OS X :: Unable To Resize The Window From The Bottom Right Hand Corner?
Apr 7, 2009
I can't believe I'm even posting this question. I just opened iTunes and the window is so big the bottom is cut off so I can't resize the window from the bottom right-hand corner. Clicking the minus just gives me the player controls and "x" of course closes it. The "+" gives me just the player controls. I just want to resize the window so it's say, 1/4 my screen. How do I resize the window when I can't see the bottom corner?
I'm looking for a way to be able to resize a window from any side. I watch some TV on my laptop, and I want to be able to shrink the window down to JUST the video so I can save screen space for work.
Upgraded to Office 2011 from 2008, when I open existing spreadsheet on MacBook the bottom of the page extends below the dock so I cannot access resize corner. I can maximize to get access to resize but am looking for fix so that when a sheet is opened the page does not fall below dock. Even happens on new default spreadsheet.
I am a new Mac user, have just purchased an Imac 2.66 core 2 duo, 4gb ran, 750 gb HDD, trying to get to grips with the OS X, when opening a torrent file with bit torrent it opens and appears in the windows however cannot connect in the bottom right hand side of the window message 'checking for firewall' have checked built in firewall its set to allow all incoming, i do not know anything about this system Windows yes but OS X.
I just got a new Macbook Pro with a 15" screen. When I moved files from my 27" iMac the iTunes window is so large that I cannot see the bottom third of the window on the 15" screen. And I cannot access the lower right-hand corner so that I can resize the screen to fit the 15" window. Therefore I cannot see about a third of the music currently in iTunes. If I encounter the same problem with other applications or files, is there a solution that works for all occurrences?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4), iTunes problem
I'm on the Mac indicated on my signature and am running Snow Leopard. The 4 finger swipes up and down are so buggy in this release. When I swipe up, I get the desktop to show, I swipe down to have the current thing come back up, but right as I let go of my 4 fingers, it jumps back to showing the desktop. I can't get out of this cycle unless I click on the lower right hand corner or something. Video of what happens
When I added 2 gmail accounts to my new macbook air. The email program download thousands of emails and now I am getting notifications non stop on the top right hand corner from years ago it is non stop notification for the emails from like 2007 really old emails. why it is notifying me of old emails I know it is new just downloaded in the program but it should only notify me of recent emails shouldn't it?
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), Mail Program
Using 24 inch iMac (purchased a year and half ago). There seemed to be moisture forming in the lower right hand corner of the iMac screen (about 6 inches wide and 2 inches tall at worst). i have read that this seems to be a common problem. Had the iMac for about a year and half and never saw this issue though. Based on forum research, the recommendation was to turn on the AC to reduce humidity. Moisture definitely disappeared after 30 minutes, however I'm concerned it will happen again. I suppose I will bring it into Apple concered (although i would rather avoid dealing with it). Has anyone else experienced this?
I have tried rebooting sevral times but then nothing happens, cursor still remains frozen in left hand corner I tried starting whiling holding shift key but screen went pink and no safe mode came up
I was just dragging some items around the desktop into some folders in the Finder and I guess something got messed up. When I was finished moving things around, a small square icon appeared in the left hand corner of the screen that cannot be dragged to another location or deleted. Whenever I click, it a small screen pops up momentarily, saying that it's going to open a file (I deleted the file) and nothing happens. After I deleted the file, the small square box just contains a picture of a question mark. I'm trying to get rid of it, but I don't know how to.
have been trying to print panoramas some are ok but some have exclamation mark in the upper right hand corner this is on the aperture print page have created a custom page size 297 x 900 no border also some have a border...
I'm trying to use iphoto but when I put my cursor over a photo it has a small flag in the upper left hand corner and a downward arrow in the lower right corner.I've used it lots but it just started doing this. My events pull up just not a single photo.
When i bought my macbook, it has a small crack on the lower right hand corner about 2-3 inches away from the trackpad, ive tried to find a new piece, i think its called a bottom bezzel? I may have that wrong, but does anyone know where i can get a new piece from? The crack isnt major or anything, just a little annoying. I dont need the bottom piece, just the gray part that goes over the keyboard If anyone knows where i can get one,
I have seen some desktops with their bottom dock but in the style of the left dock. I'm desperately looking for the left hand style dock on the bottom. I have CandyBar but it is only the trial.
The bottom left hand quadrant of my screen has dimmed. Apple repaired this a year ago and the problem is back. My Applecare is expiring soon. What are my options?
I just noticed this why my computer was booting up today because its only visible against a white background, but there is some grey textures in the lower right hand corner of my display that resemble the strands of a carpet, in that they are fine lines that do not go straight up, but curve. The other thing it kind of looks like is frost. Anyways, anyone know what this is and if I can do anything about it?
I've had my mac for about three years now and everything was working fine. After I installed lion, I notice that this started to happen. I don't lose any of my information though when it does that. It just goes into a sleep mode I guess? Anyways, is this a feature from the lion update? Something standard?
Some weeks ago I dropped my MacBook Air (well, actually I couldn�t do anything, my bag was broken so it dropped) and got quite a noticeable dent in the bottom left corner on the screen (outside, you can see the dent while closed). I tried to live with it but with such an expensive machine I can barely do that. So I tried to find a replacement part, the display housing. But - I can�t. I can find replacement LCD displays, replacement housings f�r MacBooks, for MacBook Pros - but NOTHING like that for the Air. Seems like this is Murphys law, eh? This really sucks.
Ok so my bottom left corner of the trackpad doesn't like to register. It only happens when I want to click on it. It doesn't work however when i tap on it. Sometimes it works and other times it doesnt..
I have trouble to right click on my Mac book pro trackpad. trackpad looks like got struck at the bottom right corner. However, left click is fine and rest of the operation is as well.
What the problem could be? When I screen grab a full screen window by typing Code: Command > Shift > 4 > Space, the resulting screenshot has the right hand edge cut off. Seems to happen in all apps.
My iTunes library is on an external drive, and I borrowed a macbook pro for this trip. The last time I opened iTunes was on my 24" iMac, so the window was pretty big. Now that I opened it on the macbook, with a 15" screen, the bottom is just not on the screen and I have no way to read the corner to scale it down. It stays like this even if I quit and restart.
I managed to make a window slightly bigger than the screen, and now I can't access the 'handle' in the lower right corner to return the window to normal size.
I was using screen sharing from another computer and some strange things were happening, and I ended up with my iTunes window a little bigger than the displayable area on the screen. If I move the window up as high as possible (so that it's up against the menu bar), the bottom edge is just hanging off the bottom of the screen, just far enough that I can't grab the resizing handle.
My first Mac just arrived from FedEx. (2.4ghz mbp w/ high res antiglare)
I'm used to windows and trying to get used to OSX. One thing I just noticed is that I can only resize the window from the bottom right corner. In windows you can resize from any corner. I can't seem to find a setting to change this. Is there a way to do it or am I stuck only resizing from bottom right?
I was playing with the maximize button on a Finder window a few days ago and toggling it would yield a different size every time (guess I was amused by that). So it go into a state where the resize corner is out of reach always now. Clicking on the maximize button does not change the size at all and just remains there. I want to be able to resize Finder again. How do I do it? For reference, attached is the screenshot of my desktop with Finder window, so you can see what I mean. I am unable to find a way to get it to a stage where the full window can be shown and I can resize it.
Is there a terminal command that can be used to resize a program window to it's default size? By this I mean the same size as when you first launched the program.
Have an irritating program that have a portion disappear at the bottom of my screen. I can't resize it and applescript is reporting a problem when I use this sort of code:
set bounds of first window to {0, 0, 200, 200}
What to do? Already tried scrapping the plist and it doesn't work.