ITunes For Mac :: Restore From Cloud Backup - Still Asking For Multiple Old Apple IDs
Aug 31, 2014
If I don't want to restore content from my backup with old Apple IDs (wife's old deactivated account, brother's account, etc), how do I remove that content from a backup? I skip in the restore process, but that doesn't seem to remove anything. I'm assuming the content/media from the other accounts isn't loaded.
I guess I'm looking to create a fresh backup with only the iTunes items associated with my account. I can't find a way to identify what media is from these other accounts in iTunes, so I keep getting this issue when I restore from a backup.
I need an AppleScript to restore a bunch of partitions from a master drive to a stack of external target drives. I don't mind partitioning them 1st, if necessary.The master drive has 16 partitions, all equally sized, and I'd like a script to run that will have Disk Utility to just go down the list restoring each partition to the matching 16 partitions on one of the target drives.
So one thing lead to another and now I am stuck without any of my song/movies/apps. I have a backup of my itunes folder and i'm wondering how i can just restore my itunes to how it was before this crisis.
I had a small problem on my iphone4 these days, often when I was going to unlock it by sliding the bar, it froze. I've seen that it was quiet a common problem so I've read some tutorials and I basically restore my phone. Before that I obviously did a backup on Itunes. Following the tutorial, when after restoring Itunes asked me if I wanted to restore it as a new iphone or I wanted to backup the old settings, I chose the first option. My phone was like a new one, empty with just the basic apps. I wasn't worried, I could see my backup still there, so I double clicked on the name on my iphone and he selected restore from the backup choosing the one I did before the restoring. At that point I had a bad surprise; a message came out saying: "itunes could not restore the iphone... because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iphone that is being restored"... I've tried so many things, I even recovered from a time machine a backup file from April but didn't get any better. I had two years of pictures, videos and other stuff in that backup
tried to factory unlock my iphone 5s through ATT. recvd approval, followed instructions re: backup, restore, then restore from backup. everything went well up until restoring from back up. it says "cannot restore from back up because not compatible or corrup backup". what do i do??? ITunes should specify that the back up is not successful or is corrupted before letting consumers restore!!
I have a MBP and a Time Capsule, but I also am considering an online backup service (in case of theft).
I would look at Mobile Me but I have circa 50GB of photo's and video's to back up and so there is not enough space.
I have had a look at IDrive which gives 150GB for $5 a month however i'm not sure whether it would affect Time Capsule as it also appears to back up files that have changed.
I did a restore from a Time Machine backup. Now my iTunes Artwork screen saver isn't working. I'd try to do a reinstall from the Time Machine again to see if it still is a problematic, but I was an idiot and deleted it and backing up fresh. I've repaired permissions. I've gotten album artwork. My music folder reads like this. User/Music/iTunes. Inside are two folders. One "Album Artwork" the other "iTunes Media." Inside the "Album Artwork" folder is "Cache" and "Download."
I work in an office that is all mac based and have mac computers at home. I have an apple ID and iTunes account for personal use where I purchase books and music and I have an office apple ID and iTunes account to share calendars with colleagues using iCloud and purchase work related apps like upgrades to operating systems, etc.
I have an iPhone that is set up with my personal apple ID so that my music is on my phone and so that the photo streaming is attached to personal photos, etc. Is there a way to sync my personal contacts with my contacts that are registered with my professional apple ID? Ideally, I would like to have my iOS devices syncing my calendar and contacts with my work apple ID and my music and photos with my personal ID.
We have a Mac with separate user profiles for each family member. Each family member also has their own iTunes with their own Apple ID. When we tried to download iTunes content from the cloud to one of the profiles from their own iTunes account, we received a message that the computer was associated with a different Apple ID and if we changed the authorization, the other AppleID would be blocked for 90 days. How can we deal with this issue and have each user download iTunes content onto their own profiles on the same Mac?
i back up about 725 gb if stuff and when i go to run my TM it tells me i only have 150 or so GB of space to back up the aforementioned 725gb.
Maybe i misunderstood TM, but cant i back up multiple days without using the same size of backup? i.e. i back up january 1st, december 1st and november 1st and it wont need 2.175 TB of space?
Because the iPad will further the growing market for cloud computing, international environmental advocacy group has criticized Apple's newest hardware for having "a much larger carbon footprint than previously estimated."
The new report from Greenpeace issued this week claims that "quintessential cloud computing devices," like Apple's iPad, raise questions about how the Internet is powered. Specifically, the nongovernmental organization said increase demand for online services will also result in a larger demand for "dirty coal power."
"To be clear: We are not picking on Apple," the group said. "We are not dissing the iPad. But maybe someone can come up with an app that calculates the carbon footprint of using different web sites based on their location and energy deals.
"Apple is the master of promotion, and while we marvel at the sleek unpolluted design of the iPad, we need to think about where this is all leading and how like all good surfers we can make sure our environment stays clean and green."
The report, entitled "Make IT Green: Cloud Computing and its Contribution to Climate Change," concludes that connected mobile devices like the iPad will increase the use of online services like social networks and video streaming. The report noted that Facebook recently announced the construction of its own data center in Prineville, Oregon that will primarily run on coal.
The report states that data centers and telecommunication networks will consume about 1,963 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2020, which is more than triple their current consumption and over half of the total electricity consumption in America. Devices like the iPad, the environmental group suggests, will only add to global warming pollution.
"As the cloud grows, the IT industry's appetite for energy will only increase, so the industry must become strong advocates for renewable energy solutions and strong laws that cut global warming pollution," said Casey Harrell, Greenpeace International campaigner. "IT companies like Microsoft, Google, and IBM are now in powerful positions at the local, national, and international levels to influence policies that will allow them to grow responsibly in a way that will decouple their economic growth from rising greenhouse gas emissions."
When Apple introduced the iPad in January, it touted the environmental checklist for the construction of the new hardware. The company noted that the device is free of arsenic, brominated flame retardant, mercury, polyvinyl chloride, and is highly recyclable.
Greenpeace's attitude toward Apple has improved significantly over the last few years, with the environmental group ranking the Mac maker the greenest electronics maker earlier this year. The praise was quite a change from just a few years ago, when Greenpeace was targeting Apple over the use of toxic chemicals in its products.
Last Year, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs revealed that Greenpeace's actions played a part in his company eventually promoting its green focus in public. He said the company's tight-lipped approach, particularly on public policy issues, hurt its image with environmental organizations.
Last September, Apple began reporting its hardware carbon emissions, and touting its environmentally friendly hardware. The Cupertino, Calif., company said less than 5 percent of its emissions come from manufacturing facilities, while more than 95 percent of Apple's greenhouse gases are from use of the products they make.
I'm trying to enable Itunes in the cluod (I'm in Italy and it has been just enabled) but even if i set Music checkbox in Preferences->store->Automatic download I can see the button Music in the pruchased page on te app store.
So all my itunes purchases are in the cloud which is great. What about playlists. Doesn't seem there is any way to put those on a cloud? Is the only way to replicate them everywhere by manually plugging in and syncing?
I have a ton of material in the itunes store which I have not downloaded because I decided to save space on my drive, and use the streaming cloud option instead. I have the iTunes preferences setup as: Show iTunes in the cloud purchases
I have the iTunes View setup as: Show movies in the cloud However all my cloud content (links) has disappeared. I can only see what is physically downloaded. The artwork with the little cloud banner is not there anymore.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.5), 3 TB, 16 GB RAM, Time Capsule
I nearly purchased and downloaded James Cameron's Aliens, when I noticed below the purchase buttons the note that This movie will not be available from iTunes in the Cloud. Why? Isn't that point of a digital copy? I could just as easily buy a used DVD cheaper and rip it. The film is still for sale in the iTunes store, why could I not get it in the Cloud? Does this also mean I can't download it again if it's deleted?
I just purchased a new iMac with the latest iTunes (12.)
I'd transferred my iTunes off the old Mac Mini onto an external HD. During the setup of the new iMac, I imported to library from the external HD. Now my music list includes songs from the iMac HD AND the cloud purchases. When I play the songs, iTunes will play both those copies on the Mac as well as DOWNLOAD the song from the cloud.
i'm on a limited data plan & I don't want songs downloaded which already exist on my HD. Where's the "stopper" for this?
I am obviously missing something here, but can I synch my iTunes library stored in iCloud to my iPod Classic or must I physically have that music stored on my Mac?
I'm trying to find the easiest solution to our family music situation. 4 users, 4 devices (ipods, ipad, imac, pc laptops), and 4 different musical song interests. I'm sure there are millions of households that have the same exact situation. I want to be able to pull up only my musical library, not my kid's music, and then easily synch it to my ipod. Everyone in the family wants to do this same thing. I have spent alot of time trying to search the forums/internet and there does not seem to be one "most popular" solution. I did setup iCloud for each family member using a different Apple ID than my main Apple ID, and I'm happy that ALL the music shows up on my ipad. But between iCloud, MobileMe, Home Sharing it all gets very confusing. Some say to setup multiple computer login accounts, and others say to setup 1 playlist for each family member and synch from that playlist.
I would think 1 itunes account allows you to easily share a purchased song with 4 users, instead of buying songs twice.
So here are a few of my questions-
1-Is it best to have only 1 itunes account and then synch all devices off of 1 main computer?
2-Or since we each have iCloud accounts, will they be able to synch their ipods from their own pc laptop?
3-And when they synch, what is the easiest way to exclude other users music in itunes? (other than unchecking hundreds of artists)
4-Or setup 4 separate computer login accounts on the imac and then keep 1 itunes account? If so, how does this work when they open itunes?
I have a Mac that my wife and I share. We own and iShuffle, iPod, iTouch and two iPhones. My wife's iPhone is her own and my iPhone is through work. We only have one Apple ID and we share our iTunes. What do I need to do to make all devices work together on iTunes with relative ease? Do I need to create multiple Apple IDs? Can we link them together so we don't have to log in and out of iTunes, yet keep it so that what she does with apps / music on her phone doesn't effect what apps / music I move on my phone?