IMac :: Wireless Keyboard Battery Level Not Changing?
Jan 14, 2010
Anyone else have this Mom has the new 21.5" iMac (base model) with the wireless keyboard. The Magic Mouse battery level changes, however the keyboard battery level stays at 100% all the time?
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Jun 15, 2009
When I unplug the power cord from my MacBook (unibody - late 2008), the battery icon in Mac OS X stops updating it's level and the icon does not change. The menu says that it is running on power adapter even when it is unplugged and that the computer is not charging. The hardware battery indicator continues to show the correct battery level. Normally I should get a warning when the battery is about to die (running on emergency power) but I don't, instead it just runs out of battery and shuts down.
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May 8, 2010
I received a new iMac about 2 weeks ago, and I'd like to know how long the battery is suppose to roughly last for the keyboard and magic mouse. When I installed iStat Pro widget, it showed the battery power for my mouse, but the keyboard has never showed up. My mouse has been steadily losing battery power and is now at 28%. However, bluetooth states the power to my keyboard is 100%. This doesn't seem correct.
One other thing I've noticed in the bluetooth menu, under devices, is that the keyboard is labeled as "Apple Wireless Keyboard", while the mouse is title's my name's mouse (I.e.: "Darkroom's Mouse"). This may just nothing, but I'm assuming it's another symptom of my keyboard not being fully read by the OS.
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Aug 21, 2014
I can't adjust the sound level on my iMac keyboard? The screen just disappears but the sound level remains the same
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Sep 29, 2010
I spilled alcohol on macbook keyboard, so I bought and just received a wireless keyboard which I paired with my computer, but the shortcuts at the top of my keyboard aren't doing what they should be doing. I went into system preferences and was able to change it so I can change the brightness, but from F7 to F12, where you are suppose to be able to change the song, play/pause, mute and turn the volume up and down, it does other things. I've tried adding an application to my keyboard shortcuts, added iTunes and then wrote "Volume Up" and set it to F12, and "Volume Down" and set it to F11, but it didn't work. Is there certain words I have to put for it to work?
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Feb 9, 2009
I recently changed the batteries on my wireless Apple Keyboard. When I turned the Mac back on the keyboard wouldn't connect. Confused, I went in to system preferences where I got this message. I've searched for the problem in Apple Support on their website but to no avail. I have Applecare. Is this something I need to take up with them? Should I take my Mac to a genius bar?
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May 22, 2008
What is everyone getting here for the average battery life of these two? Also, does turning them off when not in use save battery life, or do they automatically go into sleep?
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Apr 16, 2009
How long does the battery last? I have my new mac mini that I use probably an hour a week, I have the mini attached to a Philips 3D screen and I use the wireless k/m to control the system from a distance. Now, the keyboard has an ON button but I do not know if it shuts itself off after a while. I had the old wireless keyboard and the battery lasted a month, I wonder with such little use how long this batteries will last or how this new model saves battery life.
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Jan 14, 2010
I can't open the wireless keyboard battery cap. It looks like the cap is sealed with acid of the batteries. Do you know how to open it?
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Aug 31, 2014
How does one save battery life on the wireless keyboard?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), wireless keyboard
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Jan 11, 2010
I have an Apple 3-battery Wireless Keyboard, and I noticed that the battery drains out every 1-2 days. I don't own a Magic Mouse, and I know that's been the source of many AWK battery problems of late, but just to state it again, I don't own a Magic Mouse. I use Duracell rechargeables.
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Jan 31, 2012
my wireless Apple Keyboard went from 43% to 19% battery life in one day ! IS this normal? Using it with my 27" iMAC and magic mouse.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 4, 2009
My Apple Wireless Keyboard Stopped Working, i don't know what problem it is. its just stop, after i leave it one week without battery. this keyboard just 2 months old, any suggestion so i can get it repaired...?, is it possible to bring keyboard to apple retailer, and get it fixed there ?
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Jan 10, 2010
Since yesterday my battery level has stayed at 0%, even tho I am charging it. What's going on?
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Apr 1, 2009
How to disassembly apple wireless keyboard ? spill some milk, some of the keys want work,
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Sep 18, 2010
when i plug the power cord in to charge my macbook it goes to the green light but only shows that it charged to 99%.
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Jan 13, 2011
Excluding sitting outside in the sun or in very dark rooms, what level do you usually keep your MBA brightness level at and what kind of battery life do you get? I've got mine set to about 65%, haven't used it enough to know what kind of life I get.
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Jul 6, 2008
I have a brand new MacBook ( < 1 month old ). I usually leave it plugged in and sleeping on my desk, and open it up to use it. After about a day of this, it will still say the battery is fully charged, and the light on the MagSafe is green, but the batter display shows 99% (or 98%, 97%, 96%). If I unplug it and use it for a bit, and the plug it in again, the battery will charge back up to 100% (and then the whole process will begin again). I love my MacBook, and want to make sure this behavior is normal.
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Feb 9, 2010
i just had service battery on my laptop and took it to apple. they replaced the battery and explained that if i leave it charging at 100 it overcharges and causes service battery and other errors. is there any programs or something i can use to make my mac stop charging at 99%? or do i just have to manually pull out the charger?
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May 9, 2012
Macbook pro not starting up - Battery level is full.
MacBook Pro
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Nov 18, 2010
I bought the Apple Rechargeable Battery kit and like the whole idea but have noticed that the batteries never seem to reach 'full' charge. I use them primarily in my Magic Mice and the Bluetooth link at the top of the screen never shows them having a 100% charge. It's usually in the 70 to 80% range.
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Dec 7, 2009
My magic mouse keeps indicating that the battery level is at 0% even when I just put in some new batteries in it. Any insight into this issue? Should I exchange it. If I get the unit as part of an imac I got from the apple online store, would I be able to get it serviced at a retail location?
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Oct 20, 2008
I have an iBook G4 Mac laptop. It's a model that pre-dates the duel cores that are now standard. I'm having an odd battery issue and I'm wondering if my battery is fried. The other night the computer was run on battery power and was reduced to 25% capacity. Normally this is fine. We just leave it plugged in and the battery charges. This time the battery is not charging. The ring around the power cord that connects the computer is staying green and the battery's capacity is at 28%. I left it plugged in over night and there has been no change in the battery's charge level.
If I disconnect the power cord and re-connect it the light will turn orange to indicate it's charging, but a few seconds will go back to green or blink between green and orange. I have re-started the computer twice. I have switched power outlets and have brought the laptop into the office to see if it was a power supply problem at my home. I even switched out power cords. I recently bought a spare cord when my original cord became frayed around the power connector. Is this a sign my battery is finished and needs to be replaced?
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Mar 17, 2010
I've been using the wireless keyboard to the new iMad for a couple of weeks now and I don't seem to be acclimating to it very well. When held next to a full size keyboard, it is the same size; however, it doesn't seem to be when I'm typing. I keep missing keys or striking the wrong keys.
The short stroke of the keys is disconcerting.
I miss the number pad and the home, end, and other keys under the (old) F13, F14, and F15 keys. The lack of numbering of the Function keys is also a pain. Having to use the fn with other keys is a pain too.
I can't seem to get used to the size and position of the arrow keys. I miss having a specific delete key. Having to use the fn with backspace is irritating.
Why do I continue to use it? Novelty, I guess. Anyway, what I'd like to know is if any of you guys started out the same way and eventually actually like it better than the old style keyboard?
Should I continue trying or just say fuggit and buy a wired keyboard.? You needn't answer that. That's a rhetorical question.
I realize that a laptop has the same idiosyncrasies and everyone gets used to them.
I DO like the new mouse, but I still prefer the 8 button Logitech. If the new mouse only had a back button, I'd find it more to my liking.
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Mar 28, 2012
I cannot get my iMac to discover my new wireless keyboard. I follow the instructions yet end up with a swirling ball and text saying no keyboard discovered,
iMac, MacPro & Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jan 5, 2011
I've been lurking around this forum for a few weeks, gathering information to decide what Mac I wanted to order. I appreciate all the information that is available here! I took the plunge this afternoon and thought I should register as I'm sure I'll have questions in the coming weeks. I played around with an iMac at an Apple Store a few months back and kicked around buying one. I really enjoy my iPhone and my iPad, but I kept thinking about the iBook G4 that has been gathering dust because I never really took the time to learn the Mac OS. Then my Windows laptop quit and I had to send it off for repair. I dug out the iBook and that put me over the edge. For whatever reason, I had no problems figuring out the OS this time around. I've been trying to figure out how to justify an iMac ever since. Today I ordered a refurbished 21.5" iMac from Apple's refurbished site. I ended up ordering over the phone -- I called Apple to ask a couple of questions, and when I mentioned that Amazon offered Apple Care cheaper, the sales rep gave me a discount on the Apple Care. Plus, I got a free (after rebate) AirPrint-capable printer. So, I think I ended up with a pretty good deal. After all that, I'll get to my question -- do you use the wireless keyboard & magic mouse? They seemed fine when I was using them at the Apple Store, but that was just for a short time. I'm wondering how I will like them when I'm editing photos or typing a long document (I deal with all the numbers I can handle at work, so I don't do much at home that would require the number keypad).
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Mar 10, 2009
I'm about to order my first iMac and I want both the wireless keyboard and mouse, the problem is how do I pair them with the iMac? Nothing will be wired in the first time its turned on so how will i be able to do anything - such as tell the iMac to look for the wireless kit? I don't have an old USB keyboard or mouse, so unless the iMac is clever enough to look the first time its turned on i'm stuffed. I don't want to have to buy a separate USB mouse just to tell it I have a wireless mouse, defeats the object!
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Nov 18, 2009
I'm much enjoying my new i7, no dead pixels, no freezing, no screen blinking or other visual problems, etc., but I have a question about the one anomaly I have encountered. The delete key squeaks annoyingly when I hit it half of the time. Is anyone else experiencing this, or have you experienced it with other Macs? Something that goes away as the keyboard breaks in? (I don't want to return it if this will go away or it's something I can address easily on my own but the squeak is pretty annoying.)
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Nov 22, 2009
My Apple wireless keyboard started wailing through batteries about a month ago. Around the time I upgraded to 10.6.2 or added the magic mouse... not sure which.
Batteries used to last months. Now, a week - max. I'm talking about the small Bluetooth Apple wireless keyboard with no right-hand numeric keypad.
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Nov 26, 2009
I've had the standard keyboard and mouse my iMac came with for 3 yrs now and I keep delaying getting one, but what would you guys recommend as far as a wireless keyboard and mouse? Not really a fan of the Mac ones.
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