ITunes :: Get The Shrink Corner To Shrink Down The Window To A Much Smaller Size?
Jun 19, 2012
for iTunes 10.6.3 on OS 10.5.8 ppc, is there a way to get the shrink corner to shrink down the iTunes window to a much smaller size? With this new verson, the window is barely adjustable down, & takes up about 70% of an active screen on this 19 in. widescreen LCD. I downloaded & installed sizewell but doesn't give this "shrinkdown" function.
G4 sawtooth 1.5 OWC cpu, Mac OS X (10.5.8), KVM
copying DVD's. When I had a PC, I used to use DVD shrink to convert large Dual layer DVDs down to sizes that would fit on a single layer DVD. I downloaded mac the ripper and it works, but it does not downsize DVD's.
So I tried to partition my 1TB Seagate main hard drive that's in my iMac, and twice my iMac locked up at the "Shrinking volume" stage. I tried to shrink it down from 1TB to 600GB and it not only did not work, my system locked up (I gave it plenty of time) to the point where I had to forcibly shut it down and a subsequent verification of the disk revealed that it needed to be repaired using Disk Utility after restarting and booting from my OS X installation disk, which worked just fine.
I decided to try again, because the first time, I had not restarted the computer in a while, so I thought I'd "flush out" any temporary files, cache, inactive RAM, and whatever else might have been in the way the first time around. However, this time, the screen simply turned off after 15 or so minutes. Once again, it got stuck at the "Shrinking volume" point and there was also no way to revive it except for a forced shutdown, which, by the way, I did by holding down the power button on the back of the iMac. Same story, I had to restart and repair the disk using my OS X installation disk, which resolved the repair issue.
One more thing. I remember that when I first received my iMac, I was able to partition the drive in order to add a volume for Boot Camp, which I formatted in NTFS right before my Windows 7 installation. All of that worked great and I was actually impressed with how flawless that whole process executed. Eventually, I decided that I no longer needed Windows 7, so I erased the partition and re-consolidated it with the main OS X partition, again, without any problems.
With all of that said, I'm not sure what to try next, but I would really like to create 2 additional volumes. I thought I would try using Disk Utility again, but this time, booting from my OS X installation disk. Then again I didn't want to chance it again, as I have not made any backups yet. I'm in the process of making a backup right now.
So what do you guys think? Should I try to do just that, using Disk Utility after booting into the installation disk? What do you guys think is the reason as to why I can't just resize and partition using Disk Utility after a regular boot-up like I was able to before? What else could I try? Any third-party software titles like I used in Windows? Acronis and Partition Manager come to mind. I'd rather do it in OS X, though.
When I try to start or accept an invitation to a video chat, my preview image doesn't "shrink" at all! It just stays the same & of course I can't see my friend's image.
I've just tried to mess around with some stuff in iTunes so i can sync my iPhone on both of my Macs. I did it all as instructed but when I opened the window was huge, and I can't make it any smaller. It's like a copy of my iTunes on my 24" iMac.
I tried deleting everything iTunes related and reinstalling but still the same.
Anyone got any solutions as to how to have a COMPLETELY clean version of itunes, or how to make the window smaller?
The newest version of iTunes is taking up my whole screen but I can no longer find the little red/green buttons to make it smaller. I can't even minimize it with Command-M. I tried a force quit and restart of iTunes, but same thing.
I just purchased a 60" monitor for my mac. I have set the resolution in the System Prefs to the smallest image. I have also reduced the type on the finder but my system windows font areas are still too large. Can I reduce the fonts of the system windows, i.e. mail, left area with inbox, junk, etc?
Could someone direct me to where/and what I can do to make a little home movie less big in file size? My movie is about 160 mb...and a little over a minute. Is there a way to make it less than 5 mb? And keep the same lenth? Do I have that ability on my new macbook? If I need a special program,...which one?
I have some scanned PDF's files with big size (10Mb - 15Mb). The original document doesn't exist. How can I change these existing PDF files to a smaller size?
When I send a email the page on which I write is now much bigger. How do I go about getting it back to the original size pane which was about 4 inches by 6 inches?
I have been using time capsule for only a few weeks and I have noticed that the file it has created "Elliot Newman's MacBook Pro_001b63936847.sparsebundle" only reads a file size of 95GB, when the disk I am backing up has 148GB used. Does this mean the backup doesn't contain all my files? I have to say it concerns me a little that the backup shows only a single file, is there anyway to see the files that time capsule has backed up? I am updating my MacBook soon with a bigger internal drive and I want to make sure all my files are backed up before I do this.
How can I view mail messages in a smaller window? when I open a message it takes up the whole screen of the iMac. It is also very small writing. I tried clicking on the green button. This works on my mac book pro but not on my iMac. When I try zoom to make the text bigger it does not wrap around.
My first Mac just arrived from FedEx. (2.4ghz mbp w/ high res antiglare)
I'm used to windows and trying to get used to OSX. One thing I just noticed is that I can only resize the window from the bottom right corner. In windows you can resize from any corner. I can't seem to find a setting to change this. Is there a way to do it or am I stuck only resizing from bottom right?
Normally, the Finder window will display a folder's size in the Size column. However, I have one folder which shows as "Zero KB" in the Size column. When I open the General Info window, the Size reads as "Zero KB on disk (Zero bytes) for 0 items."
In order to get the folder size I have to go into the folder, select all folders, then with either the Summary Info or Inspector window, it'll show the folder size ("185.32 GB on disk").
Why is this occurring in only this folder? Is it because it's a large folder?
I'm running Snow Lep 10.6.2. The folder is on an external drive in FAT32 format.
There appears to be what looks like a little window on the left corner of my PowerBook. It's almost as wide as the PC card slot, but not quite. What could this be? And is it supposed to be clear? PowerBook G4 Ti 800MHz DVI 15.2".
I can't believe I'm even posting this question. I just opened iTunes and the window is so big the bottom is cut off so I can't resize the window from the bottom right-hand corner. Clicking the minus just gives me the player controls and "x" of course closes it. The "+" gives me just the player controls. I just want to resize the window so it's say, 1/4 my screen. How do I resize the window when I can't see the bottom corner?
i like to have my movies, pictures, downloads and documents folders always open in cover flow with the cover flow window at a certain size. whenever i go back to the finder after a login or reboot the cover flow window size always goes back to the default which is tiny. this is even after ive tried to keep it at a particular size and selected always open in cover flow in view options. i was hoping 10.5.1 would fix this. does this happen to anyone else? does anyone know how to keep cover flow windows at a certain size? heres a few pics to explain what i mean.
the first picture is how big i want to cover flow window to look. the second picture is how the cover flow window always seems to want to go back to. the third picture is the view options of that finder window
Recently, Finder windows have not been keeping there default size. For example, I have to extend the Finder window size every time when opening the Finder.
My textedit window on my MBP has no size % in the bottom right. It's too small to be useable. How do I get the size % in the window? It's there on my iMac.
I'm using iTunes 9.2.1 and it states that my music library is 159.99gb with 25,994 songs, however the folder containing music files is 171.26gb with 30,309 files. This is a difference of 11.27gb and 4315 files. The folder only contains mp3 or m4a files with their respective album and band folders; no images, text files or anything else. The iTunes folder is located elsewhere. I added the folder to iTunes again to see if there were 11gb of songs I'd forgotten to add and there was no difference. I even deleted all iTunes settings and the current library and added the folder again and it is still missing 11.27gb.
I'm about 95% sure that none of my music collection is missing from iTunes so my first thought was that iTunes is just reading the file sizes and count inaccurately and it really is 171.26gb, but I'm not sure.
Can anyone think of a solution without going though my entire collection and comparing it to iTunes to see if anything is missing?
How can I change the default window size of the Finder window? When I expland the box, finish doing my business and close it and then reopen a new finder window (after restarting my computer for example the window goes back to the original size). Other windows like safari, mail etc...they all remember the size i left them as but I Finder can't seem to do it Is there a way to fix this problem?
I've been searching Google for a solution to this - I like all my Finder windows to be the same size, no matter what folder it is. Keeps everything looking universal. Nothing annoys me more than having to keep resizing bloody windows, because the default size has horizontal and vertical scroll bars! I like my Finder window to accommodate 5 folders horizontally.
I've been looking into Terminal commands to see if there is anything in there that would allow me to change the default dimensions, but found nothing.