ITunes :: Song Order In Alphabetical Rather Than Correct Album Order (only For Some Albums)?
Jun 23, 2012
I have a problem with SOME of my albums in itunes. Some of them ( aprox 20%) are displaying the sogns within an album in an alphabetical order. I do not have "track" in the column header selected. I have tried selecting "track #"but this does not rectify the track names into the original album order. I can not manually enter the track number either in the "track #" field to manually rectify this as iTunes does not allow you do this. It is really frustrating that I have to listen to some of my albums in alpabetical song name order rather than the order the artist wanted me to. See an attached example screenshot for Erykah Badu's Baduizm Album.
I just finished an original rock album, registered it with Gracenote, and it is being sold through itunes and many other places via cdbaby. The album is also available to download via Dropcards to people that buy or receive a download crad from us in person. PROBLEM is, when you download the cd, the tracks are in the proper order as on the album when they are in a folder from Dropcards, then you drag them into itunes and they are in ALPHABETICAL order in the RECENTLY ADDED folder! Under the MUSIC tab, they however are in proper album order. ?? It's good that the cd is properly registered and is in the right order in peoples main MUSIC list, but when I download albums, the easiest way to find the new album is under RECENTLY ADDED, which in my case would have people clicking on the wrong song to start listening to our record (not the intended feel we wanted to start the record with)
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), iTunes Question
itunes 10 imports cd tracks in alphabetical order only.What setting can I change so that it will import cd tracks in the same order as on the cd?I have this issue on only 1 of my 2 macbook pro computers, so I'm guessing it is a setting issue--but I don't know where to find it.
I have put four CD's into iTunes but the albums appear out of order in iTunes (ie 2,1,3,4). Is there any way I can re-organise the 4 albums into the correct order - for example by dragging one above the other in iTunes?
The album which appears first in the list (album 2) has been given a slightly different name (not by me!) from the other three!
I am relatively new to iTunes, and have burned dozens of CDs before. However, all of those CDs have been complete albums. I tried to burn my first mix recently, and found that the CD had been burned with the songs in the wrong order.
I must be doing something wrong, but there doesn't seem to be too many areas where iTunes makes it even possible to mess something this simple up, so I pretty confused.
I make a playlist, hit burn CD, select Audio CD, and go. The songs make it, but like I said, in the wrong order. They get organized by album, but I just want the CD to look like the playlist on the computer.
Has anyone run into something like this? It is iTunes 8.0.2.
I've been downloading a couple songs onto my macbook air and they ar going into random order, how can i make it so that my songs are in alphabetical order?
Suddenly I'm unable to click on an album and have it play in its entirety; there is a shuffle option but I don't want to shuffle. Why won't it automatically play the next song in order? It seems to play only one song at a time.
songs from Vinyl, into iTunes and keeping the song order on the Album.As it stands, when I rip Vinyl onto my computer, then import the songs into iTunes, they seem to be arbitrarily organized. I'm sure there is some logic to the way iTunes is organizing them, but it is not the order of the Album. There must be some way to organize or 'sort' these songs in order of the Album. I remember on the older versions of iTunes, there used to be a numbering section on the far left hand side of the songs. I can't see that anymore and even when I control-click the songs, the sorting options don't seem to do much for me.
There's something that's been bugging me for ages, literally years:
I've got a whole lot of music, 45 days worth, and I view it by date added and want to keep it that way for a number of reasons.
Problem is, when I want to play an album I have to click on the first track, then switch to album (or artist) display by the end of that track.
The other day I added an album by dragging it into iTunes in the Finder. I noticed that I could start and stop and advance and rewind tracks and it would go in order, from first to last track, even in Date Added mode, so it was visually moving up and down instead of from top to bottom.
Is there secretly a way to view in Date Added but have the next track be the next track on that album? Besides dragging the tracks into iTunes from the Finder I mean.
If anyone has a way to do this, it would seriously improve my life and I would be infinitely grateful.
Why is it that I have songs sorted in a certain order (tracks 1 to 10 for instance) and on my iphone, they're in reverse from 10 to 1. I double checked playlist on iTunes and re-synced. Same thing. Is there a fix for this?
Info: iMAC 2.8 ghz Core Duo 750 gb HD 2 GB Sdram, Mac OS X (10.5)
i would like to sort a list into alphabetical order automatically, i know Office 2007 does this. would seem lazy if Apple didn't put this in... and i have 70 References to sort.
I would like to sort these folders in some kind of alphabetical order. i see that I can order these manually (not convenient) and I am not finding a good option in the View pulldown.
when I see the files in one of the folders in the finder, in list view only, they are organized from Z to A and I want to change that to see them from A to Z. I cannot do it. I used to change the list by clicking the ¨name¨, but now that doesn´t work. If I change the view to icons or cover flow, the same files are organized alphabetically. It seems I changed that (I mean from Z to A) once, before I got Lion, and now I cannot reverse the organization of files.
how or why this has started, but iTunes now insists on playing the tracks from every album in totally the wrong order; how to make it play them in the order they are on the album? I tried to see if some kind of 'shuffle' option is switched on but I can't see anything. But every time I click to play an album, when I look in 'up next', it shows me the tracks coming up to play all jumbled up in the wrong order.
i am trying a way to sort the lines in a document in alphabetical order and i seem to be not finding this in TextWrangler even though i have to assume it is there.
Just as the thread title says, since updating to iPhoto '11, my event folders are not displayed in the right order according to the date the pictures were taken. Anybody else have this problem?
As the title says, I just can't get to print a 33 page PDF using 2 pages per sheet in the correct order. It will print two pages per sheet of paper, but page 1 will come on the right, 2 on the left, 3 on the right, etc. I tried every possible combination in the "Layout" menu to no avail.
After some test-driving of various audio-player software, I've settled on Cog as the best player for my purposes (simple and lightweight, with minimal memory / resource usage).
Overall, I love the program, and it does exactly what I want it to, with two exceptions - whenever I quit and reopen it, it forgets A) the song order of its current playlist, and B) its place in the playlist when it was closed down. It'll remember which songs were on the playlist, but resets the song order to default, and by so doing also loses its place.
I use a Mac Mini to launch iTunes with library saved in an external drive. Now my Mac Mini retires and I replaced it with a new one. I launch iTunes on the new Mac and reconnect to the library in the external drive.
How come my wav files are shown in correct albums in old Mac but shown in unknown albums in new Mac? What must I transfer from the old mac to new mac show wav files in their right places?
I have tried importing the library xml file but it didn't work.
When I imported a new album that feature different guest artist singing with primary artist, the CD imports as a different album for each song. How do I prevent this?
In the list of albums, some of the album art is not showing, but when I click to view the song list, it is there. See screenshot which explains it much better.
I know this has not been possible in earlier versions of iTunes, but I hope Apple has addressed it by now. It makes a great deal of sense. If, for example, one has a song in the album in which it was originally released and also has a copy as part of a Greatest Hits album, we should not have to retain two copies of the song to be able to hear it no matter which album we choose to play. Aperture and iPhoto seem to manage this with images - why not in iTunes? Is it possible to do this yet?
Quite often when burning CDs, The order that I have carefully set gets completely scrambled when playlist is burned. This is especially bad due when trying to burn books in my audiobook collection.
I have looked at a few Apple tech notes about this topic, but all seem to be of versions much older than that currently available.
Alphabetical orde is not the problem and one suggestion to use a Song command to set tracks in the play order, doesn't work since Song command.