Applications :: IChat Video Chat - Preview Image Doesn't "shrink" At All
May 21, 2009
When I try to start or accept an invitation to a video chat, my preview image doesn't "shrink" at all! It just stays the same & of course I can't see my friend's image.
I have successfully managed to integrate facebook chat in iChat. However, I was wondering whether it is possible to video chat with through facebook chat provided both people are using iChat. Does anyone know if this works?
I went to iChat with my girlfriend tonight, and for some strange reason she can see me on her computer but I can't see her. All I can see in the video box is the moving image of myself. Audio is also functioning perfectly. Is there anything I can troubleshoot to fix this problem? It's becoming a bit annoying.
I just got leopard with my friend and for some reason, iChat wont let us do video chat or screen sharing. I keep getting the message that i didn't respond or that he didn't respond. He was at my house a few days ago and iChat worked perfectly. Is this a bug or is something wrong with my router?. Will it be fixed in a future update?
im using ichat and my friend is using aim on a pc and i want to use the video chat feature and when i send a request it says they decline it and vice versa. Anyone know how to fix this without using another program like msn or skype?
Using a mid-2009 15" MBP, 3.06 GHz. iChat has been using significantly more CPU during a video chat than before the upgrade. Anyone else seeing this? I'm currently using the 9400M and not the 9600GT, but I don't think it would have any effect on this. Specifically, it uses about 100% (out of 200). Screen shot of the activity monitor is attached.
I do notice, however, that during the video chat, it is not using the iChat process AND the vcencoder process that is also used in leopard. It just uses the iChat process. I still don't think it should be using so much CPU to video chat.
When trying to do a video chat, a friend of mine continues to get the same error message with anyone who he tries to video chat with. The computer is a July 2009 MBP 15in running Leopard. The only thought is that it is wirelessly connected to the internet but with speeds around 10Mbits so that shouldn't be a problem.
I have a little problem with ichat which i suspect is something relatively simple however i still can't get it sorted out. A friend of mine just purchased a macbook (with OS X 10.5 and I have 10.4.11) and we have been video ichatting without any problems. I picked up a macbook (10.5) for my gf and got ichat set up and running with out any problems, tested the video chat and all was good. Now all of a sudden when i try to video chat with either of them i can only see my preview window and can't see them. They however don't have any problems and can see me and their preview window. They have video chatted with each other with no problems so it only seems to be me. Is there any weird compatibility issues with ichat 3.1.9 and ichat 4? Like I said, initially there was no problems with my friend and I but now that I picked up the macbook for the gf things are all out of sorts.
for iTunes 10.6.3 on OS 10.5.8 ppc, is there a way to get the shrink corner to shrink down the iTunes window to a much smaller size? With this new verson, the window is barely adjustable down, & takes up about 70% of an active screen on this 19 in. widescreen LCD. I downloaded & installed sizewell but doesn't give this "shrinkdown" function.
Info: G4 sawtooth 1.5 OWC cpu, Mac OS X (10.5.8), KVM
In Windows XP/Vista, if you are navigating in a folder containing pictures, and you click any picture, it opens up Windows built in preview program. Much like OSX. However, in Windows, you can click "Next/Previous" within that program to quickly flip through those photos. Why do the up & down arrows in OSX not work? I still prefer my iMac to any PC I have owned, but this one little thing bugs me to no end. Is there a setting I can change somewhere to make that work like in Windows?
My iMac C2Duo 20" gets error messages when attempting a Video Chat in 10.5.8 with iChat 4.0.8. If I boot up from FW drive using 10.4.11 everything works.
When I initiate a Video Chat, after a while I get a pop up "There was a communication error during your chat. (recipient) cancelled the connection."
When I ACCEPT a Video Chat invite, I get a pop up "There was a communication error during your chat. Did not receive a response from (initiator)."
I should mention that there is also a networking problem in 10.5.8 that disappears if I boot up from the FW drive with 10.4.11. The Internet Sharing will randomly stop working for no apparent reason. I'll be connected to interenet using iPhone 3GS or old iBook G4 running 10.5.8 and suddenly I'm "no longer connected to the internet". Sometimes stopping and restarting Internet Sharing solves it for a while, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it will work for days, other times for minutes or quit overnight.
unable to initiate video Ichat session. 2 1.xx mhz imacs (powerPC), 10.4.11, both imacs cabled, firewall disabled, all updates on both imacs applied. qtime prefs set to intranet/lan and ichat prefs set to 1mb.
I have friends and family overseas who use msn to chat and are using a PC. I have a Macbook, so how can I video chat with them. What options are available if any. I tried mercury messenger, the text chat is working but video does not work, when they send me invite for video or I send them invite it tried to connect to server but we can't see each other.
im pretty much dumb when it comes to my new mac and im having problems with my ichat, it wont let me video chat with my girl, it worked yesterday but now its saying somethign along the lines of, your computer isnt compatable with video chat, or something like that
I've noticed that I have to turn off Internet Sharing in order to video chat with my friends on iChat AV 4.0.3. Is there anyway possible that I don't have to always turn off Internet Sharing to have video chats? Regular text chatting works fine when Internet Sharing is turned on, but not video chat.
When I send a photo as an attachment in Windows, it appears on the other end as an attachment, not as an actual image in the preview window. Is there a way to make Mac Mail function similarly? I can't seem to find it.
Since 2 days ICQ doesn't work together with iChat anymore. All I get is the prompt for entering the password. Password is correct and ICQ still works with Adium or ICQ2GO. iChat probably stopped working after I installed the latest security patch for MacOS Leopard.
Deleting the ICQ account in iChat and adding it again doesn't work. Neither does deleting the AIM.plist or changing the server to [URL] like it was suggested at the Apple discussion board.
I recently bought a iMac and I'm still learning how to use this OS. The question is can I use iChat to chat with someone using a Windows PC or do I need to install something like Skype? Also when I chat, is there a way to screengrab something so I can show something over the webcam?
Alright, this iChat mulitperson videoconferencing has me stumped. The first time I tried it out, I had the video conference running with one person and I just double clicked the video camera icon of another buddy online. The video window changed to both people with my video feed between and below them. I closed the conference, but now when I try it again I just get a message saying one of my buddies can't do multiperson conferencing. What's going on? I would think it was firewall settings or something, but I HAD IT WORKING! I didn't change anything either.
My brother just got a new iMac 24". I have the older 24" white one. I'm trying to iChat with him. We can invite each other, but I can't see him. He can see me, and we can hear each other. Why can't I see him?
i have a small business that requires me to communicate frequently with clients in other markets. i would like to use iChat on the AIM network to video conference with these clients. i was hoping to somehow get my wacom taboo tablet set up as well, so i could somehow draw figures and have them appear either real time or in a drag-and-drop fashion to my clients.
thus far, video conferencing works superbly but only with mac users.
video conferencing has been almost impossible with clients using pc's. i often get one of three error messages: either ichat says the client denied my request to video conference (despite their accepting the request), the request times out, or it says an unknown error occured and it asks me to report it to mapple.
in regards to the wacom taboo tablet, i have been using goggle docs as a work around of sorts, where i share permissions to a doc with my client, draw my figures in that document, and the doc refreshes every 3-5 seconds on the client end.
my set up is a macbook air revB/1.86/ssd, 24" cinema display, and a time capsule as my router (i also have a linksys i can switch to if necessary)
1) i have tried skype, and the quality was just terrible. i desperately need a fix to this yesterday, and welcome any advice.
2) any thoughts on a better way to display my tablet-drawn figures real time?