ITunes :: 10 Imports Cd Tracks In Alphabetical Order Only
Apr 25, 2012
itunes 10 imports cd tracks in alphabetical order only.What setting can I change so that it will import cd tracks in the same order as on the cd?I have this issue on only 1 of my 2 macbook pro computers, so I'm guessing it is a setting issue--but I don't know where to find it.
I have a problem with SOME of my albums in itunes. Some of them ( aprox 20%) are displaying the sogns within an album in an alphabetical order. I do not have "track" in the column header selected. I have tried selecting "track #"but this does not rectify the track names into the original album order. I can not manually enter the track number either in the "track #" field to manually rectify this as iTunes does not allow you do this. It is really frustrating that I have to listen to some of my albums in alpabetical song name order rather than the order the artist wanted me to. See an attached example screenshot for Erykah Badu's Baduizm Album.
I just finished an original rock album, registered it with Gracenote, and it is being sold through itunes and many other places via cdbaby. The album is also available to download via Dropcards to people that buy or receive a download crad from us in person. PROBLEM is, when you download the cd, the tracks are in the proper order as on the album when they are in a folder from Dropcards, then you drag them into itunes and they are in ALPHABETICAL order in the RECENTLY ADDED folder! Under the MUSIC tab, they however are in proper album order. ?? It's good that the cd is properly registered and is in the right order in peoples main MUSIC list, but when I download albums, the easiest way to find the new album is under RECENTLY ADDED, which in my case would have people clicking on the wrong song to start listening to our record (not the intended feel we wanted to start the record with)Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), iTunes Question
Ive got a compilation album in iTunes, with it sorting by artist. I got round that problem by putting an abbreviation of the album name at the beginning of the artist title, but now the track numbers are not in order like all my other albums.
In order to burn an album you can't simply click on the album cover and tell it to burn what's stored in the library... you have to make a playlist from it and burn that.
But it has a mind of it's own. You can't sort the list and burn it the way you want it to.
I even had it sort by track number and it burned it out of order.
how or why this has started, but iTunes now insists on playing the tracks from every album in totally the wrong order; how to make it play them in the order they are on the album? I tried to see if some kind of 'shuffle' option is switched on but I can't see anything. But every time I click to play an album, when I look in 'up next', it shows me the tracks coming up to play all jumbled up in the wrong order.
I've been downloading a couple songs onto my macbook air and they ar going into random order, how can i make it so that my songs are in alphabetical order?
i would like to sort a list into alphabetical order automatically, i know Office 2007 does this. would seem lazy if Apple didn't put this in... and i have 70 References to sort.
I would like to sort these folders in some kind of alphabetical order. i see that I can order these manually (not convenient) and I am not finding a good option in the View pulldown.
when I see the files in one of the folders in the finder, in list view only, they are organized from Z to A and I want to change that to see them from A to Z. I cannot do it. I used to change the list by clicking the ¨name¨, but now that doesn´t work. If I change the view to icons or cover flow, the same files are organized alphabetically. It seems I changed that (I mean from Z to A) once, before I got Lion, and now I cannot reverse the organization of files.
i am trying a way to sort the lines in a document in alphabetical order and i seem to be not finding this in TextWrangler even though i have to assume it is there.
I'm trying to understand how itunes imports files and where it puts them. Does itunes duplicate existing files when your first install it?
In other words if I have some songs and videos in my computer and I install itunes, I know it will search for files during the installation and add them to the itunes library so, here is where my question comes, does itunes copies the files it finds to the itunes library and leave the exiting files in its original location or it moves them to a new location?
I'm just trying to understand how itunes imports and stores files and where it puts them.
I have a 3 disc set that I just imported. However disc 1 and disc 2 both import as disc 1 of 3. This is a live album so it makes a difference. Is there a way I can change the disc number?Â
There's something that's been bugging me for ages, literally years:
I've got a whole lot of music, 45 days worth, and I view it by date added and want to keep it that way for a number of reasons.
Problem is, when I want to play an album I have to click on the first track, then switch to album (or artist) display by the end of that track.
The other day I added an album by dragging it into iTunes in the Finder. I noticed that I could start and stop and advance and rewind tracks and it would go in order, from first to last track, even in Date Added mode, so it was visually moving up and down instead of from top to bottom.
Is there secretly a way to view in Date Added but have the next track be the next track on that album? Besides dragging the tracks into iTunes from the Finder I mean.
If anyone has a way to do this, it would seriously improve my life and I would be infinitely grateful.
I recently replaced my eMac with a MacBook.I backed up my iTunes library from my eMac to disk and loaded the same into the MacBook.The contens of that disc now appear as a restored playlist.Music that I've since placed onto my MacBook appear in order underneath the restored playlist.The two lists are totally separate and I'm wondering whether there is any way to get the two to integrate so they're alphabetical?
My laptop crashed last week and I am now on a brand new operating system (windows 7) using a Dell Inspirion PC. Ive lost all my old music off my hard drive. I have a bunch of dvds a mate of mine burned for me back home that i brought to the USA, and i have no idea how i got the music off them originally and into itunes/on my hard drive. I cant copy directly from the dvd to my hard drive as each song is encrypted. I know my mates password in the case that happens in itunes and it asks for it, but im not being given the chance to enter it anywhere. Obviously itunes recognizes the disc and i can play the music in there generally, but i cant copy the music to the library.
I recently had a HD disaster, all my music (aprox 50000 tracks) got lost. With FileSalvage I got them back, problem is they all lost their id�s, now they are displayed by number. Musicrenamer works on the ones with id3 tag, but I�m still up the creek without the proper instrument. Itunes wont let me get the tracknames as the music wasnt imported using itunes. Anyone know if there�s a way around this? Third party software to get tracknames? I need acces to gracenote or similar database..
All of my music has come from the iTunes store, and I have updated the ones available to non-DRM status for the $0.30 that Apple charges. Now my question is, is there a quick way of seeing which songs I have that still have DRM on them? I think it's only a few, but I'm trying to figure out without clicking CMD+I on over 1,000 songs.
i've just deleted thousands of tracks from my iTunes.
However, the artwork and the songs still appear on my iTunes after i deleted them, but if i try to open it the message "the song xxx could not be used because the original file could net be found. Would you like to locate it?" would appear.
Now when i try to add songs from iTunes to my movie project in iMovie, the above message would appear thousands of times and i will have to press NO each time.
I have just tried to add to albums to my iTunes library. The albums are in folders on my hard drive. Previously I just selected 'Add to Library' from the iTunes drop down menu. This would create a copy of the tracks in my iTunes Library. From there I could drag and drop them into a playlist.I select 'Add to Library' as usual. Select the folder and hit 'Open'. iTunes then creates a playlist for that folder but looks like it is playing the mp3's from their original folder location. It is not actually adding the tracks to my iTunes library.
As far as I know I have not changed any setting. I have been back in and revisited all of the settings options but can't see any issues there either. I have been using this 'Add to Library' method for around 10 years so am curious to find out what is wrong.
My join cd tracks is greyed out. I been trying to join cd tracks into one. It did work but then after 4 months ago the join cd tracks got greyed out. I need this option cause i have single tracks that i would like to join into one. I did hightlight selected all i do see the blue but still no join cd tracks not avaible.
In importing my cd collection to itunes, I've noticed that sometimes it will separate a track or tracks into more than one copy of an album. Why is this and how can I make it stop? It's only happened a couple times but is still annoying. The other day it separated track 2 of a cd from the other tracks, so I had 2 copies of that disc in itunes. One with just track 2 and a second with all the other tracks. Today it separated each track of an entire cd, so I had 10 copies of the same disc, each with one song.
When I put a CD in--a store bought CD, it just comes up at Track 01 etc. The CD name doesn't even come up.i recently tried it again and it did not work.