a spare disk (in bay 1). Do I need to format the disk in NTFS or MS DOS (FAT) before installing Windows 7? The computer currently tells me that the drive is not formatted for installing Win 7 on it. I had used this drive before for Leopard, cloned it to another drive (bay 2), upgraded to Lion, and erased and formatted the drive in bay 1, but not for the NTFS or MS DOS (FAT).
I have an external multimedia disk currently formated in NTFS microsoft format. I'd like to be able to copy content to it from my Mac and a PC so I thought to format it in FAT 32. can anyone tell me if there is a size limit to FAT32. what are the major limitations of FAT 32 vs NTFS
I have two external hard disks, one formatted as FAT32 and another formatted as NTFS .Both cannot be seen in Finder when plug in. Only another one formatted MAC OS extended can. how to dispay my drive in the Finder (I don't want to reformat it as I have lot of contents and need to be read in my window computer.)Im running Mac OS 10.7.3 on my iMAC
I'm having difficulty with my external hard-drive, here's the info on that one:Â
Disk Utility won't allow me to mount the drive, I've tried using a number of softwares to read it (working under the assumption that it's an NTFS drive), including Tuxera and Paragon. I have too much stored on the hard drive to empty it back onto my old computer, and so I'm not able order to re-format it.
I sold my Sony Viao last week and copied all my important files on a 250 GB WD Mybook drive. Now the thing is formated in NTFS and I know that NTFS is a windows thing. I have some video/pictures/music and documents(excel/word) that I would like to move to my Macbook Pro which I will be buying next week. Whats the best way to do this? I think I have around 50-60 GBs that I need to move.
I am running a MAC pro with OSX 5.8 and I'm trying to read/write files that are on a NTFS windows share point. Th eshare point is on an IBM AS400 machine. My problem is this, I can connect to the share point via the "connect to server" apple-K command and I can see the files and folders on the share point.
Recently another windows user has created a folder on the share point with some excel files in it. From my Mac I can't see this folder, it doesn't appear in the finder. I have Parallels 3 (windows XP) installed on the mac as well and when I connect to the same share point I can see and use the new folder.
I really really need help here to recover my files from the NTFS partition on my machine from my windows installation suddenly won't boot. I switched to OSX to check the NTFS partiton labled "Untitled" and it doesn't display the files and folders inside like it normally does. I also checked the partition info:
I just need to recover my document files for I believe that they still exist in the ntfs partition.
While coping a lot of files from the NTFS drive(to a MBP13" '09) it caused my computer to freeze up, and I had to force a shut down via the power button . Anyone else have problems like this copying a large quantity of files?
Is there a GB limit you can copy at one time, or maximum number of files? FYI, my MBP locked up while it was "preparing to copy." It was stuck on just over the 40,000th file (was the large number of files the problem?).
I pretty much made the switch to all MAC a few months ago. I have a few external drives that i use with Media players and they prefer and work better when formatted to NTFS problem is, MACs can only read and write to FAT32. I have Windows 7 on my macbook ( though my movie collection is on my iMac ) via bootcamp, so that isn't a option. I heard and read about some programs and what not.. but what is the fastest and easiest way to transfer files from my iMac to a NTFS formatted HD? I have movies ( some over 4gb in size ) on my iMac.
I have an external hard drive that's been converted (not formatted) to NTFS. This drive has all my mp3 files on it. I'd like to copy the files to my new iMac, then reformat the external drive and use as the Mac's backup via Time Machine.
So Ive been using Macdrive for transfering files between HFS+ (OSX) and NTFS (Win XP), whenever Iam in bootcamp. Each time I transfer something large from win partition to my OSX partition using Macdrive (files around 6-8 GB) I often get the disc error message "You disc need repair". So I was wondering, is the problem my HD or is it the program macdrive?