App Store :: Program To Download Home Videos And Burn To DVD?
Mar 24, 2012I need a program that I can download home videos and burn to a dvd to watch on TV.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I need a program that I can download home videos and burn to a dvd to watch on TV.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Download problem with abbyy finereader express.I downloaded 5 times and the problem continues.Incomplete download and the program don't works.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
It is supposed to be the best burning package on mac. But I doubt it. I convert videos to dvd-video format using the absolutely brilliant windows7 application convertxtodvd. Please dont tell me to use a mac application instead of it. I tried it many times, there were always several problems(slow speed, subs etc). This is not the case here.
So, I want these dvd-videos in Video_ts format, to be burned in dvd disks using toast. It is supposed that video_ts folder are a standard folder, no matter the system you use. But toast has a different opinion. When I drag the folder in the dvd-video window, it asks to re-encode the video!!!If I try to burn this video_ts folder in windows machine using 'nero', no problem at all, straight burning! I really cannot understand why this happens.
Another problem I have is that the files I want toast to burn, usually reside to network computer. Is there any way to burn files from a network computer(win) using toast? Can toast access network or not? If not, I have to manually copy files to local disk, several minutes spent for copying gigabytes just to be able to burn them.
just wondering if DVD-R is the most universal, most compatible DVD format that I should be using to burn all of my videos. I don't need to re-write anything, just need to write the DVD once and be able to play it on the most amount of DVD players from now until 40 years from now.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was just wondering if there was some way I could burn my iTunes videos onto a DVD so I can watch them on my TV? These are movies that I purchased from iTunes. I am running OS X 10.62. Any software that can burn DVD's?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded a free trial of Aimersoft Dvd Creator. It seems simple to use to burn avi to dvd. However it seems like you can only use a DVD5 or DVD9 blank discs.
Are those the discs I need anyways to burn movies or is this program seem to be very limited on what disc to use?
Need program to burn a dvd for iMovies.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have transfered my movies to my new iMac and am using Toast to burn movies as I previously did on my macbook. It won't load ANY movies, saying that they are missing the XVID codec.
When I try to burn a DVD with my photos and videos the DVD will only play on my computer, why I am unable to play on my television.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
still learning about the rules here in this forum so my apologies to all. recently got my first mac its absolutely fantastic computer however i am trying to transfer my homemade dvd videos made from pc to my mac hdd however for some reason it can't transfer, it says something like VTS? error 36(cant remember)
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For some reason, my digital camera records movies in quicktime format. I also recently purchased an iPad and I have started taking short home videos on that as well. I want to back these movies up onto a DVD but for some reason I cannot burn the quicktime videos. My main reason for wanting to do this is to preserve the movies (they are movies of my kids that we'll want to watch many years from now, long after my computer and iPad are dead). The second reason is to free up space on the iPad. What is the best way to backup home video to preserve them (forever) and free up space on my devices?
I just bought a MacBook and now I'm just using Mac OS. Now i have a little problem: Burning videos with subtitles.
I was using ConvertXtoDVD but i didn't found any similar program for Mac OS, that burns almost any video to DVD and automatically adds subtitles.
I really don't wanna have to install XP via Boot Camp or VM Fusion.
I cannot get my very recently purchased macbook pro to burn a home video to dvd OR connect to my dell 155w printer. I bought a macbook because it was so highly recomended. But I don't want to keep replacing things. I am so frustrated. I wanted a macbook because of its reputation. But I can't seem to figure out anything. I'm dissapointed and thinking I will just return it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I reside in Spain and I've recently opened a joint account with a US resident here in Los Angeles at Charles Schwab bank.The financial consultant told us it's possible to deposit checks into schwab account through an app for iphone [URL]I've tried to download but it appears the following window: "your application has not been able to complete" and "The article you requested is not available at this time in Spanish Store, but is available in the U.S. Store. Click Change Store to view this article". If I click to change the Store from the Spanish to the American store, I have to fill the data but my ID apple is not working on the "foreign" store. What can I do? Is there a way to buy / download items from a different Itunes stores?Â
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
Any good programs out there for the MAC that will burn regular video files to DVD?
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was trying to sum that title up as best as I could. I'm looking for an audio program that will allow me to take one long audio track, separate it by markers (or something), and export/burn to CD (each marker would represent an individual track). The Wavelab program has this feature, but Wavelab is PC based so I can't use it =( Anyone know of anything?
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Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
In itunes on my iMac, most, but not all, of my home videos and homemade slide shows have been saved in the TV shows directory rather than the movies directory. I've tried to move them to the movies directory in iTunes, but they won't be moved. How can I move them, and then have the moves reflected on my iPad?Â
iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Just bought my first iMac, and I'm trying to find a simple free home budget program. I used SimpleD Budget for Windows, and am looking for something similar. Any help would be appreciated!
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MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I'm trying to burn some DVDs. I first burned in Finder and found out the hard way that that makes terrible quality data disc DVDs. Then I tried on iDVD, and at first it said it would only take 3 hours to burn a 1 1/2 hour movie on Professional Quality, so I was happy. But as it was encoding, it jumped to 16+ hours! So I tried again with only high quality, and it still said 8 hours, and now after 10 hours is still encoding. So, I need something else that's faster. I also need something relatively easy to learn/use. It may sound like I know what I'm talking about kind of, but I really don't and I just barely figured iDVD out. I still want it to convert into DVD quality discs (and good quality - I just got a new HDTV and would even like to try burning HD or Blu-ray discs). And I need it to be free.
So, my needs are:
#1 - FAST
#2 - FREE
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