MacBook Pro :: G Skill RAM - Causing Applications To Crash?
Dec 31, 2010
Recently I purchased 8GB of G Skill ram from newegg for $90. After installing it in my computer, i thought everything was working fine until I noticed apps crashing more frequently. Is it possible that the ram is causing this to happen? Also, my computer kernel panicked once since installation.
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Nov 17, 2010
My dad has a new 27" Core i5 iMac. When he plays a very long slideshow, iPhoto consistently crashes around the 8-minute mark. Sometimes he gets an error message saying "iPhoto unexpectedly quit" and sometimes the slides just quit coming up, even though the music keeps playing.
It doesn't matter from which event the slides come, although it seems to happen on his pics only and not on the pre-installed pics from Apple.
One last data point, this never happens, even when viewing the same slideshow, on his 13" MacBook Pro, which he bought at the same time.
It seems to me like a memory leak, or, less likely, some kind of GPU overheating issue. He's tried rebuilding his photo library, which changed nothing.
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Jun 30, 2010
My year old MBP is at the stage where it starts to slow down [most of the time in Safari/Firefox], the beachball appears [and doesn't go away], and then I have to forcefully restart the computer (no other apps will work after this). Only things I do/downloaded for my MBP are internet, MS office, Skype, and the apps that came with the MBP. So if Flash is causing the problems, what can I do? Reinstall it? I've never seen two browsers crash consistently, I would imagine it has to be Flash. Thoughts [as to what it could be if it isn't Flash]?
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Jul 6, 2010
It happens about once a day now with Safari. Sometimes it causes my MBP to crash. I know all the controversy about Apple and Flash, but is it this common? I do have the latest versions of Flash and Safari, but is the problem this ubiquitous or is there probably something I'm doing wrong with my 1 year old 13" MBP (4 GB RAM, 2.26 Ghz, 250GB)
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Mar 8, 2009
When I watch a flash video on my MacBook it causes Firefox (and Safari) to crash probably 70% of the time.
I noticed today that it started right when I upgraded my hard drive to a 320gb Samsung model in January. What made me notice that is because I am taking the MacBook to get its case fixed tomorrow so I put the original hard drive back in. Ever since the original hard drive has been reinserted flash videos have played with no problems.
Can a hard drive cause a problem like this?
btw I have 4gb of memory so I should have plenty of resources.
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May 23, 2010
I have been suffering with this issue for a few weeks now. Any flash snippet on a page causing Safari to crash. I had tried everything to fix the issue. Reinstalling flash player, rolling back to flash player 9, changing my DNS servers, Removing all internet plugins, Firefox, running Safari in 32 bit mode, Terminal hacks...all to no avail. I recently was playing around with my desktop and changed the Name of my Mac HD. I then quit and reopened Safari and to my amazement this had solved the issue. Safari now running faster than ever before. Im not sure how exavtly it solves the issue but it sure worked for me.
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Jun 30, 2012
I've been having a problem with Firefox crashing recently. On Mozilla's forum, someone suggested that corrupted fonts can cause apps to crash. I opened Font Book to check on this. I was able to find and disable one font that Font Book listed as corrupted. However, there's another font that I think is corrupted but can't do anything about. Just clicking on the font in the Font Book window causes Font Book itself to crash! Is there any other way to disable this font (matura management capitals)? Can I just delete it from the Font folder in finder?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 6, 2014
I had Mavericks previously installed on my iMac mid 2007 and was promoted to upgrade to Yosemite which I did. Now when I try to open iPhoto and it reads unresponsive in red letters on the force quit window. When I select and click force quit computer then freezes. I am however able to open iTunes but when I plug my iPod in computer then freezes.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Nov 9, 2009
There is a special offer for G.Skill SSD 128 GB so i was thinking of purchasing it and placing next to my intel. I would like to get your opinion about that SSD, is it worth it?
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Feb 17, 2010
I have two Macs both of which are running snow Leopard. To back these up I use time machine connected to a single external USB hard drive. I simply connect the drive to the machine I want to backup once a week or so and it will back up. For a while, everything worked just fine, I even needed to recover files from it and did so successfully. Occasionally one or other of the Macs would take a while to recognise the drive but normally it would be OK. Gradually the problem got worse until neither machine would recognise the backup drive. I mean nothing - not only would it not mount on either machine but wasn't recognised in disk utility either. As the disk was about 3 years old I figured it was probably the drive on the way out so bought a new Seagate drive to replace it.
Again, it worked fine to start with, but now after only about two months exactly the same problem has occurred and now the new drive is not recognised at all either. Now it could be that I'm just unlucky and have two dead hard drives but I don't think so, especially as the new drive has had very little use. I'm guessing that somehow using the backup drive with more than one machine has caused the problem but I don't know how to fix it. I have tried everything my (limited) knowledge will allow.
- Repairing disk permissions
- Allow OSX time to find the drive (I've left it for hours but to no avail)
- Booting the machine up with the usb drive already plugged in
As the drives are not recognised by either machine at all, I don't know what else to do. If I could see the drives I'd be happy to format them both and use one on each machine if this would fix the problem but I can't even do that.
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Aug 29, 2009
Since I installed Snow Leopard I have an annoying bug when I have Growl and Firefox installed. When I start up Firefox, the windows isn't on focus (window is kind of in the background). On Leopard I started Firefox and immeditatly I could press cmd+L to write the homepages. With SL I need to click first into the Firefox window because it wasn't on focus after starting up. This weird behaviour only appears when I have Growl installed, if i deactivate Growl, Firefox starts on focus, but since I need Firefox AND Growl, this annoys me a lot..
Could anybody of you who also uses SL, Firefox and Growl test if the Firefox window is on focus after starting the app, ? I tried it on 3 different Macs and all of them have the same bug. :-( I already wrote to the Growl and the Firefox team, but until now both of them say it's the other apps fault...
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Apr 3, 2012
I seem to have tripped over this quarantine bug in Lion. Newly downloaded apps simply sit in the Dock with the sphere pulsing, and disappear when clicked on.
Is there anything new known about this situation? Is there any other workaround or trick to try? This is stopping me from being able to install any new software properly. I'm hoping I don't have to wipe the system and start over, but I'm not seeing much choice. Assuming I don't trip the bug during the rebuild process and end up back in the same spot....
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 16, 2010
Before anyone says anything: Yes, I did do my research with MRGoogle before creating this thread. Most of the questions people had ever never answered ( or the posts where from 2+ years ago and not that relevant to the newer releases of iTunes.
Anyway, I decided to do a bit of song searching on iTunes today. I have a bunch of songs from the DDR series that I wanted to find the original, full versions of. So I opened up iTunes (which took about 30 seconds to load, mouse cursor pinwheeling the entire time) and opened up a playlist of said songs in a separate window. In the main window I opened up the iTunes store and started my search. To pass the time, I played the playlist in the background while switch between the two windows to check song tiles, artist names, and the like. While searching for songs, iTunes would randomly start pinwheeling for ~5 seconds, music still playing in the background. The same thing happened when I tired to change to a different song in the playlist. I tried to open TextEdit so I could copy down the songs I couldn't find in the iTunes store and the system pinwheeled yet again. It 5+ seconds to open TextEdit. Even when I'm running Firefox with multiple tabs and windows open, it opens instantly.
I know my machine is a bit old (Early 2008 MBP 2.4 C2D) but its not ancient. I'm running 4GB for crying out loud. I've had similar issues in the past that got so bad I stopped using iTunes all together for awhile. I've tried installing iTunes, uninstalling iTunes, even going so far as to remove most of the iTunes-related fumes from my Library. Nothing seems to help.
I'm at a loss to why this is happening. Originally I thought it was a corrupt library or something, but I've rebuilt my library and it was a temporary fix. Anyone here have ideas about what I can do?
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Sep 27, 2009
when trying to upload o commnt on [URL] safari locks up and wont force quit ad forces me to reboot is this happening to anyone else
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Nov 12, 2010
I'm currently having to give myself a 24hr crash course in FCE. One of the things I'm up against at the moment is the process of creating a sub-clip. I was half expecting to:
Import video into the bin.
Double click the footage to transfer it into the play head
Set in and out points with the I/O markers under the play head
Click on the actual video and drag it back to the bin to create a sub-clip
When I drag the video back into the bin all I appear to get is another copy of the original master clip. No recognition of the in and out points.
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Aug 11, 2009
Started using a mac through work and bought my first 20" imac 8 months ago. Haven't looked back.However, since the update to 10.5.7 my imac has crashed applications every time I select the print command in any application that can print.
I'm printing to an Epson Acculaser C1100 via USB, which worked perfectly before the 10.5.7 update.
I've searched forums and other sites for a solution but drawn a blank. Here's what I've done so far:Twice reinstalled the 10.5.7 update using the Combo update option, repairing permissions before and after.Removed the Epson folder from the Printers folder in the library and reinstalled the drivers from the original Epson disk, from the OS X disks that came with the mac, and from the latest driver posted on the Epson site. Each time, no effect.Removed all references to Epson from my machine (via a Finder search) and reinstalled the drivers in the three ways listed above.
Each time the result is the same; when I click the print command or the print icon in any application the application spins the coloured wheel for a while then crashes.Some applications (such as Pages) report that the crash may be related to a file called EpsonPagePDE.plugin, which I've found and deleted from the library several times, to no avail.Updated to 10.5.8.The printer works perfectly from my Mac G4 laptop and from a Windows Vista laptop.In just about every other way I'm delighted with my conversion to mac 9 months ago, but this has me beaten.
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Jun 2, 2010
I recently used Migration Assistant to bring user data/documents from my iBook G3/10.3.9/iPhoto 2.0, to my iBook G4/10.4.11/iPhoto 7.1
Upon launching iPhoto 7.1 with the recently migrated photos, the app spent some time updating and (I assume) reorganizing the photos ...and then it crashed.
The application crashes every time I attempt to load it. I've since deleted all the old photos (they are backed up on the old computer), deleted every associated pref I could find, to no avail. note, iPhoto opens no problem with my other user account.
I would simply reinstall, but, of course, my iLife cd is inaccessible at the moment (deep, deep storage).
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Aug 26, 2010
I've been using my new Macbook Air for a while, and lately Safari starts to crash frequently, twice a day or more. I've read some earlier posts and have checked my Internet Plugins, as listed below, being not so sure about which to delete. I have however already deleted one belonging to PowerMac as someone said.
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Oct 21, 2010
My upgrade seems to crash iPhoto and I have not been able to get iPhoto working. When I started iPhoto for the first time after the iLife update it had the usual "this library must be updated to work with this version of iPhoto" (that might not be the exact wording). Thoughtlessly I approved the dialogue as usual. The upgrade process made it through the first quick progress bar, but nearly immediately after starting the second progress bar iPhoto crashed. After restarting my mbp and opening iPhoto I got the same result. I even went so far as to reinstall the new iPhoto. Based on previous issues I tried holding option-command while starting iPhoto to get the rebuild dialogue and again the rebuild crashed iPhoto. Has anyone else been having the same issues or have any insight on how to resolve the issue?
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Oct 21, 2010
Why are iTunes and Safari the two applications I have ever used that are most likely to hang and/or crash? I mean, what's so hard for Apple to make these two very heavily used applications stable?
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Dec 7, 2010
one day i open adium, pass 10 seconds and quit's now happend all the time i download adium again and the same thing happendseems when i connect my facebook account to adium, Crash, here it's the report of the crash
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May 5, 2008
I was recently working on a document on pages, and I had a kernel panic. After a restart, I started up Pages to continue working on the document, and it was gone! Does Pages have some kind of document recovery after a crash?
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Jan 9, 2009
I have had a lot of issues with Adobe Flash Player causing grief in Safari, and now it is causing it to crash. I am on a clean installation of OS X (just formatted and reinstalled yesterday).
I should point out that I use Adobe CS4 and have Flash CS4 installed. Maybe that is causing a conflict?
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Apr 23, 2009
Anyone having problems streaming Netflix?My iMac 24" was doing it flawlessly until about 2 months ago and now any time I try to stream instant vids, it gets to "buffering" and Firefox or Safari will crash.
Roommates Macbook just started having the same problem a week ago.Checked netflix's blog and the forums, didn't see any hits from searching.I checked my version of silverlight and its up to date.
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Sep 29, 2009
I have recently installed Microsoft Office on OS X 10.6. However, I am having a problem whenever I try to print from Word or any other program. The program will crash with the message 'Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and needs to close'.
I have updated both OS X and Microsoft Office to their newest versions and tried to print to two different printers, but with no avail.
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Dec 3, 2009
Every time I try to import a .csv (only 66KB!) from Outlook into Address Book, it crashes. I'm running 10.6.2, and everything's up to date.
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Mar 21, 2012
i was installing a program when suddenly something went wrong. if i open finder and try to open my applications folder, it looks compeltly empty and then finder crash... seme issue if i explore true the HD.Try already to remove the software but not change
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Dec 3, 2014
Whenever my iMac crashes (and that's been happening a little too frequently since I installed Yosemite) and I have to either restart or force-restart, every application that was open at the time automatically restarts as well. I guess some people might value this but, call me crazy, I don't. I usually have Chrome running with 3 or four windows and multiple tabs open; Mail with multiple windows open with emails I need to address; and any number of apps including Lightroom that is so processor intensive causing the startup to take a very long time. Not only that, but I use multiple desktops and when this happens EVERYTHING opens in the same desktop creating a miserable time-suck separating everything.
Is there any way to prevent this? I just want the computer to relaunch and then open whatever app I want when and where I want. Is that so wrong?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10), APERTURE 3.5.1, FCPX 10.1.3
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Nov 25, 2010
I'm having a problem with the program Gamesalad. I downloaded the 0.9 version and when I try to open it immediately comes up with the crash reporter. I had a backup of the older version so I'm just using that until I find a solution. I asked this on there forums but didn't get any answers. Also on there website it says in the requirements that you need 1GB of RAM, does this mean that you need 1gb available or just in general 'cause I have 2gb and 1.01gb active with just my browser, itunes and older gamesalad open.
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Nov 28, 2010
Ok so two days ago I downloaded iTunes 10. It downloaded, installed, and then asked to restart. All was going good, but when the computer came back on and I went to open iTunes, it would crash before even opening.
So I thought it was strange, but I kept using my computer like I was before the install, and went to sign on to Skype; crashed. I went to open Safari; flash player crashed. Quicktime, same thing. Chrome and firefox as well.
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