ITunes For Mac :: How To Get Ringtones Back When Only Found In Purchase History
Jun 4, 2014
I killed my old iPhone, and I had about 7 ringtones on it. They are nowhere to be found on my iTunes account. The only place that I can find them is in my purchase history.
Is there a way to get your full iTunes purchase history from Apple? Things randomly stop showing up in our play lists. We've been using iTunes for years.We have numerous devices and teenagers making purchases. It is next to impossible to determine something is missing and to troubleshoot.
I just went through the process of buying an app as a gift to be delivered via email. Typed my personal message to the recipient, confirmed the delivery address. Got the review screen. Then when I clocked to purchase the app, I got a security screen asking me to select 3 security questions and an alternate email address. Got immediate emails from Apple noting the changes to my account. But I never got an email confirming the gift purchase. How do I tell if it went through? The item is not listed in my purchases, but maybe that's by design?  Did the security question dialog hijack the purchase process?Â
(Also checked my credit card website, and it doesn't look like there's a pending charge yet. But I'd hate to purchase this app twice.)
I have been trying to find my current charges for apps and wish to return the ones that are not suitable. I follow the steps as described and after signing I have gotten the message cannot find iTunes store and it leaves me there. The instructions given do not pertain to the setup of the iTunes store.
I have purchased the lion from Mac app store, But since i was eligible for a free upgrade, apple refunded me 30$. But now i am ready to upgrade from snow leopard to lion i can't see it in my app store under history purchases or even in the hidden section.
Having downloaded ringtones onto my phone I can actually use them as I cant transfer them over to the settings section of my phone. I have tried synching it with my Mac but ringtones does not dome up as an option in my library on iTunes.
I'm so confused by iTunes 9. I can't figure out how to a) identify songs which are eligible for ringtones (remember the little bell column that used to designate ringtone availability) and b) how to create the ringtone once I choose a song.
Sync'd my iPhone with iTunes on my mac and lost all imported ringtones. I go to reset the alarm ringtone for example and cannot find any of my imported ringtones. My default imported ringtone for the phone still shows, but if I go to edit it, none of my imported ringtones show up as options. This has happened since the last s/w update for my iPhone (didn't happen before)...
I have upgraded my iphone. I have successfully brought in all of my previous music and video downloaded from the cloud as well as contacts etc.; however, I am unable to do the same with my ringtones. I have tried searching under 'purchased" and nothing shows up. I have even tried from my itunes on my computer and still nothing.
I have been able to pass my music from iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 and iPad 2 but I cant figure out how to pass a ringtone I purchase on my iphone4 to my other iPhone4.
I have a Mac with OS (10.7.3), itunes (10.6.1). I'm trying to create a ringtone using one of my mp3s. I have seen many instructions on the internet on how to do it. The problem is I don't have the ability to create a aac version of the mp3. I have the song at 29 seconds. When I highlight the song and right-click, I don't see "create aac version". Also when I go to advance I also don't see "create aac version". How do you create ringtones in 10.6.1?
I purchased new ringtones from my iPhone 6+ and they don't show up on my phone. I connected the phone to iTunes in attempt to transfer the purchases to my computer. These are the screens that appear.
This first screen shows all of the tones that I have purchased. Some have already synced to my phone from previous purchases. I then selected a ringtone then "ADD TO" button - see next screen..This screen allows me to view what's in my library and those I've purchased. See next screenWhen I add to library, the system does not let me complete the request (next screen)I get this next screen and am stuck.
I have purchased several ringtones using my iphone 4 and they do not appear in my itunes account in the purchased section. I had to plug into a different computer than I usually do to charge my phone and all of my ringtones are now gone. Do I have to repurchase tones?
I have created ringtones using i tunes. I had no problem creating them, they play well and appear under music in iTunes. One thing that I am unable to solve, is that i can't move the ringtone from music to ringtone tab on the right. I tried dragging it, didn't work. And I also made sure the tones were checked in preferrences.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I tunes 10.5.3(3)
How do you get back a purchase once is removed from the list (by clicking on the X)?  I have done so for FCX and I am a bit worried that I will have to pay again in case I wanted to install on a new machine.And in fact to prove the isse I have done so do for a couple of (paid) games which I did remove from my machine.Instead of a download I get the full price....but I paid.Â
Have made many manual Time machine Back ups that calculated the differnce and adjusted the differnce in what was then saved. The very size of the external HD did not roll over. Yet the calculation states a entire new Back Up. Is this a permission changing issue? Or what?
Ok here's the situation. I'm trying to fix my brothers laptop at the moment and reinstall Leopard. He installed ubuntu and it seems to have deleted the Master Boot record. I've managed to get Leopard to install but the mouse clicker doesn't work. I've managed to narrow down the problem to the MBR, the master boot record.
In terminal I've typed in sudo fdisk -u /dev/rdisk0
This has come up with the error "master boot record not found". I'm now trying to find a way to put the Master boot record back.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?
OS X 10.7 is clearly the most advanced operating system ever (until the next one) but I'm not digging it at all. I wanna go back to 10.6. I still have my 10.6 disk. Upgraded from 10.6 to 10.7., and am now on 10.7.3. Tried running the 10.6 install disk at boot-up and the 10.6 install was all going fine but then nearly at the end Installer said "Installation Failed. Some support files couldn't be found."
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4Ghz, Core Duo, 667mhz 4GB SDRAM
The backup disk image 'Volumes/Data/John's iMac.sparsebundle' could not be accessed(error-1).
Have tried remounting Time capsule in preferences. Have run Disc utility to verify 'Time Machine Backups'. Sparsebundle is greyed out in Disc Utility.
Time capsule has 1.37Gb free space and is connected via wireless and has a wireless express as a client. Would deleting the last back up be of assistance assuming corruption?