I don't use my Powerbook G4 much anymore but spontaneously 1/3 of the keyboard is sticky and sounds crinkly. I didn't spill anything on it, I'm the only one who uses it and I live alone.
I spilled some red bull on my brand new macbook, it wasn't much, I let it dry and I cleaned the outside. Everything works fine, the keyboard works too, every single key works. But some of them are sticky! And it is very uncomfortable to write on! Obviously with these keyboard designs I can't take the keyboard off and clean under it, and I don't want to take it to the Apple store because it's not really damaged and they won't cover spills. Is there a way to clean under the keys to clean out the stickyness?
It's my clumsiness that's got me into this. Last week I spilled what seemed to be a small amount of coffee (black, nothing added) on a small area of my keyboard. I turned it over and let it drain and then turned it up on end to make sure all liquid drained out and then dried. However, now a few of my keys sometimes lock up on me and won't press down easily. Is there anything I can do to restore the way the keys operate?
I spilled coffee patron (which is a syrup-like coffee flavored tequila) on some keys on my macbook 13" last night. I immediately flipped it upside down and wiped it dry. I then wet a cloth to try to save it from stickiness. It was fine but today the space bar, the "b", "command", "option", & "control" keys are very sticky. Also my caps lock, tab and the squiggly dash (that's use to abbreviate the word approximately above the tab key) are not sticky but don't work at all! My caps lock wont even light up! I would like to remove the keys to wipe under it before taking it to apple care. (which will most likely turn me down.)
I had a bit of an accident and dropped some coffee on my Macbook Pro 13" Unibody. It's been about a week, I didn't touch anything because I wanted it to dry but it seems something went wrong and the keyboard just won't work anymore. The backlight still works and the trackpad still works too, although it has gotten a bit sticky (like the keyboard). I didn't have AppleCare for this computer, and am still in my first year of warranty.
Is there any chance that I could work out a deal with Apple about buying AppleCare and them fixing this? Considering AppleCare would be 219.99 since I am a full-time student, this would be a way better deal for me then having to pay for the Uppercase (which, as it seems, is the only way to fix my keyboard) which starts at around 280$, plus labour (which I would do myself). Otherwise, does anyone know a good website for refurbished parts for Macbook Pro (in my case, the Upper case with keyboard and trackpad)?
So I spilt a cup of apple juice over my Alum. Macbook and it seemed fine at the time after I tried to dry it. But now around 5 or 6 of the keys are really sticky, and take a while for them 'rise' again after being pressed. Has anyone got any tips on how to clean the keyboard properly? Or should I just take it into Apple?
I'm thinking of buying a MacBook but I have one reservation. I'm moving from a Powerbook 12"...
What's the consensus on the MacBook keyboard in terms of ease & comfort of use? I write for a living so a good keyboard is pretty essential. I've always been mostly satisfied with my powerbook keyboard, it's pretty comfortable although I occasionally mash a neighbouring button with my big clumsy fingers. The MacBook keyboard looks a little... weird. How is it?
This may sound silly, but the sticky surface of the new MacBook really bothers me. I'm wondering if anyone else feels this way, and whether using something like wax might make it just slippery enough to be closer to the MacBook Pro. Any suggestions?
I have been using the stickies widget provided with OSX Tiger and I love it, but is there a way to back it up? I have quite a bit of info on the widget stickies. (currently 10 stickies)
This is what I read in the help on OSX
Sticky notes in your Dashboard remain available until you close them. You can copy and paste items in sticky notes, but you cannot save your notes.
This leads me to believe that I am living dangerously with all this info???
Is there a better widget that I can store short lists on? What I use the widgets for are questions I need to ask each one of my employees. I am a school principal and can't just call up a teacher and ask them something so I jot it down on the widget sticky and ask them when I get a chance. I like having an easy way to bring up the lists and getting rid of them without opening a document or anything. Is there a better way?
Recently found out that there is a really cool feature when reading pdf files in preview. You can add notes, that show in a side column. in the file itself, it shows just a little yellow square that looks like a dialogue box from a cartoon, but yellow in side with lines (ie: a reminder that there is a note attached) To me, when reading professional articles I've downloaded, it's a great feature. It's just like making notes in an article, or on sticky notes, but it's all stored in one place, with the article's pdf file. My question (and perhaps there will turn out to be a simple answer I've overlooked) is: How do you delete one of these notes if you don't want it anymore? I've tried everything I can think of, and can't figure it out.
My MBA's trackpad button is weird, i bought the computer brand new and from day one the button seems to be a little off. You can click it but sometimes you have to work really hard to keep it clicked. i.e. if i'm dragging a window sometimes it just stops holding the window. Also double clicking is difficult and clicking on different parts of the button is difficult. Do you think it's enough to take it in to the bar?
Recently my mouse has started acting up. The movement is sticky, and it is hard to get it to go exactly where I want on the screen. And when it doesn't end up where I want and I try to move it again, it sticks for a nano second before it moves.
This seems like a lot to me! But there doesn't seem to be much information about this kind of thing (there are plenty of threads about individual usage
I was just wondering if anyone can offer some advice on cleaning macbook pro keys.
I spilt pepsi on my 15' macbook pro about a week ago and somehow managed to save it. I took it to next byte and they took it apart and cleaned it, although they informed me that they couldn't clean the keys for me and that they were sticking from the pepsi residue. They told me the entire top case would need replaced at a cost of $630.
I have looked up how to clean the keyboard on macbook pros, but am having trouble finding the right model, everything i find is from older versions of macbook pros.
I need to know what I should do to stop the keys sticking, and if with the new pros if it really is that hard to remove and clean the keys?
What should i do taking into account that I have never taken a computer apart before and wouldn't really know what to do.
I was playing a game with my Mac, and the sticky keys indicator disappeared. I've moved it before, and this game has caused it to move before, but I don't know where it is. How do I fix this?
I've just, rather stupidly, spill a sticky drink on my mid-2009 macbook pro. I've managed to dry some of it off and wipe it down but it is still sticky. Nothing went on the keyboard thankfully, but it all went on the trackpad. Now my trackpad feels all sticky and won't register any movement of my fingers. When it does, it only moves a couple of millimeters on the screen and stops again Also, wherever I click, it only registers the right click. Luckily I managed to attach a bluetooth mouse and use that to switch it off. Also, the mouse seemed to jitter and wander when I am not touching to trackpad. Another thing I noticed is that the performance dropped rapidly when I spill the drink.
Occasionally, this iMac starts, and it will say "safe boot" in the login screen, and I have not done anything to make it do that. I do not have a sticky shift key, as far as I can tell.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27" 2.7GHz Quad i5 12GB mem 1TB
I have had the illuminated keyboard since day one. I am pretty upset that the basic macbook does not have this feature. Anyone think I could just get topcase from the upgraded macbook? Anyway to get just the keyboard from an Air?
I have a bluetooth wireless Apple keyboard and magic mouse combo. I bought a Power Mac Dual G5 from a friend just to "play" with as my friend needed money badly. In fact, I am letting him buy it back if he comes up with the money within a year - forget the fact that I loaned way more than it's worth, but I just want to see if I can play with it to get something for my terrible investment.
I don't have a wired keyboard and mouse for it. He told me it has bluetooth AirPort card installed in it. When I try starting up, all I get is the grey screen with the Apple logo and spinning circle thing. I had hoped it would just "auto sense" my Apple bluetooth keyboard and magic mouse, but it doesn't appear to be. But is there any way to have it automatically find my bluetooth keyboard and mouse or do I need a wired keyboard and mouse to even start it up?
Is the MacBook Pro keyboard the same as the 12-inch PowerBook one? It feels a bit different, but the measuremeants are the same and I urgently need to swap my MBP one out.
So, a couple weeks ago, I was biting my nails with the PB on my lap (yeah, I know...), and one fell underneath the Enter key on the right side. Now, I'm very OCD about all things relating to the PB, which is why that kinda pissed me off. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I went and bought some compressed air.
This was my first time using compressed air, and it didn't really help with the fingernail (if anything, it pushed it farther down and closer to the mini fan vents right by the keys). It did, however, bring a LOT of other crap up to the surface, and now I'm determined to get this sucker cleaned.
Have had my iBook for over 5 years now, and she has a dirty keyboard... I have a cat and I try to vacuum the keyboard to get the cat hair out..but it tends to get hooked on all the keys and then sticks up and doesnt get sucked into the vacuum. Does anybody else have this issue when cleaning the keyboard? I know this probably sounds odd.
Would like to know if anybody has any tips on how to clean the keyboard successfully of all cat hair lol.
The backlight for the keyboard on my powerbook G4 isn't working. It worked perfectly a few weeks ago. Now when it is completely dark in the room and I turn the backlight all the way up the keys dont light up. Do the backlights on these keyboards really break?
Have a iMac G5 with built in BT. I used it downstairs yesterday and took it back to the spare room where it usually is used. Fired it up today and I find that the BT mouse is fine BUT it ignores the keyboard. I tried; Replacing batteries. Checked that the suspect keyboard worked on my mac mini (it did). Tried my other BT keyboard on the iMac same problem. So, why does it recognise the mouse but not the keyboard? I do not have a USB Keyboard, so now I cannot Log in to fix it! I am guessing that the pairing has gone BUT surely it would simply see the keyboard as a new one and start setting it up. Something is stopping keyboards working with BT, very strange - could a loose BT module cause this? Or will I have to buy a USB Keyboard now to use my iMac?