MacBook :: Spilt Apple Juice Over Keyboard - Buttons Sticky
Mar 2, 2009
So I spilt a cup of apple juice over my Alum. Macbook and it seemed fine at the time after I tried to dry it. But now around 5 or 6 of the keys are really sticky, and take a while for them 'rise' again after being pressed. Has anyone got any tips on how to clean the keyboard properly? Or should I just take it into Apple?
I spilled some red bull on my brand new macbook, it wasn't much, I let it dry and I cleaned the outside. Everything works fine, the keyboard works too, every single key works. But some of them are sticky! And it is very uncomfortable to write on! Obviously with these keyboard designs I can't take the keyboard off and clean under it, and I don't want to take it to the Apple store because it's not really damaged and they won't cover spills. Is there a way to clean under the keys to clean out the stickyness?
I spilled coffee patron (which is a syrup-like coffee flavored tequila) on some keys on my macbook 13" last night. I immediately flipped it upside down and wiped it dry. I then wet a cloth to try to save it from stickiness. It was fine but today the space bar, the "b", "command", "option", & "control" keys are very sticky. Also my caps lock, tab and the squiggly dash (that's use to abbreviate the word approximately above the tab key) are not sticky but don't work at all! My caps lock wont even light up! I would like to remove the keys to wipe under it before taking it to apple care. (which will most likely turn me down.)
It's my clumsiness that's got me into this. Last week I spilled what seemed to be a small amount of coffee (black, nothing added) on a small area of my keyboard. I turned it over and let it drain and then turned it up on end to make sure all liquid drained out and then dried. However, now a few of my keys sometimes lock up on me and won't press down easily. Is there anything I can do to restore the way the keys operate?
Any advice/links re how to open up the Apple Wired Keyboard with Numeric Keypad? Spilt some coffee and some of the keys aren't working properly. Link to the Keyboard I'm Talking About
I have an Apple Wireless Keyboards and have noticed a problem with it. So the wireless keyboard has the EXACT same layout as my MacBook keyboard, so I would assume it should function the same. You know how along the top there are lots of function buttons? Well none of those work like they should. Clicking any of the buttons from esc (very left) to the play/pause button doesn't do anything. From there, the forward button (>>) does what F3 should, the volume off button does something I'm not quite sure what it is the volume down button pushes everything off to the side of the screen (not sure what it's called ) and volume up opens my dashboard. So is this something completely wrong with my keyboard, or is it something weird that they all do that I don't know of?
A few days ago I knocked over my tea on my new MacBook Pro. (I bought it less that 2 months ago.) I quickly soaked it up, blew a lot out with compressed air, and turned it upside down to let it dry. When I turned it back on I noticed a few keys were sticking. I did my research and one suggestion said to put a drop of water and/or alcohol on the key and just work with it. I know this may sound stupid, but I felt more comfortable with this than to start trying to remove keys. I dried it again and everything seems to be in working order.
All the keys work, and as far as I can tell the internal is okay (unless the sugar/tea is slowly eating away at it, which just makes me sick to think about). The right side of my keyboard, where my tea was spilt, doesn't light up as bright as the left. Is that because I damaged the light, or the tea stained the keys a different color. Does this mean I'm going to have to remove keys to get it clean anyways? Or should I just count my blessings, ignore it, and never drink near my Mac again?
I had a bit of an accident and dropped some coffee on my Macbook Pro 13" Unibody. It's been about a week, I didn't touch anything because I wanted it to dry but it seems something went wrong and the keyboard just won't work anymore. The backlight still works and the trackpad still works too, although it has gotten a bit sticky (like the keyboard). I didn't have AppleCare for this computer, and am still in my first year of warranty.
Is there any chance that I could work out a deal with Apple about buying AppleCare and them fixing this? Considering AppleCare would be 219.99 since I am a full-time student, this would be a way better deal for me then having to pay for the Uppercase (which, as it seems, is the only way to fix my keyboard) which starts at around 280$, plus labour (which I would do myself). Otherwise, does anyone know a good website for refurbished parts for Macbook Pro (in my case, the Upper case with keyboard and trackpad)?
I don't use my Powerbook G4 much anymore but spontaneously 1/3 of the keyboard is sticky and sounds crinkly. I didn't spill anything on it, I'm the only one who uses it and I live alone.
Since I got my new MBA, I am afraid of closing the lid without using the factory keyboard layer fearing the keys may scratch the monitor. Am I being paranoid? I am sure the keyboard has been designed as to not touch the screen when its folded right?
My keyboard backlight buttons dont work. The keyboard backlighting works when I'm in low light conditions, but I can't control them with the buttons. When I press them it comes up with this:
I just bought MacBookAir and it has 2 keyboard buttons detached. Apple service needs 2weeks to fix it and I need my Mac for my daily work. How can I fix this?
Info: MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), iOS 5.1.1, Keyboard Button
I have a late 2008 model macbook pro and the resent update to 10.9.3 has made my screen dim, keyboard backlight dim, and volume special functions to stop working?
I have a IBook G4 using OS X. The "2" and "w" keys do not work. Was wondering if these keys can be popped up and cleaned under neath or if there is any other easy fix.
Water spilled on the right side of my keyboard, but everything worked fine right after. However a day later the Delete, Eject and Volume buttons stop working. I took off the keys and cleaned underneath with a Qtip. still not working.
Relevant hardware: new Mac Pro, aluminum wired full keyboard, external speakers (Line Out). Every now and then, the volume up & down keys (F11 & F12) stop working. (Usually seems to happen upon waking from sleep, but not certain of pattern yet.) The volume keys still make the translucent volume graphic pop up, and they still make that pop-up's slider move up and down, and they make that feedback/confirmation "blip" sound grow louder or softer. But, this has no effect on the actual volume (except if I move it all the way down to Mute; that works).
I can only change volume with the mouse -- in the menu bar or in System Preferences. The keyboard volume buttons have no effect on those sliders, when this problem arises. All the other F-keys continue to work properly, so it's not a general keyboard or F-key issue. Only volume up/down. If I restart the computer, the problem is fixed. And I just noticed that if I go into System Preferences and change the Output to "Built-In" and then back to "Line Out," that fixed the problem too. At least, for now.
I recently purchased a new keyboard. It seems that the top keys will not work even when enabled. Is this because I am running OS X10.5.8 and the minimum is 10.6.8?
I recently switched my MAC OS X over to Windows XP however now I am noticing that some of the keyboard buttons aren't what they should be and I am unable to do such things are a simple question make this is what happens when I do ? doesn't looking like a question mark to me.
I have a desktop and I'm using iTunes version 11.4. I don't know when the buttons stopped working exactly but I've tried everything except downgrading itunes. They've always worked before.
When I plug in the apple mouse and go to mouse settings it lets me configure not only the two clickers, but all the extra buttons on my mighty mouse. However, I hate the mighty mouse scroller, so I want to switch to a new mouse. However, when I plug in the new mouse it only lets me right click, left click and scroll. My other mouse has 2 extra buttons I want to configure to open quicksilver and Expose all windows (like I had setup with my apple mouse). Can I do this with a non-apple mouse?
The play/pause and skip/rewind buttons on my keyboard are not working with the latest version of iTunes (11.3.1). I've read about fixes related to the Google Chrome extension, but I don't have that extension. I noticed that the buttons work with Spotify but not with iTunes. When I test the buttons on iTunes, I make sure that Spotify is completely closed. The play/pause function is especially important to me, as I use it to transcribe interviews quickly.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), Purchased in 2013
I accidentally spilt milk on my black macbook core 2 duo (13 inch). I immediately turned it upside down to get it off my keyboard, but then I think it seeped behind by lcd screen. This happened about 10 days ago. I turned off the laptop for about a day and a half, but have been using it since hoping it would go away.. but it hasn't yet. The picture I attached is the current situation. It improved a bit in the first three days but since then nothing has changed. The laptop is under a year old, but Applecare doesn't cover this damage. The guy at the store said it probably needs some cleaning, he would need about 2 hrs and the labor charge is $99/hr. It was a terrible mistake, but I do not want to pay that much.
After an argument my mum threw a glass of milk on the keyboard while it was on. I turned it off as fast as I could, everything looked ok before it shut down. I turned it over and wiped off all the liquid. It's open, face down on my bed just now. Should I turn it on to see if it's ok, it's been 1 hour now? It's a 13" MacBook Pro, 2.4Ghz
Last week I spilt tea (english tea with soy milk) on it while it was CLOSED, but it got into the side plugs and etc. I turned it off, and put it immediately in rice to dry it out, and later took the battery out as well. I tried to turn it on, but nothing except for a very pale green light coming from the plug itself. After many attemps of turining it on still no success. A roommate opened it up and cleaned the rusty bits with pure alcohol, but still it won't turn on. The rust was only close to the part where the plug goes.Does anyone know if it's just a matter of replacing a piece or something more expensive? I'd like to find out before I go to a repair place.
I am the Apple guy at home. My older sister had our plastic macbook (with a incase purple cover on it) and spilt water on it. The battery was low too. So I connect the charger to it, and it doesn't recognize it. I took the case off, and checked it, but the innards are not wet, only the cover.
I spilt some water over my unibody MacBook Pro about 36 hours ago. It was dark, and as the screen didn't respond I assumed that it had shut down, but on closer examination the next morning (after turning it upside down) I found that it was still running. I shut it off then. There didn't seem to be much water inside the MBP, so I tried turning it on just now. It made all the right start-up noises, but nothing on the screen (the Apple logo also wasn't illuminated). I forced it to shut down again right after.
I'm not near a service centre at the moment, so am wondering if I should just wait a few more days, or get it sent in right away? I guess the fact that it starts-up is encouraging, so hopefully the damage is just limited to something connected to the monitor. No water was split over the LCD itself, but I'm guessing some may have entered at the back of the unit, where it connects to the main body. I did almost the exact same thing to my 3yo MB about 2 months ago, and it started working after about 3 days. I guess I should be more careful about what I put near my computer in future!
I spilt water on my macbook pro, and wasn't smart enough to let it dry out. When I plug it into charge, no light from the charger comes on. When I turn on the computer, it starts up, the screen is still pitch black.... but if I look close enough I barely can see my startup screen. I am thinking about replacing the logic board? What should I do about this situation. I don't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money at the apple store to have this replace.