MacBook Pro :: Milk Spilt - Okay To Turn On After Cleaning
Aug 15, 2010
After an argument my mum threw a glass of milk on the keyboard while it was on. I turned it off as fast as I could, everything looked ok before it shut down. I turned it over and wiped off all the liquid. It's open, face down on my bed just now. Should I turn it on to see if it's ok, it's been 1 hour now? It's a 13" MacBook Pro, 2.4Ghz
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May 29, 2009
I accidentally spilt milk on my black macbook core 2 duo (13 inch). I immediately turned it upside down to get it off my keyboard, but then I think it seeped behind by lcd screen. This happened about 10 days ago. I turned off the laptop for about a day and a half, but have been using it since hoping it would go away.. but it hasn't yet. The picture I attached is the current situation. It improved a bit in the first three days but since then nothing has changed. The laptop is under a year old, but Applecare doesn't cover this damage. The guy at the store said it probably needs some cleaning, he would need about 2 hrs and the labor charge is $99/hr. It was a terrible mistake, but I do not want to pay that much.
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Jun 30, 2012
Last week I spilt tea (english tea with soy milk) on it while it was CLOSED, but it got into the side plugs and etc. I turned it off, and put it immediately in rice to dry it out, and later took the battery out as well. I tried to turn it on, but nothing except for a very pale green light coming from the plug itself. After many attemps of turining it on still no success. A roommate opened it up and cleaned the rusty bits with pure alcohol, but still it won't turn on. The rust was only close to the part where the plug goes.Does anyone know if it's just a matter of replacing a piece or something more expensive? I'd like to find out before I go to a repair place.
MacBook, Black MacBook
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Jun 18, 2009
I have the dreaded " unexpected error occured. (Error code 0x8002006E)" problem.
Basically it doesn't want to burn DVDs ( fine on CDs though ).
I've read various ways to fix this such as zapping pram, SMC reset etc. and none worked. I also read that a cleaning disc might do the job.
So my question is, are these discs safe in a MacbookPro machine? And as I recall these discs have little bristles on one side - which way up should they go ( facing up or down )?
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Oct 15, 2010
So my brother spilled a cup of milk on his Macbook. Its the white older gen from 06' ish. Now I took it apart, how can I tell if the macbooks actually water damaged. Where are the markers that change color? Also, from what I can gather I think the keyboard has ruined but not the motherboard. The charger lights up green when there is no battery, but doesn't if the battery is attached. I tried the original battery and one from my working macbook, does the same thing on both batteries. So it's not that. Im thinking it will start up if i replace the keyboard because it probably got ruined so the power button won't send a signal to the motherboard, therefore wont turn on.
I don't want to take apart my working macbook and risk ruining it with static discharge or something, unless theres a good possibility that the keyboard is the problem on the broken one. I see milk residue on the battery prong and around the front left corner. So im assuming the battery ribbon on the macbook and the keyboard itself got ruined. I do not see anything wrong or milk residue on the motherboard or its surrounding components. Also worst comes to worst and it is ruined. What is the best thing to do with it? eBay?
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Nov 3, 2009
I recently spilled close to a tablespoon of milk onto the keyboard. Most of this landed on the keys themselves. I thought nothing of this and continued working for 4 hours. I left for 6 hours and came home to a non working Powerbook G4. The green powerlight does come on. I let sit for one day. Still nothing.
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Jan 17, 2010
I dropped a glass of milk on my MacBook Pro yesterday, I was so sad. The milk landed all around, keyboard, trackpad, screen. I dried it all with a towel and it works perfectly. But, the screen is completely ruined. It is smudgy and sticky, and blurry with milk. I think using a towel is the worst thing I could have done. What can I use to cleanse my screen of this uncomfortable smudge?
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Mar 7, 2010
Last summer my wife and I purchased a Macbook Pro that supposedly had milk spilled on it. I'm technologically inclined enough to know that it was a very good deal. So we bought it to be used as her main computer because she doesn't do much beyond managing her iPhone, Facebook, and word processing, like most College Students. At the time I thought my Macbook was more than adequate but I've come to realize that there is a substantial difference between the two machines. I'm going to college as well for video production and I've not noticed the difference until I edited on hers while mine was in the shop. Anyway, long story short, I want to really get her computer repaired and trade her, which she's fine with she thinks my Mac is 'cuter' anyway... So I now realize this whole first little bit was unnecessary but nonetheless I'll leave it.
It has a few issues but functions perfectly as a desktop computer, we have a bluetooth keyboard & mouse for it. I really want to make it more mobile. But here's the list of the issues:
1) The 'o' and the '0' button do not work at all.
2) When you first turn it on sometimes it makes the tone that button is being held down and if you put the cursor in a text box it continuously types ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo until you hit backspace on the computer then it's totally fine.
3) It doesn't totally go to sleep. Even if it's closed you can still blatantly hear the hard drive clicking back on like you just opened it every minute or so and if you tell it to go to sleep while it's open it'll wake itself up within a minute.
4) When it's unplugged and not off the battery lasts less than 2 hours at best with an average of about an hour.
5) and the back lit keyboard only really glows in the middle of the keyboard supposedly where the spill occurred. The other keys do glow but not nearly as bright.
I think that's about it. I've taken it to the local Apple Store and they said that I can get just the keyboard replaced for about $150 then if there's no major damage we can send it off to get the other issues fixed because it's still under warranty until next July. However with the liquid spill that voids it which I'm sure you know. But if they crack it open and it's all nasty then they won't do anything and it could cost up to $1,200 to fix which is still a much cheaper deal for a machine with the same specs. I also have a 500 GB hard drive waiting to go in this bad boy. It's a Late 2008 15" MacBook Pro Model A1260, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB Memory, GeForce 8600 at 256 MB. Hope my descriptions where good enough I have a feeling that the milk spill has affected the logic board which is a hefty fee. And I plan on taking to to the Mac Authorized dealers here in town, like Mac Authority, to see if they'd be cheaper.
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Apr 29, 2009
I am the Apple guy at home. My older sister had our plastic macbook (with a incase purple cover on it) and spilt water on it. The battery was low too. So I connect the charger to it, and it doesn't recognize it. I took the case off, and checked it, but the innards are not wet, only the cover.
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Sep 13, 2009
I spilt some water over my unibody MacBook Pro about 36 hours ago. It was dark, and as the screen didn't respond I assumed that it had shut down, but on closer examination the next morning (after turning it upside down) I found that it was still running. I shut it off then. There didn't seem to be much water inside the MBP, so I tried turning it on just now. It made all the right start-up noises, but nothing on the screen (the Apple logo also wasn't illuminated). I forced it to shut down again right after.
I'm not near a service centre at the moment, so am wondering if I should just wait a few more days, or get it sent in right away? I guess the fact that it starts-up is encouraging, so hopefully the damage is just limited to something connected to the monitor. No water was split over the LCD itself, but I'm guessing some may have entered at the back of the unit, where it connects to the main body. I did almost the exact same thing to my 3yo MB about 2 months ago, and it started working after about 3 days. I guess I should be more careful about what I put near my computer in future!
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Dec 11, 2009
This is the damage. Everything works expect the backlit keyboards. How much would a repair cost?
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Jul 31, 2010
A few days ago I knocked over my tea on my new MacBook Pro. (I bought it less that 2 months ago.) I quickly soaked it up, blew a lot out with compressed air, and turned it upside down to let it dry. When I turned it back on I noticed a few keys were sticking. I did my research and one suggestion said to put a drop of water and/or alcohol on the key and just work with it. I know this may sound stupid, but I felt more comfortable with this than to start trying to remove keys. I dried it again and everything seems to be in working order.
All the keys work, and as far as I can tell the internal is okay (unless the sugar/tea is slowly eating away at it, which just makes me sick to think about). The right side of my keyboard, where my tea was spilt, doesn't light up as bright as the left. Is that because I damaged the light, or the tea stained the keys a different color. Does this mean I'm going to have to remove keys to get it clean anyways? Or should I just count my blessings, ignore it, and never drink near my Mac again?
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Mar 2, 2009
So I spilt a cup of apple juice over my Alum. Macbook and it seemed fine at the time after I tried to dry it. But now around 5 or 6 of the keys are really sticky, and take a while for them 'rise' again after being pressed. Has anyone got any tips on how to clean the keyboard properly? Or should I just take it into Apple?
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Feb 19, 2010
I spilt water on my macbook pro, and wasn't smart enough to let it dry out. When I plug it into charge, no light from the charger comes on. When I turn on the computer, it starts up, the screen is still pitch black.... but if I look close enough I barely can see my startup screen. I am thinking about replacing the logic board? What should I do about this situation. I don't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money at the apple store to have this replace.
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Oct 26, 2010
Spilt chocolate milk 9 am in the morning. I have let it dry for 6 hours. Some keys still feels sticky. What to do? I do not own any special tools like an air compressor. Its a mac external keyboard.
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Sep 10, 2010
Any advice/links re how to open up the Apple Wired Keyboard with Numeric Keypad? Spilt some coffee and some of the keys aren't working properly. Link to the Keyboard I'm Talking About
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Oct 21, 2010
got my MBP about a month back. It's getting a little grimey now though and I want to know what the best way to clean it is. I was recommended to buy this [URL] when I visited my nearest Apple retailer, but was wondering if there was anything better out there?
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Feb 15, 2009
I have a rev A MBA and I have noticed that the keys on my keyboard are getting shiny from normal use and wear but I was wondering if whether Apple or a third party company had many cleaning solutions that would clean the keyboard?
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Jan 25, 2010
I would just like to ask whether it is worth the effort to take apart my MBA rev B myself to try and clean under the keyboard (I have a number of keys that are loosing clickyness and it's starting to affect the typing) or sending the whole thing straight to Apple and let them sort it out (I can't really afford to send it in a week like last time (for hinge issue) which is why I was considering doing it myself. I was thinking of cleaning the top as well. My MBA has a hard life. Since I was digging around in there do you all think its worth replacing the CPU gel as well? My MBA JUST about runs youtube, it stutters with 480p sometimes (won't run 720p without lagging horrifically and certainly not 1080p). Temps are about 60-65 C just web browsing, msn, skype and iTunes, and run into the high 70s mid 80s while watching flash. Everything else works great : ) (except 1 screw fell out the bottom).
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Jul 5, 2012
Should i get cleaning software for my 4 yr old MacBook Pro?
Macbook Pro
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Jun 30, 2014
The fan was rattling so loud forever so I cleaned it. Unfortunately I broke 3 blades.
then the noise completely stopped, so I was happy, but soon found out its probably not working because newly downloaded Istat shows exhaust: 0rpm.
i opened mac again to check wiring, connection etc.
still 0 rpm...does this happen often?
Macbook mid 2007, 10.6
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Dec 9, 2008
I cannot see how to remove the subtle "smudges" that accumulate. It is like there are fingerprints on the screen, and even with a soft paper towell and gentle cleaning fluid, there is no real improvement.
I know this sounds silly, but the cool screen on the laptop is a part of its attraction, and it is natural to want to make it nice.
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Dec 10, 2010
How do you make a mbp faster like cleaning it up?
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Oct 30, 2008
I just bought the new aluminum Macbook.I currently use the black cloth that came with it to clean the glass screen.I was wondering though whats the best method to clean the outer shell and keyboard. I think I got some oil stains/spots on the black keys, which I'm not sure how to wipe off
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Jul 22, 2009
I decided to wipe my MacBook Pro and start from scratch, on account of a hunch that I may have accidentally deleted items I wasn't supposed to, which was making it slightly sluggish. Anyway, the process went fine, however I noticed when I took stuff out of my Time Machine, the HD back then said it had about 200.6gb free space. When I checked the free space I had after the clean sweep, it now only amounts to about 153.5gb. What the heck?! Now, I have added a few podcasts and some minute programs in between to enjoy my fresh start, but...those downloads add up nowhere NEAR such a tremendous loss of disk space. Am I missing hidden files or did the wipe take some extra space for some reason? I performed the 7-over wipe, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. It didn't seem like it would, I mean...all it does is wipe 7 times, but I am slightly concerned with such a chunk of my space missing.
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Nov 6, 2009
I recently spilled a small amount(tblspn at most) of milk into my g4 PowerBook. After the spill, I kept it on for a few hours (I now know to remove battery and powerdown immediately). When I came home it was not working. I've let it sit for two days w no luck. I have heard that I could possibly clean the logicboard w alcohol as a last resort. Anyone familiar w this process? I'm also curious about USB enclsoures to retrieve info from assumingly undamaged hard drive.
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Apr 1, 2012
How do I clean my keyboard with readily available materials rather than running into hardware store and get some chemicals?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 20, 2012
Earlier I cleaned my Macbook keyboard with a wet wipe, brushed over the keys (pressing them down whilst doing so). Firstly when I went to go back to using my MacBook the trackpad at first decided to use right click only functions, after a bit I managed to get this working fully again. However the keyboard did nothing but work a bit but the keys not doing the functions they were assigned to do. So I rebooted and tried to login but couldn't because the keyboard wasn't functioning resulting in me having to get a USB keyboard to sign in. For a while the caps lock light worked, but now has completely died and doesn't work even when pressed on the USB keyboard. The keyboard is still active as occasionally when I go to try and use it for example a key that doesn't actually control the brightness ends up controlling the brightness?
I've run diagnostic checks and it's all been passed. Absolutely no idea what's going on? If I have to reinstall Lion i'm more than happy to do so but i'd rather not if I don't have to? Perhaps I damaged the keyboard itself when going through all the keys pressing them down? Although it's pretty unlikely the liquid from a wet wipe could get in right?
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Jan 7, 2011
y Macbook Pro booklet 'Everything Mac' WARNS: 'The battery in your Macbook can be replaced only by and Apple Authorized Service Provider, or an Apple Retail Store' (page 31). I was even warned, 'mess with the battery and you lose guarantee rights'.
OK - I wont touch the battery, but, hey Mr Apple, how do I clean my screen?
So I look it up on my Apple sanctioned 'Macbook pro users guide' in pdf:
'To clean your MacBook Pro screen, do the following: Shut down your MacBook Pro, unplug the power adapter, and REMOVE the battery.' (page 109)
Appart from the contradicting information, we have to remove the battery to clean our screen?!?
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Nov 30, 2008
This thread is geared towards MB/MBP owners, (specifically those with the late 2008) models. Its very easy to add stain-art to the cosmetics of any laptop. Drops of soup love to introduce themselves to the trackpad and rain drops may bounce off your jacket onto the screen on a wet day. If you're like me, you're heavily bothered by the slightest imperfection and hesitant to clean it, especially the screen.
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