ITunes :: Gift Purchases Show In ITunes Purchase History?
May 2, 2012
I just went through the process of buying an app as a gift to be delivered via email. Typed my personal message to the recipient, confirmed the delivery address. Got the review screen. Then when I clocked to purchase the app, I got a security screen asking me to select 3 security questions and an alternate email address. Got immediate emails from Apple noting the changes to my account. But I never got an email confirming the gift purchase. How do I tell if it went through? The item is not listed in my purchases, but maybe that's by design?  Did the security question dialog hijack the purchase process?Â
(Also checked my credit card website, and it doesn't look like there's a pending charge yet. But I'd hate to purchase this app twice.)
When trying to purchase a gift certificate I get the message: This Apple ID is not currently eligible to purchase gift certificates.My account also says it has 1 hidden purchase but nothing shows up on the hidden purchase list.
Is there a way to get your full iTunes purchase history from Apple? Things randomly stop showing up in our play lists. We've been using iTunes for years.We have numerous devices and teenagers making purchases. It is next to impossible to determine something is missing and to troubleshoot.
I killed my old iPhone, and I had about 7 ringtones on it. They are nowhere to be found on my iTunes account. The only place that I can find them is in my purchase history.
I recently had my iMac repaired independently, with upgrade to Mavericks from Lion. I am trying to discover if my Apple purchases/upgrades have been recorded online seeing as of today I cannot find my printed Apple receipts or access much of the information/data which was not correctly migrated to my iMac. I would like to recover iDVD if possible.
I know your able to now redownload your previous purchases (ie. movies and music etc) through the purchases menu of the iTunes store but for some reason their is only one of my purchases in there but the rest are all missing.
Two songs purchased from iTunes store today. Download looked OK, new purchases do show in Store>Purchased list. I added ratings, and songs went to smart playlist for top rated songs. BUT songs do not appear in Library>Music where all songs are. Search indicates they do not exist. It is from this library I drag to other lists. But without them there I am stumped. Never seen this before.
I have been trying to find my current charges for apps and wish to return the ones that are not suitable. I follow the steps as described and after signing I have gotten the message cannot find iTunes store and it leaves me there. The instructions given do not pertain to the setup of the iTunes store.
I have a Macbook Pro and a desktop PC with iTunes installed on each with the same account. However, my iTunes purchases are not reflected the same on each computer. For example, my Macbook has two tv seasons of The Wire that does not appear on my PC iTunes. Also, there are a number of apps on my PC that I don't have on my Mac notebook. This is especially annoying as I sync my iPhone 4 most frequently with my desktop.
A friend gave me a Gift Card so I could purchase OS X Lion. But apparently he gave me an Apple Gift Card and the App Store requires an iTunes gift card. How can I purchase OS X Lion with a Apple Gift Card?
I have created playlists in iTunes 10.6. I click the playlist once, but no arrow appears to the right of the playlist's name. I cannot give the playlist. I created the playlist from iTunes store, so that I know iTunes has the songs. Then I noticed Share... from the Store menu item. That allowed me to send the playlist as a gift.Â
Honestly, Apple, do some real user research! Too, hire some technical writers to update your help: typing in "gift" did not direct me to the Share item. Searchning help brings me only to this text: "To give a playlist, select it, click the arrow that appears to the right of the playlist’s name, click Give Playlist, and follow the onscreen instructions. Gift playlists can have up to 100 songs." Needless to say, that isn't how you give music these days in iTunes.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I recently sent a gift to a friend's email but they have forgotten the password and cannot access it. i want to send the gift to an alternative email. how can I do this?
How do I redeem a gift card that had the code denied, and I know it should be fine? Who do I contact at Apple? My code is complete, and I can read it. I also checked my account to see if it is activated, and it is. I checked to see if the code was correct many times.Â
I am trying to share a playlist as a gift. The instructions on iTunes are very clear and easy to follow. However, the little arrow that is supposed to appear next to my playlist (in the source window) is NOT there!
i bought a new song and send it to some friends using their emails but they never receive anything and i sent them songs before to those email accounts i also got my itunes receive of the purchase?
I've got a Nigerian iTunes account but the app prices are in US dollars and when i tried buying an app with my account the money was deducted but the download didn't come through, so now i wanna use gift cards but can't figure out what gift cards to get
i bought a iTunes gift card in america, but my iTunes is an Austria version because thats where i live. Now they tell me it doesn't work. How can i fix that problem?