OS X :: Methods For Preventing MacBook From Overheating
Oct 4, 2009
I've had this problem for almost six months now, its on my white macbook. My fans will go full speed and the temperature will rise to 70 to 80C, while doing pretty much anything including scrolling in safari. I've put artic silver in and it helped for about three months but now it is returning. If you have any methods of keeping it cooled down I'd like to hear them?
Up till last week everything was fine, I could run 'Second Life', photoshop, email, a browser, download stuff, play Itunes AND watch a movie all at once without any trouble.
But recently the computer has gone a bit weird.
It started getting very hot, much slower and turning itself off.
I just bought the new macbook pro 13 inch and I am pretty good at using the shortcuts for pretty much everything. However, I do have one question. Lets say I have multiple windows open in safari and I want to close just one of them.. is there an easy shortcut method to accomplish this?? I dont want to close them all (I know that shortcut, just the current one).
I will be online (Chrome) when all of the sudden no pages will load. If iTunes is open at this time, it will repeatedly give me a "-50" error. Once I close and reopen iTunes I get Error Code 13014. When Recieveing these errors, none of my files are accessable, and sometimes not visible. I must restart the computer and then it works fine, but 15 minutes later it does the same thing. I beileve it all has to do with my iTunes but I don't know how to fix it.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I was using X-Mail Notifier on my Firefox web browser, but it no longer works. So, I wanted to use Mail for managing my emails accounts. But, I have a question:
How can we configure Mail and preventing it from downloading all our emails which have been received for years? I just want it starts downloading my emails from today, not from 5 years ago...
Two days ago we changed our internet provider to Bell. The problem is that I have 2 PC computers at my home, both which are connecting perfectly to the internet. However my macbook will not. It appears as though it is connected (full bars) but when you open a page it instantly doesn't work.
Well, I am learning how important drag and drop is on OSX. There is no Cut/Paste of files and many tricks require dragging on top of an apps' icon. So, I hate the tap to click and I can't stand the unibody trackpad click and drag. I can't seem to keep it depressed and drag across the entire High Res screen. Is there any alternative? Say a key I can hold to lock the click so I don't have to keep the pad depressed?
When I try to shut down the computer, I get an error message that the mail application is preventing the shutdown. I have tried to manually close the mail application, but it won't close.
I am using a MacBook Air 2013 model with OS 10.9.4 (Mavericks). It has a 120 GB HD with about 17 GB of free space. I am unable to download from the Mac App Store as I get an 'insufficient space available" error whenever I try to purchase a larger App (> 2 GB). After looking through the forums I can confirm the following:
- Both the Finder and "About This Mac" report that 16.5 GB of space is available.
- I have toggled Time Machine and restarted my computer with it "On" and "Off".
- The application description does not mention needing more space for installation (specifically I am now trying to download BioShock 2 which needs about 9 GB).
My Macbook Air (OS X; version10.7.5) with 2 GB of memory is now getting the frequent appearance of the 'color wheel' preventing me from performing any functions. What does this mean and how do I correct the problem?
I just did a restoree and reformat of macbook. I have installed all the programs that were on before but do not have teh Mac Office disk and product key to reinstall it. I saved the officepid.plist file from system before refromat. I thought I could just install the trial version and then replace this file in the system. It is not working though.
I've never done anything but plug a HD in and get right to work. Now that I've got an Apple, I'm a total nervous Nellie.I just got a WD external hard drive that is FAT32. I understand that the Mac can read/write this format. Would you recommend that I change it to HFS+ or should I leave well enough alone?
I downloaded MTR to rip some of the Region 1 DVDs I own. My MAC is set to Region 2, as I am in Belgium. At the end of the rips I receive a message saying that the disk has bad sectors and may not be played properly. Indeed, VLC refuses to play the ripped files... I know that this is most likely the Arccos protection. However, I thought that MTR 2.6.6 was able to remove it. You can even select this in under the "Mode" section, there are two options to strip off the Arccos protection.
After having purchased a wired Apple Aluminum keyboard, I noticed there were no screws or rivets. So I did a quick search and discovered that glue was the main binding agent, and that disassembly of the keyboard is nearly impossible, well, you could disassemble it, but it most likely would never see the light of a caps lock key again.
So, to all of you that are the proud owners of either the wired or wireless versions, what is your preferred methods of keeping this baby clean?
I have a Western Digital 500gig external hard drive (model wd5000c032) which I'd like to completely reformat to use with my macbook pro and Time Machine (running os 10).As it is now, my mac can only use 147 gigs, and often gives an error message saying it needs additional space to backup. It was previously used on a pc to hold pictures, but I doubt it used anything near 357 gigs for that.
I found my contact list from my mac mail highjacked 2 weeks ago. My router was not secured then but it is now. What should I do for preventing my contact to receive some bad intentioned emails from whoever did that?
I've got a spare boot partition on one of my media drives so I could run diagnostics with it. I use the other partition constantly so it's always plugged into my computer. Now the problem is that whenever I use spotlight things from the backup boot clone will appear in my results and I can't open up the wrong copy. I don't want to put it on the spotlight privacy list because that just deletes the spotlight index on that clone.
Friends, I'm new to Macs (4 months now), I need to know if any Mac EXPERTS have a way of avoiding plist files getting corrupted. Are there things I can do that will prevent me from ever getting these corruptions? What I do for right now is run OnyX on fully automated with all maintenance scripts enabled about once a month, I always shutdown because I used to get iTunes crashes after allowing sleep, and I lastly run Disk Utility every week whether I've installed anything or not (just to make sure for permissions errors).
Is there anything else I could be doing? Also, by doing all these things, have you EXPERTS found that you NEVER have corrupt plists, or is it inevitable in Leopard?
So whenever i am done using my book, i close it up and leave. when i come back to it the fans are on full blast and my laptop is hot. i open it up and its a black screen and you have no control. i have to hard shut down the macbook and restart it. It also does this when i put it in sleep mode and then leave. anybody have any thoughts.
I'm using NTFS-3G and have one of my Windows' installations partitions mounted in OSX. I like being able to write to it, but I'd like to prevent OSX from making its invisible files (like ._filename.txt for something I've edited with TextMate) on it because they show up in Windows and are generally of no use. Likewise there's no need to have things like .Trashes there since NTFS-3G can't delete to the trashcan anyway.
I use click2flash and I have it set to use H.264 from YouTube the problem is that it starts playing videos as default I want it to be like regular YouTube that you need to press play. It's not annoying when your on YouTube but when someone has 12 YouTube videos on there blog and they all play on the same time when your on Skype it's annoying how do I stop this?
I have a bunch of highly confidential business files, to which I need to provide one of the staff in my office access. I do trust the person, otherwise I wouldn't think about providing them access in the first place, but as a security measure, are any of the following possible?
- Preventing the possibility of being able to copy and paste the file from Finder into a USB key. I need the file to be readable and writable, but would like to make sure it does not leave my computer. - Logging a user's activity. I've looked into parental controls, and I've looked into the Console, but one is too limited (sites only) and Console is too complicated. I want to have a quick overview of what's going on. Simply put, I probably will never look at this log, unless that staff member leaves the company.
so ive been hearing around the tubes that the macbook pro i7 and i5 have been over heating...
has the issue been fixed? if not does it overheat less on thev i5 then the i7? or are they about the same?
im thinking of getting a mbp 15" i7 as an alt comp to accompany me when i cant use my quad core pc. so ill mainly use the laptop on my lap and such and i dont want it over heating while on me.
I'm using my MacBook for a wedding slideshow that will run on continuous loop for about 4-5 hours. I am a little concerned about overheating from running so long. What can I do to prevent overheating? I thought of The SMC fan control app, but don't know what the settings should be..
What could possibly make a macbook pro overheat before it is even booted? I have bootcamp installed so I can run solidworks and a few misc programs in XP. The machine always runs a bit toasty for my liking under windows so I use smc fan control to crank the fan and then reboot into XP pro. This works great as long as I dont need to sleep the computer and re-open later. In this situation the fans dont resume the higher speed I specified and I get temps in the 70-80C range.Thats not really the problem though. Today I started the machine (from a complete shutdown) and held option to bring up the bootcamp chooser. Meanwhile I was distracted with something at work so the computer sat like this for 15 minutes. No OS had booted, just the gray chooser screen. When I came back the fans were running full blast! The overheat protection had come on. I quickly booted into snowleopard and the temps were in the high 80-low 90's. After a minute it was back to normal 50's but I'm puzzled. All software is up to date.Nothing was even running?!? How is this possible? Nothing should have been straining the system.
I have a 2.0 macbook with 2g ram 80gb harddrive with 29gb free. My problem is that my macbook runs idle at around 130-140 degrees fahrenheit. When I go to Youtube it goes up to around 160 degrees and when I go to Google Books and open up a page my macbook reaches around 180 degrees I also do a lot of audio production and temperatures reach a steady 165-180 if I have a fair bit of processing going on.
What the hell is going on? I need to use google books for school and don't think it is safe to use my MB at such high temps. Also with all of the audio work I do I imagine that the lifespan of this computer will not last very long.
I heard it was normal for Mac's to overheat, but mine gets hot. I don't know if it is because I'm not used to it, but it's been on my lap for 30 mins. (on as well), and it has already burned my leg.
I'm new here and was already looking for any answers for similar questions but I couldn't find anything solving...well I don't have a plastic thingy an my vent and am using smcFanControl but still my temperature is on 84?C/181?F and the fan runs constantly on 6k rpm.