Applications :: Save YouTube Videos / Converting Videos For Imovie?
Jan 8, 2011
I am doing a school project where I need videos. How do you rip videos off Youtube and have them in the format for imovie (free). Also does anyone know how to rip videos off the c-span website?
I want to save YouTube videos in my iTunes. I used to be able to do this selecting Command-Option-A while a YouTube video was playing. The problem now is that Safari saves the file as a webarchive file, which I am not exactly sure what that is. The webarchive file can be saved onto my MacBook but the file only opens back up in Safari.
I'm having an issue with iMovie '08 and YouTube. I recorded my iMac unboxing and even short clips using the iSight Camera, and tried to publish them to youtube. The videos say "Published to YouTube" beside them and all, but when I goto YouTube, the videos are not there. They don't even say "Awaiting Review" or whatever. They just aren't there. I'm entering correct account information and all. I'm annoyed, because one of the reasons I decided to get a mac was to engage in YouTube.
I know I know, WMV is the antichrist of media codecs... but I work with people who need videos in that format. I'm working on figuring out what other format they can use, but right now I need to get them in WMV.
I'd love it to be a free application as I won't be doing a large amount of this type of conversion. I researched into Handbreak, but their developers seem pretty adamant about WMV being outside of their scope.
I am having a very hard time downloading youtube videos.
I have an app that will take out the video and turn the audio into mp3 which works perfectly
but I do not have an app that will download the video to view it at a later time.
I used to use Jdownloader , but downloading stops with a message saying "Aborted" , and sometimes when it is downloaded , the video will be corrupted with a blackout.
I'm uploading videos i've shot with my camera, edited and uploaded to YouTube in HD. I do plan on making a backup with an external HD but don't have access to it till I go back home in a few months, so was wondering how can I download my own videos from YouTube, preferably in HD? Currently i've been using the programs "iSky Free Video Downloader" & "Tooble."
The only problem I'm having so far is converting videos for my Nokia N810 (Internet Tablet). I used handbrake to rip my personal dvd's and tried using Internet Tablet Video Converter to convert the AVI files for viewing on my N810. When the final file is transfer, all I can see on my tablet is a blank screen, no audio, the file doesn't seem to play at all. Does anyone have the correct handbrake settings for my issue?
So I am trying to download a video, which is online only and I was wondering if there is any way to do that? I have a slow internet and it would be nice to have it on my computer so I can watch it whenever i want it. Here is the link, for other videos you have to pay so I am guessing they disabled any sort of ways that let people to download them but maybe there is a software that would let me download this videos. Does anyone know of such things?
I know it has YouTube support, but can you it directly export true HD videos at 720p? I know that it has high-quality settings. And if it doesn't .. is this something that can be changed with a patch or update to iMovie or would it have to wait until iMovie '10?
Have you guys noticed that YouTube Vids still make your MacBook Pro run hot? I remember from Leopard that it would get engage the fan and 'heat up' and the problem is still occurring with SL.
Just wanted to know your feedback and experiences!
I'm in the process of making a presentation in iMovie, and I am using photos and movies from iPhoto. The pictures work just fine, but I can not get my videos to import into iMovie. I've tried restarting both iPhoto and iMovie, and I've had no luck. The files are .mov, which I know are compatible with iMovie because I've used them before. However I did a test video and it was MPEG-4, and that imported just fine into iMovie. So it appears it may be a format issue but I've used .mov in the past so that has me stumped. I could re render the video in MPEG-4, but the video was a rendering of the whole building in HD, so it took about 24 hours to render, so I don't want to do that again. If I do have to convert it, what program can I use to convert it?
Made the mistake of emptying the camera memory before importing the movie files into imovie. Now I can't get the videos to import into imovie. This is quite annoying. Have looked at the web and people suggest converting them but then you lose quality- is that correct?
I'm trying to move videos from iphoto to imovie. How do I do it. I know I have done it before but it has been a while and now I can't figure it out. I exported the whole file but only the photos appear.
I've got Skype, but if I play a YouTube video while voice chatting with somebody, that person/those persons hear the video as well. So it's basically broadcasting the sound from my computer. How can I stop it?
I just bought my MBP this past summer and dont know much about it. Every time i try to stream videos rather it be on a "tube-site" or not they "buffer" or are interrupted because of slow loading. I have already emptied the cache and reset safari a number of time and it dosnt help. This issue seems to be getting worse with time, as when i first got it it was fine of course.
I have ClickToFlash installed and recently I went to YouTube and attempted to view a video but all i got was a very ropey looking 'go upgrade' message instead of the video. If I click on it it takes me to Adobe site to update Flash. I updated but still no videos. I put YouTube on the Whitelist in clicktoflash but i still get the upgrade flash message. Does anyone else know what may be causing the problem? Lastest Flash, Click2Flash, Safari and SnowLeopard.
Heres the thing ive been using Click to Flash for a while now and have been downloading some videos from youtube as the program allows you to do on safariBut now i noticed that with the new Youtube Layout whenever i click to download a video a new video pops up with the click to flash player just playing the video.I checked for updates my software is up to date i tried reinstalling it and still nothing.Can anyone tell me if they are experiencing the same thing and how can i fix this?
When I'm using the two-finger scroll on my MBP on a website, if I scroll down and the cursor goes over a youtube video, I can no longer scroll up or down and have to move my cursor out of the youtube video to resume scrolling.
I am running iMovie '09 (8.0.6) and iPhoto '09 (8.1.2) running on a late 2007 iMac with Snow Leopard (10.6.3).
I have dozens of avi format videos imported from my point and shoot digital camera in the iPhoto library and iMovie used to be able to see them. Not any more. It now recognizes only a handful from a couple of years back.
I'm having trouble view YouTube videos. When I try to view a video, it tells me my flash player isn't up to date. But when I download the latest player from the link they provide(which it tells me is successful), I still can't view the video.
Anybody have any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
For some odd reason, my Google Chrome browser will not show the videos from YouTube, but I can hear the sound in the background.
This problem happened during either after I downloaded all of my OSX updates (this is a new macbook), or after I installed SilverLight to watch some videos on Netflix.
In the past, neither of these had that effect on Google Chrome.
Safari shows videos just fine, so I'm not sure why Google Chrome is all of a sudden having this issue.
I've takes some videos with my digital camera. When I connect it to my Mac, iPhoto opens up and imports them, and I have all the videos in their own event.
When I open up iMovie 08 to edit these clips, they do not show up in the event library under iPhoto videos.
My iPhoto Videos are appearing in iMovie '09 with the wrong dates and times, but the dates and times in iPhoto are correct. Rather than adjust the info manually, is there a way of correcting it?