Since as long as I can remember, my August 2007 aluminium iMac always wakes up as soon as I turn my lamp on or off. Maybe, one in seven nights it won't wake, but most of the time it does.
It's a real nuisance having it do this, and to add to the annoyance, the iMac randomly wakes up sometimes, day or night. I can be in bed and it will just come on, all systems go, or get in from work one day and find it's been on since 10AM that morning (wasting energy).
I've reset PRAM and SMC (whatever they're called) about a thousand times, I clean installed Leopard 3-4 times and just did a clean install with Snow Leopard (I didn't upgrade, I wiped my HD and installed fresh) yet it still happens.
It's totally beyond me why it just decided to wake itself up every now and again and also why 90% of the time it decides to wake up when the lighting conditions change
When trawling through the ridiculously long thread showing pictures of peoples Mac setups, I noticed an awful lot of ambient lighting and want to try a little myself. It's a painfully wanky thing to do, but with the iMac in the living room there just isn't any room for an ordinary lamp so a blue LED could look stunning.
What do people use for ambient lighting? It seems to be that, with USB ports being in fairly good supply behind the iMac it would be criminal not to go with something USB powered.
I found this: [URL]
Looks like it might do the trick, and even comes with a suction cup which *might* attach to the back of the iMac or the stand. The same light is also available in white, red, green or a colour changing version, but I'm convinced blue is best.
I traing to create rule with sub conditions which will do following:If all of the following conditions are met: [code] I am running OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50) Version 5.2 (1257)I cannot create sub conditions. If anyone have idea how to create ub conditions, please let me know.
i keep my MPB on 1/16 brightness level in low light, and it took me more than a month to get used to. What is the highest level of brightness you can tolerate in low light conditions?
I dont want to sound too sensitive but sometimes it looks almost too bright even on min settings.
I'm trying to use the free upgrade in app store for OS X Mavericks. Whenever I try to upgrade, it says "To proceed, you must read and accept the new terms and conditions." for iTunes. I have the urgent version of iTunes which 11.2.2.
dmx lighting control using a Mac? I'm interested in software, and of course some sort of interface (USB?) that will produce DMX signals. A search on the web reveals several 'older' Mac programs -
I run 4 different screen profiles depending on whether I'm at home or work both day and night. Does anyone else use multiple color profiles depending on where you're computer is?
What setting do you use on your new MacBook Air? I'm currently at an older non-LED MacBook, and when working with the LED-screens on the newer MBPs I kept noticing that I couldn't really find a proper backlight settings. The top 3 where OK but everything was almost too bright, while lower settings made everything look very dark and greyish.
I played around with the Airs a bit in the store, and I think they were very similar in that regard. But it's hard to say because of the store lighting and not being able to use it in various situations with different lighting.
I was just showing my son, my new MacBook Pro and he came up with a brilliant idea. He said, wouldn't be cool if you could change the colour of the keyboard backlight, and even added that it could be done with voice control. How cool would that be Anyone know of any mods that have been done with this in mind?
Keyboard back-lighting will not turn off - I press the f5 key and it will only let me turn it down to no-bars, however the led lights are still on. How can I turn them off completely and keep them from turning on automatically?
So I spilled orange juice on my 2.26ghz mid 2009 Macbook pro keyboard. I turned it off right away unplugged it and turned it upside down. I took the back off and cleaned and dried it all out. after letting it dry for a while I turned it on and everything seems to be working normally apart from a few sticky keys which I'm slowly taking off and cleaning and the facet that the keyboard lighting is no longer consistent. So my question is How does the keyboard lighting work exactly and how might I go about fixing it? here are some photos so you can see what exactly is going on.
Just did a clean install of OS X on my Air. The keyboard backlighting does not work--when I try to adjust with the F5/F6 keys I just get the circle with the little line through it, and even in a pitch dark room the keyboard does not light up whatsoever.
In system preferences I have the "Illuminate keyboard in low light conditions" box checked and have the slider to "never
Under normal office lighting, I find anything other than 100% brightness seems too dark. But I've been getting huge amounts of eye strain so am wondering whether to turn in down some more, say to 50-75%, but worried that will strain my eyes even more. What do you guys have your 13" set to, assuming good ambient lighting?
Is there a way to switch off the Keyboard Backlighting on a Macbook pro only when it is on battery power?I have been through the energy saver settings and it appears that the settings apply to both power and battery.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13 inch 2.4Ghz Core i5 4 GB RM
I'm a little confused about the resolutions of the iMac 21.5 inch compared the iMac 27 inch.
In terms of watching HD content, which is better, as one is 1080p so it is perfectly formatted for this type of content but the other is higher (2560 by 1440 pixels), will this mean it is better because there are more pixels or worse because it is a different size? I'm a little confused about this. Also is it possible to change the resolution to 1920x1080 on the 27 inch? What will this do exactly? If I were to apply a 1920 x 1080 wallpaper for example to the 27 inch iMac will this look better/worse?
my iMac keeps reverting after i'd say 2-5 minutes to the original default Snow Leopard background. I used to run a theme which changed every 15 minutes but since turned it off now it won't have any of it.
Working on troubleshooting my uVerse to iMac internet connection. I want to hard code my MTU setting to 1472 but not sure if I should do it on the iMac? 2wire 3800 VDSL modem? Or both? I am assuming that if I change it on the iMac to (MTU 1472) that even if my 2Wire is set to MTU 1500 the iMac should take priority. My set-up: Internet(AT&T Uverse)=>2Wire (3800HGV VDSL)=Ethernet Cable=>iMac 27" i7
I know the 'show desktop' shortcut is F11 (which means pressing two keys to show this fn+F11). Can I change this shortcut to F13? so i can just press one key to bring up the desktop?
Intel Mac wont start after I changed my hard drive permission to let me read and write, then I clicked apply to all enclosed files. I turned it off no problem. Then it never started up again in os x. The grey screen with apple logo appears,then after a minute it restarts, and will keep doing that if i let it. I can start up in windows xp, but I don't know how to do anything in windows xp that will affect os x. I can use the hard drive in target mode. I use a macbook to view target disk. I do not have the os install disks.
i would like to replace my stock 250gb hd with a 750gb drive. i can't seem to find any guides on doing this. ive been working on pc's for years and im sure i can do this if i had a guide. if anyone has one please let me know.
i have a purple tray-loading imac g3 and it runs good. but i was looking at the processor speed and it isnt much. i think only 333MHz. is there any way to overclock it without changing hardware, such as a software that will run on 10.2.8? i only want another 50MHz from it or so. it is a powerpc processor, ram modules are directly on the processor, no pins
I bought a 24" iMac to replace my 18 month old Macbook Pro. It's nice and everything but it doesn't want to cooperate with my Matrox DualHead2Go and I'm wondering if anyone might know why. When I had it attached to the DVI port of the MBP I was able to use the MBP display and two external monitors, each set to 1680x1050. When I attach it to the iMac, it works but the best it will do is each set to 1280x960 or so. Is the video card in the MBP really more capable or is it because the iMac has a much larger screen or is it something else I'm missing?
Anyone else have this Mom has the new 21.5" iMac (base model) with the wireless keyboard. The Magic Mouse battery level changes, however the keyboard battery level stays at 100% all the time?