MacBook Pro :: USB Ports Causing Sparks?
Oct 13, 2009
When I plug an externally powered device (printer, external HD etc.) into my MBP via USB, there are small sparks around the plug and the plugged in speaker makes sounds. I think that this also caused my external HD to die.
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Oct 31, 2009
Sometimes I notice that when I plug my USB hard drive into my macbook whilst my speakers are plugged into the jack, I see little orange flashes while the USB cable is outside the port.
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Apr 10, 2009
i noticed this morning when i plugged in a (full size, ac powered) external harddrive that there were sparks generated between the aluminium casing of the macbook and the outer metal piece on the usb plug. If i rub the usb port along the aluminium then i can make sparks.
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Oct 2, 2009
If so, do you use them and what sound system do you have?
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Mar 2, 2012
Twice recently, when I empty the Trash on my mid-2010 MacBook Pro with OS X Lion (current update), the Trash empties but the CPU goes to 100% utilization, the fans come on high, the CPU temperature as measured by an app exceeds 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and of course any commands produce a long beachball. The computer will only shut down by force via the power button.
Is it harmful for the CPU to max-out like this? The power-on self-test on startup reported "passed" so there doesn't appear to be any damage but I am not sure how much these tests really test. The Apple Hardware Test will not run in Lion. I ran one with my old Snow Leopard startup disk and it reported pass but recorded the test date as in the year 4012.
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Mar 27, 2012
Every time i open itunes on my Mac, the whole computer freezes. It unfreezes for about 2 seconds every minute and once i eventually quit out of itunes again the computer regains normal function. Â
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Dec 31, 2010
Recently I purchased 8GB of G Skill ram from newegg for $90. After installing it in my computer, i thought everything was working fine until I noticed apps crashing more frequently. Is it possible that the ram is causing this to happen? Also, my computer kernel panicked once since installation.
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Feb 23, 2009
I had been moving files back and forth between my WD mybook USB External HD when I pulled it from the imac without ejecting and plugged it into my air. The Air's screen dimmed and this popup came up. Now everytime I plug something in to my USB port, i.e. USB jump drive, External HD, even my External Air DVD drive, the same thing happens, screen dims and this message pops up. THe only item that it has not frozen up on is my Iphone, that connected fine without crashing.
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Sep 5, 2009
To cut a long story short, I'n on my 4th June '09 MBP. Those darn SATA issues have caused freezing and beachballing on each of the MBPs.
I'm taking it back to Apple today for a full refund. I'm convinced this generation of MPS are all affected and I'm staying well clear.
I've been looking on the Refrub Store and this seems to fit my needs but will it also have the SATA issues?
Also, is there anything about this notebook/generation that I should be aware of? I want this to be the last MBP! (well, at least for a couple of years).
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Oct 31, 2009
I just installed Snow Leopard on a white MacBook. Everything was fine until I went to Update the rest of the software on the computer. I hit "Install 11 Updates", it started installing, and then it just turned off. I powered up, hit the update button again, it began downloading and then powered off again. I plugged in power and powered up and now im stuck on a blue screen with the black spinning showing up and hiding repeatedly for 5-7 seconds at a time.
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Dec 2, 2009
I recently purchased a 17 inch MBP with 3.06ghz processor and 7200rpm 500gb HD ticked and fancied playing Dragon Age as i'm giving my old desktop computer away.I installed windows 7 Ultimate (lost my XP CD), cranked the settings on Dragon Age to max, turned x4 AA on and set about from where I left off.After about 30 minutes of playing I noticed my MBP was getting quite hot - not enough to burn me (though getting there) - just enough to cause concern and make me want to stop. I've had the temperature of this up to 90 degrees while doing other things and never felt it this hot before or had the fans going this much. I expected it to heat up and the fans to go somewhat crazy but not this much.
I'd like this laptop to last me at least a good few years so i'm wondering if daily prolong use of doing this could cause damage to the laptop?
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May 24, 2010
i have a question. i have installed windows xp through bootcamp on the mbp 2009, 2 GB RAM, 2.26 ghz, nvidia 9400m. the thing is the computer gets extremely hot when playing 'guild wars' on LOWEST setting. it is not a very graphics or cpu intensive game, i mean my old toshiba 900mhz celeron processor, 2gb ram vista laptop can run it without heat issues. is there any way to fix this? i have tried the smcfancontrol method, but with that it doesn't work for me because i have to shut off bootcamp.exe in windows and put the computer to sleep and then turn it back on in order for the keyboard backlight to turn off.
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Jun 30, 2010
My year old MBP is at the stage where it starts to slow down [most of the time in Safari/Firefox], the beachball appears [and doesn't go away], and then I have to forcefully restart the computer (no other apps will work after this). Only things I do/downloaded for my MBP are internet, MS office, Skype, and the apps that came with the MBP. So if Flash is causing the problems, what can I do? Reinstall it? I've never seen two browsers crash consistently, I would imagine it has to be Flash. Thoughts [as to what it could be if it isn't Flash]?
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Jul 6, 2010
It happens about once a day now with Safari. Sometimes it causes my MBP to crash. I know all the controversy about Apple and Flash, but is it this common? I do have the latest versions of Flash and Safari, but is the problem this ubiquitous or is there probably something I'm doing wrong with my 1 year old 13" MBP (4 GB RAM, 2.26 Ghz, 250GB)
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Feb 26, 2012
MacBook 2.1
Intel Core 2 Duo
OSx 10.6.8 Snow Leopard
I've had my MacBook for almost 5 years, first Mac I ever purchased, and have told everybody since then how I've never had one single problem with it, virus, or anything. My desktop PC would crash about every 6 months prior to getting my MacBook & the employee at Best Buy talked me into getting a Mac. I've been extremely satisfied in every way with it until now.
I finally bought a mini-dvi to hdmi cord to hook up my 70' Sony Bravia as a secondary display, but ever since hooking it up I'm getting constant kernel panics where I'm forced to restart my computer. This happens atleast 10 times a day and sometimes as much as every 10 minutes. It's not the TV as I have the same problem connecting to my 44' Philips TV. Am I just constrained to only using the Macbook screen connected to my laptop?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Macbook 2.1
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Mar 24, 2012
I have a 2012 15" macbook pro and one 27" thunderbolt display. Intermittently while I am connected to the thunderbolt display I am forced to shut down my computer and restart.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2012
Cursor going nuts, jumping backwards?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 8, 2014
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Late 2011) OS X 10.9.5 operating system with a USB problem. The front port when accessed shuts down the computer...
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), USB port problem
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Aug 22, 2014
I think I got infected when downloading a torrent ap--now deleted, but the problem persists. Basically every time I click on anything (even on reputable sites, I get ridiculous popups and ads that should not be there. The internet tells me that my MacBook pro has been infected with malware.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)
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Mar 8, 2009
When I watch a flash video on my MacBook it causes Firefox (and Safari) to crash probably 70% of the time.
I noticed today that it started right when I upgraded my hard drive to a 320gb Samsung model in January. What made me notice that is because I am taking the MacBook to get its case fixed tomorrow so I put the original hard drive back in. Ever since the original hard drive has been reinserted flash videos have played with no problems.
Can a hard drive cause a problem like this?
btw I have 4gb of memory so I should have plenty of resources.
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Jun 3, 2009
Over the past month or so I've noticed my Macbook has slowed down greatly. I am using a blackbook, 2.2 GHZ, 4GB ram, santa rosa. Many of my programs are failing to close completely causing me to force quit. I'm having several troubles with iWeb(uploading). I've tried to repair permissions several times, and executed batch tasks with Main menu and still it's buggy, freezing, and slow. I have about 30GB of HD space left, don't know if that could be an issue.
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Jun 25, 2014
Doesn't matter what the device is, if anything is plugged in, my MacBook Pro freezes.
Also, I just discovered last night that my laptop no longer plays movies in iTunes. Not it sure what to do.
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Dec 27, 2010
I have been using the OWC mercury 200GB SSD for 4 months now and I am experiencing a lot of freezing and lags on my 2010 15" i7 MBP. I tried restoring to original MAC OS Snow Leopard but it still froze. I dont know the exact problem.
Freezing occurs mostly when I perform major task/ heavy duties on the MacBook Pro, for example, when doing some video calling on Skype, Playing starcraft 2 and some heavy games.
Anyone having the same issues? Does anyone know any problem solving solutions?
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Jul 28, 2008
one of my Al Powerbooks decided to kernel panic twice in the past two days and both times fail to start up afterwards. The symptoms would be that when I pushed the power button, I wouldn't hear the Apple startup sound and it would just sit there.
Well, after a few tries and some sadness, I decided to remove the PRAM battery card and voila, computer boots up perfectly! This has actually happened twice (removed PRAM card, booted up, then put PRAM card back in, then eventually exact same situation occurred again), does anyone know if a PRAM battery card can possibly wreak suck havok on a G4 running Leopard.
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Jul 10, 2009
Some hard drives have a motion sensor in them. These are NOT supposed to be in MacBook/Pro's as the Macs have its own Sudden Motion Sensor. If your MBP has both, they could be conflicting with each other. Try this simple test to see if the problem goes away: (if you're not adventurous, don't proceed)
<<To disable the Sudden Motion Sensor:
Find the current status of Sudden Motion Sensor:
(log in as administrator)
1. From the Finder's Go menu, choose Utilities.
2. In the Utilities folder, open Terminal.
3. When the command line appears, type sudo pmset -g and press Return.
4. Type in the administrator password when prompted and hit Return. This command queries the computer for the current setting of the Sudden Motion Sensor, which you can determine by locating the ams entry (in Mac OS X 10.3) or the sms entry (in Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5) and looking to the right to determine its value. The default setting is "1" (turned on). 0 means off.
Disabling the Sudden Motion Sensor in Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5:
1. In Terminal, which should still be open from the previous step, you can disable the Sudden Motion Sensor by typing sudo pmset -a sms 0 and pressing Return (changing the setting to a zero disables the module).
2. Type your administrator password when you are prompted and press Return.
3. Type the sudo pmset -g command again to be sure that the setting has been applied.
Any changes that you make to the Sudden Motion Sensor setting remain in effect even after you restart the computer. If you choose to disable the Sudden Motion Sensor, Apple recommends that you re-enable it as soon as possible in order to take full advantage of the feature.
To re-enable the Sudden Motion Sensor:
Find the current status of Sudden Motion Sensor:
1. From the Finder's Go menu, choose Utilities.
2. In the Utilities folder, open Terminal.
3. When the command line appears, type sudo pmset -g and press Return. Type your administrator password when you are prompted and press Return. If you have the Sudden Motion Sensor turned off, the value of the ams entry (in Mac OS X 10.3) or sms entry (in Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5) will be a zero (0). >>
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Dec 9, 2009
I've got a late 2008 Macbook with glass trackpad. Lately I've been getting weird aches in the tips of my fingers when using it.
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Mar 13, 2010
I noticed my battery life and temps a higher then normal, decided to purchase and scan with virus barrier X6 and up came a iservices.b2 trojan. I removed it and now I notice my temps 10c lower and battery life about 1 hour more. This trojan was sitting resident on my mac for a little while now without my knowledge. Intego says it is mostly bundled with pirated software, but I have nothing pirated, everything I purchased. Now I am trying to find where this came from. If you have high temps and a low battery life unexpectedly....scan your machine.
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Jul 16, 2010
Are others experiencing this? I'm having issue getting a good solid answer after googling for quite a while. Some of the threads I have read also lead to no end result.
When I watch any videos, no matter what it is, after about 2 minutes my black macbook heats up and then run at fan speeds of 3600-4800rpm and it's super annoying and hot. As soon as I turn off the video, it cools down back to 1800 RPM and runs at 62 degrees. Sooooo odd.
I went to the genius bar and the guy there said that it is probably due to the fact that Snow Leopard takes advantage of the dual-core processor. I don't understand why it needs to utilize this processor where as it never had an issue on leopard before I upgraded.
I've also read that reloading the OS doesn't seem to help. Is this a common issue? Should I go back to Leopard?
I've only noticed that expose` is a little bit fancier on SL but other than that, I do not notice much of anything that is different.
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a year old MacBook Pro with an Nvidea GeForce 8600M GT card.
I recently bought Unity but it turns out the Nvidea GeForce 8600M GT graphics card isn't fully supported because of a memory leak which is a problem with the drivers.
Unity Support have told me to update my drivers. I understood Mac drivers were always built in to the OS and no drivers were available from Nvidea but I see they now have one Mac driver for another card.
What is the actual state of affairs with this graphics card does anyone know? There have been a lot of reports of faulty ones and now this.
This is a just about year old top of the range MacBook Pro and it doesn't support graphics??
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Nov 7, 2009
I have a late 2007 MacBook running OS X 10.5.8 that I upgraded with a Hitachi 200GB 7200RPM drive not long after I purchased it. It's been working great until about a week ago when I noticed a very quiet and frequent clicking/whirring sound coming from the drive as I was using it. My first reaction was that it might be the "click of death," but I wasn't getting any errors or having issues booting the machine, and the clicking was very periodic and not sudden like a drive crash. I verified the disk using Disk Utility and it checks out. I then opened up Activity Monitor and started watching the Disk Activity and sure enough I see a big red spike in I/O Data Written every time I hear the clicking sound, which is about every 20 seconds or so. Is my drive actually dying a slow, clicking death, or is there a rogue process writing to the disk and causing the sound? Is there a way to find out what it is?
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