OS X :: Water Spilled On Keyboard - Some Buttons Not Work
Dec 14, 2010
Water spilled on the right side of my keyboard, but everything worked fine right after. However a day later the Delete, Eject and Volume buttons stop working. I took off the keys and cleaned underneath with a Qtip. still not working.
Almost had a heart attack. I was in the other room and she screamed that she spilled water on it. I ran over, grabbed it, flipped it upside down, turned it off, used an air compressor and paper towels to get whatever water out. Let it off an open overnight and everything appears fine.
She can go back to using her 5 yr old hp brick of a laptop. My MBA is off limits. And 2 months ago she broke her ipod (gift from me) running on a treadmill.
I have an old imac g4 and my wife spilled water on the keyboard (this has finally scored me the opportunity to purchase a new macbook pro). However in the mean time I ran up to walmart and bought a keyboard that said it was universal. As you can tell I am typing so that much is working, but ever since I plugged in the new keyboard I have had no sound. On this keyboard there is no volume control. Any suggestions as to how to get the speakers to work. I have no sound on video from the internet, or music from iTunes. In both situations I have turned the volume on the players up as loud as possible.
I spilled a little water on my macbook screen and I just got a paper towl and wiped it off at first but then I realizewd a little later than it had a spot and if you tilt it you can see like a scratch on the screen.Right now I have it turned off and titled upside down. Should I do this? If yes, how long should I keep it like this? PLEASE HELP ME! I am a nervous wreck and on the verge of tears because my mom will KILL ME if she finds out and I dont want it to be messed up.
Well it wasn't actually spilled. My friend was crying on it. Its hasn't been a good today, but anyways I got a fan on it and a hot halogen lamp on it. So far its doing well. Should I leave the fan and light on the night? I have a 3 year warranty. And I would pry out the battery but I don't have a screwdriver in my dorm!
My friend just spilled some water on her new mb. The water was spilled on the side with the power adaptor. It immediately shut off and we took the bottom off to expose the inside of the computer and put a fan on it to dry out. We plan on leaving it like that for 24 hours so it is completely dry. Is that normal for it to immediately shut off like that?
I recently spilled water on my macbook pro and found that my left, right arrow and shift keys no longer worked. What I didn't realize is that my power button was affected as well (I tried shutting off my computer a week ago and it wouldn't). So, it usually rests on my desk, charged. Last night, however, I took it off and it discharged. I charged it and found that I couldn't turn it on anymore.
Is there any way to remotely turn on the computer? I was looking into something like a USB keyboard or remote, but can't decide for sure what to do.
I just spilled literally about four drops of water on my trackpad. However it was in the bottom left corner and some may have got through. When I rebooted (I know I panicked should not have turned it on 10 minutes later) It worked briefly and then I could not scroll or click. I have applecare, but I don't think it covers this.
I spilled water on my Macbook and now it's splotchy, bright in some places, dark in others. It's an early 2008 model white Macbook. I have an older one that's not in use. It's a white Macbook also, same size.RM5510L8U9B is the serial number. Can i swap out the screens? Will they be compatible?
I've spilled a tiny amount of water on my trackpad (drops of sweat from a glass, so not much at all) and now the trackpad isn't working. The cursor is delayed and inaccurate and reminds me of windshield wipers on a dry windshield in that it bounces across the screen. Also, the menu of a right click keeps popping up but I haven't right clicked. Is there any way that I can dry under the trackpad? Can I take the trackpad off? I have a 13" unibody. I did fold paper towels in half and stuck them in the cracks between the trackpad and the wrist rest and that did get some water up, but there is either still water under there or permanent damage. I'm not very tech-savy, so I'd rather not take the whole thing apart on my own, but it is work issued and I'd have to take it to them before I can take it to an Apple store.
I recently spilled water on my mac. It seemed to recover but then I realized the sound has stopped working. When I try to adjust the volume a no entry sign appears (a circle with the line through it), but when I turn my computer on it still makes the bong noise so obviously the sound isn't totally broken. Any advice as to how I could get my sound back? I've tried going to sound through system preferences but had no success.
I recently purchased a new keyboard. It seems that the top keys will not work even when enabled. Is this because I am running OS X10.5.8 and the minimum is 10.6.8?
My keyboard backlight buttons dont work. The keyboard backlighting works when I'm in low light conditions, but I can't control them with the buttons. When I press them it comes up with this:
Last summer my wife and I purchased a Macbook Pro that supposedly had milk spilled on it. I'm technologically inclined enough to know that it was a very good deal. So we bought it to be used as her main computer because she doesn't do much beyond managing her iPhone, Facebook, and word processing, like most College Students. At the time I thought my Macbook was more than adequate but I've come to realize that there is a substantial difference between the two machines. I'm going to college as well for video production and I've not noticed the difference until I edited on hers while mine was in the shop. Anyway, long story short, I want to really get her computer repaired and trade her, which she's fine with she thinks my Mac is 'cuter' anyway... So I now realize this whole first little bit was unnecessary but nonetheless I'll leave it.
It has a few issues but functions perfectly as a desktop computer, we have a bluetooth keyboard & mouse for it. I really want to make it more mobile. But here's the list of the issues: 1) The 'o' and the '0' button do not work at all. 2) When you first turn it on sometimes it makes the tone that button is being held down and if you put the cursor in a text box it continuously types ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo until you hit backspace on the computer then it's totally fine. 3) It doesn't totally go to sleep. Even if it's closed you can still blatantly hear the hard drive clicking back on like you just opened it every minute or so and if you tell it to go to sleep while it's open it'll wake itself up within a minute. 4) When it's unplugged and not off the battery lasts less than 2 hours at best with an average of about an hour. 5) and the back lit keyboard only really glows in the middle of the keyboard supposedly where the spill occurred. The other keys do glow but not nearly as bright.
I think that's about it. I've taken it to the local Apple Store and they said that I can get just the keyboard replaced for about $150 then if there's no major damage we can send it off to get the other issues fixed because it's still under warranty until next July. However with the liquid spill that voids it which I'm sure you know. But if they crack it open and it's all nasty then they won't do anything and it could cost up to $1,200 to fix which is still a much cheaper deal for a machine with the same specs. I also have a 500 GB hard drive waiting to go in this bad boy. It's a Late 2008 15" MacBook Pro Model A1260, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB Memory, GeForce 8600 at 256 MB. Hope my descriptions where good enough I have a feeling that the milk spill has affected the logic board which is a hefty fee. And I plan on taking to to the Mac Authorized dealers here in town, like Mac Authority, to see if they'd be cheaper.
The play/pause and skip/rewind buttons on my keyboard are not working with the latest version of iTunes (11.3.1). I've read about fixes related to the Google Chrome extension, but I don't have that extension. I noticed that the buttons work with Spotify but not with iTunes. When I test the buttons on iTunes, I make sure that Spotify is completely closed. The play/pause function is especially important to me, as I use it to transcribe interviews quickly.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), Purchased in 2013
I just spillt my coffee on my macbook keyboard. The spill was localized to my keyboard, fortunately, and no other components were affectes, which is great. All my letters and numbers are 100% there. Some of my punctuation is a bit off - my apostrophes become semicolons, for example, I don:t know what to do. I:ve also got a bunch of other odd problems going on but only when holding down shift. I removed my ram and reinstalled it as part of my clean. Because a lot of my punctuation issues only occur with modifier keys, I think I might have broken something during the deep clean )I was messing with RAM, etc...0 but I:m not to experiences with hardware repair.
What should i do??? Do you think it really is software and updating my keyboard firmware will do good? should I go to iFixIt and pick up a new keyboard? given a guide, I could do the repair myself if it comes to it.My backup plan is to do a full heart transplant - pull the HD and put it in another computer. I love my alumium macbook though, and I hope it doesn:t come to that.
Immediately shut it off and cleaned what I could up, but some coffee got in the keys on the right hand side.
So now, when booting, there is no 'BONG' start up. It asks for a password to login, but it won't accept the right password (like the keys are pressing the wrong buttons) - pressing the 'enter' key during this process puts a character up in the password screen like a different key is being pressed.
Can't log into it. Haven't disassembled it yet to see what I can see, but looking for advice. My wife just bought this for her business (first nice thing she's ever bought herself) and is mortified to have spilled coffee in it after only 4 days.
When I bought this PowerBook, someone spilled soda into the PowerBook's keyboard, and everything on this computer works fine, except for the letters S, W, and Z.
If you pull the keys off, You can see the soda marks, I know with desktop keyboards, you can clean this and it would be fine, however, this has the keys that light up, so I do not know. What should I do besides pay $250 for a new keyboard from Apple?
I recently spilled a bit of water on my macbook pro. Now the only letters that dont work are a, q, z, the delete buttons and the brightness buttons. Is this a pricey fix? Is there an easy way to fix this? Everything else works perfectly fine except those keys. When i press the delete caps lock comes on.
Last night (laptop was unplugged, off but with battery in) I accidently dropped a small amount of water eg like a cap amount on the keyboard/mouse area.I wiped it off & thought nothing if it as it was a small amount.Woke up this morning, tried to switch it on but nothing. I put in the charger cable but still nothing, then I could smell some burning so quickly disconnected charger & battery.
I have a IBook G4 using OS X. The "2" and "w" keys do not work. Was wondering if these keys can be popped up and cleaned under neath or if there is any other easy fix.
Since I got my new MBA, I am afraid of closing the lid without using the factory keyboard layer fearing the keys may scratch the monitor. Am I being paranoid? I am sure the keyboard has been designed as to not touch the screen when its folded right?
I spilled some red bull on my brand new macbook, it wasn't much, I let it dry and I cleaned the outside. Everything works fine, the keyboard works too, every single key works. But some of them are sticky! And it is very uncomfortable to write on! Obviously with these keyboard designs I can't take the keyboard off and clean under it, and I don't want to take it to the Apple store because it's not really damaged and they won't cover spills. Is there a way to clean under the keys to clean out the stickyness?
It's my clumsiness that's got me into this. Last week I spilled what seemed to be a small amount of coffee (black, nothing added) on a small area of my keyboard. I turned it over and let it drain and then turned it up on end to make sure all liquid drained out and then dried. However, now a few of my keys sometimes lock up on me and won't press down easily. Is there anything I can do to restore the way the keys operate?
Relevant hardware: new Mac Pro, aluminum wired full keyboard, external speakers (Line Out). Every now and then, the volume up & down keys (F11 & F12) stop working. (Usually seems to happen upon waking from sleep, but not certain of pattern yet.) The volume keys still make the translucent volume graphic pop up, and they still make that pop-up's slider move up and down, and they make that feedback/confirmation "blip" sound grow louder or softer. But, this has no effect on the actual volume (except if I move it all the way down to Mute; that works).
I can only change volume with the mouse -- in the menu bar or in System Preferences. The keyboard volume buttons have no effect on those sliders, when this problem arises. All the other F-keys continue to work properly, so it's not a general keyboard or F-key issue. Only volume up/down. If I restart the computer, the problem is fixed. And I just noticed that if I go into System Preferences and change the Output to "Built-In" and then back to "Line Out," that fixed the problem too. At least, for now.
I spilled coffee patron (which is a syrup-like coffee flavored tequila) on some keys on my macbook 13" last night. I immediately flipped it upside down and wiped it dry. I then wet a cloth to try to save it from stickiness. It was fine but today the space bar, the "b", "command", "option", & "control" keys are very sticky. Also my caps lock, tab and the squiggly dash (that's use to abbreviate the word approximately above the tab key) are not sticky but don't work at all! My caps lock wont even light up! I would like to remove the keys to wipe under it before taking it to apple care. (which will most likely turn me down.)
I recently switched my MAC OS X over to Windows XP however now I am noticing that some of the keyboard buttons aren't what they should be and I am unable to do such things are a simple question make this is what happens when I do ? doesn't looking like a question mark to me.
I just bought MacBookAir and it has 2 keyboard buttons detached. Apple service needs 2weeks to fix it and I need my Mac for my daily work. How can I fix this?
Info: MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), iOS 5.1.1, Keyboard Button